Thursday, August 07, 2008
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Improving Hair
Are you unhappy with the condition of your hair? Losing hair, or having bad hair, interferes with your self image!
Hair loss can be a traumatic experience whether it is a natural result of aging, or due to illness, or treatment for an illness. Researchers continue to look for remedies for hair loss, and there have been some encouraging findings in recent years.
There are many traditional chemical based medications available on the market. But for many people, natural hair loss treatment is the best choice, due to the fact that using natural products eliminates the potential side effects that come with chemical-based treatments. Also, natural treatment is not as invasive or risky.
Hormonal changes are a common cause of female hair loss. Hair loss can occur after pregnancy or following discontinuation of birth control pills. In women, the frontal hairline usually remains, with hair loss or thinning occurring over the crown, extending to the frontal hairline.
Among male adults, the most common cause of hair loss is androgenetic alopecia, sometimes called male pattern baldness. This condition is caused by a combination of factors, including hormones called androgens and genetics. Sometimes, the hair loss can start as early as the mid-teen years.
Strong, healthy hair begins with the proper nutritional building blocks. And there is a product that supplies the proper nutrients to your body specifically tailored to prevent hair loss and to help you re-grow hair naturally. It also blocks DHT (dihydrotestostrone) from getting to your body, which is one of the major causes of hair loss.
Now, there is positive news for those experiencing thinning hair. You can learn more at
To your good health and vision – for life!
Roshmi & Jay
The Natural Health & Beauty Website
Young Again Forever
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Toronto Ontario M5V 3A3
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Our Hollow Earth - 1
The Hollow Earth "Theory" The "problem" with what is taught about Earth and all other planets in school is that they are NOT filled with solid rock - they are hollow. Planets have their insides filled with life, usually more than on their external surface. Planets are not just rocks, they are the source of life to those that inhabit them. They have a soul - around and within their bodies. During the ages, there were always those who knew about planetary hollowness. It is common knowledge to older, wiser Civilizations from other areas of the Universe. Earth scientists became aware as well, but the knowledge was blocked by the new world order. The governments block this information to the people... There are entrances to the inside plane of Earth through the poles. The poles are actually holes that go through both sides of the planet, as if a stick had perforated Earth from North to South. The area that can render a compass unusable is located near those poles, and is not a single point but would be close to a circle located on the top and on the bottom of the planet. The circle lies around the "Pole Entrances". This circle area is where the magnetic field lines that surround earth converge on the North and South Pole regions. Satellite images are modified so that these entrance holes are not shown to the masses. The north entrance is guarded by CIA and military ships. The southern entrance is blocked by ice and has it's access blocked or made further difficult by military bases and The planet's inner surface throbs with life and far more life energy than the external one. The reason for this is that the inner Sun, which is what holds the planet energetically together, has direct contact with the beings that live on the inner surface. Usually the outside is less protected and has too much radiation coming from space to keep a healthy level on its surface inhabitants. The inner realm on the other hand has no problems with radiation from space sources/stars because the only source of Light energy in there is the Planet's heart center: a luminous source of heat/Love, Light and Energy to the inner plane. The inside of Earth is of a higher vibration and all who live there are pulled into the level of vibration equivalent to 4th and 5th dimensional existence. The shift is somewhat gradual, and those coming from the 3rd dimension would feel lighter and have an easier time breathing. This is the ascencion into 4th dimension that blends the light reflected on physical surfaces into the surfaces themselves, making them more permeable to energy, and turning energy reflection into emission of energy. Things become less dense and shadowy. This is not to be confused with the Darkness that controls -that is darkness that limits. The lessening of shadows on higher realms is due to the change of the behavior of energy and how it is less dense than its materialized 3rd dimensional form. Walking into the inner plane would feel like a soft transition to a dream, but subject to being forgotten as it is exited - unless the person has enough consciousness development to remember and integrate the The Inner Sun's Light allows for people/animals/different species of beings to receive healing energies directly into their auric fields. Plants grow larger and with juicier fruits. Men and Women live longer, and are better able to develop their spiritual and physical functions. It is always day and the weather is always warm there. There is a tale of viking immigrants that set sail north in search for the land of eternal spring. They did find the land, it is inner Earth. And they were right about eternal warm weather, for as you get closer to the north pole, the climate becomes hotter. There have been expeditions close to the opening that confirm that there are butterflies and less ice after a certain latitude. Peoples living in Greenland know of the entrance, natives are aware of travelers from the inner plane that stop by for supplies once in a while. Besides the top and bottom entrances to inner Earth, there are also other pathways that go through the solid surface. Many tell tales of hidden galleries and underground ancient cities, which for the most part, really exist. The underground cities made of gold, long lost, were a reality and built by men that knew their path through the Earth's Crust. Men like these were present in many civilizations - the aztecs, the mayans, the egyptians, and some others. Many pyramids and ziggurats have underground galleries and deeper hallways with endless stairs that will lead to a place of zero gravity. Then there is the jump zone, where the traveler will jump to the other end, and fall upwards so that he is able to crawl until he is again pulled to the ground. He is now walking on the inner plane of the planet, pushed outwards by the outer plane and walking on the inside plane. The inner plane is populated with many races of evolved intelligence and humanoid form, also of large animals such as mammoths and other extinct dinosaurs. The inner inhabitants are concerned with the world situation outside, but are unable to interfere, due to non -interference intergalactic rules. If they openly put their finger on what they constantly watch, then the inside of Earth will be brought into play, and there is no need for further compromising Earth's health. Yet, most of this is also possible on the outer layer. Here on the outside, Earth's health feels lesser because of all the turmoil that WAS ALLOWED to take place, all the sickness spread by those who sell the medicine and the darkness they bring. Be it pollution, crime, addiction or diseases - all of these are man-made sickness, that harms Earth as much as its humane "complement". Dark "Man" destroyed the healthy atmosphere that filtered much of the radiation transmitted to Earth, polluted the planet and deteriorated much of its aura. It is time that pollution is cut at the root as these companies will not last through the next few years. Earth cleanses itself to return to what it used to be. It will become what it was before the dawn of the dark domination era, with the ascended survivors (right now a small percentage of those on the planet) aiding in the reconstruction of the world. The others will be removed, through wars, world catastrophe, whatever it takes. But much of the traumatic changes can be avoided, by renewing the ways of "humanity". We say "Humanity" because much of the world's population is not of a human nature, instead, they are souls from other species, from varied planets... Many of them are made of dark light, here to usurp the dark state of society, the exploitation and domination that warms their hearts, reminding them of what their dark origins feel like. They are resistant to the pollution, both on a physical and on a non-physical level. They are well adapted, they were born on places where these levels of darkness are normal. Take heed, know how to avoid the disasters, see and become wary of what you let happen which will bring you no gain. Watch out for what outlanders come to do with your planet, to a planet of Light. Enjoy the time and the place you are when you see the opportunity to stop dark agendas from moving forward. Let your lives become of service if your Heart calls you to that, and realize the feeling of integration to Creation that is born with that Service. Many feel that it is dishonest that earth on its external layers is destroyed, while on it's inner plane there is so much exuberance. Know that the external plane is damaged because it's people let it become damaged... The inner plane will not interfere, and will disappear with Earth if it is destroyed. RAJ and The Council of The Light Peter R. Farley |
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Natural Soap
Nature's Own Detergent I always knew the popular brands of laundry detergent had way too many harmful chemicals in them and that they were adversely affecting my health, but here is a product that does the complete opposite! It seems we are being attacked on all fronts; not only through the food, water, and air we ingest, but also through the clothes we wear, or beds we sleep in. Phosphates and other chemicals used to clean or brighten our linen and clothes are breathed or absorbed by our skin and leached into our water and soil causing many ailments or diseases. It's time we woke up and realized how perniciously we are being lulled to our graves. The soap nut(sapindus) is actually a berry or fruit grown on shrubs or trees mostly in India and southeast Asia, but also in the southern United States and Mexico. There are several varieties, the most popular being sapindus mukorossi(India-Indonesia) which is becoming a popular alternative to chemical detergents among eco-friendly societies. Soap nuts contain saponin a natural detergent which can be used to wash clothes and fabrics, as well as be used as shampoos, medicine, insecticide, and even contraceptives. It can even remove freckles! Soapnuts are anti microbial, and like aloe vera, have practically ulimited use. A few nuts are placed in a drawstrng cotton bag and thrown inside your washing machine with your laundry. The water(especially warm or hot) releases the saponin and cleans your clothes. The good thing is they replace softeners as well and can be used several times before being discarded. Your clothes will come out naturally clean with no fragrance. They're also great for silks, wool, or other delicate fabrics. The occasional black seed you may find in the nut can be used to grow your very own soap nut tree! For more information on soap nuts simply type in those two words on your browser and do a search. There are many good articles on this subject. is an excellent source for this and many other health subjects. For other excellent natural cleaning tips see here back to main |
Friday, June 27, 2008
Cook your Head with Cell Phone
Cell Phones, Brain Damage and Pop Corn
June 7, 2008
Cell phone dangers have been a hot item in the past few months in the real healing circles. Reports of brain tumors and brain damage abound. You don’t have to wait for some “study” because no cell phone company or telecoms company in its right mind will ever conduct a “study”. So if you have any common sense, you would listen to the testimonials and play things safe. Buy yourself a head set so at least your cell phone isn’t pointed directly into your ear and into your brain and eyes.
The latest entertaining FACT about cell phone dangers going around is using your cell phone to pop POP CORN! Entertaining and deadly. Get 4 cell phones and point them all at the pop corn kernels. Call up all the phones so they ring all at the same time. See those pop corns pop! Experiment! Do it yourself! This is repeatable and entertaining.
So have your laugh, learn and remember that your cell phones are dangerous to your health.
Written by eesc · Filed Under Featured Articles, General Health
Cook your Head with Cell Phone
Cell Phones, Brain Damage and Pop Corn
June 7, 2008
Cell phone dangers have been a hot item in the past few months in the real healing circles. Reports of brain tumors and brain damage abound. You don’t have to wait for some “study” because no cell phone company or telecoms company in its right mind will ever conduct a “study”. So if you have any common sense, you would listen to the testimonials and play things safe. Buy yourself a head set so at least your cell phone isn’t pointed directly into your ear and into your brain and eyes.
The latest entertaining FACT about cell phone dangers going around is using your cell phone to pop POP CORN! Entertaining and deadly. Get 4 cell phones and point them all at the pop corn kernels. Call up all the phones so they ring all at the same time. See those pop corns pop! Experiment! Do it yourself! This is repeatable and entertaining.
So have your laugh, learn and remember that your cell phones are dangerous to your health.
Written by eesc · Filed Under Featured Articles, General Health
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Electromagnetic Pollution
Are You Allergic to Wireless Internet?
Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome (EHS) is a condition in which people are highly sensitive to electromagnetic fields. In an area such as a wireless hotspot, they experience pain or other symptoms.
People with EHS experience a variety of symptoms including headache, fatigue, nausea, burning and itchy skin, and muscle aches. These symptoms are subjective and vary between individuals, which makes the condition difficult to study, and has left experts divided about the validity of such claims.
More than 30 studies have been conducted to determine what link the condition has to exposure to electromagnetic fields from sources such as radar dishes, mobile phone signals and, Wi-Fi hotspots.
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Dr. Mercola's Comments: | |
Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome (EHS) is still viewed with skepticism by most scientists and medical professionals. The World Health Organization (WHO) conducted a workshop in Prague in October 2004 to review the more than 30 studies on the topic. The editors of the workshop stated:
So is it real, or is it just another problem in your head? With everything I know about the health dangers associated with electromagnetic fields (EMF) and information-carrying radio waves from cell phones, WiFi routers and cell phone towers, I’m convinced EHS is a real and looming health disaster. Sweden is leading the pack in acknowledging and dealing with this issue, mainly due to the progress made by FEB - The Swedish Association for the ElectroSensitive. The association produces and distributes educational literature that has helped raise awareness about the phenomenon around the world. Mast Action UK is doing similar work in Great Britain, as well as the Electromagnetic Radiation Alliance in Australia. There are signs that acceptance is spreading, especially in Europe. Just last week, the French magazine Connexion reported that four libraries in Paris have turned off the WiFi connections they installed at the end of 2007 after staff claimed they were causing health problems. Why is WiFi Potentially Worse than Other Radiation? Electomagnetic fields are all around us, no matter where you live these days. They emanate from power lines, televisions, household electrical wiring, appliances and microwaves. Then you have the information-carrying radio waves of cell phones, cell phone towers and wireless internet connections. WiFi is a kind of radio wave that operates at either 2.4 or 5 gigahertz – slightly higher than your cell phone. Since they’re designed to allow for transmission of very large amounts of data, WiFi radio waves also emit greater amounts electromagnetic radiation. Lucinda Grant, director of the U.S. support group Electrical Sensitivity Network, and author of two books: The Electrical Sensitivity Handbook and Workstation Radiation, compares electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) to that of multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), which is an apt comparison as both groups are environmental canaries. Chemical sensitivity was also once thought to originate in the minds of hysterical housewives. Many times, those suffering from electromagnetic hypersensitivity will also be highly sensitive to chemicals or suffer from MCS. Other at-risk groups for developing EHS include those with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), and people experiencing mercury toxicity from dental amalgams. This makes logical sense since your nervous system is a primary site impacted by both chemicals and electromagnetic fields. And if your nervous system has been damaged from toxic exposures you may also be more susceptible to EHS as well. The five most common symptoms of electromagnetic hypersensitivity are:
Less commonly reported symptoms include:
Electomagnetic Fields Produce More Potent Mycotoxins Earlier this year I had the pleasure of conducting an interview with Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, in which we discussed the impact of electromagnetic fields and radio waves on your body (among other things. The complete audio interview and transcript is available to all my Inner Circle members). Dr. Klinghardt reminded me that Dr. Robert Becker -- in his second important book Cross Currents that came out in the late 80s or early 90s -- found that when you expose a bacterial culture to abnormal electromagnetic fields, the bacteria believe they are being attacked by your immune system and start producing much more virulent toxinx as a protective mechanism. Klinghardt believes that it’s possible that some 50 percent of chronic infections are caused, and/or aggravated, by electromagnetic field exposure, leading to syndromes like chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and other chronic pain syndromes. Why Your Laptop May be More Harmful than Your PC Another fascinating tidbit of information gleaned from my interview with Dr. Klinghardt is that laptops are far more hazardous to your health than desktops. As they heat up, the circuitry board out-gasses metals such as beryllium, and as the plastic warms it out-gasses flame retardants like PBDE, all of which adds to your toxic load. It would be prudent to only use your laptop short-term, such as when traveling, and using a desktop for your day-to-day work. Preferably positioning your hard drive as far away from you as possible, with fans blowing air away from where you sit. Heavy Metal Toxicity Increases Your Risk of Electromagnetic Sensitivity Last but not least, the issue of heavy metal toxicity in relation to electromagnetic and radio wave exposure may be one of the most significant and convincing pieces of the EHS puzzle. Dr. Yoshiaki Omura’s research shows that the more your system is contaminated with heavy metals from silver amalgam fillings, eating contaminated fish, living downstream from coal burning power plants and so forth, the more your body becomes a virtual antenna that actually concentrates radiation, making it far more destructive. But there’s also an additional overlap that can influence and increase the risk of damage to your health. If you have accumulated toxic metals in your brain, your brain becomes like an antenna, picking up more cell phone radiation, which in turn can cause the microbes in your system to overreact and create more potent mycotoxins. This can create a never-ending vicious cycle between the microbes and metals in your body and your exposure to electromagnetic fields, which can lead to hypersensitivity. What Can You Do to Protect Yourself and Your Family? First, you need to understand that your nutrition and your daily lifestyle can make you either accumulate more toxic metals or help you excrete them over time. Eating a healthy diet tailored to your nutritional type and maintaining a regular exercise regimen, as well as detoxing on a regular basis, forms the foundation of optimal health, and can help reduce your toxic load. Two other factors that play a vital role here are: sleeping well and getting plenty of appropriate sun exposure. Why? Because sleep and sunlight have a direct impact on your melatonin levels, and melatonin is actually one of the most potent detox agents that eliminate metals from your brain naturally. Increasing your melatonin production can be done in three ways:
Melatonin is not only the most important detox agent for your brain; it is also a very important anti-inflammatory. And as I stated earlier, electromagnetic radiation can make inflammation worse by creating more potent mycotoxins, so reducing inflammation is vital. And, although you can certainly take melatonin as a supplement, I’m not at all convinced that swallowing it provides the same benefit as having your brain produce it the way it was designed to. A 1997 Australian Senate Discussion Paper also confirms the importance of reducing electro-pollution in your bedroom, as researchers found that even low level (12 milliGauss) exposure to 50-60 hertz electromagnetic fields can significantly reduce your melatonin production. For other recommendations on how to protect yourself and your family from cell phone radiation, please review my list of guidelines from last week’s article, Now Half the World Has a Cell Phone - - Why That is a Brain Tumor Epidemic Waiting to Happen. |
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Monday, June 16, 2008
How to become oxygen deficient?
How do we become oxygen deficient?
- Polluted air.
- Eating dead/cooked, devitalized, processed, or preserved food.
- Poor breathing technique.
Polluted Air
Biggest sources are smoke filled air, automobile exhaust, factory emissions, and garbage burning.
Indoor air pollution is 10 times worse than outdoor air pollution.
Oxygen level in normal fresh air is 21%. Some major air-polluted cities are only 10%. Some smoke filled rooms drop to as low as 7%. Oxygen content of air bubbles trapped in amber and core samples of ice from
Dead/Cooked, Devitalized Food
The lowest oxygen content is found in cooked, processed, preserved foods. This is 80-90% of the average American diet. Meat, chicken, fish, dairy and eggs are very low in oxygen. Microwaved foods and refined sugars are at the bottom of the oxygen content list.
Poor Breathing Technique
This is the greatest source of oxygen deficiency.
On average we use less than 20% of our lung capacity because of our restricted breathing patterns.
Most people are chest breathers never fully using the diaphragm to fully inhale and fully oxygenate the body.
Oxygen examples
The average person A living in a major city is breathing only 20% of the 10% oxygen in the air - this is 2% oxygen daily.
The average person B who smokes inside is breathing 20% of the 7% oxygen in the air - this is less than 1.5% oxygen daily.
One should be breathing 80% of the 21% oxygen in the air - this is 17% oxygen daily. This is 850% more oxygen than person A and 1100% more oxygen than person B.
How Can You Increase Your Oxygen Content?
- Decrease air pollution.
- Increase living/raw green foods.
- Improve breathing technique.
- Open the windows of your house 30 minutes each day even in the winter to get more oxygen in the house and remove the pollutants: fumes, out gasing, chemicals and toxins.
- Get outside each day and breathe the air. The more the better.
- Purchase an ozonator/ionizer for your house to increase the oxygen content in the air and to remove the chemical and toxins in the air.
Increase the Living/Raw Green Foods
Highest oxygen content is found in living green food: sprouts, especially wheatgrass, sunflower, and next comes algaes: chlorella, spirulina.
Next come raw green vegetables such as kale, collards, spinach, dandelion, broccoli, and other dark green vegetables.
Improve Breathing Technique
Regular deep and full diaphragmatic breathing fully oxygenates the blood, and energizes every cell in the body.
Benefits of Deep Breathing
- Single most important way to increase the oxygen content of the body.
- T he most important way to generate electrical charge and energy to the body. This is critical to every system, organ, gland and tissues health and maintenance.
- The greatest mover of lymphatic fluid, 10-15 times more than any other, even intense exercise. Lymphatic fluid is the foundation of the immune system, 2/3 of your white blood cells are in the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is also the major sewer system to rid the body of waste products produced from the cellular metabolism.
- Detoxifies/eliminate waste products from the body. 70% leave through breathing, 20% through skin, 7% through urine and 3% through the bowel.
- The primary conductor of the life energy in our bodies is the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Deep breathing ionizes this fluid. Deep breathing is the most important factor in maintaining the flow of the cerebrospinal fluid. The CSF is one of the highest energetically- charged elements in the body. The CSF bathes the brain and spinal cord and feeds it the glucose it needs to function, and removes wastes.
- Maintains movement of all internal organs and glands. Without this movement the organs and glands would become dysfunctional and eventually dis-eased.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Water Killing System
After 911, the US Government started a secret project of inserting T-valves in the water distribution system, that can distribute deadly poisons, on an individual basis, to any selected residence in the water system. This can be used, obviously, to reduce the population. The use of fluoride is only to control the population. See the details below:
The Public Extermination Project
By Janet C. Phelan
14th of August 2004
There has been intensive media attention since 911 to the resultant war on terrorism and our aggression in
Through the use of T-Valves, the US Government can regulate, on an individualized, residence by residence basis, the introduction of another substance into the water lines. As fluoride goes in at the plant, we are not dealing with the capability to add fluoride. It is quite a bit more nefarious than that.
In the first interview on the 10th of May 2004, with Water Engineer Michael Downs and Head Engineer Julie Spacht from the Department of Water and Power DWP in their downtown
Several days later, I happened upon surface work by a DWP contractor Spiniello Company. The work involving T-Valves is generally done under the street; however, the surface work on
When I informed Michael Downs that I had the T-Valves on film, it seemed to jog his memory. When I asked him to state in writing the DWP policy on T-Valves, he submitted a fax stating that T-Valves were never used in mainline construction. I saw one T-Valve on mainline construction on
I have secured a sample directly from a DWP water line. It is simply toxic, causing extreme cardiac discomfort. However, it tastes just like water. In order to fully understand the implications here, we must comprehend the larger context. Students of history are aware of the striking similarities between 911 and the Reichstag Fire in Adolph Hitler’s Nazi Germany. Briefly, Adolph Hitler had his own troops burn down the German Reichstag. Adolph Hitler then blamed the fires on the Communists, in order to obtain the powers to govern under a bogus 'State of
911 and the resultant Patriot Act have essentially duplicated the political situation here in
The tie in the T-Valve project now becomes clear: our US Government is denying the capability of making additions into the water system when the work is ongoing. If the introduction of a toxic substance into the lines were planned, would they admit it? It might cause a generalized panic. For those concerned how our own leadership could possibly be involved in such a questionable matter, one needs to understand the ongoing relationship between the Bush Crime Family and Adolph Hitler. It has been well documented by Webster Tarpley and Antonin Chaitkin in the book, "George Bush: An Unauthorized Biography" that our President’s grandfather, Senator Prescott Bush, was funneling millions of dollars into Adolph Hitler’s war effort through Union Bank Corporation UBC. On the 10th of October 1942, the US Government seized UBC under the Trading with the Enemies Act, declaring the bank to be a Nazi Party front. Prescott Bush was at that time a Director of UBC. For those who are interested in further documentation of this, I refer you to chapter 2 of George Bush: An Unauthorized Biography.
The Prescott Bush and Adolph Hitler connection did not end with the seizing of the bank. It simply became more covert and less easy to detect. It was continued on through Skull and Bones, the Yale secret society with massive Nazi connections, into which both Presidents Bush immersed themselves at Yale.
It is important here to understand that using water as a medium for poisoning had its genesis in the Nazi prison camps, where the first introduction of the hotly debated compound sodium fluoride was used as a form of hippocampal dulling.
According to Charles Perkins, who was appointed post-war head of the German chemical giant IG Farben, "The real reason behind water fluoridation is not to benefit children’s teeth. The real purpose behind water fluoridation is to reduce the resistance of the masses to domination, control and loss of liberty. The German chemists worked out a very ingenious and far-reaching plan of mass-control which was submitted to and adopted by the German General Staff. This plan was to control the population in any given area through mass medication of drinking water supplies…Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluoride will in time reduce an individual’s power to resist domination, by slowly poisoning and narcotizing a certain area of the brain, thus making him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him."
His remarks were reinforced by Doctor Elijah .H. Bonner, who was the great Albert Einstein’s nephew: "Even in small quantities sodium fluoride is a deadly poison to which no effective antidote has ever been found." For those wishing a more complete reading on this subject, please reference The Crime and Punishment of IG Farben by Joseph Borken. It is necessary to reiterate here that in the case of the Los Angeles DWP sample, we are not dealing with fluoride. This report touches on the Nazi use of fluoride as an example of using the water system for purposes that were contrary to the welfare of those imbibing the water. To recap, there are definite similarities between 911 and Hitler’s Reichstag fires.
Because of 911, we have lost the right to live.
An introduction of another substance into the water lines could prove deadly. According to Mike Downs, the water records became “classified” the week after 911. He is attempting to deceive this reporter by denying that the valve that simply has the capability to introduce another substance into the water system is even used by DWP. Add to this galmaufrey the extensive relationship between the Bush Crime Family and Adolph Hitler and his spiritual descendants, and the picture comes into focus. Through the use of T-Valves, FEMA Concentration Camps become unnecessary. The US Government now has the capability of exterminating whoever they wish through its own water system. No muss, no fuss, no heart-wrenching scenes of rounding people up and transporting them off to a highly uncertain future.
When they are ready for the big day, when they have determined which residences will receive 'death water' and which will be bypassed, the function of a T-Valve in front of every residence, a switch will be thrown and what Adolph Hitler began will be accomplished.
In this context, the reason for the 'oops-no-weapons-of-mass-destruction' war in
Adolph Hitler had his showers and George H.W. Bush has his water lines.
Last edited on Sun Sep 11th, 2005 11:20 pm by Avatar
When we moved to our house nine years ago I was doing the dishes the first full day there and running the water. My cat was standing up as far as she could on the bottom cabinet door meowing her head off at me. My husband and I could not figure out what she wanted then noticed she kept licking her lips manically.
My husband then mentioned that their water bowl was at the same level as the night before. We got the idea that she was desperately thirsty but didn't want to drink the water. We did have some distilled water on hand for the radiator in the car. Husband poured her some and she drank like she had not had water in days. The cat had rather go thirsty than drink our supposidly clean local water.
We looked at each other and agreed that we would trust her judgement on this and went out and got distilled water for ourselves and the cats from then on out!
A couple of years later there was a minor local scandal as all the fish died in our local water reservoir. Unfortunately our friends took the fish kill news as more proof their young toddlers needed "baby water" which of course is flouridated.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Water Cures Everything
Bathing in and drinking the proper water is the key to remove all the acidic waste of our bodies. This is more effective than diet and exercise for the health of our bodies, according to the videos available in this website:
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Outer Space Cure
Do You Want a Cure from Outer Space?
Lavinia Ritkiss, a healer in Los Angeles, claims to have been given a recipe for what seems to be a miracle cure. The healer says her amazing "space syrup" was a gift from aliens to humankind and that anyone can prepare it from common ingredients.
"This syrup is truly amazing," said Mrs. Ritkiss, who used the medicine to cure her arthritis. "It costs just pennies to make, yet after a few weeks of taking it, your whole physical and mental conditions change for the better. It contains many ingredients that humans use to improve
health, but the formula the aliens' advanced science has produced, combines these ingredients in a new and different way, and it has a remarkable impact on the body."
"The aliens told me that it affects the electrical energy of the body, reversing negative impulses that bring about diseases and unhealthy emotions. I take a teaspoon every day, and I know that it has worked wonders for me. Now the aliens want me to spread the word so that the maximum
number of humans will learn about it and use it."
Mrs. Ritkiss, who runs a healing center that offers natural products and New Age cures, says she encountered the aliens last fall while she was working in her office behind the store.
"Seven small green creatures appeared out of the thin air," she said, "and they used their huge, glowing eyes to immobilize me. They appeared in the corner of my office and they seemed very loving and concerned," she recalled. "They told me they had a great affection and respect for humans and wanted to help us with this gift. I couldn't move or speak. I felt like I was dreaming. When I woke up, the spacemen were gone and the recipe was sitting on the desk in front of me".
Mrs. Ritkiss says she mixed up a batch of the syrup the next day and because it contained nothing she felt would harm her, she took a teaspoon every day for a month to see what would happen.
"I couldn't believe what it did for me!" she says. "My arthritis is gone, my skin glows, even my teeth and hair are different. I feel like a teenager again. Since then, I have shared the recipe with hundreds of people and it has cured everything -- acne, heart disease, depression and
even cancer. The syrup is so wonderful, I know I have to tell everybody about it. It's a miracle gift, a token of love from outer space."
Mrs. Ritkiss says she plans to distribute a pamphlet about the space syrup. In the meantime, however, she has provided the formula so people can start enjoying good health right away.
2 tsp. diced fresh garlic
3 Tbs. olive oil
5 Tbs. pure clover honey
1 Tbs. apple cider vinegar
1/2 tsp. cayenne
1/4 tsp. asafoetida (optional)
1/4 cup strong green tea, freshly made
Saute garlic in olive oil for 1 minute, then add other ingredients. Simmer and cook over low flame for 5 minutes. Let cool. Strain into glass jar. Cover and refrigerate. (Makes enough for a week with one teaspoon a day.)
Source: Chet Day Health & Beyond Weekly Newsletter