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SaLuSa, 17-August-2011
There is nothing that you cannot achieve with your collective consciousness. However it must be directed and focussed on your intent, if it is to be manifested through your creative power. Currently you are raising your levels in seeking an end to the old systems of control. That is helping speed up the changes, and the energy for change cannot be denied. It means that you have taken a positive approach and risen above the fear laden prophecies that are being made about your future. There are a number of reasons that lead people to fearful conclusions, and deliberate disinformation is by far the more prevalent. The present campaign is directed against First Contact by inferring we come as conquerors and destroyers. With a logical approach it would become clear that if we were, we could have taken you over many years ago when you would have been unable to offer resistance. Instead your history will correctly show that we of the Galactic Federation, have on many occasions offered to bring peace to the world, and that it has been turned down by your leaders. We cannot speak for other visitors to Earth, but we do know that some have harboured thoughts of taking over your world.
The Galactic Federation is comprised of civilisations of ascended Beings carrying the status of Masters. They are spiritually evolved and their energy is of Love and Light, with the intent of spreading it far and wide. We act on the Divine orders that direct our activities, and we are committed to helping civilisations such as yours. You can understand your position at this time, and know that you are on the verge of a momentous leap in your evolution. We are here to travel with you, and even beyond as you make your way through the next level of dimensions. Nothing will be allowed to interfere with your progress, and it is our responsibility to ensure you safely achieve Ascension.
Our advice to you is to ignore any suggestion of an attempt to take over your world, as it will not happen. Also be assured that we are fully aware of the plan of the dark Ones to stage a false attack, and we will make sure that it fails. That much authority is given to us, and it would have been prevented even if a real attack was intended. Our fleets number thousands upon thousands of craft and we would not stand by and allow your precious Earth to be violated. It is not in the plan for the end-times, as you have earnt the right to ascend and your freewill choice will be honoured. The dark Ones can only go so far where you karma is concerned, before we stop them in their tracks. That is easy enough for us with our advanced technology, and not a drop of blood would be shed. You will not have to put up with the activities of the dark Ones much longer, as their days are numbered.
Our allies are gaining more confidence in confronting those who are against Ascension and would stop its progress. The power is now with them and their demands for an end to covert actions are soon to bear fruit. The issue may have to be forced through, and they are fully prepared for all situations. Our allies are now to be found in every country, and it is an organisation that now wields immense power. Both Disclosure and First Contact are being are being pushed forward to achieve the final thrust that will bring them into being. Be assured that we are doing all we can to cross that last bridge that will bring victory.
You may have noted that you have not been beset with catastrophes of a physical nature, in spite of the ancient prophecies for this period of time. We have been able to control such issues, but certain Earth changes will have to take place as part of the cleansing. Whatever happens know that we are working behind the scenes to keep damage and death to a minimum, and we will do all we can to warn you in advance of any major event. However, where your waterways and seas have been polluted, cleansing is a relatively easy task for us and will be completed in next to no time. It is your land pollution that presents more of a problem, but even so it is well within our capabilities. Whatever inconvenience you have to experience, it will be short lived and we will use our vast knowledge of your needs to ensure you are looked after.
Dear Ones, the restless Earth and the restless population are feeling the changing energies, and they are unsettling. However, they will settle down as the lower energies are gradually transmuted, and you will find that you draw the calming higher energies to yourselves. You will effectively lift yourselves out of the lower ones, and there is no reason why they should ever again be attracted by you. Behind all that is happening the Law of Attraction is at work, and why you are now well past the time of continually attracting them. In fact, there has never been a better opportunity to raise up your vibrations. From outside of your Earth the higher energies continue to bathe it in Light, and many of you are sufficiently evolved to draw them into yourselves. We see that as a wonderful achievement, and such individual souls are acting as beacons of Light for others.
From the rioting and other acts of defiance against the authorities, you are seeing how unsettling the changing times can be. There is a sense of knowing that the fabric of society is collapsing, but very few understand that it must happen if you are to go forward. The future therefore looks bleak, whereas it is full of promise that will establish a new society that will be reflect the Love and Light growing upon Earth. You are the Children Of God, so how else could it be as you are fully capable of bringing your real self that is your Godself into being. You are not your body but a glorious Being of Light seeking the pathway back to the higher realms, your true home.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and come to give assurances that you are so loved and part of the great family of Light that awaits your return. Very few of you are privileged to know your true background, and where you came from to take part in duality. That will change before long, and many of you will have the chance to meet those who wait for a family reunion with you. You have come from many different civilisations, to give of your own particular skills and knowledge to uplift those lost souls upon Earth. Your journey is all but over, and the celebrations are about to begin.
Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey.
August 17, 2011
US Chaos Warned Near As Solar “Madness” Circles Globe
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A chilling research paper authored by Victor A. Brumberg, a top theoretical physicist specializing in relativistic celestial mechanics and astrometry at the Institute of Applied Astronomy in St. Petersburg, is warning today that our Earth is in the grip of “Solar Madness” that is causing massive social and economic upheaval around the globe and is set to unleash upon the United States “unprecedented chaos.”
Brumberg, along with his collaborator Russian dynamicists Gregoriy A. Krasinsky, is best known for his 2004 research proving that our Earth and Sun are moving apart, a finding confirmed this past June when Takaho Miura of Hirosaki University in Japan, in an article submitted to the European journal Astronomy and Astrophysics, stated that that the Sun and Earth are literally pushing each other away due to their tidal interaction.
In Brumberg’s latest paper he builds upon the studies of how magnetic storms affect the human body conducted by Doctor-Scientist Tamara Breus of Russia’s Institute of Space Studies and whose research showed that 70% of all micro variations, caused by geomagnetic disturbances, are accompanied by an abnormally high incidence of heart attacks (a growth of about 13%), and blood-strokes (7.5% growth).
Dr. Breus further stated about his research: “The influence of a magnetic storm was obvious. It was manifest in a change of pulse and blood pressure, vegetative disorders, reduction of heartbeat rate variability and the power of respiratory undulations, and in a more irregular heartbeat pattern. Reactions varied depending on the duration of the flights and an ability of cosmonauts to adapt themselves to the new environment.”
Shortly after the launch of the first satellites, mankind discovered the solar wind - a continuous flow of hot plasma from the solar corona. At a distance of 10-12 Earth's radii in the direction of the Sun, where the energy of the solar wind equals that of the Earth's magnetic field, solar wind particles change their direction, and flow around the Earth, forming a comet-like plasma vacuum -- the magnetosphere. The size of its sophisticated but fairly stable structure depends on solar wind pressure, and hence, on solar activity.
The tail of the magnetosphere, which stretches for hundreds of thousands of kilometers in the direction opposite to the Sun, accumulates magnetic energy. From time to time, it is released in explosions, which heat up plasma, and create powerful electric currents (millions of amperes). When such bursts follow one another, the magnetosphere is filled to capacity with hot plasma, while its electric currents embrace the entire near-Earth space. These phenomena are referred to as geomagnetic storms.
Along with the findings discovered by Dr. Breus relating to the physical effects of geomagnetic storms upon humans, Brumberg added the research done by Anna Krivelyova and her husband Cesare Robotti for the United States Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta titled Playing the Field: Geomagnetic Storms and the Stock Market [Working Paper 2003-5b, October 2003 PDF] on its psychological effects.
Krivelyova and her husband compiled data on every known geomagnetic storm for the past 70 years. Each storm emits a plasma “bubble” of energy which hurtles into space at an estimated 2 million miles per hour and, in some cases, may collide with the earth's atmosphere.
Krivelyova and husband Robotti analyzed financial returns on the world-wide investment market in the immediate period following major sunstorm hits on the planet, and found a corresponding statistical dip in stock returns.
“On average, when analyzing the daily data, we find that in days following the geomagnetic storms, there are lower returns on the international market,” Krivelyova said. “The differences are actually quite substantial.”
Nor are they a coincidence, she adds. “Psychological disorders and ‘bad moods’ have been linked to more cautious behavior, including decisions of a financial nature.”
Geomagnetic storm related stock drops are most likely to be felt by individual investors rather than large corporate traders, according to Krivelyova. “Institutional investors will be following some kind of formula most of the time,” she said. “It is the individual investors who are more likely to be affected by this kind of behavior or mood variable.”
In his paper combining the known physical and psychological effects upon humans caused by geomagnetic storms, Brumberg asserts that a “strong case” can be built linking our Suns recent upheavals to the unprecedented social and economic chaos currently hitting nearly every corner of our planet.
From massive protests throughout the Arab world, to Israel where hundreds of thousands remain in the streets protesting their government, to China where mass protests are seeming to erupt on a weekly basis, to Europe where mass protests in Greece, Spain and Italy have brought their governments to near collapse, to England where many of their cities were set aflame last week by rioting mobs, to South America where hundreds of thousands continue mass protests in Chile, to India hit with their worst protests in decades, and too many other countries to mention in just one article, our world today, indeed, appears as if it is on the cusp of near collapse.
Brumberg in making his “strong case” for blaming geomagnetic storms for this unprecedented global upheaval states his analysis of our Suns activity this year proves it could very well be the underlying cause and notes that since 7 March of this year alone our Earth has been hit with: 35 M-class flares, 2 X-class Flares, 2 C-class LDE [Long-Duration Event] Flares each lasting 9hrs, and 1 C-class LDE Flare lasting 10hrs, each of them coinciding with major protests, riots and/or stock market collapses.
Important to note is that these geomagnetic storms have become so severe the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) warned this past week that our Earth could be hit by at least four gigantic solar storms in the next couple of years, which could cause global disruptions in GPS systems, power grids, satellite communications, and airline communications while NASA has warned that a peak in the Sun's magnetic energy cycle and the number of sun spots or flares around 2013 could cause extremely high radiation levels and year-long power outages could result from them along with nuclear crises’.
Brumberg, however, asserts in his paper that the worst catastrophes to be caused by these geomagnetic storms are not in the disruptions to normal life described by NOAA, but instead lies in the mass unraveling of human society due to their effect upon the human bodies delicate electro-biological system, most specifically our brains being able to function normally while at the same time being bombarded with massive electromagnetic shocks.
Brumberg further warns that the nation most likely to be affected next by unprecedented chaos is the United States, which he states is currently teetering on the balance of mass social and economic upheaval with signs of unrest growing and which the ominous new Sun-spot now expanding and warned to throw more flares towards our Earth will, no doubt, accelerate.
Interesting to note in Brumberg’s report is his assertion that our Sun’s present activity cannot be explained by any known science without including an “unnamed actor” as being the main cause of its present upheaval.
The “unnamed actor” mentioned by Brumberg causing this present chaos was first mentioned this past year [see 2nd video on left] by astrophysicists John Matese and Daniel Whitmire from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette who warned this past February that evidence is mounting that either a brown dwarf star or a gas giant planet is lurking at the outermost reaches of our solar system, far beyond Pluto.
The theoretical object, dubbed Tyche, is estimated to be four times the size of Jupiter and 15,000 times farther from the Sun than Earth and is said by many experts to be cause of the unprecedented number of comets and asteroids [see 1st video on left] currently hurtling towards our planet.
Most interesting to note about this brown dwarf star theorized by Matese and Whitmire is that this past spring the government of Switzerland, for reasons yet to be explained, included it on one of their Swiss Franc currency notes [see 3rd video on left] showing the orbit is would take through our Solar System.
Even more interesting is a recent video posted on YouTube [see 4th video on left] from a NASA “insider” claiming that US and many other world governments have long known of the approach of this mysterious space object and from the myths and legends left to us from our most ancient peoples warned that its passing would cause a geomagnetic disruption so severe it would leave virtually the entire population of our planet “stark raving mad.”
To the outcome of these events it is not in our knowing, other than to note that with this issue now being brought to the forefront of human knowledge it bears our paying close attention to as these perilous times we live in get stranger by the day.
August 17, 2011 EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.
SaLuSa, 15-August-2011
In the heavy vibrations of Duality your physical bodies easily tire, and as each day ends you need to recuperate by taking a period of sleep. Everything is very conveniently arranged so that you have night and day, that fits in with your needs to re-energise yourselves. Consequently you spend around a third of your lifetime sleeping, and you know that it is necessary; as if you are deprived of sleep you become ill. As you rise up so that all changes as you begin to absorb the energy that is around you. Eventually you need little but a short rest period, and no longer require your present intake of solid food to re-fuel your body. In fact your life is no longer ruled by night and day, as you will be in a dimension that has constant light. With your new bodies of crystalline cells, you will find that the conditions in which you live are exactly right for your needs. Be assured that when you do not have a heavy physical body, there are no pangs of hunger or tiredness as you experience now.
Many aspects of your lives will change with Ascension, and all to the good. Life will no longer be a chore or a burden. The most noticeable changes will be where your freedom to travel is concerned. In your less dense body you will be able to move instantaneously to wherever you desire, and that means you are always able to contact your loved ones whenever you wish. There is however a provision that requires each souls privacy be protected, and you would first make telepathic contact to gain permission. So in fact, in the higher dimensions you have far greater freedom, and your loved ones and friends are always within contact.
Life on Earth has its high points, but it will never match the advantages of living in the higher dimensions. Perhaps you will find that the most acceptable change is in respect of your use of your time. Where on Earth you often find it difficult to fit everything in, you will experience the exact opposite having all the time you need to follow your pursuits. More so, if you were keen to develop you artistic talent, you could for example “call back” Rembrandt and benefit from his experience. It has to be pointed out that with the higher vibrations you will use your increased powers of thought, and will tend to be more creative with them.
Your lives will bear little resemblance to how they are now, and the benefits will be almost unimaginable. The path to these changes is about to start on Earth, by returning to you your sovereignty and freedom. With it shall come your release from being dependant on out dated methods of travel, medicine and food production. What you have been denied is being enjoyed by the selected few who are part of the covert operations of the Illuminati. You have been deliberately held back, to maintain the old system that feeds the bank balances of those families that are in power. The few control the masses but that is all about to change, and our allies have progressed to the point where the changes can begin. The realisation that you can be lifted up and experience a far better quality of life, will re-invigorate people’s desires and interest in their future. That future is Ascension with all of the changes we have been regularly discussing.
Most important is of course your spiritual upliftment, which is the key to whether you ascend. That is determined by your level of vibration and it must be similar to those of the higher dimensions, if you are to move out of your present one which is the third dimension. As we have often mentioned, there is the Law of Attraction that determines which souls rise up and that applies automatically. It is how your progress or otherwise takes place, and you cannot be in a level other than the one that is consistent with your vibrations. That alone ensures that the different dimensions are always in harmony and balance. On Earth you do have Higher Beings, but they have had to drop their vibrations to be on it. Usually that is for the purpose of serving the Light, and you do in fact have thousands of them with you now, working to raise your vibrations.
We of the Galactic Federation are also part of the Light working teams, and like them we have a specific role to play. As you should know by now, it is to protect you and ensure that the path to Ascension is kept open for all of you that have chosen it. With our presence also comes knowledge of the higher states of being, and glimpses of what your future holds. We are One, and quite naturally there is a mutual attraction between us. You are also genetically connected with us, which is why you will see many humanlike Beings amongst us. We are so much like you that we could easily walk amongst you with hardly being noticed. Soon that will in fact become quite normal, and Disclosure is becoming much nearer to being announced.
In the midst of escalating Earth changes, we pick up a more calming energy that seems to come from the general upliftment of your mass consciousness. We would expect it to continue to rise in view of the ever-increasing levels of Light being sent to you. It is welcomed as there is inevitably going to be a period of some confusion and uncertainty when major changes are thrust upon you. They will of course be understood by those of you who keep abreast of events, and you can do much to share your understanding with others. Fear of the unknown is still very much a problem, but we will quickly explain what is happening as soon as we can. Your support for us is clearly essential, as we desire to involve you in the activities that are our top priority.
Once it is clear where everything is heading, we expect to have your full co-operation and indeed why not, as the plan is for your ultimate well-being. We have the answers to all of your problems, and the inconvenience to you while the changes occur will be minimal. We would say that they will be wide spread and you will be aware of the purpose through each stage of development.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and as ever pleased to confirm our willingness to work with you, and you will certainly not be excluded from any of our plans. Be patient now that events are coming to a head, as you must surely realise that we are so near to meeting you.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
August 13, 2011
Russian Intelligence Calls Facebook “Information Warfare Weapon”
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A senior Federal Security Service (FSB) official speaking off the record to reporters this morning in the Kremlin labeled the US social media website Facebook as the world’s most dangerous “Information Warfare Weapon” and stated that unless its powers were curbed the freedoms of everyone on Earth would be stripped away entirely.
Important to note is that this top FSB official had previously (April, 2011) urged Russia to ban Skype, Gmail and Hotmail as “major threats to national security,” a request quickly rejected by the Kremlin due to how such a move would be characterized in the West.
In his assessment of Facebook, however, this FSB official warned that this supposedly privately run social media website is, in fact, a creation of the United States Information Awareness Office (IAO) whose chilling logo [top photo right] is the “all seeing eye” capstone of the Great Pyramid shining its penetrating gaze upon the whole Earth and whose avowed 2002 mission statement is to achieve Total Information Awareness (TIA) over the entire population of America.
The IAO states that TIA would be achieved by creating enormous computer databases to gather and store the personal information of everyone in the United States, including personal e-mails, social networks, credit card records, phone calls, medical records, and numerous other sources, without any requirement for a search warrant.
The end result seen by the IAO is what they call Human Identification at a Distance (HumanID) that they describe as:
“The HumanID project is an automated biometric identification technology to detect, recognize and identify humans at great distances for “force protection,” crime prevention, and “homeland security/defense” purposes.
Its goals include programmes to:
Develop algorithms for locating and acquiring subjects out to 150 meters (500 ft) in range.
Fuse face and gait recognition into a 24/7 human identification system.
Develop and demonstrate a human identification system that operates out to 150 meters (500 ft) using visible imagery.
Develop a low power millimeter wave radar system for wide field of view detection and narrow field of view gait classification.
Characterize gait performance from video for human identification at a distance.
Develop a multi-spectral infrared and visible face recognition system.”
In order to achieve their insidious goals, this FSB official continues, the IAO needed to find a way to get the American people to spy on themselves so as to circumvent all of the laws meant to protect them and their privacy, and which called for the creating of the social media website Facebook, which is now the most visited Internet site in the entire world.
The actual creation of Facebook is attributed to one of America’s most valued military scientists, and former head of the IAO, Dr. Anita Jones who through the US Department of Defense (DOD) and the Central Intelligence Agencies (CIA) venture capital company In-Q-Tel provided Facebook with its initial funding and has since then channeled hundreds-of-millions of dollars into it.
Unbeknownst to Facebook users is that by becoming members of this social media website they have, in fact, given to the US government complete and total ownership over anything they have done, are doing now, or will do on the Internet in the future, and as we can see evidenced by their own Privacy and Terms of Service agreements they authorized:
Facebook Privacy Statement
“Facebook also collects information about you from other sources, such as newspapers and instant messaging services. This is information is gathered regardless of your use of the web site.”
Facebook Terms of Service
“By posting Member Content to any part of the Web site, you automatically grant, and you represent and warrant that you have the right to grant, to Facebook an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, transferable, fully paid, worldwide license (with the right to sublicense) to use, copy, perform, display, reformat, translate, excerpt (in whole or in part) and distribute such information and content and to prepare derivative works of, or incorporate into other works, such information and content, and to grant and authorize sublicenses of the foregoing.”
Even worse are new reports surfacing in the United States that Facebook members who have entered their phone numbers onto this site have had their entire address books, text messages, photos, etc. (in essence everything stored on their cellphones or smart phone devices) uploaded to the site without their seeming consent, though by the Privacy and Terms of Service agreements these unsuspecting people authorized to become members Facebook they allowed this to happen.
To the IAO being able to implement its HumanID programme through its Information Warfare Weapon Facebook, this FSB official warns, is already underway as Germany recently warned that Facebook is likely sitting atop the world's largest database of biometric information and new reports from the United States show that they have now deployed Facial Recognition Software against their billions of users, and as we can, in part, read as reported by PCWorld.Com:
This FSB official further states that Facebook “pilot-tested” their Facial Recognition Software against people protesting the oppressive US-backed regime of Bahrain when it was used to hunt down dissidents thus consigning them to rape, torture and death.
Equally as worse, an in-depth October, 2010 report by the American newspaper Examiner detailed how Facebook was already censoring and suppressing various news stories in the United States, including keeping protests from starting against the BP oil spill, and as we can, in part, read:
Going from the simply scary to the downright horrifying about Facebook was this FSB official warning that this Information Warfare Weapon will soon “introduce” to its members a new technology called an Electronic Skin Tattoo (EST), a hair-thin electronic patch that adheres to the skin like a temporary tattoo they will claim will revolutionize computer gaming and medical sensing and that blurs the distinction between electronics and biology and brings to ones mind the long prophesied “Mark of the Beast” [bEaST] that the Christian Bible warned that in the “Last Days” no one could buy or sell anything without having one on either their forehead or hand.
In ending his off the record briefing this senior FSB official noted that all of the information gathered by Facebook (and which they now own) has been transferred to the US Department of Homeland Security where it is kept in a massive terror database called the Terror Screening Watchlist Service that is loaded with an unknown amount of personal information, including names, photographs and biometric data of all Americans who are unwitting members of this Information Warfare Weapon.
Though many American rights groups have spoken out against this frightful intrusion into the privacy of ordinary citizens the US Department of Homeland Security is claiming that all information contained in their computers is confidential and no one is allowed to know about it.
And to the society that the United States has created for itself we need only read this recent (2 August 2011) report from Aljazeera about the life these people are soon to live:
The most accurate description, however, of the lives these “Facebook” Americans, and by extension the world, will be living was best described by the great English author and journalist George Orwell (1903-1950) who warned all of those who would give up their liberties for safety… “If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.”
August 13, 2011 EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.
[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]SaLuSa, 12-August-2011
Progress may be slow, but nevertheless we are overcoming the last obstacles that stand between Disclosure and us. At the same time the means to go ahead with governmental changes are in place, and it is the timing that remains an issue. Having come so far we are not going to rush into action, as there are going to be many repercussions after we have acted. It is no mean task to put peoples minds at rest, but we are quite confident of our ability to do so. Over a long period we have closely studied the human psyche, and we understand what we are likely to have to contend with. As you may be aware, there are some who do not want us to arrive on Earth, for reasons of fear and what they see as a violation of their beliefs. However, we will soon gain confidence all round by showing a full understanding of your problems, and awareness of the future mapped out for you by the higher sources. It will become clear that we are to assist you in successfully completing your cycle of Duality.
There is no doubt that psychics are picking up on the nearness of the Disclosure announcement, and you will find possible dates being given out. Ultimately there may be none given at all, but the event will simply come and go as a result of the immense planning that has been put in place. That would in fact be an exciting way to begin what will be a close relationship with us. When we arrive we will be with you to stay, and our presence in your skies will increase and become quite normal. In fact we will go out of our way to acquaint you with our craft, including opportunities to visit our Motherships. In next to no time you will become familiar with our fleet, and us and able to identify which civilisation they belong to. We want you to feel the friendship that we bring to you, as we are to become very close together. Bear in mind that many of you already have links with us.
As you enjoy one revelation after another, your long “lost” ancestors are going to come of out of their home in the Inner Earth. They are already part of your history going back to the Atlantean and Lemurian times, when your civilisation was decimated by great catastrophes. It is not by chance that many of your archaeological discoveries that come from that period, are recognised as coming from an advanced civilisation. Your present cycle only started some 10,000 years ago, when you were forced to return to a cave like existence. These earlier experiences have been held in your subconscious memories, and some of you are still in fear of another world disaster. The end of Duality is a time to celebrate, as it is going to fulfil the promise of a happy ending and the opportunity to leave it behind you. You have spent hundreds if not thousands of lives living through it, and you are a far greater soul than when you first commenced such experiences.
For many people the truth is going to be overwhelming, but it is your time to learn all about your history. Duality has dulled many minds, and a veil was drawn over your memories so that you could focus on the experience without being distracted. That veil is being rapidly removed as you awaken to Ascension, which is your wonderful opportunity to rise up into the higher levels that are really home to you. It is a lot to take on board, but we are going to gently awaken your subconscious memories so that you realise who you really are. None of you are simply Earth Beings, and have your homes away from Earth in the far reaches of Space. Do not lose sight of the fact that Duality is an experiment for which you volunteered. You did so knowing that in spite of the risks of totally losing your real identity, you would be awakened at the appropriate time. That time has long arrived, and we have to say that it has been very successful. If you look back just 60 years or so, we feel you will agree that your spiritual awareness has grown quite substantially, and particularly since the millennium. Soon it will increase by leaps and bounds and you shall know who you truly are.
Only you can release yourself from the darkness that has held you in bondage to the dark Ones. You have been manipulated and kept down so that you would not question your leaders, and have been subjected to false doctrines and beliefs for your reason for being on Earth. At the very least, try to keep an open mind, as there is no judgment on those who are still unable to release themselves from the lower vibrations that dull your mind. Indeed, everything is being done to help them open up their consciousness to new ideas, and comprehend what they see happening around them. Our help will become more pronounced once we can openly work with you. Without using any form of mind control we will place before you the facts concerning some of your beliefs that are holding you back.
Our desire and that of the Masters is that every soul is given all possible opportunities to lift up, and if that fails it will be because their freewill choice has taken them onto another path. We honour and respect that choice, as only the individuals Higher Self will know where their experiences will take them. If you sense that someone dear to you is such a soul, the best you can do for them is to give of your love knowing that it will always keep a link with them. Inasmuch that you would feel capable of making your own decision about Ascension, clearly you must allow others to do the same. Freewill is priceless, and not every civilisation in the Universe has that divine privilege.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and leave you with love and blessings from the members of the Galactic Federation. We will continue to give you information a little at the time, and gradually you will find it all coming together and you will grasp the full picture. Hitherto, people were too embedded in the old paradigm to understand or accept many of the truths given to you. Today you are open to new ideas and have taken responsibility for your awakening, and there are now so many sources of Light that you can find. If you are still searching, please remember that you have your personal Guides who only need you to ask them for help. They are most anxious to please you, and in so doing are fulfilling their own purpose and wish to help you fulfil your life plan. Allow your Guides to find the best way to provide what you need, rather than lay down rigid instructions as to how it should happen. You would be surprised at the extent of their ability to organise events that can bring you what you want. Just be ready to recognise when it is given, and expect the unexpected.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey.
SaLuSa, 10-August-2011
Some people fear that the Illuminati will take advantage of the problems you are experiencing, to bring in World Government. That has always been their ambition, but they no longer command the power to do so, and it is the Light that will reveal the answers that will restore hope for the future. As most of you can see, all around you the unrest and anger is escalating, and will not subside until the root causes are addressed. Our plan is the only one that will restore people’s faith and show that a quantum leap forward is possible. We ask only that you hold your vision of a new order, and paradigm that will solve the present problems. All that is happening has been foreseen for many years, as the dark Ones planned your demise and the collapse of your society. For karmic reasons it has had to run its course, but now the time has arrived for a stop to be put to the continuing destruction and inevitable demise of your civilisation.
The battle between the dark and Light has reached its end, and although the Light has become the dominant force for good, it now needs to be seen to take over responsibility for the Earth. That is in the process of happening and it pushes Disclosure nearer to being announced. It is therefore more important that you hold fast to your focus on the future, and do not weaken in the face of the increasing turmoil and break up of law and order. The cleansing, which is already taking place, does bring to the surface the negative thought forms that have fuelled the unrest. This way they can be dissipated and transmuted and allow the Light to come in. For our part we beam the higher vibrations to Earth to strengthen the Light that is now growing faster than ever. So do not be misled by the outer signs of upheaval and change, as you will see that in the long run it is to ensure the right outcome.
We handle the more urgent issues of preventing the final attempts of the dark Ones to take advantage of the world situation. Together we will achieve our goal to bring in stability, and create the conditions that will enable us to go ahead with the next phase of our plan. Once we can do that you will see that events will be speeding ahead, and you will have no doubt that the corner has been turned. An exciting time will commence when all that has been promised to you will manifest. We are more than equal to the task even although the time factor concerns some of you, but you can rest easy as our technological abilities can deal with the demands upon us. No problem is too big, and bear in mind that we have immense resources to call upon.
Everything is in the melting pot at present, and even we are not sure how it will turn out. We do however know where it is leading and that any attempts to support the old monetary system will fail. The opportunity to introduce a new one has been created by the very ones who do not want to see change. It is therefore ironic that they will have to watch the outcome without being able to influence it any longer. Their time to dictate your policies has passed, and they are losing even more power than ever before. As you might say, the writing is on the wall, and the inevitable ending cannot be avoided. There are greater powers at work than the dark ones are aware, and their days are numbered.
Meantime, please take each day as it comes and allow the future to come into your lives, and do not worry as your success is assured. Of course it will be chaotic with rumours flying all over the place, and the fear mongers will have a ball. Just remember what you have been working towards for millennia of time, and you are not going to be disappointed. The plan is far too big to be delayed any longer, and you will benefit from the changes a lot quicker than you may imagine. We are ready to jump into action, and once we do it is going to be something of a helter-skelter ride. For all that it will be fun and enjoyable because you know it is entirely for your benefit, and that of Mother Earth.
Many of you read a number of sources that channel messages from Extraterrestrials, and there has probably never been a time quite like now when there is a general agreement as to what is going to happen. Allow for different interpretations of some events that are coming, because as you are fond of saying, nothing is written in stone. Take what resonates with you and leave the rest to sort itself out with time. However, what will take place regardless of anything else is Ascension, as that has been decreed by the Creator. Many paths lead to it but in the end, you will be there if it is your desire and you are prepared for it.
You are in the thick of it, and we look on from our vantage point high above you. Our view is clear and we can see what is happening from various angles, so please be comforted and calm when we tell you all will be well. Matters are moving quickly and we hope to see a conclusion to those that will directly affect the issues that are most important. Disclosure is still a means to an end, and will open many more doors once it is announced. The truth will astound many people as to the extent to which you have been controlled, and will hardly be believed. However, the time has arrived when you shall begin to find out how it was achieved and who were responsible.
Of course many of you are already knowledgeable and politically aware. Even so the truth of what has been happening behind the scenes will bring many surprises. What will help those with stories to tell will be the changes to the Law, and your release from the oaths that enforce your silence. It is possible because once world peace is declared and an end put to wars, there will no necessity to keep information secret for military purposes. In an uplifted society sharing is quite normal, as the desire exists to help all people to benefit from any discoveries. That way you will always have the most up to date innovations and as a civilisation will quickly advance together. You might also note that hoarding also becomes unnecessary, as when you have all you need, there is no incentive to take more than you need.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and enjoy helping you to understand what it is like to live in the higher dimensions. It is a joy and very fulfilling and you can be your true self as a Being of Love and Light.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.