Thursday, August 31, 2023

Quiroga - 67



The lack of confidence does not only cause personal and attitude problems, but also something bigger, which is losing the ability to surrender confidently to Life, that mystery in which we move and experience being.

Allow the Life of your life to express itself through you, avoid imposing resistance on it made up of fixed and obsessive ideas about “how things should be”, because the construction of rules, moral standards and civilized consensus are in constant mutation, responding to the needs of human beings, and not the other way around, which is the fierce, pernicious and unsuccessful attempt to fit everything that happens into “how things should be”.

The Life of our lives, fortunately, will always be greater than the reach of our understanding, and this puts us before the eternal dilemma, either we cling stubbornly to what we already understand, or we launch ourselves into the adventure of expanding our understanding, which, as a result, it makes us inevitably have to reinvent ourselves for the only real reason to allow the Life of our lives to express itself through us, offering us an incomparable joy.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Our Lawns


Directed Energy Weapon Reset


Directed energy weapons are not new. They were used in every major reset by our controllers going back thousands of years. Ever since humanity was hijacked over 5000 years ago by various false "gods", which are actually fallen entities, who posessed a secret arsenal of advanced weapons which caused great destruction and suffering.

These weapons were used to destroy armies, burn cities, cause storms and plagues, and turn humans and animals into stone. From Noah's Flood, to Sodom and Gomorrah, to the Tower of Babel, to Babylon, Persia, and Rome, to Medeival and Modern Times, the same weapons have been used to set back or reset a humanity that did not follow an intended directive.

Humans were created to take Lucifer's place, who failed to maintain God's purpose of improving the Creation. Instead of improving upon it, Lucifer destroyed it through pride and rebellion against God. That's when humanity was created to take over, But Lucifer, now Satan, immediately set about to thwart every one of humanity's efforts. He could have destroyed us, but this was not allowed, and we have been tested ever since.

Most of humanity has deteriorated under Satan's watch, save for a few individuals who have proved worthy. With every reset, our size, strength, longetivity, and intelligence has diminished, to the point where we are now. We started out as giants with incredible powers, which even Satan admired, but he eventually found the chinks or weaknesses in our armor and slowly brought us down to our current pathetic state.

Satan himself is pathetic compared to God, but he is much more powerful than any human. We cannot now win without God's help, which is why we must pray, fast, and ask for guidance. By doing so we can slowly be restored to our former glory. When Satan's time is up and he is bound and the the Earth is freed and restored, the regeneration of humanity will begin in earnest. This happened before and will happen again.

What we call Tartaria was the Millennial reign of Christ from the beginning of the Christian era to about 1812 AD. Since then, Satan has been loosed to deceive the nations once again with his science and technology. He has used the descendants of ancient Israel to bring about his New World Order. These are the Jews, much of northwestern Europe (lost ten tribes who migrated there), and Britain (Ephraim) and the USA (Manneseh). Yahweh led his colonies to the Americas which was the true Promised Land, and many native peoples were wiped out in the process.

One of Yahweh's most powerful weapons was the laser, particle beam, or directed energy weapon, which burned down cities and nations in the 1800's and 1900's, making way for the new powers that be. This includes the great fires of San Francisco in 1906 and the bombing of Dresden in 1944. These same weapons are being used again today in the 2000's to effect another Great Reset. The recent great fires in Canada and Hawaii are Yahweh's beams in action, and this is only the beginning. Knowing he has little time left he will attempt to unleash all of his weapons (Covid was also his doing) on us to bring us down with him, and unless he is stopped there will no flesh be saved.

He WILL however be stopped divinely, and only then will humanity start to recover and flouriish. Then, there will be no more wars and politics and greed or corruption. It will be warm throughout the Earth, there will be more land available(the ice and waters will evaporate and recede), pollution and chemicals will be banned, everything will grow faster and bigger, aging will reverse, our lifespans and intellects will increase, pests and diseases will be eliminated, and a more simple and agrarian lifestyle will be adopted. Also telepathy will be common, truth and education will be accessible to all, there will be unlimited travel, and greater love and happiness will be the rule.

Humanity is witnessing the full wrath of the evil one(s) since early 2020 and it is growing stronger with each passing year. We have no doubt entered the Great Tribulation period where our survival is at stake. We have been forced to take deadly or debilitating jabs and our food water and air is continuously being poisoned. The media is filled with lies and negativity and western leaders continue to lead us astray and into war, yet there is hope in the people that this is all temporary and that it will end soon with justice on our side.

Yes, the Black Hats and the White Hats are very busy right now, countering one another, and fighting for humanity, yet we too must make ourselves felt if we are to achieve our freedom and independence. We need all the Neo's we can get to break free of this Matrix prison we have been living in for so long.

According to occult sources, Maui and Hawaii in general is what's left of submerged Lemuria, the paradisical motherland of humanity. Great energy lines and vortexes cross this region making it an important spiritual center for beneficial forces. The elite know this and is why they are clearing and occupying it with their DUMBS, technology, and smart cities, and opening it up to trafficking and other nefarious activities. This is lowering the overall vibration of humanity and the Earth.

Quiroga - 66


The Universe in which we move and are is a complex network of Life in circulation and distribution, objectively, subjectively and consciously.

The imminence of the Full Moon alters the sleep cycle because a more intense flow of Life circulates through our physical and subjective organism.

If through an intentional uplifting effort, such as prayer or meditation, our consciousness offers a focus that matches that heightening, then the Full Moon is auspicious.

If not, its auspices suit what we offer to the currents of Life, which will manifest themselves through the trails that we build through our habits, which are repetition exercises, since these trails, due to the exercise itself, offer less resistance and the Circulating Life takes advantage of this, like liquid fire.

What is most exercised by us through habits, will be what Life will find to manifest.

Unfortunately, anxiety has been the most common exercise of our humanity. But, don't rush to try to fix anything now, because we are in the Full Moon, so this is not the time to try, hastily and anxiously, to change everything in one fell swoop, after all, it doesn't seem like a good idea to cure anxiety with anxiety.

However, since we are in this situation, talking here, I assure you that it is possible to take a little distance and, at the very least, see the ridiculous situations we get ourselves into, and how much we are transforming a hilarious comedy of errors, which is our day by day, in an unprecedented tragedy, without any need for it to be so.

Work on your habits and you will manage to have dominion over your own destiny.

If you dedicate yourself to worry, then you will certainly have worries, and if for these things in life, you dedicate yourself to anxiety, you will evidently have anxiety, but if for other things in life you dedicate yourself to thinking lovingly, you will have plenty of wise love at your disposal, and if you dedicate yourself to living well and radiating good living to everyone, you will inevitably have more life to live.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

The Vaginal Portal

Quiroga - 65


In you, for you and through you, the Life of your life pulsates with an absolute and ineffable intention to manifest itself, finding in all your lives and beyond you the points of support to express yourself, to know, to experience and everything else that is available, and what remains to be discovered, the unknown elsewhere.

Meanwhile, we invented a civilization that sustains itself on the limitations promoted by fear and repression-oppression, and in this civilization that we invented, exiled from how things work in Life, it is only valid to live if we allow ourselves to be subjugated (respectful) by all the prohibitive rules that reduce the scenario of valid experiences to a common minimum denominator, a predominant mediocrity taken for granted and comfortable, but at the same time, for those things of Life that, by its very functioning, presses to express itself through us , we feel the call to transgress and subvert this state of affairs, and thus we are faced with ourselves, ridiculous and heroic at the same time, having to face and subjugate what subjugates us, feeling like imposters and incompetents in the face of the logical impossibility of victory.

And yet, the miracle happens, and we view existential ridicule with compassion, and by treating everyone and everything with wisdom, we bring about the elevation of our conflicts to the status of harmony.

Monday, August 28, 2023

Quiroga - 64

 Rest continues

The week starts on Sunday, but the week that starts on Monday is called a working week, and due to these semantic and collective unconscious things, starting productivity at number two (Monday) gives an oppressive influence to what would already be in any case a subjectively difficult fact, the end of rest.

If to this, which happens every seven days, we add the fact that, today, the Moon will be Empty during the morning, we have the scenario of human messes ready, because the conscience is disconnected from the firmament, does not follow the stellar orientations and clings to civilization's calendar, which does not contemplate the reality that human beings cannot always be productive at agreed times, because they have other, more important things to do, such as continuing to rest.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Mortal Obstacles to Immortality and the Seven Deadly Sins


As many of the followers of my Facebook page, Immortal Light, and this blog know, I, as well as many other Mason’s, believe that Freemasonry’s secret is, in fact, in finding the hidden knowledge of Immortality. As such, along this line of thinking, I will now discuss the Seven Deadly Sins and their relationship to the Masonic quest for Immortality.

1. The first sin is Lust, which can be defined as an uncontrollable passion or longing, especially in relationship to sexual desire; yet it may also relate to other uncontrollable desires.

It is important to understand that the quest for longevity (Immortality) has countless rules and even suggestions. Yet, the important issue to understand with most mortal behavior and activity is moderation; this certainly includes sexual desires, which as most people probably already know, may cause some people to do unspeakable and even illegal things to gratify mortal pleasure. When a man allows his passion to overtake his logic, he has given into his mortal desires. The difference between humans and other animals is his ability to think and use logic to evolve our status in life.

More specifically, as Dr. George Carey suggested in his book, God-Man: The Word Made Flesh (1920), there is a direct relationship to sexual activity and Immortality. In short, the male genitalia (sexual organ) is directly connected to the spinal cord, which is connected to the Thalamus, Cerebellum, Cerebrum, Pituitary and Pineal Glands, Claustrum, brain stem, etc. He stated that there is an oil that flows between these components that should not be wasted for carnal purposes:

The upper brain is the reservoir of this Or (Ouro = gold) and is the gray matter or “Precious Ointment” or Christ. “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God. All things were (or is) created by it” etc., etc.

The “Lost Word” is a symbol of the generative or animal thought eating the fruit of the Tree of Life thus destroying or losing the gold, “or,” of the body.

Hiram means “high born,” or the seed destined to reach the pineal gland and “Single Eye.” Tyre means a rockBy the conservation and transmutation of the sex substance the pineal gland becomes firm and hard and is, in the fable, called rock (Tyre).

The wise man built his house, Beth or body, upon a rock.”

So here we have the explanation of Hiram Abiff. Abiff is derived from the word Abid month. Hiram Abiff (there are some who will understand) was resurrected during the delay caused by searching for his body: in other words a month passed and another seed was born which the candidate for initiation is admonished not to slay (Dr. George Carey, God-Man: The Word Made Flesh, 1920, p. 124).

This does not mean a man must not engage in sexual activity, certainly not; but it does mean that sex must be purposeful, and not for pure physical gratification or pleasure. Rather, it is intended to be used for either procreation or intimacy and love and assurance. The only time semen should be released is for procreation. In fact, the art of non-ejaculation during sex is a common practice for those seeking an Immortal state; this allows one’s partner to understand that he still enjoys the companions affections, etc, but he does not release the vital Immortal oil, which is needed for longevity.

To help with excessive desires, consider physical and mental exercises in self-control; possibly even chastity for a while. As an Immortal aspirant, one must learn to channel and control all excessive passions, which will allow one to leverage that energy for the good of others.

2. The second sin is Gluttony, which can be defined as an excessive and ongoing consumption of food. It is clear, the ancients believed that excessive consumption of food would shorten one’s life. In fact, Dr. George Carey wrote that overeating causes the buildup of toxins in the body, which, if not digested, would result in a shortened life:

The lower portion of the torso, bowels, etc., is called “hell,” a “grave or lake,” many times in the Scriptures. Sulphur is a product of brimstone. There is more or less sulphur in all foodstuffs. Over eating results in an over supply of sulphur, i.e. brimstone. Overeating causes acidityA portion of the food, failing to digest, ferments, and acid results. The acid, uniting with sulphur causes heat, fire, fever; hence hell, fire and brimstone are chemical statements…

“Let the wicked man forsake his ways” (cease to eat of the fruit of the tree of life), “and return unto the Lord who will abundantly pardon,” and thus save his soul. All who bodily die lose their soul, for, says Job, “As the soul of a beast goeth downward, at death, so doth the soul of man.” Certainly, for “The wages of sin (ignorance) is death” (Dr. George Carey, God-Man: The Word Made Flesh, 1920, p. 124).

The only cure for Gluttony is temperance, which is the practice of moderation and self-control. One of the most important Immortal lessons one must abide by is eating smaller and smaller portions. Yes, it is difficult to do; but with practice it can be done. The best way to look upon eating is to look at each meal as a snack, as opposed to a meal. Use the smallest plate in the cabinet, not the largest. Eating two or three snacks a day will surely have you dropping weight by the pounds in no time; thereby increasing your longevity. Portion control is a great habit to practice, especially if one desires Immortality. Think about all the monks who simply live on a handful of nuts to survive; they do this for a reason.

3. The third sin is Greed, which is an excessive pursuit of material possessions. It perhaps goes without saying that Greed will have a profound effect on how the human body reacts to this negative stimuli. In fact, Dr. George Carey wrote about how such negative behavior destroys the oil or claustrum that flows up and down the spinal cord:

The physiological results of having plenty of good oil thus circulated constantly in the body we have demonstrated to be: First: Destruction of all semblance of nervousness, irritability, greed, fear and unrest (God-Man: The Word Made Flesh, 1920, p. 79)

Needless to say, it is this oil that, if not protected, will dry out and result in death; however, if this oil is protected through good behavior, diet (elixir), prayer and exercise, extending one’s life is certainly probable beyond what most people think today. Dr. George Carey once again confirmed this way of thinking and how it may hinder or even help one’s longevity:

Of enormous importance is another fact regarding this oil. It is extremely affected by mental states, and by the states of consciousness… This is an effect of mind upon matter… Restoration of youthful vigor and prevention of all frailties of old age (God-Man: The Word Made Flesh, 1920, p. 79).

The only cure for greed is charity, which helps align your own bodily functions, thereby protecting this vital oil. And of course, it goes without saying that the term, “Faith, Hope and Charity is at the forefront of our Masonic instruction for a reason.

4. The fourth sin is Sloth, which is excessive laziness or the failure to act and utilize one’s talents. Therefore, the Freemason is ever mindful that work is a virtue, while laziness will hold back society and man himself from advancing:

Then will humanity realize that the same force that is manifested in war and brutality may be transmuted and used in numberless ways for the benefit of humanity. If mankind would use the same amount of force and energy in doing constructive, instead of destructive work, we would soon see Mars through rose-colored glasses, instead of those colored blood-red (Dr. George Carey, God-Man: The Word Made Flesh, 1920, p. 82).

Furthermore, the concept of work (the opposite of sloth) goes well beyond physical activity; it also involves spiritual (mental) work, like that of the work of an Immortal existence:

“The wise man rules his stars,” all, all are seeking to span the awful space that yawns between the neophyte and the Promised Land of immortality in the body, where “in my flesh I shall see God,” and when and where he can truly say with the regenerated Job, “I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear, but now mine eye seeth thee.” Man must work out his own salvation (Dr. George Carey, God-Man: The Word Made Flesh, 1920, p. 99).

Therefore, diligence, zeal and hard work are the only cures for slothfulness; to do otherwise will only result in harming your Immortal body.

5. The fifth sin is Wrath, which is an uncontrollable anger and hatred toward another person. It must be stressed that if one is seeking an Immortal status, a balanced state is paramount. The philosophical work is based on temporal happiness and bodily health; and if attained, God willing, may lead to earthly fortune, but this should never be the first goal of an Immortal. God will grant wealth if Immortality has been attained, because a certain amount of wealth is a necessary component of an Immortals existence – for it is needed to survive.  Yet, one must be cognizant of his own behavior; he must drive away all hatred (Wrath) and sorrow, for such things are ailments of the body and the spirit of man. One must prevent evil words and thoughts from even entering one’s mind and body:

A wondrous closing and finish of philosophical work, by which are discovered the dews of heaven and the fastness of earth. What the mouth of man cannot utter is all found in this spirit. As Morienus says: ‘He who has this has all things and wants no other aid,’ for in it are all temporal happiness, bodily health and earthly fortune. It is the spirit of the fifth substance, a fount of all joys (beneath the rays of the Moon), the supporter of Heaven and Earth, the mover of Sea and Wind, the outpourer of Rain, upholding the strength of all things and an excellent spirit above heavenly and other spirits, giving Health, Joy, Peace, Love; driving away Hatred and Sorrow, bringing in Joy; expelling all Evil, quickly healing all diseases, destroying poverty and misery, leading to all good thingspreventing all evil words and thoughts; giving man his heart’s desire (‘Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all things shall be added unto you’ Bible), bringing to the pious, earthly honor and long life, but to the wicked who misuse it, eternal punishment (Dr. George Carey, God-Man: The Word Made Flesh, 1920, p. 114).

The only known cure is to practice patience in words, thoughts and action toward others and even oneself.

6. The sixth sin is Envy, which is the intense desire to have an item or experience what someone else possesses. Envy, like that of covetousness, will destroy the life-seed and corrupt the blood; it has no redeeming value and hinders the growth of the spirit:

Envy, hatred, ambition, covetousness, will destroy the capsule that contains the seed and thus corrupt the blood, as surely as sexual contact. Alcohol in all its deceptive forms is the arch foe to this life-seed and seeks by every means known to the enemy of man to destroy it. No drunkard shall inherit the Kingdom of Heaven” because alcohol destroys the redeeming substance that enables man to understand or think in his heart the thoughts of the Spirit. Alcohol cuts the capsule that holds the Esse born every month in Bethlehem. Alcohol eats the fruit of the tree of life (Dr. George Carey, God-Man: The Word Made Flesh, 1920, p. 138).

The only cure for envy is to place the desire to help others above your own desires. In short, the more you give, the more you will receive.

7. The seventh sin is Pride (ego), which is an excessive view of one’s self without regard to others. We now see that the sin of pride or ego resides in and operates from the cerebellum in the brain. In short, such behavior damages the seed within man (Jesus); it eats the fruit from the tree of life, so man (Jesus, Adam) cannot rule or become the master of himself; a deficiency or a wasting away of the gray matter of the brain occurs; or as was mentioned below, “For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body:”

“If a man cannot rule his own house, how can he take care of the church of God?” The Ego resides in and operates from the cerebellum, a house or beth, and is in direct communication with the upper brain, the FATHER, not only by means of the connective tissue partition of ganglia, but also by the wondrous lever, the pineal gland, the “Root and the stem of Jesse.” Jesse means “a traveler from Bethlehem” the very same as Jesus, the seed.

The pneumogastric nerve also commences in the medulla oblongata, against the cerebellum, and reaches down to the plexus, branches, in Bethlehem.

The thoughts of the Ego in its home in the cerebellum (called “heart” by the Greeks “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he”) may operate in the lower or Adam man, or in the “Lord God from heaven” realm.

This operation is clearly and startlingly set forth in the ancient, thrice-told parable of the prodigal son, who thought it best to take his portion or substance and waste, or “eat it,” in riotous living. The Ego thus ate of the fruit or bread of the tree of life, so that he did not rule or master himselfThe natural sequence to this failure is a deficiency or wasting away of the gray matter of the brain, for the seed that should lift up one-tenth (tithe) every 29 1/2 days has been eaten in Egypt and Sodom, “Where our Lord was also crucified.” “For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body.”

The only cure for pride or ego is humility, for it removes one’s ego and boastfulness, which replaces it for the attitude of service.

Next month, I will be writing about the Claustrum Oil, or Christos Oil, which aligns with the details of the lessons mentioned in this post. In short, the body produces an oil, which, if saved and utilized properly, will enable a human to attain an Immortal status; but more on that next month.

So Mote It Be!

Hank Kraychir

Quiroga - 63

 Objects and subjects

Even if you conquer all the material resources that allow you to exist with independence, freedom and autonomy, you could not dispense with the help of other people, because even if you imagine that you would not need help, because you would buy the work of all of them, your money would not buy neither trust nor fidelity.

In the human imagination, it is legitimate to treat other people as objects that can be manipulated at will, but revolt also happens when this treatment is directed at ourselves, because we are well aware that human beings are not objects, but subjects of their own destiny, and that its immense value resides in subjective, invisible principles that cannot be valued in money, even if in the imaginary it is also affirmed that every human being can be bought. This is not true.

Saturday, August 26, 2023


Paracelsus held that true knowledge is attained in two ways, or rather that the pursuit of knowledge is advanced by a two-fold method, the elements of which are completely interdependent. In our present terminology, we can say that these two parts of method are intuition and experience. To Paracelsus, these could never be divided from each other.

The purpose of intuition is to reveal certain basic ideas which must then be tested and proven by experience. Experience, in turn, not only justifies intuition, but contributes certain additional knowledge by which the impulse to further growth is strengthened and developed. Paracelsus regarded the separation of intuition and experience to be a disaster, leading inevitably to greater error and further disaster. Intuition without experience allows the mind to fall into an abyss of speculation without adequate censorship by practical means. Experience without intuition could never be fruitful because fruitfulness comes not merely from the doing of things, but from the overtones which stimulate creative thought. Further, experience is meaningless unless there is within man the power capable of evaluating happenings and occurrences. The absence of this evaluating factor allows the individual to pass through many kinds of experiences, either misinterpreting them or not interpreting them at all. So Paracelsus attempted to explain intuition and how man is able to apprehend that which is not obvious or apparent.

According to Paracelsus, intuition was possible because of the existence in nature of a mysterious substance or essence — a universal life force. He gave this many names, but for our purposes, the simplest term will be appropriate. He compared it to light, further reasoning that thereare two kinds of light: a visible radiance, which he called brightness, and an invisible radiance, which he called darkness. There is no essential difference between light and darkness. There is a dark light, which appears luminous to the soul but cannot be sensed by the body. There is a visible radiance which seems bright to the senses, but may appear dark to the soul. We must recognize that Paracelsus considered light as pertaining to the nature of being, the total existence, from which all separate existences arise. Light not only contains the energy needed to support visible creatures, and the whole broad expanse of creation, but the invisible part of light supports the secret powers and functions of man, particularly intuition. Intuition, therefore, relates to the capacity of the individual to become attuned to the hidden side of life.

By light, then, Paracelsus implies much more than the radiance that comes from the sun, a lantern, or a candle. To him, light is the perfect symbol, emblem, or figure of total well-being. Light is the cause of health. Invisible light, no less real if unseen, is the cause of wisdom. As the light of the body gives strength and energy, sustaining growth and development, so the light of the soul bestows understanding, the light of the mind makes wisdom possible, and the light of the spirit confers truth. Therefore, truth, wisdom, understanding, and health are all manifestations or revelations of one virtue or power. What health is to the body, morality is to the emotions, virtue to the soul, wisdom to the mind, and reality to the spirit. This total content of living values is contained in every ray of visible light. This ray is only a manifestation upon one level or plane of the total mystery of life. Therefore, when we look at a thing, we either see its objective, physical form, or we apprehend its inner light. Everything that lives, lives in light; everything that has an existence, radiates light. All things derive their life from light, and this light, in its root, is life itself. This, indeed, is the light that lighteth every man who cometh into the world.

Thus we must come to recognize not only the shapes of thing — their colors, their numbers, and their arrangement — by the reflected light of nature; we must perceive the qualities of things their goodness, their beauty, their integrity — and we come to experience a certain affinity because of our own intuitive reaction to the radiant energy everywhere present. This invisible light, of which the visible part is merely a shadow or reflection, arises in the invisible source of light in the solar system, which is the spiritual or original sun, concealed behind or within the luminous orb of day.

Paracelsus, following the Neoplatonists and some other early mystics, was of the opinion that there were three suns in the solar system — one physical, one astral (or belonging to the psychic sphere), and one spiritual. Ihese three suns bestowed the life-light of the world according to their own natures. The light of the physical sun warms and reveals the bodies of things; the light of the psychic sun nourishes and reveals the structure of the soul; and the light of the spiritual or root sun, sustains and nourishes the human spirit. These three suns, therefore, become the causes of certain qualifications within light-life energy.

He early recognized the importance of nutrition. Food is not merely a physical substance; it is a medium for the transmission of life force.

Man possesses the power to change certain parts of himself. He can become more noble or more kindly. He can engage in activities which strengthen him, or he can neglect his needs and thus diminish his proper powers.

Man is responsible for his use of energy. Who uses it wisely, enjoys the blessings of God; who uses it unwisely is deprived of these blessings, and must wander in the darkness of ignorance and sickness. Only the good man can have good health, and only the wise man can be truly good.

Wrong physical habits, resulting in the corruption of natural processes, will ultimately endanger life. Of such, Paracelsus wrote extensively He mentions the overloading of the stomach with excessive food, and injury to its functions caused by excessive drinking and the use of condiments. As the reward for such total disregard for the natural laws governing nutrition and digestion, the unreasonable individual becomes dvspeptic and his entire health is threatened. Paracelsus also indicated that wrong associations among persons may injure health by inviting intemperance or creating situations in which the normalcy of conduct is in some way compromised.

Our old physician points out that nature is indeed a patient mother, and if we will correct our ways and cease our abuses, health can be restored in many cases. If, however, we continue to cater merely to appetites, no doctor can give us remedies that will really compensate for our own foolishness. Man was originally provided with instincts to care for such things, but by degrees, his mental and emotional intensities so greatly increased that he could no longer depend upon the normal demands of his appetites. He must therefore re-learn the art of normal living.

There seems to be a hint that Paracelsus believed in rebirth, for he implies that spiritual causes of sickness might be due to conditions which existed before birth, and these conditions must be regarded as violations of natural law through ignorance or intent. Nothing in the world happens without a cause. That which cannot be explained in reference to a present lifetime, must be referable to some antecedent causation. Paracelsus therefore says that the presence of a good physician is a miraculous indication of divine intercession; whereas the presence of a bad physician indicates that the patient does not deserve to recover. This rather sarcastic attitude probably reflects the feud between Paracelsus and his professional associates.

In nature, sympathetic attraction of things always manifests as like attracting like. This is true spiritually, philosophically, emotionally, psychologically, and materially. This attraction, however, has both a benevolent and dangerous aspect. If like attracts like, attraction is primarily upon the ievel of vibration. Things of similar vibration are drawn toward each other, either inwardly or outwardly, sometimes both. Sympathy continually pulls things together, antipathy pushes them apart. Sympathy operates through understanding; antipathy through misunderstanding. Wisdom is a uniting power; ignorance a separating force. Virtue brings man into sympathy with all that is virtuous; whereas vice attracts that which is similar to itself.

In formal histories of medicine, it is customary to orient Paracelsus as the last of the great medieval doctors and the first modern physician. He was bound to the past by his numerous metaphysical, magical, and talismanic theories; but he was also a man far ahead of his time in his chemical researches, his ideas of hygiene and eugenics, and his emphasis upon psychotherapy, diet, biochemistry, and sanitation. He may also be considered as one of the last great philosophers of medicine, and a staunch supporter of the use of religion in the treatment of disease.

According to Paracelsus, sickness always arises from disobedience to the divine or natural laws which relate to health.

Paracelsus also had another theory which perhaps will seem incredible to us, yet it deals with a subject which we have never satisfactorily solved. This has to do with the problem of germs, bacterial organisms, and viruses — those microforms of life that are so dangerous to the health of ordinary mortals. Paracelsus believed that the germ, or its equivalent, is a psychic entity created by creatures possessing mental and emotional powers. He pointed out that epidemical disease usually accompanies outbreaks of destructive human intensity. War, for example, is nearly always accompanied by a plague, and also by violent seismic disorders.

Two other kinds of creatures belong to the elementals and were not born of Adam. These are the giants and dwarfs. St. Christopher was a giant, but of human birth. But certain other famous giants — as Bern, Sigenot, Hildebrand, Dietrich, and !i dwarfs like Laurin, have their origin in the world of the elemen| tals. The giants come from the forest people; the dwarfs from the gnomes. Both are monsters and misbirths. These monster creations are as rare among elementals as they are among human beings. When such a birth occurs, God has again some special purpose in mind, which I do not now feel called upon to explain.

The giants and the dwarfs are alike in their great strength; also in that there is no propagation among them. They are born, live, and die with no heirs and no soul. The giants are the outcome of certain conjunctions, the same as comets, earthquakes, and so forth. Such things are not created according to common natural law, but for a reason that God alone knows, which can never be appropriately explained except lay the study of astrology. Comets, meteors, and other universal phenomena can be  fathomed also only by this means.

To sum up finally what I have written before, I now disclose that God has set guardians and watchers over all that he has made. The Creator wants his children to progress and become like himself. That which is against his plan, he destroys by his many agencies.

Source: Manly P. Hall, Paracelsus - His Mystical and Medical Philosophy, The Philosophical Research Society, 1964.

Quiroga - 62

 The intimate revolution

The harder the feelings you have in relation to an annoying situation or in relation to someone who has offended you, even inadvertently, the less chance you have of freeing yourself from that condition, because the hardness of your feelings will tie you to the situation or to the person until you can either treat the offense with indifference, or perhaps find a practical way to make amends for the offense.

It would be counterproductive to put a stone on top of your gut feelings, in the name of following spiritual precepts that reverse the value of things, making the offender have to be forgiven and your gut feelings being the wrong ingredient in the story.

It's important that you make a real intimate revolution, to experience things as they are and not as they should be.

Friday, August 25, 2023

The Benefits of Sacred Seminal Retention


As mentioned in my two previous posts on the topic of the Claustrum oil or the sacred secretion, Santa Claus and Christ-Mass Re-Explained: An Immortal Lesson, and Claustrum Oil: An Immortal Lesson, is a part of the process of regeneration, i.e. Immortality. Within those posts it mentioned the importance of saving this vital and sacred oil; and to waist it, meant death (Christ’s death). We know from research that this vital Claustrum oil (from within the brain) is found in the seminal fluid (sperm-semen) of men; so saving it is a necessary process for it to rise back up the spinal cord into the brain (Christ’s resurrection), from which it came. 

Nevertheless, like many things in life, making the suggestion to a man to save his Sacred Semen is an almost impossible task. This is especially true today, only because society teaches that masturbation and sexual intercourse, with the release of Semen, is actually healthy and necessary for good health. When in fact, this is simply not the truth. Like many things, we have been lied to in order to justify abnormal behavior. Up is down and down is up is the mantra today. 

Just think about it for a moment. Our past is riddled with numerous examples of groups and people that promoted abstinence; like that of the Catholic Church and its priesthood, various religions, athletes and coaches before competition, and even scholars and sages. Why did all these various groups of people promote non-sexual activity? Simply stated, because there are certain benefits and rewards for holding this Sacred Secretion; something seldom even mentioned at all to the general population.  As though this is some type of secret; for surely it is. 

Now, no one is suggesting that a man should never have sexual intercourse; absolutely not. Rather, what is suggested is to control this sexual energy for a greater purpose – to revitalize the body; thereby regenerating the human body into a state of Immortality. Keep in mind, though, this is not the only thing necessary for body regeneration, as has been mentioned in many of my previous posts on this blog. I will not go into specifics here, but I will state that the controlling of the Sacred Semen is necessary to this end. Therefore, sexual activity is actually encouraged, but the releasing of the Sacred Fluid is not. Which brings us to the point of this blog posting.     

This topic is probably new to most readers of this blog posting; and surely, one is more than likely dismissive of any such idea. I hear it all the time, “It will never happen in my lifetime” or “You are crazy for even suggesting such a thing.” It is obvious from such comments that those people who harbor such views have become conditioned to seek bodily pleasure first and foremost; and to be honest, I too use to feel this way. Yet now, I know the truth and am seeking a greater reward than immediate sexual satisfaction. This does not just stop with sexual pleasures, it also covers the topics of gluttony, fame, financial gain, etc. To learn more, please read my blog posting Mortal Obstacles to Immortality and the Seven Deadly Sins, which covers, lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride specifically.

As mentioned previously, our culture has been lied to for centuries; that for whatever reasons the ancients and their behaviors were incorrect; that we are smarter today, because of technological advancements. Nevertheless, many scholars still believe differently. Indeed, many modern wonders exist today, but why must we throw out the baby with the bathwater when it comes to our past. We can surely incorporate the best of both worlds – the old and the new.

Interestingly, it takes a great amount of bodily energy to create the Sacred Semen, and this may be, in part, why most men live shorter lives than most women today. However, it is also known that every Immortal over the age of 200 years is a man. Think about that for a moment. In short, it is common knowledge within Immortal circles that most women live longer than men; but when a man figures out Immortal knowledge and the mastery of his body, he is able to live longer than every woman. But this will only happen when he becomes the master (like a Master Mason) of his own body.

Let’s go one step further, have you ever wondered why regular Freemasonry is open only to men? Again, take a moment and ponder that question further. Has anyone ever really given us a valid reason to why men are only allowed into the Craft (Blue lodge, etc); and this will never change for this reason – the potential for true Immortality is only available to men, but only when men are taught to act differently and separately then women. It is a well known fact within the Craft that worldly men act differently around worldly women, and for this reason as well, must be kept separate.

Back to my point – the true purpose of the Sacred Semen is to create life. One can use it to create a child or to extend one’s own life; any other purpose is simply wasteful. In short, when the Sacred Semen is released, it takes a part of each man with it. As such, it is for this reason as well that the ancient sages held that the dispensing of this bodily fluid would shorten a lifespan, and accelerate the aging process.

Nevertheless, by retaining the fluid, the opposite would result. In fact, many men refer to the changes within themselves as some sort of SUPERPOWER. Yes, you read that correctly, by holding this fluid, a man gains SUPERPOWERS. In fact, men gain more confidence, increased motivation, assertiveness and increased energy, which is needed for a successful life. Here is a list of benefits a man receives from preserving the Sacred Semen:

  • More energy
  • Less depressed
  • More confidence
  • Happier
  • Less anxiety
  • Increased social skills
  • Highly motivated to succeed
  • Highly motivated to do more
  • Highly motivated to approach real women
  • Increased fat loss
  • Increased muscle growth
  • Improved workouts
  • Improved sporting performance
  • Deeper voice
  • Improved skin
  • Thicker hair
  • Increased hair growth (Facial, body and hair)
  • Less sleep required
  • Brighter eyes
  • Clearer skin
  • Improved body language
  • More alpha male behaviors
  • Increased attention from women
  • More respect from men
  • Improved memory
  • Removal of brain fog
  • Smarter
  • A cure to hair loss
  • Better sex
  • Thicker/longer penis
  • Stronger
  • Aloof attitude
  • High sex drive
  • Controlled aggression
  • Feelings of power
  • Improved relationships
  • Improved immunity
  • Increased stamina

More specifically, the Sacred Semen is full of proteins, nutrients, minerals and even enzymes that are key to a person’s health, immunity and appearance. After around two weeks of retention, the body begins to reabsorb the vital substance for its own maintenance and improvement. Better skin and brighter eyes, thicker hair and bigger muscles, more facial hair and less hair loss, and a more improved smarter you will be the result.

The human body has instinctively built within itself an overwhelming desire to reproduce and pass on its genetics. Nevertheless, when satisfying oneself by releasing his Sacred Semen, the body and brain then believes that it’s doing well in life. When a man gives up this release, his brain begins to panic, but in a matter of only a few weeks, extra benefits soon arrive. The body immediately decides to improve itself, only because its now panicking over something lost. You see, the brain is pre-programmed to pass on the body’s genetics, and when it realizes everything has changed, it goes into overdrive or hyper-drive. This includes making one look younger in order to find a mate for procreation; but it does not stop there. A man’s testosterone and masculinity immediately arises; thereby improving his physique, health, and of course his pheromones are also enhanced. All of which is intended to increase longevity. Essentially, by holding back his Sacred Secretion, man is merely tapping into what nature intended; i.e. Immortality.

So Mote It Be!

Hank Kraychir

Quiroga - 61

 Heavy atmosphere

Between the biased thoughts that our humanity produces at all times and the gossip and maledictions that are warned and inadvertently expressed, we are subject to existing within a dense and heavy atmosphere, which makes it very difficult for us to see broader panoramas or higher and nobler objectives, instead of dedicating ourselves to knowing the intimacy of others or the mistakes that others make.

We are drawn to the wrong things in the same way that we want to see the outcome of an accident without, however, getting involved in any kind of help to mitigate the problems.

With a little more wise love we would stop passing on gossip, it would die in us, and we wouldn't speak ill of other people either, but we would help them within our reach.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Quiroga - 60

 Gossip people

Better never to worry about pleasing everyone with your works, it is wiser to worry about improving performance because you like what you do, since, in practice, no matter how good the things you do are, there will always be someone there who will hate them for no other reason than his gut feelings.

Despising other people's efforts, speaking ill of people, gossiping as if it were possible to know more about someone's intimate life than someone himself, these conditions are inevitable, despite being ethically irresponsible, and every human being is subject to them, because even as long as you are a discreet and harmless person, there will be someone around who will watch you and find signs of something wrong with you.

Stay away from gossip people, they are irresponsible.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Quiroga - 59

 The management of conscience

Every human being exists in three dimensions simultaneously, because the Universe is not binary at all, but trinary. We exist in the objective dimension, with form, substance, occupying time and space, we also exist in the subjective dimension, without form, subtle, invisible, and to crown the existential complexity we also exist in the dimension of consciousness, which manages duality in the best possible way.

Ideally, the objective form that we are in the outer world would follow the guidelines that the subjective soul that we are in the interior tries to transmit all the time, most of the time without success, because the objective form imagines that it should be free and independent, and make your own decisions, which are always wrong and selfish, and conscience cannot impose anything on anyone.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Sex to Live Forever

Through the practice of the principles of sexual science, mental science and hygiene, eternal life, health and youth are attainable. Man has now evolved the capacity to perpetuate his own individual life, as well as the race. As the race is perpetuated by sexual union, so also is the individual life. Sex is the fountain of life.

Sexual intercourse has two separate, distinct and important functions, the generative and the regenerative function. The generative function perpetuates the race; the regenerative function, perpetuates the individuals participating. Man and woman have a definite choice of the results obtained in sex union, and if they wish, through the regenerative function may renew their lives. Regeneration denotes a renewal of the body and a perpetuation of life. Abstinence, however, from sexual expression does not constitute regeneration. Renewed life results only from proper expression. 

The generative association should take place only when a child is desired. While this is true, however, the sexual desire and capacity of mankind are far in excess of generative requirement. The desire has evolved the capacity to continue life. Instead of repressing creative force, understand its purpose and express it wisely, distinguishing between the procreative and the recreative desires. Regeneration is the culmination of  constant effort toward more perfect life. The regenerative relation can only be satisfactorily sustained by harmonious preparation of mind and body on the part of both man and woman. Look forward to this sacred hour with an exalted ideal of the sexual relation.

For days or even weeks before this purposeful union, think of the glow of health and the charm of beauty, thus preparing the vital forces for that perfect exchange essential to regeneration.

All the powers of body and soul are concentrated and blended in a true sexual union but without wise diretion, they are wasted. In the generation act, this power is used for the creation of another being; in the regenerative act, the vital power is controlled for the accession of new life to the participants. This union of the soul forces is only possible where love rules.

At the time set apart for the regenerative act, lay aside all thought of the customary duties or employments of the day, and consecrate every force to the high purpuse. The attraction should be mutual; and to bring out the highest love of each, devote at least an hour to reciprocal expressions of affection. Let every word and act be characterized by reverence for the creative nature. The occasion is worthy of the highest possible conceptions of the mind, because this union is the gateway to eternal life. Dedicate the approaching act by mutual affirmation to the complete regeneration of life. Entertain a definite ideal of the perfected regenerated body.

This union should be made quietly, reverently and under perfect control. Its object is to exchange, but not to expend, the life force characteristic of each sex, and to dedicate this creative power to perpetuating the present life.

To effect this vital exchange, the customary crisis of the procreative act is not only unnecessary, but must be avoided. Let conversation or silent concentration regarding mutual regeneration, divert the mind from physical sensations. The regenerative act is a superb and intense expression of the will to live forever. Every thrilling nerve conveys an unfailing demand for the elixir of life. In this most vital and supreme act of existence, and in the wonderful tranquility that follows it, will come perfect realization of creative power.

Under harmonious conditions the quiet exchange completely fulfills the needs of mind and body. Then will occur that transmutation of creative energy into magnetism, which may be directed to the upbuilding of either mind or body.

Let the intention of renewal be in each caress, giving it the special power possessed by virtue of sex. As strenght is born through expression (action), passivity becomes foreign to the regenerative act. In the pure joy of conscious giving, when both man and woman agree to the regenerative nature of the act, there will be no consciousness of repression.

On the other hand, there will be the most complete satisfaction, giving a buoyancy and vitality to the body, and a quickness, control and insight to the mind, that cannot be attained in any other way. Although the bodily functions are to a large extent amenable to mental power, the control of the crative centers is immediate and comparatively easy. Those who prectice control in daily life, find little difficulty in rendering the union regenerative instead of procreative.

This control is essential on the part of both man and woman as they seek regeneration; and it grows more easy as its actual, practical value is understood and the motive for its accomplishment is strengthened. The vital fluids are the choicest secretions of the body, and should always be retained.

Too much emphasis cannot be put upon the motive. With sufficient motive, man can accomplish what might otherwise seem impossible. If he can but realize that control will not only prolong his days upon this earth, but give him greater health and capacity for the enjoyment of life and liberty, he will rise superior of passion. For ages man has been the slave of passion. It is now time that he should become its master. Perpetual youth will be attained when passion is perfectly transmuted into regenerative love. One of the greatest helps toward this attainment is prolonged preparation.

As man feels the result of his regenerative living, he will attain the mastery of passion as a natural growth, and need not exercise his will. The call for the regenerative communion will come only with such frequency as to correspond exactly with his need.

Man is only now commencing to direct his attention to the vast resources of his own creative power. This customary sex relation for momentary gratification wastes the vital energy that, wisely directed, would enable the participants to live forever. That perpetual life can be attained by unity of regenerative thought in sexual relationship appears remarkable, yet it is no less wonderful that a child can be conceived by the sexual act. The propagative crisis of the sex-ralation causes the first formation of the embryo, called conception. In regenerative communion, the participants form a mental conception of regenerated life. The subconscious force engaged in the continuous rebuilding of the body gradually modifies its work in harmony with this conception. The image of perpetual life, and radiant youth conceived in the regenerative relation corresponds to the plan supplied by an architect to a builder.

Through this same regenerative process, youth and beauty may be restored. The regenerative act, when supplemented with faithful practice of hygiene, is the veritable elixir of life, restoring and preserving youth. Eternal life, health and power are the fruits of the perfect expression of sex.

Source: Harry Gaze, How to Live Forever - The Science and Practice, Stockham Publ. Co., 1904.