Friday, April 19, 2024

Giants of Tartaria


Quiroga - 295


Even though a good part of our humanity, along with that which also holds a good part of economic and political power, fights fiercely for the world to stop the changes that are taking place and return to the way it was before, at this point, and to the horror In this part of our humanity, it is no longer a question of whether the world will transform into something different from anything that has been experienced so far, but of what the social cost of the transformation will be.

Just to get an idea of the complexity of the topic, multiply the attachment you feel to the fruit of what you personally want to accomplish by the inconceivable number of economic and political power interests in the world, and you will then have an approximate idea of the justified ferocity in the face of the inevitable future, and the crisis of power that affects those who believe it is legitimate to stop the transformations and impose that everything goes back to the way it was before.

Your involvement in this real struggle that takes place in gerund is through the way, cordial or fierce, in which you deal with your attachments and promote, or not, the necessary transformations.

Our humanity is at the center of the labyrinth that it invented for itself, and the only way to find the way out is to raise its sights, and instead of focusing on the walls of the labyrinth, look to the sky, because the firmament is always there, to guide.

Whether it's easy or difficult, it doesn't matter anymore, what matters is that you embark on the adventure of getting closer to your aspirations. Step by step, forging your life path without being intimidated by the limitations imposed.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Floating cities of Tartaria


Think clearly


Quiroga - 294


Summarily reject the obligation to be a successful person all the time, because this is an artificial posture that makes you suffer needlessly, since your own constitution, integrated into the Life in which you move and experience being, determines that your mood is fluctuating, throbbing in the same rhythm as the palpitations of Life and, therefore, even though there is an artificial agenda (exalted as the Matrix, but which is nothing more than an agenda) that reduces you to a gear that needs to continue fulfilling its functions despite not feeling well, you have the potential capacity to navigate this oscillation naturally, because this is your real reality, and not the artifice that tries to convince you that you should always be a successful person, punishing you with the fear of not feeling that way .

It's not about being successful or unsuccessful, it's about living according to the oscillating flows of life in which our experience of being develops, and understanding and accepting that the more we try to adjust to an artifice, the less life we have to live with, because our time is wasted fulfilling rituals, protocols, etiquettes and liturgies for which we feel no inclination.

It is precisely because people imagine that the truth is always on the side of their preferences and sympathies that no one ends up understanding each other, and they impose the view that truth does not exist, that it is something relative.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Quiroga - 293


The consciousness of our humanity manages two simultaneous realities, two existential experiences, being itself the third ingredient of human reality.

The soul, which is the inner being; the personality, which is the external being; and consciousness, which is neither inner nor outer, is itself.

The personality of our humanity does not have its own light, it is like the Moon, a mirror that reflects the source of light towards which consciousness orients itself, and nowadays it orients itself almost exclusively in the direction of the ancestors, and through education and from psychic and sociological development, our personalities are forged in their image and likeness, to continue the game of civilization, with its defined social classes and all the dynamics that are inherent to it.

Maturity, if handled wisely, makes the consciousness accept the need to orient the personality decisively in the direction of the soul, with the motivation to find its own light, because the soul is like the Sun, and then and only then does the personality reflect something new, which breaks the ties that bind it to the ancestral past, not because it is wrong or negative, but because it discovers, through the soul, the perception of a possible civilization, one that our ancestors were unable to even imagine.

No matter how much it costs or how long it will last until it stabilizes, our humanity is heading towards the construction of a completely new civilization, and in the meantime it precipitates the inevitable conflict between the before and the after, and no matter how much noise the personalities who advocate for the personality to continue to reflect the ancestors, one day they will also reflect the light of the soul.

The scenario has become so complex that nothing you've learned so far applies in the same way as at any other time in your life. You need to renew yourself, open your mind to the new knowledge available.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Covid-19 Vaccine


Japanese Professor Delivers Stunning Message

Everyone Needs to Hear


Thank you very much for giving me this valuable opportunity to send my message about human rights abuse in the time of COVID-19. My name is Masayasu Inoue, Professor Emeritus of Osaka City University Medical School. My specialty is Molecular Pathology and Medicine.

The pandemic was used as a false pretext by the WHO to drive vaccinations of all peoples in the world. A plan was set up to shorten the time to develop vaccines, which usually takes longer than ten years to less than one year. Operation Warp Speed. This operation was used to cover up the misconceptions of the genetic vaccines. Under the pretext of saving time, an extremely dangerous method was selected.

That is, intramuscular injection of viral genes to produce toxic spike proteins directly in human tissues to stimulate immune system. Because this is a completely new method and misconceived method that has never applied before in human history, it is impossible, therefore, for most of doctors to give proper informed consent. However, due to irresponsible government and media campaigns to promote vaccines, 80% of the Japanese has been vaccinated.

Unfortunately, seven shots have been done so far. This is the most and worst in the world. And the result was the induction of the terrible drug induced injury that has never seen in human history. I believe that the fraudulent use of experimental gene therapy to healthy people, particularly to healthy children, is an extreme violation of human rights. However, Keizo Takemi, Japanese Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare, has been insisting that there is no serious concern about the injury caused by genetic vaccines. And without learning from the current situation of injured patients, they plan to construct a new vaccine production system in preparation for the next pandemic. This is an unbelievable, crazy situation.

The Japanese government is first in the world to approve a new type of vaccine called self replication replicon vaccine, and plans to start to supply it in this fall and winter. The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry is providing a huge amount of subsidies for this project. And factories to produce new vaccines are being built one after another in Japan. I visited these factories directly.

Furthermore, the Japanese government is currently soliciting large scale clinical trials worth $900 million from pharmaceutical companies that are taking on the challenge of developing vaccines to prepare for the next pandemic by Disease X proposed during the Davos conference this year. It is speculated that the movement by the Japanese government is part of CEPI Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation's 100 days mission, which aims to shorten the time to one third of Operation Warp Speed.

Namely, they are trying to shorten the vaccine business cycle by developing a vaccine in hundreds of days. This is possible only by ignoring the human rights perspective. Amendments to the WHO, International Health Regulation (IHR), and the so called Pandemic Treaty, which are about to be adopted at the 77th World Health assembly this year, are attempting to give rationality and legal binding force to such unscientific and dangerous crazy plans.

If such things continue, there is high risk that Japan made vaccines will be exported under the guise for false trust. If Japan were to become a vaccine perpetrator, it would leave irreparable harm to future generations. Therefore, the actions of Japanese government MUST BE STOPPED by international collaborations.

Although it has already been three years since I started to give lectures to educate Japanese people about the dangers of vaccines, it is still difficult to penetrate through the sound barriers of mainstream media. If we tell the truth about vaccines on YouTube, it is deleted within a day. The reality is that we are facing censorship and speech suppression almost every day.

Therefore, I put my hope in the publication of a book with the last version of speech and published a book with a title "Withdraw From WHO" It is difficult to stop this movement because it is now politically hopeless to change the situation of the Japanese government. The message I would like to cover convey to the world is that when Disease X occurs in the future, you should never trust the Japan made vaccine that was developed in a short period of time in order to protect human rights in cases of control that transcend national boundaries.

I believe that sharing the truth and countries is so important and that this is a step towards unity and solidarity. Only through the process of information exchange between all countries in the world, we can find hope in the midst of despair. I do hope that my statement will help all of you to protect your healthy life and your family. Thank you very much for your attention.

Running Time: 8 min


The Laws of Life - 1

 Source: Luiz Gasparetto e Lúcio Morigi, Calunga revela As Leis da Vida,  Gráfica Vida e Consciência, 2015. ISBN: 978-85-7722-443-2

Our freedom is only acquired with knowledge. Knowledge brings the lucidity of light, enlightenment, and the darkness ends up leaving. If we know how to deal with things, we can walk. Where there is knowledge, knowledge, enlightenment, there is no pain. All pain is the result of ignorance, of darkness, where there is no light. The more knowledge we have about life, the more we manage, the more we have freedom, power and progress.

What is law? Law is what makes things work. That's how it works. Law is function. Law is what regulates, and regulation is a function. Life only works within certain laws. If we want to improve and progress, we need to act within these laws. Where there is ignorance, there is pain. Where there is knowledge and the practice of this knowledge, the result is always good. Let's now get to know the Ten Laws of Life.

1. Law of Uniqueness: Everything is Unique

Everything is unique, therefore, there is nothing like it in the entire universe. You are unique, the mosquito is unique, the stone is unique. Two tree leaves, in all the forests of the world, are also not the same. If divine creativity is infinite, what is the reason for repeating two things? There are similar ones, but not the same. Similarity is necessary in life, in nature, for its very functionality.

Bringing this law to our behavior and our daily attitudes, if absolutely nothing is the same, no comparison makes any sense. That makes all the difference. Comparing oneself, then, is unnatural, and everything that is against nature is harmful. Comparing yourself to others is rejecting yourself, devaluing yourself, not accepting your individuality, an essential attribute of the spirit.

There are only two sexes - male and female - however, there are as many sexuality as there are people on the planet. Each individual expresses their sexuality in their own way. No two heterosexuals or two homosexuals have the same sexuality. Sexuality is absolutely individual.

Equality does not exist, but for the very functionality of life, there is similarity. Similar is never equal. When we say that like attracts like, it's not true. It's like-minded people who come together. Affines look for proximity, not equality.

The greatest harm you can do to yourself is to compare yourself, because then you will be rejecting yourself, not accepting yourself, denying yourself. If comparison is a great illusion that does a lot of harm, then any kind of complex, especially the inferiority complex, is not justified.

There is no point in avoiding it, you will have a unique life, everything that will happen will be unique and will only happen that way to you. Constantly say: "I am unique; I am not equal to anyone; I am not more or less than anyone else, I am just different; my individuality is sacred; I respect and accept myself the way I am; what others think of me only interests them".

The universe is the life where the experience, the contrasts begin to come true. For there to be awareness there needs to be contrast. There are no fireworks displays at noon. The fact that everything is different in the universe is what makes consciousness exist. Evil only exists due to the existence of good. Without contrast, there is no perception, there is no consciousness. Reality is contrast.

Do you want stability? You will not have! The environment doesn't allow anything to stand still. Everything is interdependent, so there is no way to stop. The environment, through its contrasts, forces change. That's why the indifference of others is the worst thing for someone. In indifference there is no contrast.

Voluntary forgetfulness, that is, pretending not to see, causes a reaction, which is pain. In this case, pain is the stimulus for the person to realize: look what you are doing against yourself! The pain is a great contrast. There is life in pain. The sensory system, whether to produce pleasure or to produce pain, is life.

As for affectivity, I exist because you exist. You not only exist here in front of me, but you are also different from me. If all beings were equal, I would have no idea of myself. I exist because we are different. It's because you're different from me that I see myself.

Affection is contact. In my touch there was contrast. This contrast, this contact produces a reaction in the spirit, a sensation that is called affection. Affection is contrast. Affection only happens inside you. It's your sensations that matter. Only your sensations, your feelings, are yours. Why do you want other people's feelings so much? They won't be of any use. True affection and love are spontaneous. It does not depend on the conditions of the other. Now, does the other person need to change to deserve your affection? If each person is unique, if each person has their own sacred individuality, how can you make demands on others? What's the point of having an external affective manifestation if you don't sustain yourself emotionally from the inside?

What attracts or repels people is the energetic pattern. Everyone likes to be with a nourishing person. A person is nutritious because their affection flows, and it flows because they respect their individuality and do not demand that others sacrifice theirs to satisfy their desires.

Affection is touch, touch is contrast and contrast makes you exist, perceive, feel. Existing is the state of perception of consciousness. The more you feel touch, the more you are alive, the more you exist. The blessing of your life is the existence of these people who are all different from you, because the more they are them, the more you are you. Life surrounds you with different things so that you can be more yourself, and it will bring you a lot of different things, otherwise you sleep and turn off your consciousness.

Therefore, you will never have peace of mind. One thing ends, another comes. "Ah, but now would I calm down?" No. If you calm down, you sleep, you stop progress. This way, the stimulus is constant. If you do not go with intelligence, it will inevitably  go with pain, with discomfort. For the universe, this pain is an affectionate touch.

The differences, which are basically touches, are the manifestation of divine love. So, when you accept your fellow man as he is, you make him exist. When you reject him, you kill him. If you want to kill something in yourself, like someone else's evil, just be indifferent.

Indifference is a great human weapon of enormous utility, which you can use for good, against human evil. In indifference, you remove the contrast and, without contrast, the thing ceases to exist. Instead of remaining in the revolt, in the hatred that corrodes you, throws indifference into it. In indifference you kill any evil in the bud. This is evolving through intelligence. This is spiritual elegance. This is compassion. When you don't use intelligence to evolve, something else appears in its place, pain, since evolution is inevitable. Just like yesterday, it won't happen again. One situation will never be the same as another, because the variables involved are countless.

From the concept that everything is unique, that nothing is the same, we can draw a very important conclusion: there is not just one reality. There is a reality that is there, that of common sense, resulting from the sum of all individual beliefs on the planet. However, there are as many realities as there are people on the planet, because your reality is individual. My reality will never be the same as yours.

I will not deny that common reality has its harshness. It is the effect of individual beliefs that, in general, are totally illusory. What can you expect from an illusion? Pain. But your reality doesn’t have to align with this common reality. Everyone has their individual and different beliefs, which will make their individual reality be this or that way. Most realities are similar because people cultivate similar beliefs.

In this way, you can and should build a good reality, regardless of what is out there. To do this, just change your beliefs and attitudes. If you do this, everything good that common reality has, and there are a lot of good things, you will enjoy, and everything bad it has will not interfere with your private reality.

When we talk about the law of uniqueness, another absurdity that stands out is the "ideal". Ideal is what each person puts into their idea. It's for him, not for you. Every ideology is absurd, it only works for those who invented it, maybe. There is no ideal, but the individual, the natural.

For this reason, communism is tremendous nonsense. Communism is an aberration in the face of human nature, of sacred individuality, and, without a doubt, every communist regime is doomed to failure, as is already happening. You are not ordinary. Nobody is ordinary.

Idealization is an affront to the law of unity, of individuality. No one is an example, model, standard for anyone, because each one is unique and incomparable. No one is normal, because normality does not exist when it comes to the law of uniqueness. When you think like this, you are subject to the obligation to play roles contrary to the nature of your spirit in order not to look ugly, in order to adapt to society. In other words, you are dependent on the other person’s gaze and opinion. Then don't complain if you are manipulated, stolen and rejected by them. Every inferiority complex originates from the confrontation between the ideal and the natural.

Nature won't make you sick if you don't harm it. All suffering comes from the disconnection of your individuality, that is, all your power is fixed outside and is manipulated by it.

Intelligence shows you that the principle of individuality is the principle of lucidity. If you weren't unique, you wouldn't feel like you existed. Therefore, the superior life, the better life, is the acceptance of individualities, of differences and not of the ideal, of models, of standards. Not only must we accept it, we must cultivate it.

Those who appreciate differences evolve faster, are full of life. The more you say yes to differences, the more life says yes to what you want. "Ah, everyone is on their own path, as I am on mine, which is unique." So, your individuality grows, you acquire more ownership of yourself, and the more ownership of yourself, the more firmness and success you obtain, not to mention that you become increasingly immune to all kinds of dense energy from the incarnate or disembodied.

When you accept differences, you end up causing a cosmic phenomenon of balance called fraternity. Everything is in your favor and you are in favor of everything. Fraternity is the acceptance of living with differences. It is the appreciation of differences. Given this, in your family you will appreciate that they are different, that they think differently. So their differences have been a blessing to you. Intolerance and stubbornness are no longer part of you. No more fights and arguments. From there, to extend it to all of humanity, it's just a short hop.

Have you ever thought if the law of uniqueness, which enshrines individuality, prevailed in the world? Wars would be the first to end. Fanaticism and religious radicalism would go away. The end of any type of prejudice would be declared and fraternity would reign supreme on a planet of peace and prosperity.

Don't compare yourself to other people. There is nothing like you in the entire universe. Everything is unique. You are also unique. That's why you are incomparable. It's stupid to compare. The ideal is stupidity. The ideal is only good for those who idealized it. Every ideology is only good for those who invented it. There is no ideal, but the individual. Only those who are different are successful, because the spirit supports what is most sacred, which is their individuality. When you respect your individuality, you are naturally being different. No one should serve as an example to anyone else, because the other person is also unique.

The common reality is very harsh, but there is not just one reality. There are as many realities as there are people on the planet. Realities are unique and individual. Your reality is you who make according to your beliefs. The reality that is there is the sum of all individual realities. Of course it is difficult and tough, because what is most out there are people believing in fantasies, in illusions, in negativity. The result of this is dense common sense. But you don't necessarily need to be bound by common sense. Change your beliefs, change your views, change your attitudes, and then you no longer belong to the mass grave, without ceasing to live with this reality.

Don't confuse sex with sexuality. There are only two sexes: male and female. Sexuality, everyone has their own. No two people on the planet have the same sexuality. Sexuality is something individual. Your sexuality is unique, so accept it and treat it with affection. Only then will you get along sexually, emotionally, spiritually and socially.

There is no luck, there is no bad luck, there are no coincidences, there is no chance. What exists is individuality and how each person is dealing with it.

Quiroga - 292


Freedom of being we would experience naturally if we did not live exclusively clinging to the fruit of our actions, which, motivated by desires, excite us with the promise of personal satisfaction, and at the same time punish us with the anguish of frustration, because we know, from experience, that satisfaction is an uncertain destination, and on this carousel, over the years, the potential experience of freedom of being is eroded.

Freedom of being is the consciousness being, yes, motivated by desires most of the time, however, also gracefully giving up desires to respond to needs, regardless of whether they are sympathetic or unfriendly to us, but because we are present in the situation and have the capacity to intervene, no longer for the benefit of our own satisfaction or frustration, but in the name of something greater than ourselves, without necessarily receiving anything in return.

Freedom of being is to be greater than ourselves and, acting within the scope of our knowledge, without caring whether our action is successful or unsuccessful immediately, to undertake just because it is the right thing to do, planting an impersonal seed in the middle of the ocean of human relationships guided exclusively by desire, attachment and the insane motivation to possess each other.

The danger of attachment is not frustration, but the loss of our freedom.

The truth does not depend on preferences or different opinions, it is what it is, it resists any attempt to distort and fit it within a limited framework. That's why the truth comes to light over time.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Israel-Iran Conflict


A Message from the Galactic Federation of Worlds on the Israel-Iran Conflict

On April 1, Israel launched an unprecedented attack on Iran’s Embassy compound in Damascus, Syria, that led to the death of seven senior military officials, including two generals. Iran promised a military retaliation, and the world waited to see how Iran would react and whether the Middle East would be plunged into a devastating regional war. 

In the subsequent days leading up to Iran’s retaliatory strike on April 13, there had been many rumors that a secret deal had been reached that would allow Iran to respond to Israel’s targeted assassination of senior military officials without triggering a regional war. The deal was that Iran’s retaliation would involve it hitting military targets that Israel was informed about in advance, thereby ensuring no lives would be lost. This would remove the need for Israel to respond militarily to an unprecedented direct military strike from Iran. Thus Iran would preserve its honor without triggering a massive Israeli retaliation that would lead to a regional war sucking in the US and Russia on opposing sides.

The rumors of a secret deal were largely substantiated by an Israeli Defense Force (IDF) statement after Iran’s April 13 strike that summarized the events that day:

Dozens of surface-to-surface missile launches from Iran were identified approaching Israeli territory. The IDF Aerial Defense Array successfully intercepted the majority of the launches using the Arrow Aerial Defense System, together with Israel’s strategic allies, before the launches crossed into Israeli territory. A small number of hits were identified, including at an IDF base in southern Israel, where minor damage was caused to infrastructure.

Israel’s military was confirming that together with its allies, the US and Britain, it had successfully intercepted up to 99% of Iran’s retaliatory strike with only minor damage to infrastructure without the loss of any lives. The Iranian missile strike, the Israeli interception, and the lack of fatalities all but confirm that a secret deal had indeed been reached, as suggested by multiple sources before Iran’s retaliatory strike.

What is highly significant is that prior to Iran’s April 13 strike, Elena Danaan notified me of a message she received from Thor Han Eredyon, a High Commander with the Galactic Federation of Worlds. In his message, Thor Han shared information about the secret deal and how this related to an Earth Alliance that the Galactic Federation has been working with behind the scenes. Thor Han’s message gives more details about the secret deal and how it relates to a wider struggle between the Earth Alliance and the Deep State over the future of the planet, as well as extraterrestrial disclosure.

What follows is Thor Han’s message and my subsequent analysis.

THOR HAN April 13, 2024

On April 11, 2024, government officials and military leaders from several Earth Alliance member countries met in secret to discuss a plan of action against the Deep State. The U.S. White Hats were there, as well as Putin, some representatives from Iran, and from “secondary power” Islamic states that have recently joined the Alliance, such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt, among many others.

The Earth Alliance has been preparing to overthrow the Deep State for some time by buying back Islamist countries, such as Egypt, that were financially dependent on the Deep State’s banking overlords. When these countries regained their independence from the Deep State, they joined the Earth Alliance and switched sides.

This is not just a war between two countries; there is a deep and complex silver lining. The Iran-Israel conflict is just the tip of the iceberg. The reality behind it is about a deal. The Earth Alliance is trading a list of things, including: the Deep State and its assets leaving Ukraine and giving it away. When diplomacy didn’t work as expected, the second step was the scare tactics. However, the situation is more complex than that. Iran doesn’t want to get into a war; it’s just playing the threat to get the Deep State to back down on the terms of this multi-level deal.

If tragedy strikes, it will not be at the will of the Earth Alliance, but as a result of the resistance of the old paradigm. The dark institutions that have ruled this planet have lost their off-world support, and they would rather destroy everything in their fall than surrender. Therefore, deals have been worked out to avoid chaos and death.

These meetings and the decisions that have resulted from them have been made by the Earth humans in charge. We can only wisely advise and assist in critical situations, which we have done and will continue to do diligently, but the future of Earth is in the hands of the Earth’s people. Stand strong with hope in your hearts, for this is the turning point for your freedom and your future. You are not alone.

T.H. Eredyon, GFW XL6 Sol Station High Command.

Thor Han’s message reveals that the Earth Alliance has been slowly integrating former vassal countries of the global Deep State to ensure a smooth transition of our planet. Ukraine appears to be the pivotal factor in the demise of Deep State influence around the planet as national leaders observe how Russia’s President Putin has dealt a bloody blow to the Deep State by defeating its NATO-led proxy war against the Russian Federation. Ukraine is to be given back to Russia as the Ukrainians looming military defeat on the battlefield means the withdrawal of all Deep State assets. Russia’s unfolding victory over the Deep State has galvanized national leaders to abandon their Deep State overlords, which is the silver lining Thor Han refers to in his message.

The pivotal role played by Russia in defeating the Deep State’s agenda in Ukraine and elsewhere globally is a fulfillment of an extraordinary prophesy by famed American psychic Edgar Cayce in 1935. Cayce predicted that a post-communist Russia would play a central role in liberating the planet from sinister dark forces whom he called the “sons of Belial” that have oppressed humanity for centuries:

In Russia there comes the hope of the world, not as that sometimes termed of the Communistic, of the Bolshevistic; no. But freedom, freedom! that each man will live for his fellow man! The principle has been born. It will take years for it to be crystallized, but out of Russia comes again the hope of the world.

As Thor Han says, we are not out of danger yet because the Deep State would rather destroy the whole planet than surrender its control. Israel’s April 1 attack against the Iranian Embassy compound was a Deep State action that was intended to trigger a massive Iranian retaliation that would plunge the region into war. Instead, President Putin and the Earth Alliance worked behind the scenes with the Galactic Federation to facilitate the secret deal to resolve, for the moment, the Israel and Iran conflict.

This appears to have happened as the US has signaled that it will not support Israel in retaliating against Iran’s missile strike and urged Israel’s leader, Benjamin Netanyahu, to “take the win.”

Thor Han’s message tells us that despite Deep State efforts to trigger regional wars and global devastation through contrived events, wiser heads are working behind the scenes to manage such events through secret deals. President Putin appears to be the key political leader in such deal-making. This means that while we may witness more frightening global events to come, we should not be too concerned as secret deals are being worked out to contain their destructiveness.

These behind-the-scenes deals will lead to the final collapse of the Deep State, exposure of their remaining assets, the start of crimes against humanity trials, the truth about stolen elections, and the truth being revealed about the Galactic Federation and other extraterrestrial visitors to our planet, along with the existence of crypto terrestrials.

Finally, Thor Han is telling us that despite continued Deep State opposition, the disclosure plan given to US military leaders at the Raven Rock Mountain Complex in January 2023 by Thor Han on behalf of the Galactic Federation and other extraterrestrial organizations is still in play, and we can be confident that eventually, the truth will be revealed to a startled global population after the Deep State is finally defeated.

Many thanks to Elena Danaan for forwarding Thor Han Eredyon’s message to me.

For those wanting to learn more about Russia’s recent history concerning extraterrestrial life and technologies, I highly recommend my upcoming May 4 webinar on Russia’s Secret Space Program.

Michael Salla, Ph.D.

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Quiroga - 291

 Beyond desires

We cling to the fruit of our actions, because our actions are motivated by our desires, because if we aimed for a higher objective than living in search of personal satisfaction, and linked ourselves to social aspirations, to be able to contribute to the construction of a more fair and cordial civilization, instead of our actions being motivated by desires, they would be guided by the supply of needs.

And aware that the world does not change overnight, but through the continuity of aspirations through generations, we would not cling to the fruit of our actions, nor would possible frustrations shake us, and thus we would know true happiness, and not that which is declared tedious and illusory by those who, ignorant of everything else, declare that there is nothing to live beyond desires.

Freedom is lost to the extent that you discover that you have a lot to lose, and then begin to modulate your attitudes to defend what you consider yours, pulling the sardines to the side of your interests.

In open air...


Babies Left To Sleep Outside In The Freezing Cold, Enforcing Their Immune System, Moscow, Soviet Union, 1958

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Quiroga - 290

 Holy Family

What is familiar to you is what deserves the most attention from you, even if it is to avoid settling into distortions that attack human dignity and promote abuses of all types, because in every “good family” abuses and atrocities are committed, which are then reproduced automatically, with an air of normality.

The family continues to be the basic cell of society, everything that is horrible and luminous happens within it has, in many ways, been simmered within many families.

That's why the family is sacred, because of its power to generate civilization, but as we live in a time in which the sacred is systematically profaned, if because of these things in Life you don't want to participate in this circus, then it's worth dedicating more wise and loving understanding to family.

The sooner you dare to put an end to whatever is within your reach, the sooner you will enjoy the freedom available to launch yourself into the future, and receive all instructions from it. And that's so.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

They are already dead - 1

The Earth Alliance (of light) has arrested, tried, convicted and executed numerous prominent (dark) criminals in our society, who were involved in heinous crimes against humanity (they collaborated to traffic, kill and cannibalize human beings, children and adults) . In order not to cause an unnecessary impact on unsuspecting society, most of the people executed were replaced by similar ones through lookalikes, clones, actors wearing realistic masks, holography and CGI. This is of interest to the Alliance and also to the dark ones, who don't want us to know that they are being defeated.

A small initial list of famous criminals already executed (the originals): Joe Biden, Obama, Hillary and Bill Clinton, Bush, John Kerry, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Tedros (WHO), Guterres (UN ), President Macron (France), the entire satanic British crown, Pope Francis, etc.[1].

Let's look at the particular case of Joe Biden, the original: elected president of the USA in 2020 (in a stolen election), he was arrested, tried, convicted and executed, before his replacement (actor with a rubber mask) took office in January 2021. This current fake Joe Biden has never entered the official White House, located in Washington-DC. The mainstream media (MSM), printed and on television, never disclosed this fact, WORLDWIDE, which proves that all of it, across the world, is dominated by evildoers and does not deserve our trust as a source of reliable information.


[1] -active-special-intel-report-41324-video-3812181.html


Our Unknown History

  "To the winner, the potatoes", Machado de Assis, in the novel Quincas Borba

"Winners rewrite history"

At some point in our past, a race of non-human parasitic beings (extraterrestrials) invaded the surface of our planet and defeated the human inhabitants and destroyed their civilizations, using powerful offensive weapons. These victorious beings today control people on the surface of the Earth, through a series of stratagems, implemented with the collaboration of co-opted human slaves. One of their agendas is to kill the greatest number of humans over time, using constant wars, permanent poisoning of the human environment (air, water and soil), poisoning of foods processed by them (with preservatives, dyes, acidulants, etc), intensive use of medicines, vaccines, medical errors, etc.

These controllers of ours have completely altered the history of our humanity, erasing entire civilizations, like Tartary, from our history books. They changed the dates of historical events, placing a period of a thousand years of non-existent history, adding, before the real dates, a capital letter M before the real date in Roman numerals, and the capital letters I or J before the real dates in Arabic numerals [1],[2].

Another strategy of the dark controllers to calm the slaves (us) was the introduction of religion. In the Catholic religion, for example, it is recommended: "if someone slaps you on the face, don't react, turn the other cheek to be slapped", "the Earth will belong to the meek", and other nonsense of this type. In the Catholic mass there is also a part that covertly encourages Satanist cannibalism, when it states "eat my body and drink my blood (of Christ) to seal your eternal covenant with God". This God is, in reality, the devil Satan, who demands from his satanic believers the holocaust of living beings (human or not, the lambs of God).

At some point in the past, to combat these parasites that have enslaved the human race from the planetary surface, a group of beings emerged that constitutes the Earth Alliance, which is winning the war against these parasites at this very moment. Many parasites (illuminati, Deep State, Zionist Khazarian mafia, Satanists, etc.) have already been executed, but this has been hidden from the general public, who are unaware of the perversity of these prominent figures in our society, so as not to give a pretext for unjustified social revolts. To hide the deaths of these famous people, they are replaced by introducing doppelgangers (people who look like the originals and can be adjusted with small surgeries), clones, actors wearing realistic masks, holograms and CGI [in this case, when the image is only seen on television, cinema, cell phone or computer screens; technique widely used nowadays in the generation of cartoon films or normal films]. The full truth will be revealed through EBS (EAS) transmissions at a future date.





World Situation



· Since Donald Trump became US President more than seven million children and women have been rescued by the US Military from Sex Trafficking and slavery.

· All the biggest players of the Illuminati Cabal have been arrested and prosecuted, most of them executed for their heinous Crimes Against Humanity.

· Many Celebrities, businessmen and politicians have blood sacrificed either their own children or close family members for the Cabal.

· Some Cabal players have been left on purpose to be arrested and tried publicly when the evidence of their evil is exposed.

· ALERT ALERT ALERT! The World of Clones: Doubles, Clones, Actors, Royal Family Clones, Politicians, Transvestites Hiding in Plain Sight, Holographic or CGI – Clones Filmed in Same Library Room at GITMO – Body Doubles, Clones or Masks… You Decide!

· BREAKING NEWS! Royal Insider: Kate Middleton Was Murdered in ‘Illuminati Blood Sacrifice’ – The People’s Voice Video

· NEWS ALERT: Rumors are Circulating that Kate Middleton has Been Replaced by a Clone or Body Double After she Was Just Spotted in Public with Prince William – Kate Middleton Body Double Video EXPOSED

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 Appropriation of work

Right under your nose, while you are entertained by so many “interesting” things that the images, sounds and texts offer you in profusion on your beautiful cell phone, the biggest scandal of appropriation of other people's work is underway, but you are not outraged by the situation, because your indignation is being manipulated by disinformation, which offers you entertainment so that you remain in it.

Artificial Intelligence performs the trick of taking advantage of everything that, with good will and in the form of entertainment and information, has been deposited on the Internet since it became popular, and offers you, as a result, something that is not produced by it, just manipulated by the magic of algorithm to make it look like something new and independent of humans, when in fact it is humans who produced it and will never be paid for it.

The past will be overcome, have this as a fundamental certainty, because it will not survive the influence that the future exerts on your current decisions. In practice, this means that it is wiser to bet on breaking with the past.