Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Toxic Air

Toxic Dust -a Health Threat

Americans are exposed to a variety of potentially dangerous chemicals in their homes from products such as computers, frying pans and shower curtains, according to a new study released.

The study, called "Sick of Dust," found 35 hazardous industrial chemicals in household dust samples from 70 homes in seven states, including Michigan and California. It was commissioned by nine environmental groups, including the Center for Environmental Health in Oakland and the Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition in San Jose.

"It literally brings home the fact that hazardous chemicals are in our daily lives," said Beverly Thorpe, international director for Clean Production Action, one of the study's sponsors. "We feel now is a prime opportunity to overhaul chemical regulation in the United States."

The researchers tested the dust samples for six types of chemicals, including pesticides and flame retardants. All the chemicals are legal, but many are known to be harmful to immune, respiratory, cardiovascular and reproductive systems. They said infants and young children are especially vulnerable to exposure.

But the American Chemistry Council, which represents major chemistry companies, said that just because a substance is found in dust or in the body at low levels doesn't necessarily mean it causes health problems.

The study's backers said they decided to test dust samples in U.S. homes after seeing similar studies that found high levels of toxic chemicals in households in Europe, where lawmakers are tightening regulation of chemical production.

They said they hope the test results will help prompt state and federal legislation to curb the use of dangerous chemicals in the production of household goods, ranging from furniture and clothes to carpets and nail polish.

-Associated Press

Dr. Keith & Laurie Nemec Comments on Mold and Dust

Your home is your sanctuary and your bedroom is your inner sanctuary. Four things are major offenders of your health in your household environment.

1. Mold

2. Dust

3. Chemicals

4. Bacteria and viruses

As these studies have shown, the mold will weaken the immune system and trigger many types of immune disorders one being asthma. Dust is very toxic because it represents the chemicals in your house and the world. This study shows 35 hazardous industrial chemicals in household dust, some including pesticides, toxic chemicals, and flame retardants just to name a few.

Another study shows that common house dust contained 33 chemicals that promote breast cancer formation.

What is the answer?

First purify your home environment by the following steps:

1. Never use standard cleaning supplies in your house, only all natural, nontoxic substances.

2. Remove all carpets as soon as possible. Carpets are loaded with chemicals, mold and dust. Replace with hardwood floors.

3. Get rid of draperies, window treatments and any other dust collectors.

4. Purchase a Fresh Air which detoxifies chemicals, kills mold, bacteria and settles floating dust to the ground.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Foods That Cause Wrinkles

Foods That Cause Wrinkles

by Victoria

Researchers in Australia recently found that what you eat can directly affect your skin. It was
found that the type of foods people consumed influenced the amount of wrinkling and damage
to sun exposed skin. The individuals involved in the study were older and came from different
ethnic backgrounds.

Fewer wrinkles were found in individuals who consumed vegetables, olive oil, fish, legumes,
eggs, yogurt, nuts olives, cherries, melons, dried fruits, prunes, apples, pears, multi-grained
bread, jam, tea, and water.

The foods this study associated with more wrinkles included sugar, full fat milk, red meat,
potatoes, margarine, butter, sodas, pastries and other junk.

The bottom line is you are what you eat. There is not doubt that fruits and vegetables are good
for your body and if you needed proof that these and other whole foods are also good for your skin, well, there you have it.

Source: http://chetday.com/

Monday, October 30, 2006

Sleep and Diseases

The Most Common Sleep Disorder: Insufficient Sleep

SleepIn April of this year, the Institute of Medicine issued a report that confirmed definite links between sleep deprivation and increased risks of hypertension, diabetes, obesity, depression, heart attack and stroke.

Some scientists are also investigating connections between insufficient sleep and depressed immune function.

Sleep can work to activate or inhibit hormone production in the hypothalamus, which is the part of the brain that gives the body signals regarding when to adjust temperature, blood pressure, digestive secretions and immune activity. Insufficient sleep also inhibits the pancreas from producing insulin, the hormone required for the digestion of glucose.

A groundbreaking 1999 study showed that after six days on only four hours of sleep, healthy volunteers would fall into a pre-diabetic state. Sleep also gives the heart a chance to slow down, and those who less than six hours a night have as much as a 66 percent greater prevalence of hypertension.

The largest study of sleep duration and mortality followed over one million participants for six years. Those who slept about seven hours had the highest survival rate, and those who slept less than 4.5 hours had the worst. Nine hours of sleep or more each night was also associated with a higher mortality risk, however.

In general, a good night's sleep seems to be as important to good health as a nutritious diet and regular exercise. Experts tend to agree that the majority of people require about eight hours of sleep each night.

However, roughly 40 percent of Americans get fewer than seven hours of sleep on weekdays, and 71 percent get fewer than eight hours of sleep. As a result, most Americans accumulate two full weeks of "sleep debt" each year. The two main causes for sleep debt were long work hours and long commutes.

Los Angeles Times October 9, 2006

American Time Use Survey Resource Center Free Full PDF Study

Dr. Mercola's Comment:

One contributor to poor sleeping habits that has nothing at all to do with any other existing health problem you may have: A lengthy commute to and from a job can require a life-draining amount of time all by itself, according to recent research by the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.

That's only one of many sleep studies cited in this awesome Los Angeles Times article, most of which I've already posted on my Web site.

A longer commute -- navigating a maze of highways in the dark and in a car both day and night -- is only the number two reason people get less sleep, however. Spending long hours at work tops the list.

Before the study, scientists had speculated that excessive TV viewing, entertainment and computers would top the list of sleep distractions. However, what they found is, a combination of long hours on the job, a too-far commute and living in an area that forces people to drive anywhere to get anything is the deadliest of them all.

The trick is to keep your commute by car -- including all errands -- to 40 minutes or less a day. Every 8 extra minutes you spend in your car translates into a sleep debt of 15 minutes every night. And it doesn't matter if it's one long car trip or several short ones, either.

I am quite fortunate in that I only commute to my office four times a week and the round trip time is typically under 30 minutes and frequently closer to 20. I realized many years ago that I did not want to waste my time on the road.

Although nearly every minute I am in the car I am listening to an educational audio file as there is so much time to learn. If you do have a longer commute please consider your car as a "university on wheels" and a marvelous opportunity to learn important information.

If you're struggling with sleep, chances are better than good your health is fundamentally impaired. Fortunately, you can solve your sleep problem and boost your health in the process, without the need for a health-harming drug, by taking advantage of some of the practical solutions outlined in my 29 Secrets to a Good Night's Sleep, which include:

  • Avoid before-bed snacks, particularly grains and sugars. This will raise blood sugar and inhibit sleep. Later, when blood sugar drops too low (hypoglycemia), you might wake up and not be able to fall back asleep.
  • Sleep in complete darkness or as close as possible. If there is even the tiniest bit of light in the room it can disrupt your circadian rhythm and your pineal gland's production of melatonin and serotonin.
  • No TV right before bed. Even better, get the TV out of the bedroom or even out of the house, completely. It is too stimulating to the brain and it will take longer to fall asleep.
  • Wear socks to bed. Due to the fact that they have the poorest circulation, the feet often feel cold before the rest of the body. A study has shown that wearing socks reduces night wakings
  • Get to bed as early as possible. Our systems, particularly the adrenals, do a majority of their recharging or recovering during the hours of 11PM and 1AM.
  • Keep the temperature in the bedroom no higher than 70 degrees F. Many people keep their homes and particularly the upstairs bedrooms too hot.
  • Eat a high-protein snack several hours before bed. This can provide the L-tryptophan need to produce melatonin and serotonin.

Related Articles:

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Where is Reality ?

Hermann Hesse writes:

There is no reality except the one contained within us. That is why so many people live such an unreal life. They take the images outside of them for reality and never allow the world within to assert itself.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Keep the Inside of Your Shoes Clean

Keep Your Shoes Clean

People who work hard and walk a lot and spend most of the
day in their shoes often end up with shoes that are, to
be polite, a lot less than fresh.

Here's a good tip on how to keep the inside of your shoes
fresh, clean, and the sort of covering you don't mind
putting your feet into.

Rub the inside of your shoes with cotton wool that you've
soaked in medical alcohol, which is, of course, available
in drug stores everywhere.

Another technique that works involves dusting the inside
of your shoes with baking soda. This not only helps to
absorb moisture, but it also knocks that stinky ole shoe
odor down many notches.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Alternatives in Cancer Therapy: Use of H2O2

Alternatives in Cancer Therapy - Hydrogen Peroxide

by Ross, R.Ph. Pelton, Lee Overholser


An excerpt from the book :

by Ross, R.Ph. Pelton, Lee Overholser


As far back as the early nineteenth century, hydrogen peroxide was widely used in medicine. Many bacterial diseases, including syphilis, responded to H2O2 when no other treatment was effective. In the early twentieth century H2O2 was used to treat several common diseases, such as typhoid fever, cholera, ulcers, asthma, whooping cough, and tuberculosis. (11)

Hydrogen peroxide's ability to kill bacteria in the human body has been well documented (1, 13, 17), and a 1922 medical textbook describes the use of hydrogen peroxide orally, by intravenous injection, and for topical use. (14) However, as the pharmaceutical industry began to develop powerful new (and high-priced) drugs, hydrogen peroxide was increasingly ignored and finally discarded as a treatment.

Early Supporters

Several fascinating personalities have been involved in the struggle to gain recognition in the U.S. of hydrogen peroxide as a therapeutic agent again. Dr. Edward Rosenow (1875-1966), a physician and research scientist associated with the Mayo Clinic for over forty years, discovered that hydrogen peroxide was the safe, effective antimicrobial, antiviral agent he had spent years looking for. Unfortunately, he died without seeing his discovery become widely accepted.

However, his friend Father Wilhelm, a Catholic priest and chemistry teacher, made a commitment to publicize the wonderful benefits of hydrogen peroxide. In the 1970s he presented Rosenow's research to several large pharmaceutical companies, only to get the same response every time: Rosenow's work on hydrogen peroxide was very interesting and potentially important, but hydrogen peroxide was an inexpensive substance that could not be patented and had no commercial value.

Walter Grotz was the next player in the hydrogen peroxide story. After a 1965 auto accident, Grotz developed arthritis that was so bad he could hardly walk. In the winter of 1982, after retiring as postmaster in Delano, Minnesota, his wife convinced him that a warm Caribbean cruise might lessen his arthritic pain. As fate would have it, the chaplain on their cruise ship was Father Wilhelm. When Father Wilhelm learned that Wally (as he is affectionately called) had arthritis, the good Father began preaching his "peroxide sermon."

Wally began taking small amounts of hydrogen peroxide orally, and within a few months his arthritis pain was totally gone. Walter became as committed as Father Wilhelm, and the two of them have now dedicated their lives to spreading the word about the potential health benefits of hydrogen peroxide.

Hydrogen Peroxide in Nature

When ozone mixes with moisture in the air, it forms hydrogen peroxide, which comes down in rain and snow. It occurs naturally in fresh fruits and vegetables, some coming from rain and some manufactured during photosynthesis. (6) Hydrogen peroxide is also found in mother's milk, with an especially high concentration in colostrum (the first milk secreted, right after birth).

One researcher states, "The generation of H2O2 in cellular processes seems to be purposeful, and H2O2 cannot be dismissed as a mere undesirable by-product.... The capacity for generation of H202 is now found to be widespread in a variety of organisms and in the organelles of the cells." (12)

The Chemistry of Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a very simple compound, with the chemical I formula H2O2 Essentially it is a molecule of water with an extra atom of oxygen attached, occurring throughout nature and produced by almost every cell in the human body.

Most people are familiar with the common drugstore variety of 3-percent hydrogen peroxide, used for everything from sterilizing a cut to cleaning kitchen countertops. Hydrogen peroxide's sterilizing power comes from its extra oxygen atom. Hydrogen peroxide has a similar oxidizing, or cleansing, power in the body. However, the drugstore variety of H2O2 should never be used internally, because of the chemicals it contains as stabilizers.

Free Radicals

In the 1950s Dr. Denham Harman developed the free-radical theory of aging. Free radicals are molecules that have a chemically active oxygen atom attached to them. Free radicals can damage cells, causing aging and cancer. (15)

At first it seemed that extra oxygen was always damaging, and that the antioxidants were the good guys, responsible for anti-aging protection. Now it appears that not all free-radical reactions are bad. For instance, oxygen helps cleansing enzymes remove toxins, and it is used by the immune system to attack invading bacteria. (4) Also, hydrogen peroxide stimulates natural killer (NK) cells, which attack cancer cells as these attempt to spread throughout the body. (8)

Oxygen and Cancer

Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize for his discovery that cancer cells have different metabolic properties than normal cells. (16) Healthy cells are aerobic; they use oxygen in most of their chemical reactions. Cancer cells have reverted to a more primitive metabolic process, called fermentation which is anaerobic, or without oxygen. This means that cancer cells thrive in a low-oxygen environment.

The main energy source for both normal and cancer cells is glucose. However, a cancer cell's anaerobic processing of glucose yields only one fifteenth the energy per glucose molecule, compared with normal cellular metabolism. This is why cancer cells have such a huge appetite for sugar (glucose).

Mechanism of Action

One possible way in which intravenous hydrogen peroxide can treat cancer is by releasing pure oxygen in the body. By saturating the cells and tissues with oxygen, hydrogen peroxide promotes healthy, oxygen-based metabolism.

Dr. Charles Farr discovered that intravenous hydrogen peroxide stimulates oxidative enzymes in the body, which help to clear out toxins. (5) He found that intravenous H2O2 infusions almost doubled the metabolic rate. These changes may account in part for the observed benefits from H2O2 infusions.

It is important to note that H2O2 apparently does not produce free-radical lipid peroxidation, but instead stimulates important detoxifying oxidative enzyme systems. This is the direct opposite of what might be expected.

Many people, including myself, initially reacted negatively to the idea of taking hydrogen peroxide internally. How could something that produces free radicals possibly have a therapeutic benefit? However, the damage from free radicals comes from chronic exposure to free-radical oxygen, which is part of more complex molecules. The processes of oxygenation and stimulation of the oxidative enzymes may account for the positive effects of hydrogen peroxide that have been observed.

Clinical Studies

In the 1950s Dr. Reginald Holman tested H2O2 on rats implanted with Walker 256 adenocarcinoma tumors. Their drinking water was replaced by a dilute solution of hydrogen peroxide. The optimal concentration was reported to be 0.45 percent, and complete disappearance of the tumors was reported to exist from fifteen to sixty days. (9)

In 1982 Winifred Wirth reported on the effective use of oral H2O2 in the treatment of laboratory mice infected with Ehrlich carcinoma. Effectiveness was judged by the decrease in mortality and the delayed onset of palpable tumor incidence. (18)

More info: http://curezone.com/diseases/cancer/h2o2.asp


The Many Benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide by Dr. David G. Williams

Hydrogen Peroxide v. Prostate Cancer by Bill Munro (Oct. 14, 2005)

Hydrogen Peroxide Nasal Sprayer & Garden Applications by Bill Munro (Feb. 7, 2005)

Hydrogen Peroxide by Walter Grotz

Source: http://educate-yourself.org/cn/hydrogenperoxidecancertherapybookexcerpt.shtml

Friday, September 15, 2006

Causes of Death

The 20 Facts About Death You Need to Know

DeathAbout 100 billion people have died since humans first walked the earth. The practice of burying the dead may date back 350,000 years.

This fascinating article in Discover takes a look at some information about death you might not have been aware of, including the fact that no American has died of old age since 1951 (when the government eliminated that classification on death certificates).

One fact of particular interest to readers of this newsletter is that 80 percent of people in the United States die in a hospital.

Discover September 2006; 27(9)

Dr. Mercola's Comment:

If you have been reading this newsletter for any length of time you know that merely the routine activity of conventional medicine can be enough to harm or kill you if you're not careful, so I'm not terribly surprised by the statistic revealing that 80 percent of Americans die in a hospital.

Here are a couple more pertinent medical-related factoids from the article:

  • Vultures in India are dying due to residues of the anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac (better known as Voltaren) that they ingest when they eat dead cattle carcasses.
  • More New York City residents die from suicide than are murdered.

Here are a few more facts, not from the article:

Death rate actually decreases when doctors go on strike, and deaths blamed on mistakes made with prescription drugs sold at pharmacies spike at the beginning of each month. Meanwhile, wild variations in health care quality lead to:

  • 42,000-79,000 avoidable deaths
  • 66.5 million avoidable sick days
  • $1.8 billion in additional medical care costs

The sad tragedy is that the conventional medical paradigm is fatally flawed. The United States is spending $2 trillion every year for a system that is based on disease management focused on drugs and surgery that fail to address the underlying cause of disease.

Additionally, clever manipulation of the official government death rates conceals the fact that the conventional medical system, not heart disease or cancer, is the leading cause of death in this country. Yet, in all fairness, physicians themselves are not the primary reason, as they are under the pernicious influence of the multi-billion-dollar marketing umbrella of the drug companies.

Our return on the massive investment in health care is profoundly poor. The bottom line is that the system is crumbling before our eyes. The very economic stability of the United States is threatened by this abuse. The good news is that the expense and misery can be powerful motivating factors to change.

If you want to take a giant step toward better health for you and your family, and avoid becoming another death statistic, please stay tuned as I am currently testing the new version of Mercola.com that will allow you to actively participate in developing the largest collection of health truth this world has ever known.

I have had a team of programmers working for many months to create a brand new Web 2.0 site that is based on the wildly popular Digg.com, which did not exist until December 2004 and now is in the top 25 Web sites in the world.

We are actually alpha testing the program now and hope to have it available soon. Once completed it may be one of the single most important catalysts for the transformation of the health care system.

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Are you Low in Enzymes ?

Protein and Fat Digesting Enzymes

One of the worst things for your blood, blood vessels, heart and entire cardiovascular system is to have excessive fat and protein in the blood. This comes from eating the SAD (Standard American Diet) of cooked animal products--which includes meat, chicken, fish, eggs, cheese and butter. These all cause excessive protein and/or fat in the blood which cause the blood to sludge (get think) and slow down. If your blood thickens due to too much fat and protein in it, it decreases the oxygen and nutrients getting into the cells and the waste products being removed from the cells. It also greatly decreases the ability of the white blood cells and immune system to eat bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi and cancer cells. The best way to stop all this is switch to an all living/raw plant diet. The next best way is to do enzyme therapy to digest excessive protein and fat out of the blood.

Three things are in excess in the standard American's bloodstream: 1.) Protein 2.) Fat 3.) Sugar As these three go up in the blood the pathogens (bacteria, viruses, parasites, candida and cancer cell formation) also goes up. Symptoms of Not Digesting Proteins: Crave protein Cold hands and/or feet Do not like to exercise - stay sore Heal slowly Gums bleed Weakened immune system Increased body secretions - edema, perspiration, salivation, tears Menstrual problems. Symptoms of Not Digesting Fats: Crave fats/oils, dry skin, respiratory problems - asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, COPD, difficulty getting pregnant, pain, numbness, tingling, weakness and tremors.

Men turning into Women ?

The Truth Is, You're Being Turned into a Woman ...

Hello, my name is Dr. Al Sears. After I got my MD degree I decided to specialize in anti-aging and natural approaches to improve heart health.

I'd like to thank Dr. Mercola for allowing me to have this frank discussion with you, man to man.

Remember how you used to hear about "female problems"? Well, as it turns out ... today, men are the ones with female problems.

No kidding ... here's why:

As you age, your testosterone level plummets. Since testosterone basically defines your manhood, reduced testosterone makes you less of a man, day by day. No wonder erectile dysfunction (ED) is so commonplace in middle age ...

What's worse -- as your testosterone decreases, your estrogen increases. In fact, you may actually have more female estrogen than male testosterone in your system ... Essentially, you are being slowly chemically castrated ...

Although your testosterone decreases due to aging, your estrogen levels soar because you are getting way too many estrogen-like chemicals ...

From foods you eat (meat & poultry are pumped full of estrogen to make them grow faster and fatter) ... from toxic environmental contamination ... even from water you drink (a recent government study found 11 birth control and hormone supplement compounds in drinking water).

It's not just your self-image at stake. Here's what you can expect:

· Loss of your sex drive, and -- eventually -- impotence

· Reduction in your muscle mass and strength

· Feminization of your body ... even shrinkage of your penis

· Higher risk of diseases like prostate cancer, heart disease, and diabetes

· Weight gain, especially that "pot belly"

· Mood swings and depression

· Bone loss and higher risk of osteoporosis

· Compromised immune function and lowered resistance to disease

· Memory loss & accelerated aging

Monday, September 11, 2006


Health Tip- Stillness

One of the most powerful things you can do for your total health is to train yourself to a state of stillness. What is stillness? It is a stilling or quieting of the mind so you can hear what God is speaking to your heart. The ego-filled, world-filled, flesh-filled, religion-filled, time and physically bound old mind is your greatest enemy to your attaining total health. To practice stillness is to train yourself to calm the raging ocean of thoughts going on in your head so you can hear the soft drops of the voice of the Spirit falling on the still pond of your heart. There is no greater step in attaining and maintaining total health of body, mind and Spirit than learning to still the mind. God always speaks to the heart and never speaks to the mind because the mind is filled with the world system, the facts, the beliefs, the attitudes that are all based on lies instead of TRUTH. So, if one can learn to still the racing conscious mind, they would start to hear God speak to their heart. He speaks most commonly with love, joy, peace and hope. The mind most commonly speaks with fear.

How do you know what decision or path to take in life? Follow the peace God speaks in your heart (no matter what it costs you) rather than following the fear that your old mind is ruling you with.

An example of this: If a man was just diagnosed with cancer and was given a prognosis of 50% chance of being cured if he does surgery, chemotherapy and radiation and a zero percent chance of surviving if he does not do these therapies, who is making the decision? It will be his mind if he does it out of fear for his life. It will be his heart if he chooses to do alternative therapy from a peace in his heart.

Always practice stillness so you can hear God speak to your heart.

How do you begin? Take 5 minutes to start and in that 5 minutes try to keep your mind focused on your breathing, or on an image or word for that 5 minutes, concentrating only on the breathing pattern, image or word. If your mind wonders, train it to come back. Have paper and pen incase it wanders to remind you of things you must do so write them down and continue to focus on your breathing. At first 5 minutes will seem like an eternity but with practice, you will be able to extend to longer and longer times until you will be able to go into stillness at any time for as long as you desire.

Be still and know that I AM GOD.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Power of the Mind

Placebo Pills Can Help Heart-Failure Patients

Heart-failure patients have a better chance of survival if they take their pills, even if those pills are placebos, says a Duke University Medical Center study.

They analyzed international data on 7,599 heart-failure patients and found that similar lower death rates were associated with good adherence when taking a placebo or an angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB), a drug that relaxes and dilates blood vessels.

Lower hospitalization rates were also associated with good adherence when taking both a placebo and an active drug, the study found.

- Duke University Medical Center, news release

Dr. Keith and Laurie Nemec Comments on Placebos

This study shows the power of beliefs. In the study heart failure patients had the same survival rate whether they took a placebo (no medication in the capsule) or a strong drug for the heart.

If the power of the mind is this influential on the heart and the whole body for that matter, can you imagine the devastating affects of the mind that believes the lie. The mind that believes the lies: that nothing can be done, that it is impossible to overcome this obstacle/challenge, that you just have to accept the fact that you only have 6 months to live with this cancer or this incurable disease. The mind is a powerful force that can make a tremendous impact on your physical health and wellbeing either positively or negatively. There is a power though that is far greater than the mind in its affects on your total health. It is your heart/spirit. If you believe something in your mind, it is a strong motivating force but it can be changed or swayed by the facts and beliefs of the world system, of the doctors and of the research. Your heart/spirit is where the KNOWING comes from. Knowing is far above and beyond believing because KNOWING is what GOD puts in your heart and it is unshakeable. To KNOW something means that you will never quit, stop or give up on it no matter what, no matter how long it takes or how much it costs, even if it costs you your life. Remember, God puts the knowing in the heart, the world system, family and friends put the beliefs in your mind. God always gives you the desires of your heart not your head because He put the desire in your heart in the first place.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

To Kill Ants Use Aspartame

Got an Ant Problem? Use Aspartame

Ant PoisonFor all the dire health problems associated with aspartame -- the worst of them being cancer -- the original "anything-but-sugar" substitute may have an ideal purpose to exist, not as a food additive, but as an ant poison

Already aware of aspartame's origins as a toxic chemical, a health-conscious consumer with an ant problem emptied one packet of aspartame in the corner of each of her bathrooms two years ago. The "sweet" solution worked brilliantly, as she's seen no signs of carpenter ants crawling around for the past year.

Aspartame may be just the thing for getting rid of fire ants (impervious to many poisons) too, although this solution takes a bit more effort. Initially, fire ants ignored their aspartame treat until a light rain moistened it. After the rain, however, the fire ants came back with a vengeance, taking the aspartame back to the mound by the hundreds. Within two days, any evidence that fire ants existed at all, save for an empty mound, vanished.

No mystery aspartame works like a pesticide, as the asparctic acid contained in this toxic product is a well-documented excitotoxin that causes specific brain cells to become excessively excited to the point they quickly die, just as both kinds of ants did.

Makes you wonder if aspartame is a far safer, better alternative to getting rid of lawn and home pests than the average toxic pesticides found at your neighborhood hardware store ...

If you ever wanted a painless way to find out all the dangers of aspartame you will certainly want to view Sweet Misery. If you are a natural health care practitioner you might want to consider showing this in your reception area.

Idaho Observer June 2006

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Stress May Promote Aging of Body Cells

Stress may promote aging of cells

A new finding may explain how stress could ultimately lead to premature aging.

Chronic psychological stress is associated with accelerated shortening of the caps, called telomeres, on the ends of chromosomes in white blood cells - which causes them to die more quickly -- according to a report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Telomeres promote chromosome stability, Dr. Elissa S. Epel at the University of California, San Francisco, explains. Telomeres shorten with each replication of the cell, and cells cease dividing when telomeres shorten sufficiently.

Researchers investigated the theory that psychological stress affects telomere shortening and thereby contributes to accelerated aging.

The study included 39 healthy, premenopausal women who were primary caregivers for a child with a chronic illness, and 19 age-matched mothers of healthy children who served as a comparison "control" group.

Stress was measured with a standardized questionnaire, and telomere length was measured in participants' blood samples.

Within the caregiving group, the longer that a woman had been a caregiver, the shorter was the length of telomeres.

In the 14 women with the highest stress scores, telomeres averaged 3,110 units in length; the 14 with the lowest stress had telomeres that averaged 3,660 units.

In adults, telomeres shorten by an average of 31 to 63 units per year, so the scientists estimate that the 550-unit shortening in the high-stress group translates to 9 to 17 additional years of aging.

These findings may have implications for human health since telomere shortening is also associated with premature death from cardiovascular disease and infections.

While the number of years that mothers had been a caregiver did matter, "not all caregivers fell into the high-stress group," she added. "This points to the importance of trying to use stress reduction interventions as much as possible."

-Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Dr. Keith & Laurie Nemec Comments on Stress

This interesting study shows how stress decreases the life span of white blood cells, thus weakening your immune system. Also found was an accelerated aging of cells which increases risk of cancer, heart disease and most other diseases.

What is stress? It is an external force or concept/idea that has the power to destroy the wholeness of body, mind and emotions of a person.

The real issue is not about stress but how you perceive the situation. This was seen in the study that not all the caregivers of children with chronic illness fell into the high stress group. Why? Attitude, belief and faith.

Our attitude is how we see and react to life's situations. The more we follow what God puts in our heart and the less we follow what the world system has filled our head with, the more we have the attitude of God. The greatest stressor in your life is not your job, your money, your disease, or your marriage. The greatest stressor is your choosing to believe the lies that your world-filled old mind has been speaking to you your whole life. The greatest comfort is seeing God's plan behind everything in this life. His ways are not our ways. His thoughts are not our thoughts. This life journey is made up of tests and trails along the path. When we come to one, we are called by God to overcome them in His strength, not ours, and to be transformed into His image and glory. Do you think the mother of the chronically ill child is stressed when she is offering her life to God as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to Him, and is she stressed when she is there loving her child every moment, just thanking God for the child's blessing in her life. No, she only becomes stressed when she is filled with the ego, world-filled mind that compares and wants to be somewhere else than where she is. This is the definition of suffering; always wanted to be somewhere else than where you are. To close, think about this: is it better to have given and received love from a child with illness or never to have had the child at all?

Another example of how stress is a product of the mind and how you perceive life situations: I you were sitting in your house and a man knocked on the door and said your child just was run over by a car. If you believe his words, your heart rate would increase, your adrenal gland would start pumping out adrenaline, your emotions would skyrocket the tears would begin to flow. But, if you know that your child is in the next room playing you would dismiss his words as a lie and continue doing what you were doing with no change in your physical or mental emotional state. What was the difference? KNOWING. The difference between perceiving life as a stress or not is KNOWING God is behind everything and He will not leave or forsake you, and that He will not ever put you in any situation that you cannot handle but will always leave a way out or up as you climb over the tests, trials and obstacles in your life on your journey into being transformed into His image and glory.

KNOWING is more powerful than believing and believing is more powerful than thinking.

Stress May Promote Aging of Body Cells

Stress may promote aging of cells

A new finding may explain how stress could ultimately lead to premature aging.

Chronic psychological stress is associated with accelerated shortening of the caps, called telomeres, on the ends of chromosomes in white blood cells - which causes them to die more quickly -- according to a report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Telomeres promote chromosome stability, Dr. Elissa S. Epel at the University of California, San Francisco, explains. Telomeres shorten with each replication of the cell, and cells cease dividing when telomeres shorten sufficiently.

Researchers investigated the theory that psychological stress affects telomere shortening and thereby contributes to accelerated aging.

The study included 39 healthy, premenopausal women who were primary caregivers for a child with a chronic illness, and 19 age-matched mothers of healthy children who served as a comparison "control" group.

Stress was measured with a standardized questionnaire, and telomere length was measured in participants' blood samples.

Within the caregiving group, the longer that a woman had been a caregiver, the shorter was the length of telomeres.

In the 14 women with the highest stress scores, telomeres averaged 3,110 units in length; the 14 with the lowest stress had telomeres that averaged 3,660 units.

In adults, telomeres shorten by an average of 31 to 63 units per year, so the scientists estimate that the 550-unit shortening in the high-stress group translates to 9 to 17 additional years of aging.

These findings may have implications for human health since telomere shortening is also associated with premature death from cardiovascular disease and infections.

While the number of years that mothers had been a caregiver did matter, "not all caregivers fell into the high-stress group," she added. "This points to the importance of trying to use stress reduction interventions as much as possible."

-Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Dr. Keith & Laurie Nemec Comments on Stress

This interesting study shows how stress decreases the life span of white blood cells, thus weakening your immune system. Also found was an accelerated aging of cells which increases risk of cancer, heart disease and most other diseases.

What is stress? It is an external force or concept/idea that has the power to destroy the wholeness of body, mind and emotions of a person.

The real issue is not about stress but how you perceive the situation. This was seen in the study that not all the caregivers of children with chronic illness fell into the high stress group. Why? Attitude, belief and faith.

Our attitude is how we see and react to life's situations. The more we follow what God puts in our heart and the less we follow what the world system has filled our head with, the more we have the attitude of God. The greatest stressor in your life is not your job, your money, your disease, or your marriage. The greatest stressor is your choosing to believe the lies that your world-filled old mind has been speaking to you your whole life. The greatest comfort is seeing God's plan behind everything in this life. His ways are not our ways. His thoughts are not our thoughts. This life journey is made up of tests and trails along the path. When we come to one, we are called by God to overcome them in His strength, not ours, and to be transformed into His image and glory. Do you think the mother of the chronically ill child is stressed when she is offering her life to God as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to Him, and is she stressed when she is there loving her child every moment, just thanking God for the child's blessing in her life. No, she only becomes stressed when she is filled with the ego, world-filled mind that compares and wants to be somewhere else than where she is. This is the definition of suffering; always wanted to be somewhere else than where you are. To close, think about this: is it better to have given and received love from a child with illness or never to have had the child at all?

Another example of how stress is a product of the mind and how you perceive life situations: I you were sitting in your house and a man knocked on the door and said your child just was run over by a car. If you believe his words, your heart rate would increase, your adrenal gland would start pumping out adrenaline, your emotions would skyrocket the tears would begin to flow. But, if you know that your child is in the next room playing you would dismiss his words as a lie and continue doing what you were doing with no change in your physical or mental emotional state. What was the difference? KNOWING. The difference between perceiving life as a stress or not is KNOWING God is behind everything and He will not leave or forsake you, and that He will not ever put you in any situation that you cannot handle but will always leave a way out or up as you climb over the tests, trials and obstacles in your life on your journey into being transformed into His image and glory.

KNOWING is more powerful than believing and believing is more powerful than thinking.

Stress May Promote Aging of Body Cells

Stress may promote aging of cells

A new finding may explain how stress could ultimately lead to premature aging.

Chronic psychological stress is associated with accelerated shortening of the caps, called telomeres, on the ends of chromosomes in white blood cells - which causes them to die more quickly -- according to a report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Telomeres promote chromosome stability, Dr. Elissa S. Epel at the University of California, San Francisco, explains. Telomeres shorten with each replication of the cell, and cells cease dividing when telomeres shorten sufficiently.

Researchers investigated the theory that psychological stress affects telomere shortening and thereby contributes to accelerated aging.

The study included 39 healthy, premenopausal women who were primary caregivers for a child with a chronic illness, and 19 age-matched mothers of healthy children who served as a comparison "control" group.

Stress was measured with a standardized questionnaire, and telomere length was measured in participants' blood samples.

Within the caregiving group, the longer that a woman had been a caregiver, the shorter was the length of telomeres.

In the 14 women with the highest stress scores, telomeres averaged 3,110 units in length; the 14 with the lowest stress had telomeres that averaged 3,660 units.

In adults, telomeres shorten by an average of 31 to 63 units per year, so the scientists estimate that the 550-unit shortening in the high-stress group translates to 9 to 17 additional years of aging.

These findings may have implications for human health since telomere shortening is also associated with premature death from cardiovascular disease and infections.

While the number of years that mothers had been a caregiver did matter, "not all caregivers fell into the high-stress group," she added. "This points to the importance of trying to use stress reduction interventions as much as possible."

-Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Dr. Keith & Laurie Nemec Comments on Stress

This interesting study shows how stress decreases the life span of white blood cells, thus weakening your immune system. Also found was an accelerated aging of cells which increases risk of cancer, heart disease and most other diseases.

What is stress? It is an external force or concept/idea that has the power to destroy the wholeness of body, mind and emotions of a person.

The real issue is not about stress but how you perceive the situation. This was seen in the study that not all the caregivers of children with chronic illness fell into the high stress group. Why? Attitude, belief and faith.

Our attitude is how we see and react to life's situations. The more we follow what God puts in our heart and the less we follow what the world system has filled our head with, the more we have the attitude of God. The greatest stressor in your life is not your job, your money, your disease, or your marriage. The greatest stressor is your choosing to believe the lies that your world-filled old mind has been speaking to you your whole life. The greatest comfort is seeing God's plan behind everything in this life. His ways are not our ways. His thoughts are not our thoughts. This life journey is made up of tests and trails along the path. When we come to one, we are called by God to overcome them in His strength, not ours, and to be transformed into His image and glory. Do you think the mother of the chronically ill child is stressed when she is offering her life to God as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to Him, and is she stressed when she is there loving her child every moment, just thanking God for the child's blessing in her life. No, she only becomes stressed when she is filled with the ego, world-filled mind that compares and wants to be somewhere else than where she is. This is the definition of suffering; always wanted to be somewhere else than where you are. To close, think about this: is it better to have given and received love from a child with illness or never to have had the child at all?

Another example of how stress is a product of the mind and how you perceive life situations: I you were sitting in your house and a man knocked on the door and said your child just was run over by a car. If you believe his words, your heart rate would increase, your adrenal gland would start pumping out adrenaline, your emotions would skyrocket the tears would begin to flow. But, if you know that your child is in the next room playing you would dismiss his words as a lie and continue doing what you were doing with no change in your physical or mental emotional state. What was the difference? KNOWING. The difference between perceiving life as a stress or not is KNOWING God is behind everything and He will not leave or forsake you, and that He will not ever put you in any situation that you cannot handle but will always leave a way out or up as you climb over the tests, trials and obstacles in your life on your journey into being transformed into His image and glory.

KNOWING is more powerful than believing and believing is more powerful than thinking.

Stress May Promote Aging of Body Cells

Stress may promote aging of cells

A new finding may explain how stress could ultimately lead to premature aging.

Chronic psychological stress is associated with accelerated shortening of the caps, called telomeres, on the ends of chromosomes in white blood cells - which causes them to die more quickly -- according to a report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Telomeres promote chromosome stability, Dr. Elissa S. Epel at the University of California, San Francisco, explains. Telomeres shorten with each replication of the cell, and cells cease dividing when telomeres shorten sufficiently.

Researchers investigated the theory that psychological stress affects telomere shortening and thereby contributes to accelerated aging.

The study included 39 healthy, premenopausal women who were primary caregivers for a child with a chronic illness, and 19 age-matched mothers of healthy children who served as a comparison "control" group.

Stress was measured with a standardized questionnaire, and telomere length was measured in participants' blood samples.

Within the caregiving group, the longer that a woman had been a caregiver, the shorter was the length of telomeres.

In the 14 women with the highest stress scores, telomeres averaged 3,110 units in length; the 14 with the lowest stress had telomeres that averaged 3,660 units.

In adults, telomeres shorten by an average of 31 to 63 units per year, so the scientists estimate that the 550-unit shortening in the high-stress group translates to 9 to 17 additional years of aging.

These findings may have implications for human health since telomere shortening is also associated with premature death from cardiovascular disease and infections.

While the number of years that mothers had been a caregiver did matter, "not all caregivers fell into the high-stress group," she added. "This points to the importance of trying to use stress reduction interventions as much as possible."

-Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Dr. Keith & Laurie Nemec Comments on Stress

This interesting study shows how stress decreases the life span of white blood cells, thus weakening your immune system. Also found was an accelerated aging of cells which increases risk of cancer, heart disease and most other diseases.

What is stress? It is an external force or concept/idea that has the power to destroy the wholeness of body, mind and emotions of a person.

The real issue is not about stress but how you perceive the situation. This was seen in the study that not all the caregivers of children with chronic illness fell into the high stress group. Why? Attitude, belief and faith.

Our attitude is how we see and react to life's situations. The more we follow what God puts in our heart and the less we follow what the world system has filled our head with, the more we have the attitude of God. The greatest stressor in your life is not your job, your money, your disease, or your marriage. The greatest stressor is your choosing to believe the lies that your world-filled old mind has been speaking to you your whole life. The greatest comfort is seeing God's plan behind everything in this life. His ways are not our ways. His thoughts are not our thoughts. This life journey is made up of tests and trails along the path. When we come to one, we are called by God to overcome them in His strength, not ours, and to be transformed into His image and glory. Do you think the mother of the chronically ill child is stressed when she is offering her life to God as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to Him, and is she stressed when she is there loving her child every moment, just thanking God for the child's blessing in her life. No, she only becomes stressed when she is filled with the ego, world-filled mind that compares and wants to be somewhere else than where she is. This is the definition of suffering; always wanted to be somewhere else than where you are. To close, think about this: is it better to have given and received love from a child with illness or never to have had the child at all?

Another example of how stress is a product of the mind and how you perceive life situations: I you were sitting in your house and a man knocked on the door and said your child just was run over by a car. If you believe his words, your heart rate would increase, your adrenal gland would start pumping out adrenaline, your emotions would skyrocket the tears would begin to flow. But, if you know that your child is in the next room playing you would dismiss his words as a lie and continue doing what you were doing with no change in your physical or mental emotional state. What was the difference? KNOWING. The difference between perceiving life as a stress or not is KNOWING God is behind everything and He will not leave or forsake you, and that He will not ever put you in any situation that you cannot handle but will always leave a way out or up as you climb over the tests, trials and obstacles in your life on your journey into being transformed into His image and glory.

KNOWING is more powerful than believing and believing is more powerful than thinking.