Tuesday, October 01, 2013

The lie about global warming

Global Cooling Rather Than Warming
Temperatures have been actually cooling rather than warming since 1997 and ice accumulation is growing as is seen in these two images of the Arctic taken one year apart. 2013 is turning out to be one of the coolest years(overall) on record and the trend will continue for about the next two decades, followed by another warming trend. These mini cycles of 25-30 years operate within larger cycles of about 250 years, the last of which is in a cooling trend. They are based on cyclical solar, oceanic, and underground activity.
That's the latest conclusion by the Heartland Institute or NIPPC(2008- ) on the average long-term climate trend of our planet.
So what's all the hoopla about global warming spewed out by the United Nation's IPPC and some of our government and scientific leaders in the last ten years or so? It's obviously a lie and a scam designed throw us off guard and make us ill-prepared for what's really coming. Don't you just love how evil and deceptive these people are? People like Al Gore and Ms. McCarty must be in hiding now. McCarty was forced to admit that the false and scientifically baseless glob al warming forecasts(based on carbon emissions)were intended for political, financial, and social control such as the creation of the notorious carbon(CO2) tax which is now being thrown out along with the people behind it.
Basically, the global warming scam is an attempt to fleece both the public and industry, here and abroad, with costly, untenable, and unproductive energy schemes such as ethanol which ruins engines and expensive solar panels and wind turbines which produce little actual energy, and to slow down the industrial growth of competing nations such as China and India.

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Sunday, September 22, 2013

A Poison called Fluoridation

Israel Bans Water Fluoridation: Must End By 2014! (VIDEO)

water fluoridation
More great news on the fluoride front as Israel’s Supreme Court has just ruled that water fluoridation in the country must end by 2014. Israel stacks themselves onto a large list of countries & cities that are making the decision to remove the toxic waste product from municipal water. The big decision comes as health minister Yael German backs the research of Irish scientist Declan Waugh who has been helping cities in countries all over the world put an end to water fluoridation over the past few years.
“Scientific studies have clearly demonstrated that Fluoride is a pro-inflammatory agent that can contribute to all inflammatory diseases, not just asthma,” Declan Waugh
The water fluoridation debate has been raging for years as pro-fluoridater’s continue to choose to fluoridate regardless of there being no scientific evidence that water fluoridation helps to prevent tooth decay. Those in favour of removing fluoride have been on a journey of researching and studying the dangerous affects water fluoridation has on many areas of the body including the thyroid, brain and bones. Many believe it is an unethical form non-consented mass-medication. It appears that many political leaders in cities or regions that are still fluoridating, simply are not open to realizing the truth about the toxic waste substance and instead continue to poison the people.
Israel is one of the few countries left that widely fluoridates municipal water. The other main players include the United States, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, England and Australia. Israel’s decision comes after several other big cities and regions banned fluoride recently including: Portland Oregon, communities in Australia, and Windsor, Ontario. It was also recently overturned in Hamilton, the fourth most populous city in New Zealand.
This weekend (Saturday Sept 21st, 1PM) many will be assembling in Toronto, Ontario to support the removal of fluoride. The event should bring out at least 500 people and already there are over 1000 signatures on the petition to remove fluoride from Toronto’s water. More information about the event can be found here.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

My Other Blog

If you read Portuguese go to my other blog:


Thursday, September 12, 2013

Desire as the Root Cause of Death

Desire as the Root Cause of Death

Buddha said it best when he said that "desire kills" and that to conquer death one must conquer desire.

Our passions, lusts, and desires are what kill us, perhaps not immediately, but certainly in stages. 

Carnal or base passions are especially deadly, such as eating and sex. Eating especially, since it leads to sex(and sleep). 

When you eat, most of the force or energy centered in your brain and keeping you conscious, goes down to your belly in order to digest or eliminate what you just ate, and you become drowsy or lethargic as a result. When the digestive process is completed, this energy goes back up to your brain and you return to full conciousness again. Digestion alone takes an astounding 80 to 90% of all your energy or life force! It is imperative that what you have ingested must be broken down, assimilated(if possible), and/or eliminated, otherwise it would surely rot and kill or poison you! Even when ingested or digested properly, all physical food still takes its toll on your life and health. Our bodies, however, have become so accustomed to the eating process and built up a resistance so that we die slowly rather than quickly, and we call this aging or disease.

Eating is a kind of sex and sex is a kind of eating. Both lead to sleep, debility, and eventualy death. 

Sleep is a kind of death. It is as close to death as we come without actually dying. We sleep because we have abused ourselves either through eating, sex, drinking, smoking, working, or any other demanding or intoxicating activity, and we need to shut down for repair and regeneration. The more you abuse or intoxicate yourself the more you need to sleep or rest. When the body is perfectly clean or regenerated there is no need for sleep.
When you are young, you have a surplus of energy or life force that thwarts degeneration despite your bad habits. At some point however(usually between 30 and 40 years of age) this surplus peaks and then we go into decline. Some of us use up our surplus faster than others depending on our lifestyle. Diet, environment, heredity, stress, and attitude all play key roles in determining this. After our peak has been reached degeneration or decay sets in and unless you change your negative ways you will surely degenerate and die. 

Actually, the degeneration process begins even before age 30. The effects of our unnatural diets and lifesyles begin to show up almost immediately after birth and especially during the teen-age years. Our early exposure to drugs, radiation, pollution, an inorganic environment, and processed food continually weaken us so that by the time we are teens we are already showing degenerative symptoms such as chronic disease, debility, and premature sexual development. This is especially prevalent in the modernized temperate zones where we are largely divorced from nature.

In the warmer tropical and semi-tropical regions of the planet conditions are much better for life and health but modern degenerative practices have infiltrated here as well. Food should be self-grown and consist mostly of unprocessed fresh fruits and vegetables. Onced babies are weaned off mother's milk, a fruitarian and then vegetarian diet should follow. The option to remain a fruitarian or even become a breatharian is an individual matter. Fruitarian-breatharian diets will go a long way in producing a disease-free and long-lived humanity. Meat, dairy, and grains, especially in their processed states, are responsible for nearly all of our diseases.

Besides a natural diet we need a natural environment. In the Sun belt there is no need for artificial heating or over-clothing, both of which are injurious to health. Our bodies need to be exposed to the sun and air as much as possible to remain healthy and we need more interaction with animals and nature as well. We need to bare our feet more as well. Natural life is simple and healthy without any of the absurd complications of modern life. There is no need for politics, industry, science, or medicine. These are all artificial systems imposed on humanity for its slavery and are a direct outgrowth of our artificial or unnatural environment. There is not even a need for money. Money is based on greed and convenience and serves only the evil ones among us. Nature is abundant and provides freely for all. No one really "owns" or has a claim on anything. 

Most of us are so removed from nature that it is a marvel we survive at all. True humanity does not need all of the gadgets or conveniences we have today. These are artificial creations or replacements for the abilities that are dormant within us. The untapped power we have within us can put to shame any technology we have developed or will develop. But we are lazy and constantly give in to our pet desires which is why we are dependant on this technology and in so much trouble. In exchange for our indulgent pleasures and desires we give up our spiritual power and rights and fall victim to abuse, decay, and death.

Most of us do not even know WHY we die. We are kept ignorant by a self-serving elite who know the truth but are not willing to share it. Even if they do share it they know that most of us will never change or ways or that we will fail trying. Humanity is a drugged or addicted race and just like a drug addict, our chances of becoming drug-free are very slim. Food is a drug. Sex is a drug. And so is just about every other stimulating activity on this material plane. 

If you think about it, this whole material plane is one big drug and the body you reside in is a miniature version of this. The descent of spirit into physical matter was gradual and increasingly addictive. Pure spirit is pure life and pure matter is pure death. All living beings are situated somewhere inbetween those two extremes. The closer you are to pure spirit the more conciousness you have and the longer you live. Astral beings live longer than us because the astral realm(mind/emotion) is the mid plane connecting spirit to matter.

We were formerly angels or light beings with lightly developed astral and or physical(etheric) bodies which densified over time to what we are now. This densification process increased our sensorial natures but decreased our spiritual power proportionally. The more we indulged in the physical senses, the more we lost our connection to Spirit, and this degeneration process or fall continues to this day. The theosophical Root Races and the astrological Great Ages are a way of measuring this descent or degeneration. 

The more degenerated we become, the smaller(physically), the more stupid, uglier, and less sensitive or spiritual we become. Our life spans also shorten drastically. In the Golden Age, many thousands of years ago, our planet was larger and so were all of its life forms including humans. The inner or hollow earth, with all its huge and long-lived life forms is a good example of how life was on this exterior Earth before the invasions and corruptions began. Ideal human height and longetivity is proportional to the planet's own diameter or duration and the divisor is always 12. The Earth is 8000 miles in diameter. Divide this by 12 and you get the diameter of Earth's inner sun(666 miles) or a small moon, state, province, or country. Divide this by 12 and you get a large metroplitan area(55 miles). Divide that by 12 and you get a city area(4.6 miles). Divide that by 12 and you get a district(2037 ft). Divide that by 12 and you get a large building or home(170 ft), and divide that by 12 and you get the average height of an inner Earth dweller(14 ft). Since our exterior surface is slightly larger than the concave inner Earth surface, we humans should average no less than 14 or 15 feet tall! We are less than half that which shows our level of deterioration. We also need to be living at least 600 years! Only by living long and enlightened lives will we be able to truly understand the world and universe around us.

Of course, to live that long or be that tall, Earth's ecology or environment needs to be changed drastically. This means the reinstallment of a cloud or water canopy over the planet which will produce paradisical conditions throughout and induce exponential health and longetvity. The removal or replacement of our Moon may also have something to do with our restoration. Apparently, our current artificial Moon or satelite and the people who brought it here some 10,800 years ago played a key role in humanity's downfall or regeneration. It needs to be removed and replaced with a smaller and friendlier satelite similar to the one we had before the invaders came and destroyed it. Most of all we need to wake up and take back our power which we have sheepishly given over to the anti-human beings who rule us and who are making life miserable for us.

The key to taking back our power is to realize that our selfish desires, which our rulers are deceivingly perpetuating, are destroying us and that we need to conquer or control these desires, and that it all starts with your gut or stomach. Our desire for more and more taste or epicurial sensation is the single most destructive addiction we face. It is the mother of all addictions, and untill we curb this desire we are doomed. Our food producers know this and in their endless quest for profits(another addiction) they are processing our food to make it as addictive as possible. We have become a bunch of drug addicts and this is why our world is in such a mess. We need to individually control everything that goes into our mouths. The best way to do this is to grow or prepare your own food. Stay away from processed or packaged foods. The only real or natural food is the kind that grows on trees or plants. Don't cook or heat your food and avoid condiments like salt or sugar. Stay away from meat and dairy products and minimize grains as well. This may be too much for some but it is the only real way out. Learn to fast. Also, avoid vaccines, x-rays, and mercury fillings. Minimize and eventually eliminate all drugs or medicines. Move to warmer and more natural climes and avoid cities or crowded and negative areas. Exercise and stay outdoors more often. Learn to meditate and connect with your higher or inner self. Only by being in top form will you be able to see through and do something about the shams our deceivers have imposed upon us.

Finally, realize that our stay here on the material plane is temporary, even if you manage to live hundreds of years. You cannot experience all you need to know in that one body you are currently in. We come here many times to experience the grand diversity of life. It is our destiny to know what it is like to be male or female, black, oriental, or caucasian, rich or poor, educated or self-taught, married or single, successful or unrealized, etc. Then, when we are tired or have mastered the lessons of this planet we go on to another one. In this sense death is unavoidable. It simply means the end of one phase and the beginning of another. Even desires are unavoidable -that's what we're actually here to experience, but desires have a high price(usually your life) and untill we have control of them death will always be the victor. 

We are talking here mostly about physical or carnal desires which are usually negative or debilitating. Desire can be good if it is for non-physical(or emotional) objectives, such as the desire for knowledge, truth, and wisdom, or for love, peace, and freedom. These are of course good desires which extend your life and which should be cultivated. In astrology, the lower desires are represented by the earth(physical) and water(emotional) signs and the higher desires by the air(mental) and fire(spiritual) signs. The more there is density, the more there is darkness or negativity. Only a portion of your spirit or life force is anchored to your body. Another portion occupies your larger astral-mental self and a final portion is pure unimpeded spirit or highermost self. During sleep or or death the part that is immersed in your physical withdraws itself. 

Our desires are what bind us here on the material plane and why we keep reincarnating. If you did not have a chance to express or fulfill some need or desire you will most likely come back to experience it. We are experience collectors and write our own history books. Each page or chapter is an experience or lifetime highlighted by peak yearnings or desires, and when the book is finished we will probably write another one. In this current life you are living all your other lives as well and are setting the stage for more to come and when you set out to conquer a desire it may not be easy as its roots may extend beyond you and now. You may even be fighting the collective and if you succeed, you will be paving the road for others as well. 

Desire is aptly described by the water signs in astrology and the desired object is the earth element; Pisces lures or tempts the prey, Scorpio holds or paralyzes it, and Cancer proceeds to eat or assimilate it. The water element is the soul or emotional nature in us which hungers, needs, and wants. The body is complete and needs nothing and gives or produces rather takes. It is our soul self or emotions that want to eat or possess or have sex and not our bodies. Cancer is more closely linked to eating and hoarding whereas Pisces has more to do with drink, drugs, or intoxication in general, and Scorpio is desire or possession through sex or intense emotion. Whereas water is the dying or assimilating process, earth is death itself, and within death are the seeds of life itself. That is why, Taurus, the most physical or dense of the earth signs is also the most fruitful sign of spring. 

Desire means need and need implies deficiency or imperfection. Basically all desire is evil -as is fear, dependancy, and ignorance. Most good things in creation were created complete or free from need and dependance. Something changed that and the result was evil, violence, and death. We are currently in a planet of need and therefore evil. Something or someone has tampered with us and this planet to create this unhealthy dependance. Many say it is outside alien forces while others say we have done this to ourselves as a challenge. Whatever the reason, we need to come out of it and become complete and good again. Almost everyone knows or feels that there is something wrong with the world we live in especially in this fast-accelerating global society we live in. At the same time we feel we are moving collectively towards a major break-through. It's the best and worst of times and that is why there are so many souls here now. It's as though this is the ideal time to express any desire both good or evil, and that's exactly what we're doing. We're "clearing house" or experiencing our full range of desires and potentials in a very short or concentrated period of time. It's no wonder Pluto was discovered(1930) in our era as this is the planet associated with intensified living. In no other era can we more fully and freely express our sexual and criminal selves or face our mortality and immortality as individualds and as a species. It is an era of sin or extremes to be followed by an era of judgement or rebalance. Neptune's discovery(1846) before Pluto lured us to the kill and all that remains for us now is to be "eaten"?

In astrology, Scorpio is the sign of desire and as such it is also the sign of death -the two go hand in hand. Intense emotional desire is what motivates this sign or what it bases its decisions on rather than thinking or reasoning. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, the planet that is driving our 20th and 21st centuries or end time era, which is killing us in one sense and regenerating us in another. Scorpio's desire-ruled nature gives it great pleasure but also its great pain. They are the two sides of the same coin and no other sign experiences both as intensely as Scorpio does. This is the double-edged sword of desire; the great pleasure it gives must be balanced by an equal amount of pain or displeasure. There is no law greater than the law of balance(Libra), and both Scorpio and desire know this. But what is life if you don't experience both good and bad or both heaven and hell? This is the Scorpio paradox.

Desire is a powerful thing and basically makes us who we are. It is forged out of habit and subtlety and can serve or destroy us. The only way to counter habit or desire is through RESISTANCE. No, my dear Borgs, resistance is definitely not futile. There is a certain power in resisting your "sinful" urges and temptations. The first time is always the most difficult of course, but keep doing it or persist and the urges eventually weaken or fade away. This is the power of earth over water. The urges or temptations never die or are removed, rather they are weakened, controlled, or put to sleep(and can be reawakened at any time). It's no use for the preachers to damn these urges to hell where they will never bother us again(this is silly). Rather, these urges are to be tamed or transformed and used purposefully or constuctively like wild horses driving a chariot. Desire is not to be killed or denied but transformed or used properly. So you let go every once in a while -that is OK too and part of the learning process. The important thing is to keep on track untill you eventually reach your goal which is to master your desires, for to master desire is to master death itself. 

Source:   http://www.librarising.com/

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Our Falling Civilization

Think about what's happening around you these days. These are the signs of the last, desperate clutches of a civilization built on utterly unsustainable practices that don't value life on our world. These are the End Times of the corporate oligarchy; the monopolistic for-profit corporation machine that destroyed everything in our world in exchange for a slightly higher quarterly earnings report. 

In the quest for more money, humanity has sacrificed its food supply, its pollinators, it's oceans, forests and soils. Greed-driven humans have used other humans as medical experiments and cannon fodder. We have created wars to sell more bombs, and we've invented disease to sell psychiatric chemicals.

These are the practices of a failed civilization... and one whose days are numbered. Watching it all crumble is far more interesting than watching it continue its destructive ways, of course, because those of us paying attention realize a future civilization must rise up in the place of this one after the collapse.

Say goodbye to the false power of institutions It would be nice if our future leaders remembered the importance of liberty and personal responsibility, of course. The answer to all the world's problems, it turns out, is freedom -- freedom in medicine, freedom in economics and freedom from government tyranny. 

Because, let's face it: The root cause of most these problems that are bringing down our world right now is bad government. It is bad government (Big Government) that approved the GMOs. Bad government enforced the medical monopoly and allowed the pesticides to kill the honeybees. Bad government drove us into inescapable debt and costly foreign wars. Bad government outlawed health freedom and protected the monopolistic practices of the food companies, drug companies and chemical companies.

The downfall of modern human civilization is, as you probably guessed, also the downfall of the very idea that Big Government creates a better society. Because if there's one idea that needs to stay dead after the collapse, it's the idea that We the People somehow need another group of people (government workers) to live off our hard work while hounding us with their false authority, directing every little detail of our lives.

What we need in our world isn't more government, but more freedom. If we had freedom, integrity and personal responsibility, we wouldn't even be facing the global collapse that has already begun. But alas, the human race is an infant species and it must learn some lessons the hard way, it seems.
This lesson should be long remembered: If you let the corporations, the banks and the governments run your economies, your farms and your lives, they will enslave you and steal your future while you sleep; they will inject silent poisons into the very world around you until you awaken one day to find that all you created has been destroyed. They will promise you paradise but deliver only death. Beware of any entity that is not a living person -- no government, no institution, no corporation has a soul, nor a heart, nor a conscience. They are forces of organized destruction that decimate those things we hold dear while delivering to us things that will only enslave us or harm us.
Beware the corporation; the government; the non-profit institution working as a front group for private industry. Never allow yourself to be ruled over by any institution which exists only as a fictional construct organized from the projection of human greed.

And be ready for the acceleration of the collapse. Because if you are reading this, you are the future of the human race. You have a duty to stay alive, keep your genes intact, and be around to help create the Next Society after this one crumbles into history.

the original article is at http://www.naturalnews.com/032258_economic_collapse_2012.html#ixzz2bPNLUta5

The Radioactive Contamination of the World

The radioactive contamination of the global food supply - Here's one that's really insidious: The global food supply is now contaminated with the radioactive fallout from Fukushima (remember also Chernobyl). We're told the levels are "low," but we're not told the truth of how radioactive cesium isotopes persist in the food supply for centuries. How is the human race going to survive its exposure to CT scans, radioactive food, chest X-rays, TSA body scanners and even the secret DHS mobile X-ray vans that can penetrate your body with X-rays as you're walking into a football stadium? The total radiation burden on the human race is now reaching a point of mass infertility. That may be the whole idea, actually. 

All the ammunition the american troops are using in Iraque and Afganisthan use radioactive depleted uranium...

The Rise of the Medical Police State

The rise of the medical police state - The armed SWAT raids on Maryanne Godboldo in Detroit are only the beginning (http://www.naturalnews.com/032091_Maryanne_Godboldo_gun_rights.html). The truth is that the medical system uses guns to force its vaccines and chemotherapy onto children and teens across America (and all the world). The medical system has become so utterly useless, corrupt and dangerous that it must actually invoke guns in peoples' faces just to "convince" people to take its medicine. This is a gunpoint-enforced medical monopoly that exists as a threat to our health and our freedoms.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Fidel Castro is Dead!



Fidel Castro died in 1981, and was replaced by a look-alike CIA plant. The dictator ate tainted shellfish and died. CIA infiltrators wasted no time in covering this up, and installing an agent named Alexis Papagos to impersonate Castro, and run the country. This information comes to THE UNCOVEROR via Cuban national, Igor Davidovich Martinez.
Why, then, does the U.S. government maintain the embargo against Cuba? "The CIA is turning a great profit by selling contraband Cuban goods on the black market," says Martinez, "and they don't want to give that up." The CIA sees to it that the embargo stays.
What tipped Martinez off? Before 1981, the real Fidel Castro nearly always wore a military uniform. After that year, "Castro," really Alexis Papagos, appeared more often in civilian clothing.  
This prompted Martinez, and several others to start digging. Of those who discovered this deception, only Martinez remains alive.
The plot almost failed. A few people in 1981 heard of Castro's death, and began a rumor that he had died of syphilis, but the CIA quickly made those people, some of them Americans, Disappear. They needed the world to think that Castro was still alive. They didn't want you to know, but thanks to THE UNCOVEROR, now you do.

Spying with Ceiling Fans



Big Brother is listening! According to an anonymous source, who fears for his life, the government has been bugging ceiling fans. This program was begun in 1997 on executive order of President Clinton! (or maybe it was Hilary.) The spying continues today.

"He just doesn't trust the people. In fact, almost no one in the government does," said my source in mid 1998. "They are obsessed with knowing what we are doing and saying at all times." Since 1997, nearly half of all ceiling fans sold in the U.S. contained a hidden listening device. "This program is not unique to the Clinton administration. The government has been spying on Americans for no good reason since the red scare of the fifties, but it has never gone this far until now. Anyone who has a ceiling fan should rip it out of his or her ceiling, and throw it out without delay!" Some had hoped that as president, George W. Bush would end this practice. He has not. Renewing Clinton's executive orders on the surveillance of private citizens were among Bush's first acts. "You didn't really expect a country club aristocrat to trust ordinary Americans, did you?" asks my source. "Like his father, and the Clintons, he is dedicated to bringing about the New World Order!" They didn't want you to know, but now you do, thanks to THE UNCOVEROR.


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Germans and Hollow Earth

The New Germany and the Hollow Earth
There is another Germany inside the hollow surface of our planet. This inner or New Germany grew from the first or outer surface Gemany, and both have full (but secret ) relations with each other.

  According to the book "Genesis for the New Age" by John B. Leith, the story begins in 1572 when 500 Germans from Sax-Coburg, including some Prussians and Bavarians were hired as soldier-mercenaries by the King of Portugal (Sebastian I) to build a fort and man a garrison up the Amazon River in a fight against the Spaniards. As they sailed the river they were fiercely attacked by the native Indians, and both the Germans and Portuguese and their families were forced to flee to the jungles where they came across a cave entrance which the Indians feared and fled from.

The new colonists made their home in and by the cave and eventually traveled further inward and downward into the caves's passages ultimately leading to the Earth's inner concave surface -which they reached in 1647. Along the way they settled into various caverns establishing six cities over a 3000 mile route and fought off mysterious cavern creatures who were as fierce as the Amazon Indians. The caverns or cities were connected by a crude wooden track system. By 1977 over 350,000 Germans occupied the inner Earth tunnel settlements which spanned from Brazil to the Australia-New Zealand midpoint.

In 1647, under Australasia, upon entering the inner concave surface, the New Germans met with the Atlantean/Atturians and the 30,000 year-old Bodlanders who were the ancient ancestors of the modern Germans. The Bods were extremely advanced both spiritually and technologically and decided to take their outer earth cousins under their wing and they became known as the Six Kingdoms of Saxony.

In the early 1700's communication began between the inner and outer Germanys via a secret student exchange program which oriented each to their doings, but it wasn't untill 1853 that concrete steps were taken towards deeper ties between the two Germanys. Engineers from both sides were engaged to shorten and improve the transportation tunnel systems with electric cars. The technological improvements helped to boost the underground German population to about ten million by 1900. During World War I, Americans became aware of a route from outer Germany to the Antarctic, but were not sure where it ultimately led to.

By 1930 some actual trade began with the two Germanys, and by 1936 Hitler had gathered enough evidence about the inner world to send an aviation team to explore it. The Bodlanders expected and received them and their King later returned the visit. The King of Bodland warned Hitler and their Generals of their misguided war plans but the Third Reich went ahead anyways.

In 1938, German specialists, ordered by Hitler, penetrated the South Pole opening by air, and landed in the interior making contact with their inner Earth bretren who received them joyfully. Land was granted them for future settlement on the condition that they would relinquish their war-like ways and live under the peaceful tutelage of the inner Earthers. Hitler didn't like this but accepted in 1943 after his war efforts started floundering. A thirty-year treaty was signed between Hitler's Germany and the powerful Bodlanders who would oversee the influx and reorientation of the outer Germans coming into the New Inner Earth Germany.

By 1944, heavy construction was underway near Bodland to receive many war-torn Germans, most of whom used the Brazil train corridor to reach their new home. Scientists and other specialists in need used the quicker round wing plane through Antarctica to reach their new home. Hitler ecaped to Argentina by submarine and then onto the King of Bodland's personal spaceship to the inner Earth capital. Hitler was accepted because he showed promise(albeit slow and painful) of rehabilitation, but some of his other cronies, as well as all evil or unrepentant Germans seeking asylum, would be of course be refused entry into the New Germany. A fake double replaced Hitler from October 1944 onwards. By the end of World War II, some 2.5 million Outer World Germans settled into the New Inner Earth Germany, and the influx continued thereafter.

The Americans caught on to the German's activities and sent their own expeditions to the Inner Earth in the person of Admiral E. Byrd 1946-47, who led the way in a Falcon round wing aircraft. Byrd's small 60-man army foolishly attacked the inner Earthers who promptly overwhelmed them and sent them back to their homelands. Russia, upon hearing of the American expedition, sent its own armada of 100 planes in 1947 but met a similar fate.

In 1948, a much better prepared single-craft expedition by the US followed which successfully mapped and photographed the Earth's interior and had unique contacts with various races and crafts. Even pictures of dinosaurs and close-ups of the Earth's "man-made" inner sun were obtained, but if course, the results were kept classified.

Because of the superiority of the New Germany and the Inner Earth denizens in general, the post-World War II allied nations built bases on and around the polar areas as a means of study and as an early defense warning shoud these inner Earth nations decide to overtake the outer Earth.

In 1965, NASA did a complete detailed mapping of the interior of our planet, and in 1979 they confirmed that five continents, three large and two small, existed in the inner Earth. There are also seven oceans. Agartha, the largest continent is three times the size of North America and populated mostly by Atturians(Atlanteans) who came from Venus 33,000 years ago. Bodland, another continent, is populated(as of 1980) by 36 million Bodlanders.
By 1984 over half a billion people inhabited the Inner Earth surface, 60 million of which were Germans. 18 million lived in the New Germany and 1.5 million in the New Berlin. The New Berlin has all the conveniences of a modern city except they are non-polluting. A reformed Hitler remained president of the New Germany untill his death on November 12 of 1974, with his adopted, Dr. Hans Tirstherson(Adolph II), continuing in his footsteps.

The round wing plane, powered by the Earth's electromagnetic field, was(and is) the key to military and technological superiority. It's anti-magnetic motor propelled it at speeds of 30,000 miles an hour in any direction, and its weight lifting capacities were unlimited. It also had a laser offence and defense system. The round wing plane, with its saucer-like appendage is the prototype of the flying saucer. In 1975 its hull or metal construction was perfected so that it could travel unharmed into space. The USS Enterprise ship on Star Trek uses the round wing concept. By the year 2000 or beyond, the round wing plane is expected to to replace most conventional means of air and space travel.

In 1977, US General Edward D. Wright visits New Germany in a roung wing aircraft, and a US delegation exists in New Berlin since.

Since the 1960's, the allied outer and inner Earth forces have been monitoring and patroling Earth's skies and lands for disturbances from the erring blue planet Nagirth (2.5 times the size of the Earth) which is responsible for the massive climate changes our planet has been undergoing since.

The US has legal diplomatic relations with other planets in our solar system, particularly Venus, Mars, and Pluto.
The book stops in 1980, the year of its publication. Since then much has happened, such as the (apparent) fall of Communism and the reunification of the two Germanys (East and West). It would be nice to get the author's latest input if possible - yet he has already explained much.

For (much) more informations go to:


Tuesday, January 08, 2013

2013 Agenda for Disclosure

The opening of Pandora's Suitcase
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Picture: The opening of Pandora's suitcase. Agenda for disclosure. #1ab.

High-status disclosures of previously suppressed information are likely to bring the following changes in 2013:

The Kissinger-Bush-Cheney-Clinton-Obama political clique will be removed from American public life permanently. Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States of America, will leave office before the natural end of his presidential term. Decisive announcements to this effect may be broadcast during February or March 
2013. Obama, like President George Bush Jnr before him, was illegally and unconstitutionally elected; he is a controlled agent of European monetary interests. Background hereherehere and here.

The identities of the hidden Khazar Zionist political bosses embedded in corporate America will be disclosed. The use these bosses have made of human clones in American political management will become common knowledge. The use made of human clones in managing European Royal families, international banking, spiritual fascism in religion, industrial militarism and political assassinations will be made clear for all to see. The fact that mind-controlled human clones have been democratically elected into national leaderships, have signed state and religious papers of moment, and have been terminated at will and substituted with others, will be revealed.

Joseph Ratzinger, the present Pope, will be obliged to retire. Queen Elizabeth II of England will abdicate or, at the very least, will begin to withdraw from active personal involvement in Constitutional, Church of England, and international banking affairs. The occult connection between the Vatican in Rome and The Crown Temple in London will be revealed.

All around the world, national leaders and regimes which have political, corporate and legal connections with the American governing establishment will be removed from power. Particularly likely to benefit in this regard are Argentina, Burma, Canada, Congo, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sudan, Pakistan and The United Kingdom.

The low-vibration AntiChrist energies of lies, deceit and personal greed, as channelled by the American political establishment (Republican and Democrat), will cease to be sustainable. Undetectable manipulation of the Bush-Cheney-Clinton-Obama kind will become increasingly impossible on Earth as the energetic environment of planetary cleansing and ascension raises the dominant vibrations of light throughout the planet.


The NESARA global prosperity programmes will be announced and activated. One of the funds involved is The Saint Germain World Trust. It contains deliverable precious metals and currencies worth upwards of one quattuordecillion USA dollars. This is $1 with forty noughts after it; ten thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, million dollars.

Among other projects, this money will be used to buy out all oil corporations, banks and pharmaceutical cartels. And it will zero out (permanently cancel) all personal, corporate and national debts worldwide.

The whole human population will benefit from NESARA. Earth is a most abundant planet. There is more than enough gold-backed human money currently in existence on Earth for each and every human being to be a GBP millionaire without debts of any kind. GBP = Great Britain Pound. NESARA is about sharing the resources of the planet around fairly. And NESARA is about putting benevolent banking systems in place worldwide to deliver this monetary fairness. No individual anywhere on Earth will be beyond the reach of the NESARA wealth redistribution programmes. And no individual or organisation anywhere on Earth will be able to stop it.

NESARA will cancel all credit card, mortgage and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government corruption worldwide. Income tax will be abolished. A new 14% flat rate tax on non-essential new items will provide the necessary revenue stream for national governments. Money will cease to be spent on war, elite security and covert militarism. There will be increased benefits for senior citizens. In the USA, there will be a return to Constitutional Law at every level of the legal system.

And in the USA, a new banking system - American Banking Central - will click into function and will involve twenty nine new locally-orientated banks. The Federal Reserve Board will be abolished (pertinent letter here). The Internal Revenue Service will be abolished. More about these NESARA-related changes can be found 

Free-energy Tesla technologies suppressed by the JPMorgan and Bush families' corporate energy cartels will become freely known and freely available. There will be no further need to burn fossil fuels once the Tesla technologies are in place in industry, homes and vehicles.

Things will be seen in the skies, on the surface of the Earth and inside the Earth which mainstream corporate media and mainstream western education say do not exist and cannot happen. The core signifiers of ancient mythologies will be found to be real.

The covert interaction of several world governments with negative extraterrestrial groups will be exposed. The role of positive extraterrestrial groups in promoting the energisation of the planet and the manifestation of the NESARA process will be explained. The significance of the agriglyphs (crop circles) will become better understood. The availability of off-planet technologies for pollution control, human transport, and information retrieval will be revealed. Sonic healing machines will be released for the free use of all. The negative stargate (or interdimensional portal) in Iraq at the ancient Sumerian site of Entemenanki (the locality of the ziggurat of Marduk in ancient Babylon) will be closed.

Books will be opened. Human histories will be corrected. Many veridical accounts of human history still exist but have been hidden away and protected for final release during this end-time. They will be released and published in many languages and will be held safe beyond the censorship of dogmatic religion. Remote viewing of suppressed texts in closed libraries will become common. Extraterrestrial text-energy reading technologies, along with manuscript reconstitution and multiplication techniques will become available.

It will become evident that no history, no event, no experience, no exchange, no conversation, no train of thought, and no feeling can ever be totally erased. Everything that has ever happened still exists perfectly in its original energy pattern. With extraterrestrial and spiritual technologies, past histories anywhere and anywhen can be comprehensively accessed and published. Every event that has ever taken place can be retrieved, reproduced and replayed in sound, vision, tactuality and multiple sensation. During 2013 this will begin to be understood. More information about positive extraterrestrials and the Higher Evolution can be found 

During 2013 more young people and old people, inside and outside world governments, will speak the truth with greater energy, greater clarity and less fear than ever before in human history. And their words will be heard, preserved and multiplied beyond the reach of establishment suppression. They will tell of many things from their own personal experience. They will tell of Earth changes to come and they will tell of Earth changes past. They will tell of how freak weather conditions in the USA, and earthquakes in Japan, have been deliberately man-made by covert government agencies. They will tell of the fate of the thousands of missing children worldwide. They will tell how diseases such as Ebola, AIDS, SARS, H5N1 and Morgellons were the results of deliberate bioterrorism by government agencies seeking to reduce the world's population. More information about the Morgellons mystery can be found 

On the web, a new democratic social encyclopedia to replace Wikipedia will arise. Unlike Wikipedia, this will be constructed in such a way that security, corporate and Zionist misinformers will be unable to manipulate its content. Truth will become clean and free for all.

Into this climate of disclosure will emerge the greatest discloser of all - the long expected World Teacher of The Aquarian Age. Called variously The Imam Mahdi, The Fifth Buddha, The Messiah, Krishna, or The Christ, The World Teacher and his team of spiritual masters will disclose openly the diseases of past history and the healing of the present. And The World Teacher - no surprise here - will not be a religious figure. More information about the emergence of The World Teacher can be found here.

In 2013, there will be further disclosures about endemic professional corruption in Western healthcare systems. Modern allopathic medicine will be shown to be a manipulative con designed by the corporate controllers of the pharmaceutical industry to make people ill, keep them ill, and kill them prematurely. The tools of this manipulation are sophisticated poisons dressed-up as expensive medicines. The medicines in most cases are unnecessary, as is the fashion for casual intrusive surgery which makes even more expensive medicines necessary. Follow the money. Notice also the establishment attempts to suppress or outlaw alternative herbal remedies which work better and cost less. More information about The Ritalin Conspiracy can be found here, and about the Statin scam can be found here.

The story of what going is to happen in 2013 is the biggest story in the history of human civilisation on this planet. It is too big a story to be handled accurately by the corporate mainstream media. The news will be broken, initially, though Indymedia, alternative news, and progressive spirituality sites on the web. But most of all, the story will be discovered in personal experience. As more and more people learn the spiritual exercises of meditation, invocation, affirmation and dream management, more and more people will break free, see clearly and speak openly of that which was, and that which is to come.

The dark is crumbling. Thirteen millennia of élite-led disinformation
 are coming to an end. Disclosure is light; disclosure is change. Disclosure is the oxygen of planetary healing.

Friday, January 04, 2013

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
12 Ben, 19 Mol, 9 Eb
Dratzo! Taj Jai Dan! (Happy New Dawn!) We return! A new epoch is dawning for humanity! Let us start with a brief description of what has happened so far. Our sacred secret allies, with the assistance of your Ascended Masters, have put into position a new financial system and begun to instruct various key individuals in the distribution of the hard-backed currencies associated with this new banking system. Meanwhile, those who are to take up positions to replace old-order officials in the present de facto regimes are preparing the announcements which will transform your world 'in the twinkling of an eye.' Further, the Light-oriented military and militia groups are poised to complete a legal putsch that will put a series of new, de jure governments into power. Once done, the announcements will be broadcast and the six major components of NESARA will become the law of the land. Initially these acts will: restore the Constitution; ensure the establishment of common law; and institute the use of a set of new hard-backed currencies worldwide. These will be the monies activating the new banking system and establishing global prosperity.
   Banks will be rechartered and corporations dissolved and replaced with socially responsible partnerships. Large banks and corporations are to be broken up. New documents detailing the legal requirement for full transparency between these various institutions and the public will be stressed. The people will be asked to inform themselves and become a vital part of this process. These new partnerships will be adjured to recognize the need to help Gaia and work toward redressing the many problems created by decades of global carelessness. These bodies will be publicly regulated and must interact with their now-prosperous communities to bring an end to industrial pollution and energetically promote the age of clean energy, which uses zero-point and light-beam technologies. We intend to assist you by giving you technology which takes your interactive capabilities to a new level and which permits your communities to move away from corporate agriculture and any other 'traditional' industries that can harm Gaia and her diverse and fragile ecosystems.
   Your first priority is to enrich your community life and demonstrate your Love for your home world. We of the Galactic Federation acknowledge both the Spirit and the material aspects of our living land. Each aspect, whether ocean, sky, or landmass, is most precious to us. Your fully conscious ancestors exercised this Love every day and even the so-called primitives of your world hold her essences sacred. This viewpoint is to become yours. Your sciences have only just begun to grasp the truth of this central tenet of creation, and even ecology and related biological sciences barely acknowledge such a basic outlook. As you grow in consciousness you start to sense the Life contained in everything around you. You are to become a community of Earth stewards to your beautiful home world, a community that cherishes your living world and is grateful for all that she provides for you. You begin to perceive the great beauty all around you and to comprehend the key role that you play in sustaining this glorious creation. You begin to truly understand that all life is sacred and inextricably interdependent.
   This unity is the great predicating factor in the Creator's manifested physicality. This sacred design is seen interlaced throughout all Creation. Wherever we go, we see this constitutional unity demonstrated. It is seen in the way the solar system operates; in the way each part of life is dependent on another. It is seen in the way Heaven so graciously interacts with physicality. Everywhere, this all-enveloping rhythm can be observed. It is a source of unending joy to us and we know you deeply sense the truth of what we say. You are increasingly discovering that many of the sacred truths contained in your philosophies need to be recognized. You are also beginning to see that dogma is used to shield other truths from your awareness. You are searching for what is real and for what resonates deep within you. This search involves a growing cognizance of the quintessence that 'makes it all tick,' and above all, you know that something very new is required. This is why we have come, knowing that you need answers to these queries. Our role is to provide them, by using our abilities to move you, with Heaven's assistance, into full consciousness.
   Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come now to act as sacred mentors to all humanity. We come to manifest, in sacred time, a new reality filled with many wonders. Long ago, each of us began a grand quest to fully realize our potential and, with the immense blessing of the Creator, to rediscover our path to full consciousness. This journey was long and arduous and filled with generations of misdirection; then finally, a grand moment of utter glory! In discovering who we are, we learn about what has been taken from us. Then we began a mission to bring humanity swiftly to the wonders that took us so many lifetimes to reach. We asked Heaven to find a way for this to happen, and discovered that such a plan already existed! What is presently happening all over your realm is the start of something truly exceptional: you are meeting your many families, and they are to guide you shortly to your own mass enlightenment.
   Full consciousness is a monumental blessing! It enables you to experience and express every sacred emotion, and to explore fully every action in physicality. This is a huge responsibility and is not to be taken lightly, as it can overwhelm your physical Soul if you are not properly prepared for it. This is why this metamorphosis requires a qualified mentor as well as specific technologies. Heaven knows this, and has sent us those who possess these most magnificent qualities. We graciously bless this opportunity to realize these wonderful goals for humanity. The time draws near, and now you have just passed a most pivotal test! The rest is simply timing. A divine time schedule exists, and you as a people are very shortly to become not only capable of welcoming your many families to this world but also, joyously, to become one of them!
   These great blessings from Heaven are just the beginning of something wonderful! We are honored to be designated to guide you through these wonderlands and intend to start our formal mentoring once your unlawful governance is replaced. In the new, more spiritual environment, disclosure can take place and we can appear before you. You will be reintroduced to many sacred truths as they form part of your divine path to enlightenment. Ascension, or 'donning the cape of full consciousness,' requires carefully choreographed instruction. You will learn to become the dance that is the magnificent realms of Creation. This is something we are familiar with and can easily teach you. Once you begin, you will quickly acquire a certain level of proficiency, which you can then build upon as you watch your world shift, your consciousness expand, and your interaction with the divine realms dramatically increase!
   Today, we continued our discussion about what is happening around your world. Each day brings you closer to your divine destiny. You are shortly to meet your space and Inner Earth families and be returned to full consciousness! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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