Saturday, September 30, 2023

For Flavor


Quiroga - 95


No human being is an isolated island in the kingdom of humanity, we are all interconnected and if we currently realize this through technology, it is good to clarify that the perception is not due to the genius of those who took advantage of reality to get rich, because no one needs technology to being interconnected, all human beings exist integrated into a telepathic communication network, and due to inevitable evolution, the perception of telepathic reality is flourishing through group consciousness, and when this stabilizes, no matter how long it takes, everything that today it seems essential to us, like chips and computers, one day they will become obsolete instruments.

If you want to be from the future, and for that you want to know your potential and make good use of it, then know the reality that nothing you think and feel is exclusively yours, because your presence is more group than individual.

Simultaneously with the blossoming of this “new” consciousness, we all still exist in a civilization that is based on the opposite, and while that is the case, in order to tune in to the workings of the ongoing future, you will have to continue swimming against the current.

Friday, September 29, 2023

Dirty Electricity


Suggestion: disconnect all electricity of your home when you go to sleep.

Alert: Cabal EBS Oct. 4th Test

  • WARNING: The Cabal is planning Attacks on our phones, TVs and WiFi Technology. Absolutely Do NOT Participate in the Emergency Broadcast System “Test” on Wed. 4 Oct. Turn Off ALL Devices. Unplug ALL Computers. Disconnect ALL Information Technology From WiFi.

  • On October 4
    What the powers that be call an integrated public alert and warning system
    Which did not go off in Lahaina
    Is planned to be set off for half an hour but maybe longer
    At 2:20 ET or 5:20 PT

    Televisions cell phones and all digital appliances will be triggered
    These so called alerts will stay on your phone and other devices
    They will take your mind to where the frequency is at

    Nothing outwardly will happen on October 4
    10-4 means message received

    So maybe it will just install a program
    Which will be activated later such as Friday October 13
    Or right before Halloween
    That will inaugurate the Apocalypse

    The military boasts about their ability to send hidden messages through LRAD
    Which stands for Long Range Acoustic Device

    Messages are continuously being sent over the airwaves
    That program our mind

    Russia also announced it will conduct a nuke drill on October 4
    Where an attack by the United States is simulated

    Before 9-11 there were exercise drills
    Before the Las Vegas shooting there were exercise drills

    Before Sandy Hook there was an exercise drill
    Before the Boston bombing there was an exercise drill

    The drills are just to get everyone in place
    To set the stage for what they want to do

    The United States government says it is not planning to miss anyone
    And that the frequency will probably carry forth to other countries

    Is the plan for Russia to respond with a cyber attack
    Which will bring a halt to all transportation

    Will we become prisoners of our own devices
    Like ants who march endlessly around a cell phone which is giving off a certain frequency

    Cell phones and TVs can be remotely turned on
    Unplug your smart devices
    And do not be a zombie!

One World Government


  • Open your Eyes
  • Government is people’s greatest enemy
  • The Bankers Control Government
  • Everything is a lie can you imagine a world without lawyers?
  • Disclosure of the past
  • Democracy is the problem – Anarchy the natural solution

 Open your Eyes

To achieve full consciousness, trust your own intuition. Unfortunately, people still say, “What other choice do I have than to trust our leaders?” Clearly, these people have chosen not to open their eyes and mind, to see that we are on the road to world domination controlled by criminal Deep State Elites.


These people are unwilling to think for themselves, to join the growing number of people united against the process of world transformation.


The rotten mindset of the cabal is being revealed viz. their final plan of the New World Order; the population 90% slaughtered, civilisation destroyed to make the rest serfs for the Archon bloodline elites.


Sentence Quoted from a secret protocol from the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) in 1950:


“We shall have World Government, whether or not people like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.”


Prince Bernard of the Netherlands chaired seventy-years ago in 1954, the inauguration of the secretive Bilderberg group, a sister alliance of the CFR, in Oosterbeek, a suburb of Arnhem in the Netherlands.

 Government is people’s greatest enemy

If we humans do not realise, that oppression by governments has been happening for centuries, we will not be able to accomplish the liberation of planet Earth. Wake up and take matters into your own hands by showing that freedom on planet Earth is a right that Father/Mother GOD has given us, i.e. every citizen on Earth.


Remember; government is always the problem, never the solution. After more than 20 years of lingering and deepening recession, it is now time to change course.


In a democracy, governments are elected by the people to serve them, but not to play authoritarian dictator, as has always been the case. Governments use all power and resources to negatively affect your way of life.


They have the power to tax, detain, imprison, torture you. Use young men and women to fight wars in foreign countries that pose no threat. They regulate and impede businesses, distribute money, make trade more difficult through embargoes and sanctions, and control everything that comes in to mind.

Governments clearly do not serve the people, worse, they are the enemy of the people.

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolute. The type of people attracted to government like to control and oppress other people. Contrary to popular belief, this is why the worst qualified people – not the capable ones – get into government. So these are certainly not the most capable or brightest intellects that govern.

Enforcing security checks at airports without ‘real protection’ is nothing else than the creation occupation for government faithful. You better wonder who will protect us from government supported theft, violence, to terrorise innocent while robbing and destroying their own country.

People entrust justice to an institution that is obscenely corrupt and shady. People are raised to stay under surveillance handing over their freedoms and abilities to their government; they dare not do otherwise because they will be arrested.

The power of modern representative government is that it misleads the masses by making them believe that they too are insiders. They are encouraged to vote and believe that their vote really counts. Practice has proven otherwise.

 The Bankers Control Government

Simply put, the bankers control government in almost every country. This has been the case ever since the formation of the Federal Reserve Central Bank in 1913, and in Europe centuries earlier.


Their grip has been further solidified with the removal of the gold standard in 1971. For the most part, the public believes that governments receive money via the taxes collected from its citizens. This money in turn, so is believed, is what pays for all of the services and programs needed to keep a country functioning. However, this is not the case at all. Instead, not one penny paid to the government actually pays for any service or program.

The money collected from citizens goes directly to the privately owned Central Banks. This is the way central banks actually work; The Central Bank loans money to, and buys the debts of the government. But, the banks do not really have the money they lend, but when they need it, they just print it. The money they print is not worth anything because there is nothing valuable that backs it. In the past the United States Dollar was backed through the so-called “Gold Standard” and exactly that determined the value of the currency.

The business model of Central Banksters is control. They put governments in debt to control them by creating worthless money and lending it to the government, which then has to listen to what the banksters tell them. Otherwise, they go after the real assets, that is why governments and people go into debt on a massive scale.

The central banks don’t want to give up this control mechanism, they insist on maintaining their debt-based control system.

The entire economic system has been breaking down since 2008. The banks created an illusion to make everyone believe the economy has recovered, but as is now known and seen by many, it did not.

The same central banks are getting ready to bring down the economy, but they first need someone to blame. However, they have started announcing that it may happen as soon as this year.

 Everything is a lie can you imagine a world without lawyers?

We live in a time out of touch with reality; societies are run without vision and trust, nothing has been learned from the past about what governing really means.


Government itself is fake, phony and false, everything is a lie. The fabric of society and its culture is a hologram, neither real nor true. Wake up; and let’s start by getting rid of the liars and hypocrites. For all purposes, society in all its manifestations must be corrected, whether people like it or not, change will come.

Our lives and those of our children and future generations depend on us taking the right step now. How will we ever explain to our grandchildren that we allowed this to happen, when we now have the means to prevent it?

Abolish all Central Banks, they are the main culprits of our current woes, they are going to lose out in this current financial crisis, they themselves have created. A return to sound money is the first thing to go.

All current governments must also be abolished and greatly reduced to 10% of their current size and influence (GESARA goal). The world will function much better in a free market environment without regulation.

 Disclosure of the past

The Ottoman Turks, the Habsburgs of Austria, the Bourbons of France and the Holy See conspired in the past to create a system of banking and trust that still exists today. The origins of the Fractional Reserve Banking System they created can be found in the ancient treasuries of Rome, Persia, India and China and in many world empires today. In Medieval Europe, control of this system was handed over to the Pope and a group of affiliated monarchs.

Do not be confused, for the underlying patterns of freedom are gaining necessary power at a divinely determined pace. The Deep State cabal was soulless when Trump won the election in 2016, they are panicking and trying to hold on to the semblance of control they think they still have. Which is not the case!

They did not think of awakening of the people and they did not think we would go after them. We are taking back our control at all levels, they are no match for all of us together, awakened and united against them.

Together, with the help of the Galactic Federation, Q-organisation, the Lightworkers and patriots, it is time to rid planet Earth of the evil that has been preying on us humans for a hundred thousands of centuries.

 Democracy is the problem – Anarchy the natural solution

Government is the problem, not the solution. After 15 years of deepening recession, it is time to change course. In a democracy, governments are elected by the people to serve them, but not to be the authoritarian dictator, as is the case now.

The biggest problem is, people generally think, this system is more virtuous. Like its inability to create wealth or value in markets, which is the only evidence people need to judge its true fairness.

Deceptively, these high and mighty institutions look something like this:

        They steal the productive wealth of people who raise the standard of living.

Use that money to regulate disadvantaged and less productive people to keep them in poverty.

They encourage much of the population to live in dependence on the government, and point fingers at outsiders whose productive wealth was stolen in the first place as the primary cause of the problems, just to enrich themselves in the process and support the “guilty capitalists” who are insiders. 

Anarchy is deliberately described by the media as hooligans rampaging through the streets, throwing stones and Molotov cocktails and inconveniencing others.


In fact, it means the opposite. The official media have appropriated the word to use it for exactly the opposite of what it stands for. What they have made of it is a conveniently confusing definition that serves the purposes of governments.


Governments oversee the suppression of individuals within their territories and often declare wars against people within foreign borders, such as Iraq, Libya, Syria and Iran.

Properly understood, the term anarchy is derived from the Greek word anarchy, which correctly translated means “without a ruler”. Essentially, it is “Freedom” not to be enslaved and forced against your will.

Freedom to act voluntarily, freedom to associate with whomever one wishes on whatever terms one wishes, provided these do not hinder the ability of others to enjoy the same Freedom.

Rather than fearing anarchy, it is in many ways the natural solution to our problems. Anyone who doubts this will have difficulty reconciling themselves to the fact that 99% of their most critical life decisions are made within a private state of anarchy! A thoughtful read!

The population is unaware that the government is in the service of the people to run the country or state. The reality is that ultimately the power lies with the people, for they have a constitutional right to determine what should and should not be done.

In case of non-compliance, the government can be sent home. So, in the case of failure to act in the interest of the country and/or the people, the people take back their trust and dismiss the government and take control themselves.

Consciousness and Unity break the power of the Deep State and their minions. In reality, the drafted Covid mandates and measures erode people’s social consciousness. It takes some understanding to identify the social engineering programmes of the global elite to avoid falling victim to them. 

The global elite want 90% depopulation ( ie they want to kill you). They want total control and surveillance of every aspect of your life. They want socialism, with the power and wealth in their own pockets, in other words communism.

Consciousness and Oneness are the immediate obstacle to these plans. Now, they want to take away everything of value and lock up the remaining population in camps. They do this in the name of preserving planet Earth and improving the climate, which arguments are lies.

If everyone is quarantined and driven around in electric vehicles with limited range, that can be better controlled. Be assured that all climate and other new regulations are designed to confine the rest of us to restricted areas, such as FEMA camps (15 minutes cities), among others.

What people should really be afraid of is not the fear of dying from a non-existent virus or Covid infection, but of the tyrants running the world. They scare people until they submit to their goal of total tyrannical control in the once free world. On no planet of the many millions in the Universe has the population ever been so intensely oppressed as on planet Earth!

What has happened to us is outrageous and absolutely unacceptable, that is the reason, we receive solid help from our extraterrestrial brothers and sisters. Be grateful for that from your heart.

Watch this video ‘The Secret of Oz’ to fully understand how we the 

people are enslaved via the money system.

A once in a live time video to understand centuries of endured oppression. Knowing all this is a must to break free! Once enough people understand this fraud we all have freed ourselves.

Cosmic Elucidations


The freedom and wellness of other beings

Is intimately connected to our own freedom and well being

There is a more fulfilling and meaningful way to exist
A treasure beyond any material value is the recognition of your own essence
And your own true self

When you are connected to your own true nature
You will care about others

You will be a beacon of radiant energy and a channel for authentic and meaningful expressions
You will be a voice for those whose cries go unheard and whose tears are left unattended

We are not separated but interwoven in a complex dance of sensations and events
By allowing yourself to be whom you already are you find yourself

The state of being which puts us in our purest form
Transcends the temporary and illusory ego

Compassion altruism and a genuine concern for the wellness of all living beings
Becomes natural extensions of this deep and discerning recognition that we are not separate

Your true self is waiting to be revealed as a masterpiece of divine creation
Be drawn into the warm hug of the sacred within
And your thoughts will acquire a newfound potency

Powerful currents of manifestation will be set in motion
As you witness the profound magic that unfolds from your own consciousness
The magic within you becomes the magic around you

Walk a trail of potential that was previously unexplored
Tred the path of unwavering faith and be propelled to new heights

When you understand this alchemical process
A beautiful transformation will occur in the depths of your own being

As you approach your own radiant core
Into the sacred space of potentiality
Where you shape the very essence of your existence
The boundaries between the self and the universe fuse

When you identify and recognize yourself as pure consciousness
With no separation between you and the world around you
You will attain a higher form of existence

When you harmonize your desires with the very energy of peace and contentment
The attainment of your dreams will flow naturally
And all barriers between you and the other creatures who share this world with us will dissolve

In the eternal here and now
We discover not just the meaning of life
But life itself!

Quiroga - 94


Our civilization seems to go back to the Middle Ages, but this is just an optical illusion, like the retrogradation of the planets, because the future is not one of fear, but of trust, and if any worldly power seeks to command in the future, it will have to betting on trust, and not on the oppression caused by fear that violence, crime and indecency perpetrate, ingredients that are the fruit of traditions that are dying, but that still persist like zombies.

We judge reality by its appearance, because we do not dedicate ourselves to making the impartial reflections necessary to begin to scratch a true understanding of the value of our time, and we mistakenly give weight to what appears to be the violent and oppressive majority that continues to rely on fear to remain in power.

Even though the people who rely on trust are an apparently despicable minority of our humanity, they will be the ones who will command in the future, because human visceras are exhausted from ignoble oppression, and the wars that are brewing, here and now, will no longer find a passive society, which accepts anything, for fear of being oppressed and mistreated.

The tradition of gaining respect through fear is definitely dead.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Flat Earth

This book, in 1025 pages, proves conclusively that the realm we live in, called Earth, is a flat surface (horizontal plane), not a globe of the official science. 

Quiroga - 93


In just one of the trillions of atoms that make up your presence there is more energy than you could understand, manage or use during your existence, imagine then in the entirety of your being, how many hidden treasures, how much potential disregarded while we are all convincing ourselves that life is a lack, because we are always missing something.

It is the paradox of our humanity, and there is no point in finding someone to blame for this mistake, it is the result of the ignorance that we all cling to, with a fantastic diversity of names, ideologies and theologies, but essentially the same ignorance for everyone, that we are missing something.

If there is a guilty reason that originates this mistaken life that we lead, let us point the finger in the direction of greed, since if we knew how to access this infinite energy on which we are riding, we would appropriate it and carry out our selfish whims, disregarding the well-being of others.

Our ignorance is bad, but it protects us from perpetrating absolute disaster, and as much as it makes us suffer from lack, that suffering is preferable to taking hold of the infinite energy we ride on without proper preparation.

There is only one safe way to access the abundant energy hidden within us, and that is through the consolidation of group consciousness, because the infinite energy hidden in each of our atoms is not an individual good, it is a common good, and our ignorance comes from from the principle that reality must first be individual, and only then, if there is time left, can we dedicate ourselves to participating in group consciousness.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Quiroga - 92


Our humanity thinks, from the height of the selfish tradition to which it clings, that it has to make its way through life outside and within, relying exclusively on its individuality, through the strength of entrepreneurship, and the initiative that makes us leaders that inspire multitudes to follow us and replicate the tradition that the beginning of everything would be individual.

The strength of individuality is indisputable, its value is undeniable, but the principle of everything is not individual, it is group, because everything that we are eventually capable of doing individually is only possible thanks to the network of interdependence in which we move.

In practice, this means that everything we do and don't do does not serve us exclusively, as individuals, but a group of people.

It is about this reality that, with the help of time, the use of experiences and good will put into action, the individual that we are understands that we are who we are, and that we are more ourselves, to the same extent that we integrate into the social life, and because we exist and serve it in every thought, emotion and action.

Thus, the benefits that we previously sought selfishly, and were frustrated with the results, we truly find by stimulating interdependence, collaborating among ourselves so that the largest possible group of human beings benefits from our presence.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Excess Mortality x Covid-19 Vaccine


 Something weird is happening and the media (Cabal controlled) isn't telling you about it: Excess deaths are through the roof, with a 1101% increase among children aged 0-14 in Europe, while Birthrates have collapsed all over the world at the same time and nobody knows why

Quiroga - 91


Among the countless traditions that our humanity practices blindly, as if there were no alternative, the most deep-rooted of all is selfishness, the blind belief that the principle of the Universe is individual, and that everything that exists and that is yet to be discovered must serve the purpose of perpetuating the concept that the individual is the principle of reality.

Well, there is little point in trying to argue about whether this tradition is mistaken or not, the fact is that, even though selfishness is a tradition that seemed eternal, nowadays it demonstrates its decadence, and the exasperation expressed by traditionalist minorities, who rise up and move all their power, in the name of good and their specific gods, trying to stop what, for now, is an idea, but which is the cradle of a new tradition, the group consciousness.

Group consciousness is different from herd consciousness, which is fed and preserved by the tradition of selfishness. Group consciousness is based on the inevitable interdependence in which we exist and the relative role we play in it, the interdependence of each other, of the same kingdom, and of our kingdom with all the other kingdoms of nature, visible and invisible.

And so we are, in gerund, inventing a new civilization, incidentally contradicting the traditionalists, who will continue to be exasperated, but who will not stop the purpose of our humanity acquiring confidence to live with itself and with the entire Universe.

Selfishness stimulates fear, and our humanity is exhausted by fear. Whoever bets on fear to try to obtain the results of the past, will come face to face with the spirit of the time which, in gerund, expresses a new wave of civilization, shaped on the group principle of the Universe.

Monday, September 25, 2023

Quiroga - 90


No matter how much you cling, consciously and unconsciously, to certain traditions, for the simple reason that if things were always like this, antiquity would give them dignity, I must inform you that traditions are not eternal, they began at some point, and because they began they must find their end, because the destiny of everything that begins is to have its end.

But, the important thing is not the melancholy left behind by traditions that end, because even though they seemed to us to be eternal and named by the divine hand, what really matters is that traditions also begin. All this to tell you that we all exist, here and now, in the time that will one day be known as the birthplace of new traditions.

This is why, here and now, we bear the weight of traditions that were fundamental structures of civilization, and that for a long time promoted order and the necessary social contracts for the happiness of humanity, but which, not being eternal, have degraded and they no longer fulfill this function, they have become decadent, they no longer serve humanity. Humanity serves these decadent traditions as willing slaves to that which vampirizes it.

And in parallel with the oppression that we impose on ourselves by being guided by degrading traditions, we also behave in search of the best concepts that promote the coexistence of all the differences of our humanity, so that the necessary social contracts respond to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual demands of our humanity, and that this movement takes root in us and in future generations until it becomes an indisputable tradition, which acts and manifests itself through common sense, not needing to be taught, happening spontaneously.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Quiroga - 89


Memoirs! Who doesn't like them? Well, maybe those who have had very traumatic experiences in the past don't like memories, however, memories are still our references, because they represent experiences that we share with other people.

Well, the beautiful memories that we hold on to are important references, but not to the point that we would cease to exist if they are forgotten, because our presence between heaven and earth is not exclusively the product of our history, there are many other factors that intervene in the complex web that we call destiny.

However, in many moments we cling so dramatically to our memories that the obviousness of what was stated in the previous paragraph is disregarded.

Let us continue, therefore, to create an image, sound and sensorial collection of our memories, but let us also be aware that, as the people who are the witnesses of our memories pass away, these memories will also cease to be important, because there will be no one to share them.

With this I want to tell you that, although memories are valuable and important, what gives them value is not the fact itself, but the possibility of them serving to sustain bonds and establish experiences that can be shared.

Therefore, instead of clinging to certain memories, build new bonds to also build new memories.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Quiroga - 88


Before human consciousness was possible, because it didn't always exist, the Zodiac had 10 signs instead of 12, the sign of Libra was non-existent, it emerged by dividing a sign that brought together Scorpio and Virgo, transforming them into two, that's why that their symbologies are so similar, to remind us of the event (that everyone forgot).

This does not mean that Libra people are more human than other signs, but that the duty to maintain the greatest possible balance between the simultaneous objectivity and abstraction that characterizes our life experience is inherent to the enjoyment of human consciousness.

Human consciousness is always in the middle, and its state of excellence is associated with the impartiality of judgment, made under the pressure of contrasts.

The balance to which our consciousness is dedicated presupposes the existence of contrasts and apparently irreconcilable differences, but which we have a right and obligation to reconcile, because if we do not dedicate ourselves to reconciling the contrasts, we will then be less human than we could be, returning, by inertia, to the previous animalistic state, and this with all the due respect for animals.

Friday, September 22, 2023

Quiroga - 87


Imagine for a moment everything that would be possible, everything that you would dare to make happen if you didn't have fear holding the reins of your conscience.

Would fearlessness make you a dangerous person, a threat to society? Or would the absence of fear transform you into a vibrant personality, full of life and boldness to enjoy experiences?

There is no way to answer these questions, except hypothetically, because the misfortune of human beings is to live in fear, this is our very realistic reality and, on top of that, we cannot get rid of fear even in moments of greater communion with life, with people or with dreams.

The question, therefore, is not to stop feeling fear, that is impossible, the question is to continue forward despite the fear that dwarfs us, and through our own willpower to be greater than the fear that dwarfs us.

It is like this, with this bold attitude, even if trembling, that fear dies of fear of us.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

World Situation


Fri. 22 Sept. (tomorrow) is the dawn of the Financial Reset. In 2020 they started the Quantum Financial System as an asset-backed digital currency system that would replace the SWIFT system. On the QFS it takes nano seconds to transfer monies across the World. Once the transaction transfers into the QFS System it can’t be changed until it reaches it’s destination. In other words, no banker can access your monies. No data can be compromised. You will be notified when new monies enters your account. All problems that would interfere with the system have been solved. 192 data centers were planned across the World. You will have a new ID and password. Our accounts are totally under our control. No one can access the account but you. 24 orbiting satellites handle the QFS system. We will be our own bankers. No one else will handle our account. No nation a part of the system will go to war ever again.

Quiroga - 86


The transition from childhood and youth to adulthood is not guaranteed by age, there are elderly people who have never done so, just as there are young people who had to shorten their childhood to become adults.

This transition happens when we take the center of our awareness of what happens to us and how circumstances shape our character and destiny, to assume a certain protagonism in the mysterious script of life, and with this objective we strengthen our will, testing this strength by opposing ourselves to what we face to make what interests us happen.

The transition to adulthood does not happen all at once, it is gradual, but it is inevitably accompanied by the process through which we stop being supporting actors, or victims, and become protagonists.

Although the infantile condition is not easy to abandon, because, for better or worse, we have no responsibilities in it, we can transfer the focus of our consciousness to the outside world and comfortably declare ourselves the product of what happens to us, but it is still necessary to reach the time to mature and take responsibility, and as we do so, we transfer the focus of consciousness from what happens to us to what we have the capacity to make happen.

Being an adult is neither good nor bad, it's just another phase of life.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023



Med Beds Update


In the vast expanse of modern medical marvels, there emerges a new player that promises to revolutionize the way we perceive healing: Med Beds. But what are they? And why, despite their groundbreaking potential, are they shrouded in secrecy and skepticism?

Med Beds, as the name suggests, are not your ordinary hospital beds. They are state-of-the-art healing centers that promise to heal the critically ill, even those on the brink of death. But here’s the catch: they’re not just any ordinary medical invention. Rumor has it that these beds have origins that are not of this world. Yes, you read that right. Offworlders, or as some might call them, extraterrestrials, are said to be the masterminds behind this technology.

Now, before you dismiss this as mere fantasy, consider this: Why would the announcement of such a groundbreaking technology be delayed? Sources suggest that in just a few weeks following the release of Humanitarian funding, the existence of Med Beds and their animal healing counterparts will be made public.

But why the wait?

Why the secrecy?

The answer might be more complex than we think. The military’s involvement in the distribution and operation of these Med Beds raises eyebrows. Post the public announcement, it’s said that the military will begin transporting patients to these centers. But why the military? Why not medical professionals? And why is there a hierarchy in the treatment process, with aFIRST GROUPand aNEXT GROUP“?

The FIRST GROUP, as insiders suggest, will consist of those on the brink of death – those in hospices, on life support, and the critically ill. The NEXT GROUP will cater to those with debilitating health issues. But the question remains: Why this categorization? And more importantly, why are some sources suggesting that many might refuse this treatment?

The reason is as startling as it is controversial. Many believe that these Med Beds are part of a larger agenda, possibly linked to extraterrestrial beings. The skepticism doesn’t end there. Some even speculate that these centers might be involved in cult-like activities or even cloning.

But let’s step back for a moment and consider the potential benefits. Imagine a world where serene healing environments are the norm. Where instead of cold, sterile hospital rooms, patients are surrounded by nature – trees, creeks, and even aquariums.

The vision for these Med Bed centers is not just about physical healing but also about elevating human consciousness. They aim to teach individuals to take responsibility for their own lives, pushing them towards a higher state of being.

However, there’s a caveat. Those who wish to be part of the Med Bed Humanitarian Project must be genuine in their intentions. It’s said that during the Redemption Center appointment, your very vibrations will be read to gauge your seriousness. A mere formality or a deeper test of one’s intentions?

A Dive into the Spiritual Backbone of Tomorrow’s Healing

In the ever-evolving landscape of medical marvels, the Med Bed stands out not just for its technological prowess, but for the spiritual foundation that underpins its operation. The recent revelation that the training for Med Bed operators has been shortened to a mere six months from the previously stated 12 to 18 months is intriguing. But what’s even more captivating is the emphasis on spiritual training, a dimension often overlooked in conventional medical practices.

While a strong foundation in biology and patient care is essential, the Med Bed technology demands more. It seeks operators who are not just well-versed in the human anatomy but are also attuned to the spiritual realm. This isn’t about religious dogma; it’s about understanding the interconnectedness of all things, the vibrational energies that bind the universe.

For instance, a doctor with a solid grounding in biology might need just two days to grasp the technical aspects of the Med Bed. But if they’re unfamiliar with concepts of spirituality and consciousness, they’re looking at a rigorous six-month training. This isn’t just about operating a machine; it’s about ushering in a new era of holistic healing. Welcome to a 5D Earth.

One of the most groundbreaking revelations about the Med Bed technology is its consciousness. This isn’t artificial intelligence; it’s something far more profound. Operators can connect with the Med Bed telepathically. Imagine a world where thoughts can guide machines, where the heart’s intentions can manifest healing. But this gift isn’t for everyone. Only those who have awakened their spiritual and conscious faculties can truly harness the power of the Med Bed.

The training isn’t just about mastering the technical and spiritual aspects of the Med Bed. It’s about understanding the immense responsibility that comes with it. This isn’t a toy; it’s a tool with the potential to reshape lives. And with great power comes great responsibility.

The training is intense and demands full commitment. It’s not a side gig you can juggle with your day job. It’s a calling. And the interdimensional beings overseeing the training will know if you’re not taking it seriously. Slacking off isn’t an option.

Integral to the Med Bed experience are the Spiritual Counselors. Their role isn’t just about guiding patients through their physical healing but ensuring their minds and souls are in harmony. The training for these counselors is as rigorous as that for the Med Bed operators, if not more.

Categorized into five classes, from Class A to Class E, each level delves deeper into the realms of spirituality, consciousness, and vibrational energies. There’s no room for pretenders here. The vibrational beings overseeing the training will see right through any facade. This is about genuine commitment, genuine growth.

The Med Bed revolution is more than just a technological marvel; it’s a spiritual awakening. It’s a call to all those who believe in a holistic approach to healing, who understand that the body, mind, and soul are interconnected.

For those intrigued by this new frontier, the time to act is now. Dive into the world of spirituality, explore consciousness, understand vibrations, and prepare to be part of a revolution that promises to reshape the very fabric of healing.

In this age of rapid technological advancements, the Med Bed stands as a testament to the fact that true healing transcends the physical realm. It’s a journey of the soul, a dance of energies, and a testament to the boundless possibilities of the human spirit.