Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Message from SaLuSa for 13 February 2012

Post to MySpace!

The pressures are mounting on the dark Ones who in recent weeks have lost so much power. They see their financial ploys failing and circumstances turning against them. The cabal have long been identified, and they are now known for what they are in their attempts to bring the world under one government. You shall soon see them taken out of circulation, and kept under supervision where they can no longer interfere or impede the changes that are already underway. There are thousands upon thousands of people who are working for the Light, and their collective energies are a powerful force for bringing out the truth and manifesting their vision of peace. The awakening continues and more souls are looking beyond their everyday happenings for the answers. They are beginning to see how their lives have been rigidly controlled, and seek the return of their rights and freedom from the restrictions placed upon them.

We are pleased that you as a Human Race you are taking hold of your destiny, and refuse to be led down a path to total enslavement. It does lead to some degree of violence as you demand your freedom, as those in control who wield the power are reluctant to concede to your demands. We deplore any form of violence but do understand that your anger is a powerful emotion. These situations should change once governmental changes have taken place, as the new leadership will make it clear that their appointment is one that will work for the good of all. At this time we hope to be able to openly participate with them, particularly as several important changes will also need our support. Our presence largely comes down to being invited to appear, and the information we get suggests that our coming would be welcomed.

The Galactic Federation has made contacts all over the world, and some countries respond more readily than others. Our major challenge is in those dominated by religious beliefs, particularly of the Catholic faith who believe that we are in league with the Devil. It was however helped by the announcement from the Vatican acknowledging that we do exist. In fact our representative has visited them on more than one occasion, and our hope was that it would improve their understanding of us as they were made aware of Ascension. The different religions will have to bring their teachings into line with the truth about your origin, and the true purpose of life. They will however, continue to exist all of the time that they are needed, by those who are unable to accept changes.

Your first taste of the different responses to the truth is often when you pass over and find yourselves in the Astral Regions. Since in these levels you can find all of those things you desired upon Earth, and you can create by thought. These planes are much nearer to the reality that you meet when you ascend. There is continual light, and your bodies are more ethereal and require little in the way of solid food, yet souls enjoy the eating customs that they were familiar with on Earth. There is a freshness and cleanliness wherever you go, and what is often first noticed is that the light is such it does not cast shadows. So Dear Ones, the future offers you many exciting and interesting experiences so different to what you are now familiar with.

Your experiences on Earth can be so severe that come at a cost even to the extent of losing your life. Yet Man has a drive that never seems to be quenched, and pushes himself further and further until he finds the limits. This inbuilt passion and yearning can also be applied to your spiritual quest. You know there is something to be discovered that will enlarge your understanding, yet it often takes quite some time to find that the knowledge is held within. In fact at a subconscious level you really have all knowledge, and the difficulty is knowing how to tap into it. In this time when you seek to raise your levels quickly the best approach is through meditation, as those quiet times more easily allow contact to be made.

Your whole lifestyle is going to change quite remarkably, and in time many of you will be like us as Galactic Travellers. It is why we must soon come closer together and share what we have to offer each other. Through our presence we want you to think more expansively, and put aside your limited Earth consciousness. Some people even now refuse to accept the reality of our existence, and have closed minds to the evidence that exists. For them the experience leading to Ascension will be most difficult, as the truth must come out and can no longer be hidden from your eyes. Yet every attempt will be made to open everyone’s eyes, but as you say “there are none are as blind as those who do not want to see”. It is not our place or indeed yours to force the truth upon them, and we should all respect the choice people have made.

As the big changes commence and become publicly known, it will bring out a lot of soul searching as to what should be accepted. It is for some difficult to accept that their cherished beliefs are incomplete, or actually false. Yet if souls are to take a quantum leap forward, they will need to be totally honest with themselves by letting go whatever has no place in the Light. There is no disgrace or judgment where such matters are concerned, and you will be applauded if you find the strength to move on. Everyone needs to have an open mind right now, because you are about to commence a period of intense activity. Surprising events with unexpected outcomes will soon be in your news, and you will know for certain that matters are coming to a head.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can tell you that we have been the observers for so long, there is not much we do not know about you, and we certainly see you as rising to the occasion that is going to change your lives. Deep down you knew you were taking you last lifetime in duality, and how important it was going to be to your future. So as we see it the awakening should speed up, and many more souls join those who are already well advanced in their preparations to ascend. Bear in mind that first and foremost it is the intent to ascend that sets you on the right path, and from thereon you will attract the attention of those who will work with you on that particular path. Clearly well before you express that intent, you will have learnt much about the process and what it means to ascend. Keep you goal in mind, and you will never walk alone, as we and your Guides are with you in Love and Light.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Monday, February 06, 2012

New Financial System Coming

Out of the box negotiations are proceeding at the highest level. By Benjamin Fulford. The reason that many of the top Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate crooks have not been arrested yet is that the old system needs to be kept going with string and wire and duct-tape until final preparations for a radically new system are completed. For example, an Asian proposal now being negotiated calls for 10 million yen or about US$125,000 to be budgeted for each and every individual human being on earth. The Pentagon is also making similar radical proposals for a complete change of how humans interact with each other and with nature. The big conclusion being reached at the highest level is that the old financial system in the West was an illusion used by a secret cabal to keep us enslaved. We are now about to become truly free in ways that will exceed most people’s most optimistic expectations. However, there will be some hard work at first before this becomes true.

Source: http://benjaminfulford.typepad.com/

Intelligence Report: War in Space


Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is 9/30/77, and this is my monthly Audioletter No. 26.

Topic #1--Twenty years ago on October 4, 1957, the Space Age began with the launching of Sputnik One by the Soviet Union. Barely 3-1/2 years later on May 25, 1961, President John F. Kennedy made the thrilling announcement that the United States was launching a program to put a man on the moon and return him safely to earth before the end of the decade. Many Americans could hardly believe their ears, the Sputnik shock still had not worn off, and the Soviet space program was far ahead of our own. And for several years after the Kennedy announcement, the idea that we would beat the Russians to the moon looked more and more ridiculous. Americans ground their teeth in frustration as we watched the Soviet Union pile up one record after another in space--the first man in space, the first woman in space, the first space walk, records for time in orbit, and so on and on. But the Kennedy announcement in 1961 had signaled much more than a mere race with the Russians--it was a crash program, ten times bigger than the Manhattan Project to develop the atom bomb in World War II, and gradually it began to pay off. The one-man space shots of Project Mercury gave way to the two-man missions of Project Gemini, and then at last Project Apollo with its three-man crews was under way. Finally it was the Americans who were setting records in space, while the Russians, seemingly, began to lose heart. They busied themselves with orbital missions, but it became increasingly apparent that they would not soon put a man on the moon after all. On July 20, 1969, the impossible dream came true. After 8 years, and $24,000,000,000,
the Apollo XI landing craft made a perfect landing on the moon in the Sea of Tranquillity. Neil Armstrong, as he placed man's first footprint on the moon, said those famous words: "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." The Soviet Union sulked at being beaten, Red China called the whole thing a hoax, but the rest of the world cheered. It was a great moment to be an American. For three years America and the world watched as the exploits of the Apollo teams on the moon expanded at an astonishing pace; but then, strangely, the Apollo program was cut short--to save money, we were told. After six successful moon landings, the last three, potentially the most productive and spectacular of all, were unceremoniously lopped off--supposedly to save about one percent of the amount it had cost to reach the moon in the first place. After all, everyone knew we had gone to the moon merely as an exhilarating adventure and to pick up a few moon rocks for scientists to tinker around with. So having done that, we were told that it would be better to save those last few space dollars and put them into Welfare checks or bullets for Vietnam. And so, on December 19, 1972, the Apollo 17 crew lifted off from the Sea of Serenity, and America said farewell to the moon. That is what we were told, my friends, but that is not what happened!

In Audioletter No. 19 for December 1976, I told you why America was not the first nation to orbit a space satellite--and now I can reveal the sequel, the true purpose and outcome of the race to the moon. America's space program has always been portrayed as a purely peaceful, scientific adventure without any ulterior motives. But, my friends, the Rockefellers never spend $24,000,000,000, even if its our own money, on anything that does not promise to reward them very handsomely. And these rewards, in the case of the space program, extend far beyond the great profits reaped by their aerospace companies. It is, or was until three days ago, the very keystone of their secret military machine for the conquest of the world. From the beginning, America's race to put a man on the moon had a military objective. The impetus for this race lay in a seemingly unrelated development--the Laser, which was invented in 1960. The Laser was a predictable outgrowth of an earlier American invention called the Maser invented in 1953; and therefore by the time the laser made its debut, it had been anticipated and military uses for it were under intensive study. The first hint of the things to come was a proposal by laser scientists in 1961, the same year
that President Kennedy launched the crash program to put a man on the moon. The scientists suggested that lasers, which produced narrow intense beams of light, could be used for interplanetary communication by flashing coded signals back and forth. What the scientists did not mention was that the destructive, effective, extremely powerful lasers could also be projected for tremendous distances through space for space warfare. Worse yet,
theoretical studies had already revealed that an even more awesome energy-beam weapon was possible. This advanced weapon on the horizon was the terrifying Particle Beam, which was first brought to public attention early this year by General George Keegan, the freshly retired Chief of the U.S. Air Force Intelligence. In a Particle Beam weapon, huge quantities of atoms are torn to shreds and fired out of the barrel at the
target in a continuous concentrated beam that travels at almost the speed of light. The process requires fantastic amounts of energy, and the effect on any target is also fantastic. The very atoms that make up the target are torn to pieces by the beam, and the target explodes. With Lasers and the Particle Beams looming as potential new military weapons, the moon suddenly became an inviting military objective. The moon is a quarter million miles from earth, and it takes several days for a space ship to travel that distance; but it only takes about 1-1/2 seconds for radio signals or light to travel that far. Therefore a moon base, equipped with high-power lasers or particle-beam weapons would be able to strike any visible spot on earth within two seconds of pulling the trigger; and during any period of just over 24 hours, all or most of the populated areas of the earth can be seen from the moon. The only exceptions are Arctic and Antarctic regions during parts of each month. And since a Particle Beam will bore right through clouds or storms to hit a target, a moon base would be an all-weather weapon. Finally, once it was in operation, this moon base would be virtually immune to attack by any less sophisticated weapon. For example, if a rocket were fired at the moon from earth with a nuclear warhead to destroy the moon base, it would be useless. Long before it reached the moon, it could be destroyed by a blast of the Particle Beam. When the
Rockefellers learned of the great potential of the moon for military purposes, the decision was made to launch a crash program to seize the moon for this purpose.

The Soviet Space Program had been given a head start over that of America by means of the Sputnik One disgrace, and under the hard-driving direction of an engineer named Leonid Brezhnev, the Soviet lead space was widening every day. But the Russian approach to exploiting space for military purposes was heavily oriented toward earth orbital applications. Space stations would come first; after that, moon missions could be launched sometime in the future. For all the propaganda we heard about it at the time, a man mission to the moon was not a top Soviet priority in 1961. But the Sputnik shock still had not worn off, and the Soviet Space Program was undeniably ahead of our own in 1961. So it was not very hard for the Rockefellers to convince America, through their controlled major media, that Russia was on its way to the moon and would beat us there if we did not do something. Having built up this public concern, the Rockefeller public relations machine then provided us with the solution to our worries. The space frontier was sold to us as exemplifying the bold spirit of President John F. Kennedy's so-called "New Frontier." The dormant and suppressed American spirit of free adventure was tapped and channeled into enthusiastic, unquestioning support for the space program, even though we were never given anything more than the vaguest justifications for it. Thus a military project dwarfing the Manhattan Project was set in motion, in full public view; and drawing upon the very best talent and facilities that money could buy, only the purpose of the moon project was kept a secret; and that secret was made secure by bathing the whole space program in the glare of continuous publicity. It was a clever plan, and it worked.

By the time of the Apollo 17 mission in December 1972, the space program had become routine to many Americans, and they were looking around for other circuses to amuse themselves; and plenty
of these were provided, including especially the budding Watergate scandal. Now space travel could safely be removed from public view and carried on secretly with far less danger of attracting attention than a decade before. Meanwhile, the Rockefellers, by way of their controlled CIA, had been working feverishly in total secrecy on beam weapons at locations outside the United States--such as a CIA-supported Laser experiment installation in Spain. By 1972, these experiments still were a long way from a suitable weapon for deployment on the moon. But ominous developments in the Soviet Union led to the decision to cut off the Apollo program prematurely so that the construction of the secret moon base could be rushed ahead.

Starting in 1967, the Soviet Union launched a massive program of its own to develop a Particle Beam weapon. This is what the Russians had started concentrating on instead of an immediate moon flight in the late 60's. Then in 1971, the Soviet Civil Defense Program was stepped up; and on October 4, 1972, Soviet Civil Defense was elevated to a status equal to the Armed Services. Less than three months later, in December, Apollo 17 became the last American moon flight to be acknowledged publicly. The October 4, 1972, upgrading of Soviet civil defense initiated a high-priority Five-Year Plan, which ends four days from now--the day after the expiration of the SALT ONE accord. Under this plan, much of the Soviet Union has literally gone underground, complete with underground silos filled with American grain and thousands of underground shelters able to withstand near-misses of ICBM's. Strategic command centers and communications networks are underground now in the Soviet Union. And this was done not only to render any missile attack survivable, but also to provide some protection against any possible Particle Beam attack from the moon.

Early in 1973, soon after the supposed end of the American moon program, we began hearing about a place called Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean. Supposedly we were merely building a communications installation there, yet the drastic step was taken of relocating all the 20,000 or so natives of this little island to other areas. More recently, we have heard about Diego Garcia as the site of a new American naval base; but, my friends, you still haven't been told the whole story. Diego Garcia, my friends, is the new space-port from which secret missions to the moon have been launched during the building of the moon base. Unlike Cape Canaveral, where Saturn rocket launches are impossible to hide, Diego Garcia is remote and isolated, and even the natives are no longer there to watch what goes on. What's more, Diego Garcia is practically the perfect moon-port, located as it is almost on the earth's equator, and a space vehicle launched eastward into orbit from Diego Garcia passes over a nearly unbroken expanse of water for more than half the
circumference of the earth. The only means of monitoring the early flight of a space craft launched from Diego Garcia,
therefore, is from ships. If you have been unclear as to why Jimmy Carter has been talking so much about demilitarizing the Indian Ocean--which means 'Russia, stay out'--now you know.

I was first alerted to the existence of a secret base on the moon last November 1976--but it has been one of the best kept of all Rockefeller secrets, and it was only a few weeks ago that I was able to confirm its existence and learn the complete story; and since that time, events have moved with lightning speed. Throughout this year an unseen but deadly race has been underway to see who would get an operational Particle Beam first: the Rockefellers, at their secret moon base; or the Soviet Union, in earth orbit. By late spring, a Salyut manned space craft was launched that carried out preliminary tests of beam-weapon techniques, using lasers in order to simulate the Particle Beam. Then, on July 17, 1977, a large Soviet satellite, called Cosmos 929, was launched. It has mystified satellite watchers because of its strange behavior in radio signals. Most observers have
concluded that it is un-manned, having detected no verbal communications; but, it is manned! It is a twin satellite, consisting of a command module and a separate Particle Beam weapon module. All communications between the crew of Cosmos 929 and the Soviet tracking network are carried on by modulated laser beams, which cannot be detected at all by anyone who is not directly in the beam path. A Particle Beam is a fearsome weapon; and nearly two months of painstaking preparation and check-out of all systems preceded the first test. Meanwhile, American astronauts on the moon worked at frenzied pace to try to bring
their Particle Beam installation to operational status. By early September, this month, the first Particle Beam unit on the moon was being assembled. A few days later the crew of Cosmos 929 tested their Particle Beam unit by firing it into open space to verify that it would function properly. It did! The next step was to test the beam against a target--the target chosen was an American spy satellite as it passed over the Petrozavodsk Observatory, which lies east of southern Finland. Cosmos 929 was nearly 1000 miles to the south near the Black Sea, the local time was roughly 4:00 AM Tuesday, September 20, 1977, and the moon was on the other side of the earth. The crew of the moon base were therefore unable to observe the test. Aided by computers, Cosmos 929 aimed and fired. The American satellite erupted into an immense fireball of light, which the Soviet news agency Tass described as a huge star which flashed out of a dark sky, sending shafts of light impulses to earth. It took several minutes to dwindle to a red glow and burn out as it drifted eastward, and it was witnessed as far away as Helsinki, Finland, over 300 miles to the west. News reports that day in this country dismissed it all as a curious jellyfish-like UFO. Four days later, September 24, the Soviet Navy, without explanation, expelled all British and French fishing trawlers, among others, from the Barents Sea. At the same time, Soviet trawlers in European community waters were called home. By the 26th of September, American personnel at the secret Rockefeller moon base nestled in Copernicus Crater were almost ready. Their Particle Beam was almost operational--but they were too late. By late that day, the Soviet Union began bombarding the moon base with a Neutron Particle Beam. Through the night, and all day on September 27 the moon base was bombarded without mercy with neutron radiation just like that produced by a neutron bomb; and by that evening as Americans looked up at the peaceful full moon overhead known as the Harvest Moon, the last few Americans on the moon were dying of neutron radiation. America had lost the Battle of the Harvest Moon.

My friends, in 1945 America became the first nation on earth to possess an awesome new super-weapon, the Atomic Bomb; but now, it is the Soviet Union that has won the race for a new super-weapon--the Particle Beam, that could be as decisive today as the Atomic Bomb was in 1945. The Rockefellers have disarmed America while betting everything on the moon base, thinking they would win the race; but they made a terrible miscalculation--and now we will all suffer the consequences.

Source: http://www.peterdavidbeter.com/docs/all/dbal26.html

Message from SaLuSa for 3 February 2012

Post to MySpace!

You would think that everyone would have an interest in the future, but many souls are content to drift along without any ambition to do differently. In fact to some there does not appear to be any purpose to life at all. Yet within their little niche on Earth, they observe other life and at some point become restless because they inwardly know that it could be much better. That Dear Ones is the onset of their awakening, and with so much going on at present it is hoped they make progress. Life begs questions regarding as to why it is so unsatisfactory in creating and giving the most basic comforts to all people. Subconsciously you all know that you are One, and that each one of you should benefit from all of Earth’s bounties. In this present time the dark Ones have gone further than previously, in denying you your rightful share and taking away the little that you already had. They brazenly believed that they could totally enslave you having found little opposition their plans. However, they reckoned without the rapid growth in consciousness, in part due to the sterling work of the Lightworkers. It is though an explosion of Light has occurred and engulfed the whole world, and that is not far removed from the truth. The amount of energy being beamed to Earth has grown exponentially, and distributed through those evolved beings who are able to bring it down into it. It has moved beyond the point where it can be stopped, and has allowed you to step onto the path of Ascension.

As we have stated before you are all at different stages of evolution, and it is to be expected that there will be different responses to what is going on in your world. As you move up the ladder so you are uplifting all others as they too benefit from the increasing levels of consciousness. The question is will everyone make it and ascend, and that depends on all of your freewill choices. So some souls will carry on drifting around and be quite content to watch the world go by. Their pace of progress is clearly a lot slower than most other peoples, but that has no bearing on their ability to eventually experience upliftment. The fact is that all souls have DNA genes that give them the impetus to seek the truth, and that will inevitably cause them to continue searching for it. The urge usually comes with wondering about the purpose of life, and this carries them forward on a long journey of adventure.

For those of you who have found the path home, life suddenly becomes more smooth running, and problems no longer cause great strife, as you handle them with ease because of your understanding. Knowing how it all works helps you overcome any obstacles you encounter, and your ego continues to take a back seat without interfering. Your ego is making way for your Higher Self that is the real you. So you see Dear Ones you do have the responsibility to lift yourself up as no one else can do it for you. They can help but in the final reckoning it is your decision that will determine how you progress. You need to have a strong intent to merge with your Higher Self, and it means following a path that treats all souls as One. On Earth that is easier said than done, but it is being achieved so it is possible if you put your mind to it.

Meantime, some of you still find it hard to believe you are so near to completion, yet it approaches faster than ever. It does not rely on the outer happenings as they are the preferred conditions that will lead to a great leap forward where you living standards are concerned. You know now that you have been seriously held back, and by filling the gaps there will be a smoother and more acceptable transition. Eventually you will benefit from moving into a higher dimension, where the advantages given through new technologies will be somewhat familiar to you. All round it will be seen as a quantum leap forward and little of your old world way of living will remain. With it goes the labor intensive systems, that have held you in slavery with little time for your own creative desires. That will bring about a major change in your lives, to be able to fully engage in those pursuits that give you pleasure.

Your lives at present are really so restricted and controlled, and that also applies to the Laws of the Land that will be carefully scrutinized and amended, to take out those that are unjust and unlawful. There will be a return to a countries Constitution with added benefits arising from your coming Ascension. In all manner of things you are being prepared for your upliftment, and our allies are getting closer to some major achievements. Nothing about it is easy as we are dealing with worldwide problems, particularly where the financial sector is concerned. However, there must be far reaching changes otherwise monetary policies will not be stable, and we will ensure that there is no return to the centralized systems that have in part caused their downfall. Banks will be smaller and more accountable for their actions.

The Galactic Federation is ready to standby its allies as they make moves to bring some matters to a conclusion. It is time for the final chapter to written about the Human Race and their journey through duality. It will be one of a victory achieved through sheer endeavor and commitment to the Light. Even you will be surprised once you learn how the odds were stacked up against you. Yet, you persevered and your faith carried you forward, and often you have worked in isolation but still fulfilled your mission. It is a wondrous victory and what you see now are only the final attempts of the dark Ones to carry on with their mischief. It is all in our control, and soon they shall be called to account for their actions over millennia of time.

Still keep going as strong as ever, and do not let up by holding firmly onto your focus of Ascension. Each of you that does so will be helping to ensure it comes about as intended, and you will not be alone as we are all accompanying you over these last few months even if you are unaware. Our position is that we are able to monitor whatever is happening on Earth, and we can hear conversations and see quite clearly as though we were there. In fact we can penetrate the ground and see into the bases that the dark Ones have set up. Nothing misses our attention or can be hidden from us. You are therefore safe and in time all military bases will be closed forever.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and glad we can ensure your safe passage to Ascension. It will be the most important advancement you have ever experienced. We send our love and blessings to you all.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.