Tuesday, August 31, 2021

We Need A Revolution


We Need A Revolution

We need to wake up and break out of this ridiculous pandemic situation we're in that is sapping all of us of our money and spirit. It's been a scam from the start and will never end until we make it end. We need a revolution!

While the elite globalists get richer and more powerful, the common people get poorer and weaker, and this will not change until we take action. The bigger government gets, the more the people under it suffer. Government is a parasitical entity that takes more than it gives. It is a mafia, and the kingpin of all mafias is Yahweh, that old serpent who palms himself off as God. After thousands of years, Yashweh's time is coming to an end, and when he and his minions are removed and chained to the bottomless pit(inner Earth) humanity will flourish again. We can help make that happen by refusing to comply with his destructive restrictions. Remember that humanity was created to replace the Devil who has failed to live up to his appointed role as steward of this Earth. The devil/Yahweh/Yabaldoath/Satan knows this and hates us for it and will do anything to destroy us. Luckily the true God, El Elyon, is in charge and will not allow humanity's total destruction. He will however allow it to be tested, and this it what is currently happening(again).

You see humans have a problem. When left unchallenged, we become lazy and greedy and sensual and stupid, and this is when we fall and become enslavbed or controlled by others. America and the West have fallen and the rising nations, particularly China, are taking advantage of this. They are being used by Yahweh to punish America, and if we don't repent and change from our evil and corrupt ways, we will become enslaved by them. If we still had our morals we could have easily staved off the infiltration. Instead we have allowed weak and corrupt individuals in the current world administrations to sell everything we have to the kings of the East who are now overtaking us. It may already be too late for most of us, but for the few who are still good and pure, they will stand out as lights in the darkness, and can still lead us out of bondage.

Remember the pre-covid days when we were generally free and thriving? The post-war 1950's, 60's, and 70's were exciting times. People were hopeful and creative and the leadership of the West set an example for the rest of the world. Then we started degenerating or slowing down in the 1980's 90's and early 2000's, particularly with the financial crash of 2008, the Twin Towers demolition of 2011, and finally covid-19 beginning in late 2019. The United States, leader of the Free World, under its Pluto return, is under threat of destruction, but also possible rebirth. Pluto in Capricorn is cleaning out all the rot and trash and Neptune in Pisces is dissolving the old and making ready for the new. The Great Reset is upon us and the world and it wlll continue into the rest of the decade.

This Reset, however, is not the one Schwab and his cohorts are preaching. Their Nazi one world government will fail and be replaced by a true government of the people to last one thousand years. Yes, many millions and perhaps billions will die in the transition, but out of the ashes will come a new and better world and humanity -without the presence of the evil ones who have been holding us back for thousands of years. During the coming millennium of peace and the new Heaven and Earth, the vast majority of humanity will flourish and mature into its divine potential or from 3D to 5D and go on to explore the cosmos. The laggards will either be detroyed or relocated to other worlds or realms where they can continue their evolution.

In the meantime, what can we do to better our situation? We can start by not complying to the ridiculous edicts and mandates of the current globalist governance which is intent on either destroying or enslaving us. They want humans to merge with AI(Artificial Intelligence) and become their cyborg slaves. This is being done through all the chemicals in our food, water, and air, the chemtrails, the nanobots in the vaccines, and the 5G and other electro-magnetic radiations that are constantly bombarding us. This merging will utterly fail since biological humans and artificial intelligence or machine are not compatible and do not mix. Only living matter and intuitive intelligence will merge successfully and create the perfect being which is what humans are all about. There is no greater computer than the brain and no better technology than the human body but most of it has been shut down or stunted by our controllers. We can remedy this situation by putting on the full army of God through fasting and prayer.

True education is key. Everything you've been taught is mostly lies, from your history to your geography, to your science and religion, to health and finance, etc. It's all rigged against us and the sooner we wake up the faster the nigntmare ends. The Earth is a flat cratered plane with a dome overhead just as the ancients described it, and it's only part of a vaster plane with other worlds or "ponds". The GLOBEalists on the other hand want us to believe it's a ball with oceans that curve. Water does not curve, and weight, not gravity, is what keeps everything down. The Sun. Moon and stars are within or part of the dome which only goes as high as 62 miles. Our crater has been mined and our civilization has been fully reset many times. Our current modern civilization and humanity is only some 200 years old and everything we've been told before 1800 AD is complete fabrication. Our weather is completely controlled and all earthquakes and cataclysms are artificially produced. Humans are a slave or servant race used and abused forever, yet we have the spark of divinity within and the ability to overcome our oppressors. The key is true knowledge which can quickly transform you.

If people knew that we did not have to eat or work to live, the game of life would change drastically. So long as you are well hydrated, your body can virtually live forever and be disease-free. What keeps people from achieving this state is ignorance and fear. We are fed an unnatural and addictive diet that is slowly destroying us from within and is the cause of most of our diseases and ailments. We should only eat what nature produces on trees and vines. Processed or man-made food is bad for us and drugs and medications and surgery only hide things and usually make them worse. Get away from the cities and cold zones which are traps, and live naturally and grow your own food. You do not have to eat meat or dairy or grain or even vegetables -all of which create disease. Farming or agriculture is itself an abomination which kills animals and destroys the land. Trees are your best food source and they require little or no work or maintenance. Before the last great reset, giant trees, humans, and animals existed which lived in harmony before Yahweh and his religious fanatics took over and ruined everything. We had free energy and beautiful buildings many of which are still here today(the Greco-Roman-Indian=Asian type buildings found all over the world). Most of our history is a lie. The feudal Middle Ages was made up. Only the great world empire of Tartaria/Atlantis existed before the early 1800's with its free energy and flying ships. It was destroyed mercilessly by the high tech weapons of Yahweh, the reptilian false god of the ancient Israelites, of which Britain and the US are part of.

Most people will not switch to a fruitarian or vegan or even vegetarian diet, nor will they adopt an agrarian self-sustaining lifestyle, or even stop listening to the lying mainstream media, so the problems of society will continue. In the end, however, the truth always comes out and wins and people will finally realize the painful truth that we've been manipulated and controlled by our parasitic governments and institutions for hundreds if not thousands of years. Even then, some will refuse to believe the truth and carry on their deluded way until their last breath.

The scamdemic has gone on for too long and whoever does not see it for what it truly is at this point =is truly lost. It is not enough to just realize what is happening(the attempted genocide or morphing of the human race), we must also do something about it. Let's not wait for Trump and the Alliance to get their act together(if they ever will). We need to become leaders and fighters ourselves, and it all starts with a healthy body and a healthy mind. We cannot sit this one out. Future generations are depending on us.

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Sunday, August 08, 2021

The Truth in a Nutshell





Since the beginning of human existence on our planet Earth, Satan, who represents the dark forces of evil, and his puppets have twisted and hidden Truth. The Truthbringers have been killed and their writings have been deliberately distorted to give people disinformation and lies.

All knowledge such as history, science, and religion have been altered to conceal Truth. The "holy books" given as guides to mankind have especially been altered to hide Truth. This was done deliberately so we would break the Laws of God by freely chosing evil over good. Our soul growth would be stopped and Satan would win, because he now controlled our free-will.

One last time Truth is now being brought again to Earth's people. Some people have sincerely prayed to the One true God of Light, Aton, for help. God Aton (Creator God) has honored those petitions and has sent the "Hosts of Heaven" to help us. The Hosts of Heaven are our cosmic brothers and sisters from Pleiades, and from Sirius and other star systems of the Cosmos.   Some people call them angels, even though they are HU-man (Higher Universal-man) and look like us. Others call them aliens. These cosmic humans are from 5th and higher dimensions or heaven.  We of Earth are of third dimension.  They have higher frequencies than we do, have greater technology, and are part of the Heavenly Realms. There is no evil in 5th and higher dimensions, thus, they come in love and light. They have come to bring us Truth one more time before the end of this last third dimensional civilization on our Earth.

The Pleiadians from the star-group the "Seven Sisters" or the Pleiades, and other Brothers and Sisters of Light are presently orbiting our Earth in their starships. Some of them have been here since the 1930's in their starships and on the Earth in human form. Their starships appear in the night sky as flashing or twinkling stars. Many of these ships have strobing rainbow colored lights and appear as flashing red, blue, gold, green, and white lights.  They can be easily seen on a clear, dark night to the naked eye.

The message they bring is Truth. Some of this Truth has been transmitted by radio signal code from Commander Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn's command ship, The Phoenix, to his scribe, Doris Ekker (Dharma), who lived with her husband, E.J. Ekker, at TehachapiCalifornia.  Dharma converted these short wave radio signal transmissions into written form by computer. This written form was then published in the international newspaper, Contact and in the Phoenix Journals.  These Phoenix Journals are Creator God’s Truth given again especially to us in our time in unaltered form. You are encouraged to read them and discern for yourself what is Truth.  I suggest that you begin by reading the basic Phoenix Journals which are numbers 2, 3, 5, 7, 27, and 47.  This message of Truth that the Hosts of God Aton bring to us today is simple, yet very upsetting to many people as they discover the "lie" of Satan. I shall state this message as concisely as possible -- the Truth in a "Nutshell".

We live on a planet we call "Earth". This word "earth" is a generic term for "planet". The universe contains many "earths", each with a cosmic name. The Cosmic name for our earth is "Shan", meaning the planet of tears, so the Heavenly Realms refer to our earth as Earth Shan. We sometimes call our earth, "Mother Earth". The cosmic name which means "mother earth" is Gaia. Our Gaia or Mother Earth is really a living sentient  being. As a mother, our Earth contains life and energy frequencies. She births us, nourishes us, and sustains our life.

We, the people on Earth-Shan, have been tricked into believing lies and misinformation about every aspect of our existence. We have been told the lie that God Aton is a God of wrath and judgment. God Aton is the God of Light and Love. He created us in His image (HU-man), [Higher-Universal man] with a free-will to choose our pathway of either good or evil.

 We have been told the lie that God Aton lives in "heaven", and that He sits on His throne and rules and judges the world.  The Truth is that God Aton lives within each of His creations. He lives within us as our God Spirit. Our physical body is His temple. By free-will choice our thoughts can become God Aton’s thoughts. We have the mind of God Aton within. We have God Aton’s power within. Thus, we have the power to mind-create as God Aton mind-creates! This is Truth, and our God Spirit within us knows this Truth, for our God Spirit knows all Truth.

  Our pathway of soul progression is like a giant spiral. To move at all along our pathway is to move either upward or downward. Because life is dynamic, that is ever changing, we never stand still. We are always moving upward into the Light or downward into the Darkness. With God Aton there is no middle ground. We are either living on the side of goodness or on the side of evil, of soul perfection or of soul regression.

We have been told that reincarnation is untrue. This statement is part of Satan's "lie". Esu Immanuel taught reincarnation to his disciples. He taught that the purpose of human life on this planet is to provide experiences through which we are to perfect our soul. Over many lifestreams we continue with our lessons in soul perfection until, through our freewill choices, we have learned to choose good over evil. Our goal is to learn to live the Laws of God and the Laws of Creation in balance and harmony and to become One with God Aton, our Creator, again.  In 323 A.D. the Second Council of Nicea was held by the church fathers to alter the "scriptures" for their evil intent. At that time, for example, they removed all of the teachings of Esu Immanuel concerning reincarnation and any specific reference to starships from the "holy bible". Reincarnation, aliens or off-world humans, and cosmic travel by starship are facts that were removed from the early writings.

Another lie is that we are not really responsible for the evil we have done, because "God will save us". The Lie says that God will forgive us because he sacrificed His Son on some cross somewhere to pay for our sins to avenge God's wrath. Does a God of Love deliberately allow His Son to be killed, as a sacrifice for a lot of very evil people? Of course not! The basic Law of the Cosmos, the Law of Cause and Effect or the Law of Return states that there is a cause and an effect for all that happens.  Stated in another way the Law of Returns says that you shall reap what you sow. This means that everyone is responsible for their choices and actions, and will be held accountable for their results.  These Satanic cult lies would have us believe otherwise. The Truth is that we all are responsible for our choices between good and evil. We are held responsible for breaking any of the Laws of God Aton and of Creation. There is no one who will "make it right" for us but ourselves. No one is going to "save" us from our sins!  We are held personally responsible for every Cosmic Law we break.

The Truth is that Esu Immanuel came as a Truthbringer, the son of Archangel Gabriel. He did not die as reported, but survived the murder attempt (crucifixion) against him by the Khazarian Zionist Jews (Pharisees). He fled to India, married, had a family, traveled widely, and taught Truth until his death in Kashmir at the age of 107 years.  Esu did not come to save anyone. He brought the Laws of God and the Laws of Creation again to Earth's people. God does not judge us. We judge ourselves according to those Laws. God does not save us.  We save ourselves by living according to the Laws of God and Creation. At the end of each of our lifestreams we again stand alone before God Aton  and judge ourselves concerning our soul growth and soul perfection.  We then determine where we shall go for our next lifestream of lessons.

Another lie told to us by Satan and his followers is that there will be a "rapture", that Esu Immanuel would return in the clouds at the end of the age and sweep up the "faithful" into "heaven" in some magical way. Esu never taught this. In fact, the word "rapture" is not even found in the "bible"!  It is the disciple, Paul, and others who distorted Esu’s teachings years later.   Esu did say that he would return at the end of this civilization after 2000 years of study. He would be given a new name, he would be victorious over Satan, and the Kingdom of Heaven would be established on Earth Shan at that time, as she made her transition into the fifth dimension.

Esu’s real name was Esu Immanuel. Immanuel means "God with us". The name, "Jesus Christ", which means "the anointed one", which denotes deity was assigned to him years later by his enemies. Esu Immanuel has now been given a new name by the Heavenly Realms. This name is “Sananda”, which means "One with God".  Esu Immanuel Sananda (Jesus) returned to Earth-Shan in 1954, and is now waiting for God Aton’s orders to announce the establishment of Creator God Aton’s Kingdom of Heaven on Earth Shan in 5th Dimension. Sananda travels the way all celestial beings travel,  by starship. He is presently aboard the command ship, The Phoenix, awaiting his orders from Creator God Aton.

Other lies we have been told are that the life of Earth-Shan, our "Mother Earth", goes on indefinitely, and that mankind began life on this planet with Adam and Eve. The Truth of our human history on this planet goes back 206 million years. Earth-Shan, within the Milky Way Galaxy, completes one "great orbit" around the "Greatest Central Sun", the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, every 206 million years. Earth-Shan completed its twenty-second "great orbit" on August 17, 1987. At the beginning of our last "great orbit" (206 million years ago) humans were placed on Earth-Shan. Past civilizations have had an average length of 10,000 to 12,000 years; therefore, many civilizations have existed on our Earth prior to our present one. The Truth is that "Adam and Eve" date back only 10,000 to 12,000 years.

Earth humans were given one "great cycle" (206 million years) to learn and follow the Laws of God Aton and of Creation to achieve soul perfection, and thus to bring our civilization into total harmony and balance with the Laws of God Aton  and Creation. This was never achieved because humans, with the exercising of their freewill, did not learn to properly choose between good and evil. They chose not to follow God Aton’s Laws and the Laws of Creation. In fact, Satan and his evil followers re-wrote those laws and deliberately twisted the Truth to trick everyone.

Earth Shan, as a celestial body, has now earned the cosmic right to move into a higher dimension. This process began at the end of the last "great orbit" or on August 17, 1987. Earth Shan is now going through a cleansing process of earth changes to remove all the human-caused pollution and negative energies residing upon her. Cosmic law states that no evil is allowed beyond fourth dimension. Because Earth-Shan now is moving into fifth dimension, all evil must be removed from her. At some point soon everyone must leave this planet!

This is precisely why our Pleiadian brothers and sisters have come at this time, and this is why Sananda has returned. They bring Truth. Those of us who are enlightened to Truth and are living the Laws of God and Creation will be evacuated to safety.  Some will go with our planet into fifth dimension (Heaven on Earth).  Those who chose not to listen to Truth, but to wait for their "fake rapture" to occur, will be recycled back to another 3D dark planet through reincarnation. There, they will continue in their soul perfection at the various levels where they left off in this lifestream. Others will go to the caves to start over again, and others will go to the Void (Hell), where there is no Light. They will have many planets from which to choose for their next lessons, as there are more than 178 billion life-supporting planets within our Milky Way Galaxy alone.

As God Aton decreed, one more time Truth would go out to the fourwinds. One last time Truth would be brought to everyone on Earth Shan. This is now happening! Truth is now being given freely one more time to everyone on Earth Shan. Please consider that God Aton did not decree that you had to listen to Truth, read Truth or believe Truth. With your own freewill, you must choose. With your God Spirit within, you will know. This is now your opportunity to choose, for this is Truth being presented to you in this writing. God Aton, the Hosts of Heaven and Space Command give no guarantee that you will be presented the Truth ever again in this lifestream, if you do not listen now.  May you choose wisely.

We are fast approaching “the end of the age”, the end of our Earth’s last civilization in third dimension and the beginning of the Age of Enlightenment.  Earth Shan, as a sentient being, has asked, and Creator God Aton has decreed that this present 3D civilization is the last one for our planet.  She shall go through her normal cleansing via earth changes and be restored to her original pristine condition in the higher frequencies of fifth dimension, where no evil exists.  [A discussion of coming earth changes and planetary evacuation can be found in Phoenix Journal #4, Chapters 8 and 9, and Phoenix Journal #5, Chapter 5 ].

This is Truth.  Whether you choose to accept what is written here as Truth is your decision.  I cannot convince you of anything.  Only through your God Spirit within can you know Truth.  If you sincerely seek Truth, God Aton has promised that you shall find it.  Truth is freedom of the soul.  Truth is total joy in being and knowing.  I urge you to ponder this most carefully.

 The recommended starter journals again are:

Monday, August 02, 2021

The Fake White House

Full Scale DUPLICATE WHITE HOUSE Built on Former U.S. Military Base - Fake White House for a Fake President

Full Scale DUPLICATE WHITE HOUSE Built on Former U.S. Military Base - Fake White House for a Fake President

A full scale REPLICA of the White House has been constructed on a former U.S. Military Base in Georgia. A fake White House for a fake President, and the US Military seems to be "All-in on it" to deceive the American people!

After the brazen election fraud that took place in the November, 2020, US Presidential Election, weird imagery started becoming public whenever the illegitimate President, Joe Biden, went on TV or held press conferences.

Many people picked-up on the fraud by noting Hollywood movie-studio-type mistakes were clearly evident in some of the imagery; like walls that came apart, or a parking lot with a truck in it, outside the windows of the Oval Office.

Here, look: (Click ANY Image to enlarge)

Here's another photo from a different day:

Here, we see side-by-side images of both Trump and Biden in the Oval Office, but look, the wallpaper is different for Biden, there's a WINDOW in Biden's picture that doesn't exist in Trump's, and the height of the woodwork on the wall is different for Biden versus Trump!

Then too, the corner of two Oval Office Walls is seen in this photo COMING APART over Joe Biden's shoulder.   Perhaps the stage hands didn't do a good job wheeling the set together?

Naturally, the mass-media never uttered a word about any of it. After all, they took part in the gigantic fraud being perpetrated on the American people, so they had no desire for their role in the fraud to be exposed.

What if the reason these things happened is that a major Biden Supporter and Movie Studio guy, Tyler Perry, BUILT A REPLICA WHITE HOUSE for Biden after the November Election?    We found it: The replica White House is built on the Tyler Perry Movie Studio on the grounds of the old Fort McPherson outside of Atlanta, GA!  

Tyler Perry built it, and it's just an hour flight from Washington, DC to Atlanta . . . far faster than 5 hours to the west coast for their big movie studios!

Today, August 1, 2021, the Hal Turner Radio Show can reveal that a replica White House has been constructed on Fort McPherson, outside of Atlanta, Georgia. 

First, a map with the location of Fort McPherson:

Now, a closer look:

Now a very close look from the top:

Now, using the Google 3-D feature on its maps, we see the sides of the structure:

And here:

A FAKE White House for a FAKE President.

Now, in order to pull this off, the conspirators who are perpetrating the lie of a Joe Biden Presidency, must necessarily have the full cooperation of the highest levels inside the US Military.   There is no possible way a fake White House could be built on a US military base without the cooperation of conspirators inside the military.

So all the folks who've been hoping the military would come to the rescue of our nation and put a halt to the fraudulent Presidency, should realize right now that the US military is "in on it" and are actively working to pull the wool over the eyes of every single American, and the entire world.  (This article CONTINUES Beneath the Ads.)


Folks, the entire election was brazen theft, the perpetrators were not only in the Democrat National Party but in our federal and several state governments as well.

We have been deceived and betrayed on a level that is so enormous, so brazen, no rational person would have ever thought it possible.  Yet, here it is.

It's even visible using Google Maps HERE

This begs the question: Who is running the federal corporation calling itself UNITED STATES?   More importantly, WHO is in control of the armed forces and who is in control of America's nuclear arsenal.

Unless these questions are answered, no one is safe, anywhere.

Countries around the world, seeing this story, will now understand that the United States Armed Forces do not appear to be under the control of any civilian constituted authority.   Those countries will now have to wonder if the protection they all enjoyed by having a SINGLE elected President as the sole controller of the enormous US nuclear weapons stockpile, is under the command of some unknown person or persons.

No one, anywhere, is safe.

This fraud must be brought to a full stop by whatever means are necessary, right now.

It is worth noting that Fort McPherson is now closed, and Fort Gillem has been reduced to the Gillem Enclave partnership with Fort Gordon, both due to the 2005 BRAC commission. ... On June 26, 2015, Fort Mac LRA became the owner of 145 acres of property on the former Fort McPherson in Southwest Atlanta, Georgia.  The property now houses the Tyler Perry Studios, owned by African American Tyler Perry; who might, some say, be more than willing to aid his phony President.

Perry called for a "Biden Landslide" prior to the November election and was adamant on doing whatever it took to get President Trump out (Story Here)

They couldn't get a Biden Landslide, so they manufactured on using Election fraud, phony Ballots and computer hacking.  Then they built their phony President a phony White House.  The depths to which these Deep State people will go is stunning.  Now, they're caught.


Sunday, July 18, 2021

The Return


Trump Pledges to “Blow Lid Off” Global Plandemic


Donald J. Trump’s reinauguration is imminent, and his first presidential duty will be to “blow the lid off” the global pandemic and restore order to a fractured society, a source involved in Trump’s Deep State purge told Real Raw News.

On the evening of his inauguration, Trump will address the nation and reveal that the Covid-19 Delta variant is fictitious, dreamt up by maniacal people who feared losing their stranglehold on a compliant citizenry.  As society came to terms with a virus no more lethal than the common flu, and citizens eschewed masking and raised legitimate questions about hazardous vaccinations, the World Health Organization contacted its agents within the CDC and international health agencies and urged them to take part in a program aimed at once again scaring the world into frightened compliance.

It was Biden’s CDC Director, Rochelle Walensky, who recommended an illusory solution; fabricating a highly transmissible and potentially more virulent strain to “scare people into wearing masks and getting vaccinations,” our source said.

He told RRN that Trump’s people have obtained irrefutable proof—including verified correspondence and audio communications—that despite mixed messages, the Biden administration is using Covid-19 to both subjugate law-abiding, patriotic Americans and thwart Trump’s bid to resume his rightful place in the Oval Office.

“There is no such thing as the Delta variant. It’s a total fabrication. Trump has letters and taped calls between Walensky and many state and federal officials, including mayors, governors, and county judges, where they all pledged allegiance to support the fake disease.  He’s making headway against these criminals, but many are still at-large. But once he’s back in office, arrests will happen fast and furious. Walensky, Fauci, Newsom, Whitmer, AOC, Pelosi—they’ll be nabbed in a massive sweep preceding Trump’s announcement,” our source said.

Trump will activate the Emergency Broadcast System and seize hostile airwaves—CNN, MSNBC, etc.—to ensure the truth reaches as wide an audience as possible. He will lay bare the facts: a highly communicable but non-life-threatening virus escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology; that global health organizations in conjunction with the New World Order and the Deep State profited massively through vaccination sales and insurance claims; that the endgame was to bankrupt America, destroy capitalism, and transform America into a single socialist state, like Venezuela.

“Trump’s announcement will rock the earth to its core. He knows he won’t awaken everyone to the truth, because many have become so entrenched in the Deep State’s lies, they can’t break free. But he hopes enough people will believe, so that the Deep State gets a final death blow powerful enough to prevent it from ever rooting itself again. This is what America has been waiting for,” our source said.

Moreover, he said Trump will humble himself and apologize to America for endorsing Operation Warp Speed and the Covid-19 vaccination.

“Trump will explain how he was tricked into supporting the vaccine. He will also explain the steps he has taken to prevent that injustice from ever happening again,” our source said.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

The Genocide


The cultural marxist cartoonist unwittingly depicted the Covid hoax hidden agenda above via the very telling representation of the “Delta Scariant”.

The Deadliest

Joke Ever

Played on

the Whole

Human Race

State of the Nation

Really, you cannot make this stuff up.

First there was the Indian Variant soon renamed
the Delta Variant for dramatic effect.

Which was followed by the South African Variant.

Then came the Lamdha Variant from Peru.

And now we see the Russian variant, also known as
the “Moscow Mutation” and “Siberian Strain”.

UPDATE: The very latest Covid variant to be
announced is the Kappa Variant.  

The Russian Variant: Is it the “Moscow Mutation” or “Siberian Strain”? (sarc)

Global Psyop Alert

Could this sophisticated worldwide psychological operation be any more transparent and ridiculous?

What an incredible bad joke this is ON ALL OF HUMANITY.

Of course, this primary purpose is to scare every anti-vaxxer and vaccine hesitant individual on Earth into getting their prescribed doses of dangerous and deadly COVID-19 injections, deceitfully called vaccines.

The main goal of OPERATION COVID-19 has always been to roll-out mandatory vaccination programs on every continent in order to foist a COVID-1984 regime on the entire planetary civilization.

And isn’t the New World Order globalist cabal seeing a smashing success as
their minions throughout Big Pharma, WHO, CDC, FDA, NIH, and especially
the American Healthcare System and UK’s National Health Service,
perform just swimmingly.

What else needs to written about “The Absolutely Terrifying Covid Scariants”?

Won’t the Covid criminals simply roll out one variant after another until every human being has been sufficiently jabbed?

The obvious objective is to morph every person on the planet into a Covid pin cushion; for only then will the perps exert the total command and control over humankind that they are determined to impose.

Oh, and by the way, there is no valid or accurate test for any of these Covid variants.  It’s all theater based on fake tests to perpetuate the COVID-19 pandemic hoax.  As follows:

Global Psyop of Epic Proportions

State of the Nation
July 10, 2021

Extermination under way!




Video has surfaced of citizens being chased up onto the roofs of their homes, forcibly held down by Police and Medical teams, and stuck with the COVID-19 "vaccine."  The ferociousness of these Death Dart people is astonishing.  Americans must be ready with guns to defend themselves if any such people attempt that in the USA.

In the video below, a man is seen running out onto the roof of his home, police and medical people in hot pursuit. 

They grab him, tackle him onto the roof and fight to restrain him while he screams in terror and anger about being forcibly vaccinated against his will.

So abusive are the medical people, they literally sit on him to prevent him from fighting them off.

As the shot is injected, he screams, knowing this vaccine is far more likely to kill him than the disease it allegedly vaccinates against.

People on the street below . . . DO NOTHING.

Now, imagine for a moment if the people on the street below, grabbed sticks, shovels, rakes, or guns, and confronted the tyrannical government animals perpetrating these attacks?  Imagine if the people starting beating these teams bloody - even beating them to death. It wouldn't be long before the government animals stopped what they're trying to do.

This video comes from the country of Argentina.  It is important to point out that under the law, all adults in the United States have a right to refuse medical aid.  My body, my choice.   

If someone tries to STAB you with a needle, that act is assault with a deadly weapon against which you have a legal right to defend yourself.

The vaccinated cannot claim that you are a threat to them because THEY are vaccinated, and therefore protected.  So THEIR health cannot be the issue because THEY are protected.

That being the case, this forced vaccination comes down simply to POWER; You do what government tells you or they will do it to you forcibly.  This isn't at all about public health or the safety of others.  It is about POWER.

Hal Turner Remarks

Americans best be equipped with firearms to defend themselves from this type of assault with a deadly weapon.  

People all over the world need to see what's starting, so please pass this along to your contacts via email.  It is likely that social media will do anything it takes to silence these FACTS because they don't like the facts, so social media is not the way to go on this.