Thursday, December 31, 2015

Eat Right to have Peace

War Is Evil And Warriors Are Deranged

He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword (Matthew 26:52)

War is a sickness - a disease, that has ravaged humanity since its beginnings. There is nothing good about it, and the sooner we eradicate it the better.

War begins on a inner personal level, with one's lusts and desires, and spreads outward to inflict others. Uncontrolled personal lust and desire is the root cause of all wars. These animalistic desires are perpetuated by the way we eat and live. Eating the wrong foods has a major impact on your desire for war, sex, and power.

Toxins in meat, dairy, alcohol, sugars, and other stimulants poison and inflame the blood which in turn do the same to the brain and moods and thinking. Most all of our leaders who go to or relish war have highly intoxicated diets. Their minds and souls are warped and clouded by the things they ingest or are addicted to.

Of course there are other factors besides food that cause us to be aggressive or violent, such as training and upbringing, education, religion, and extreme ideologies. An unnatural or polluted environment can also cause physical and emotional disturbances, as can drugs or pharmaceuticals. Then there are stim beams and waves, chip implants, and other technologically induced controls. Finally, there is actual demonic or spiritual possession.

Food, however, may be the most basic or prevalent form of stimulant for war. The more our food becomes processed, the more we are likely to be damaged by it on all levels, resulting in abnormal or violent behaviour. In the rush to make more money, we are adulterating our foods with more and more chemicals which disrupt our physiology and degrade our lifestyles.

Two of the most prevalent of these chemicals are white sugar and salt which are in nearly everything we eat in and whose dangers are sheepishly overlooked. Then there are the pesticides and chemtrails and thousands of artificial colorings and flavourings as well as the radiological exposure to which all our foods and soils and air and water are subjected to. It really is as though someone were trying to poison us.

With all of these chemicals in us it's no wonder we lose it and either give up and committ slow suicide or lash back violently at the society that pretends to sustain us. War then becomes a natural outcome of our agitated or highly unbalanced state, and those with the money or power to do so, will no doubt commit unspeakable atrocities upon the masses.

War is unnatural and abnormal. It is a highly intoxicated or agitated state caused mostly by what we ingest into our bodies. The cleaner or more natural we eat the less violent or barbaric we act. Vegans or vegetarians are much more peaceful than meat or dairy eaters, and raw vegans or fruitarians are even more so. A plant-based diet will heal everyone and stop all the wars. There is no desire for war or aggression when you are eating the way you are supposed to. Even the animals can learn to be vegan. The bible states that there is a time coming when no one shall kill or hurt any other living creature within God's range of influence.(Isaiah 65).

We can make that reality occur today by adopting a plant-based diet. Many are already taking this step, and at some point it will become the standard practice worldwide. This will take time and re-educaton but it can definitely be done. The benefits will be enormous, both on a personal and planetary level. No longer will lust and rage burn within us and cause us to make war as is the case today. Instead we will be peaceful, tranquil, happy, and productive, and easily achieve our divine or intended potential.


Sunday, December 20, 2015

The Death over Our Heads

The Death over Our Heads: Energy Saving Light Bulbs Are Poisonous To the Brain, Nervous System, Liver, Kidneys and Heart

Energy Efficient Light Bulbs Can Cause:
Many of us in the effort to save energy and money, replaced our old standard light bulbs with environmentally-friendly with the new generation energy saving light bulbs.  However, the new generation of energy efficient light bulbs are so toxic that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency created an emergency protocol you need to follow in the event of a bulb breakage, due to the poison gas that is released. If  broken indoors, these light bulbs release 20 times the maximum acceptable mercury concentration into the air, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Fraunhofer Wilhelm Klauditz Institute for German’s Federal Environment Agency.

Energy Efficient Light Bulbs Can Cause:
Cluster headaches
Inability to concentrate

Energy Efficient Bulbs Cause Anxiety, Migraines, and Even Cancer. Reasons to Go Back To Incandescent Bulbs
1. Energy saving bulbs contain mercury. Murcury ia a potent neurotoxin that is especially dangerous to children and pregnant women. It is especially toxic to the brain, the nervous system, the liver and the kidneys. It can also damage the cardiovascular, immune and reproductive systems. It can lead lead to tremors, anxiety, insomnia, memory loss, headaches, cancer and Alzheimer’s .
2. Energy saving bulbs can cause cancer.
A new study performed by by Peter Braun at Berlin Germany’s Alab Laboratory found these light bulbs contain poisonous carcinogens that could cause cancer:
Phenol, a mildly acidic toxic white crystalline solid, obtained from coal tar and used in chemical manufacture
Naphthalene, a volatile white crystalline compound, produced by the distillation of coal tar, used in mothballs and as a raw material for chemical manufacture
Styrene, an unsaturated liquid hydrocarbon, obtained as a petroleum byproduct
3. Energy saving light bulbs emit a lot of UV rays.
Energy saving lamps emit UV-B and traces of UV-C radiation. It is generally recognised that UV-radiation is harmful for the skin (can lead to skin cancer) and the eyes.  The radiation from these bulbs directly attacks the immune system, and furthermore damages the skin tissues enough to prevent the proper formation of vitamin D-3.
In conclusion, these bulbs are so toxic that we are not supposed to put them in the regular garbage. They are household hazardous waste. If you break one in a house, you are supposed to open all of your windows and doors, and evacuate the house for at least 15 minutes to minimize your exposure to the poisonous gas. Unfortunately, soon consumers won’t have the option to buy incandescent lights because they won’t be available. The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) mandates the phase-out of incandescent light bulbs, and favors energy-efficient compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs.

Article Source :

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Go Raw for Health - 2

Raw Versus Cooked Food

The harnessing of fire or heat to cook, warm us, or fashion the elements is turning out to be a greater curse than it is a blessing. Yes, it has produced all of our conveniences and modern lifestyle, but also all of the problems and diseases that come with it.

Fire or heat has the power to change the structure of any element so we can refashion it into anything we can think of or imagine -like car parts and armaments and plastics and technologies. This is part of the creative process for humans -to create like the Creator, but, like children, we're also making a huge mess in the process.

Fire or heat also makes normally inedible food edible -like grains and tubers and starches. Most of us would not eat potatoes or rice if they could not be softened or moistened through the cooking or heating process. Raw or uncooked meat is also unappealing to most humans. We were simply not designed to eat such foods, but because of fire or heat, we do.

The problem is that cooking or heating process literally "kills" the food and its all-important enzymes(which fascilitate or regulate digestion), rendering it unusable to the body. Most foods start to lose their structure around after 118° Farenheight or the temperature of the Sun on an exceptionally hot day. Your body must then recreate the missing enzymes taxing your biological resources. This robs you of much of your health and energy and is the underlying cause of most ailments or diseases.

Raw edible foods(mostly fruits, nuts, berries, greens, herbs, seeds, and some vegetables), on the other hand, have everything they need to both satisfy you and peacefully exit your system. They are "alive" and impart to you their very own life essence.

After nine months on a raw food vegan diet, I decided to try some cooked food again(mostly vegetables) and immediately felt a lowering of vibration and later some pain or inflammation in my joints. As soon as I got off the cooked food the pains slowly but surely went away. I tried this several times and the result was always the same. There's just no way around it -cooked, heated, or fired food is bad for you! Even steaming!

It is true that cooked food is often tastier and more satisfying, but it's also much more addictive and destructive. Raw food, on the other hand(especially if it's organic or naturally grown), can be just as tasty if you are creative or let your taste buds become resensitized -and this all without the harmful or inflammatory side effects of cooked or heated food.

Those transitioning will have the best of both worlds, but in the end, most of us will have to decide one way or the other -eat a highly stimulating but destructive cooked and processed diet, or adopt a less stimulating but but far more healthful raw vegan diet. The sooner you adopt a natural diet the more chances are you will succeed in sticking with it, but it's really never too late to change. Better education is needed -something our money-driven society has failed miserably at.

If you are coming from a SAD(standard American diet) diet, you can still make the change, but it will require time and discipline. Slowly introduce more raw food into your diet until you learn to appreciate the taste and the benefits. Get rid of the coffee and eggs or cereal in the morning, and have a green smoothie or some fruit instead. You can also have a nice salad for lunch, and in the evening you can have a regular cooked meal. Eventually, most, if not all of your diet should become raw, but even if only 50% of it is raw, the improvements should be noticeable. You will be lighter, clearer, happier, and healthier. It worked for me. Why not give it a try? You'll not only be helping yourself, but the planet and all living things on it -less killing, less pollution, less misery, etc.

Cooking is a bad habit we acquired in colder climactic conditions or because certain "gods" or entities introduced it to us. Before that, we lived for thousands of years in an idylic paradise where fruits and herbs were the norm. Then the "gods" came and introduced us to agriculture and vegetables or grains, as well as meat and dairy. So in the course of a few thousand years, we went from a pure and peaceful diet to a highly unnatural and war-inducing one. We need to reverse this dietary descent which has only led to war, pain, misery, and slavery. A raw food vegan diet will restore humanity very closely to its original ideal state.


Thursday, December 10, 2015

Go Raw for Health

Going Raw Is The Answer

Going raw(and organic) is the answer to most of your health problems! I've been raw for almost one year now and I have no pain and feel great. Even if you don't go 100% raw you will still gain much of the benefits of this diet.

What is a raw vegan diet?

It basically means eating only fresh fruits and vegetables(preferably organic), as well as herbs, sprouts, nuts and seeds, and only in their raw unheated, uncooked state. No meat, no dairy, no eggs, no grain, or anything processed.

Why uncooked or unheated? Because this changes the food in a way that is no longer recognizable to the body. Cooked food is basically dead food and has little or nothing to offer except disease, illness, and death. All that processed(packaged) food is palatable only because additional ingredients like sugar and salt were added to it, otherwise you wouldn't eat it. As the raw vegan favorite saying goes, "If you can't eat it raw or as is, then you shouldn't be eating it in the first place.

A natural raw plant-based diet, on the other hand, is fully alive and beneficial to you because it is prepared by the Earth itself and ripened by the Sun. God knew exactly what he was doing when he created us and the environment that sustains us. Because of free will and negative influence, however, we veered from our perfect Edenic state and began adopting strange and unhealthy food practices.

We weren't meant to hunt and kill and rip flesh apart like some of the other animals. Our physiology just wasn't designed for it. Our teeth aren't long and razor sharp and our gut is much longer and digests much slower. Instead we have sophisticated hands and fingers to pick fruit from trees or cultivate vines and gardens. Our closest animal cousins, the chimps and apes, are vegetarians.

So why did we start eating meat and cooking our food? Apparently, at first, we lived in a very idyllic and paradisical environment, but at some point we were invaded and degraded by some nasty anti-human beings. Scriptures refer to them as the fallen angels or Luciferian forces. They came in, changed the environment, and forced their ways on us. Being naive, we submitted to them, acqired their evil habits, and suffered the consequences, and the result is what you see today -a sad and troubled humanity.

Every now and then, however, avatars or saviours were sent to us to show us the way back, but few believed or followed, and this has basically been the repertoire of humanity for about the last 150 thousand years or so. The Earth as it is, is a difficult and fallen environment, but we are here to change that, one individual at a time -or at least that's the challenge. When there are enough of us, we can finally overthrow our controllers and reclaim our divine destiny.

One of the best ways to start to reclaim your life and your health is through your diet and lifestyle. What you put into your body affects you more than you know, and you need to become aware of this. Food, especially in its current state, is basically a drug that distorts your thinking and weakens your body. Cooked or fired food is especially drug-like and addictive. It is not possible for us to find our way back in a drugged or addicted state. Adopting a raw food diet will start to lift the fog and reconnect you to your source by getting rid of all of the garbage in your body. It will be difficult at first(like a drug addict in rehab), but is the only real way out.

If you are sick or dying, don't depend on drugs which only mask the problem by desensitizing you and creating even worse problems down the road. Surgeries and radiation are no better. Your body(and intuition) is best doctor. It knows what to do if you let it. That's the problem -most of us don't know what to do. We go to the doctor at the first sign of trouble. Most doctors don't know what to do either because they've been brainwashed into thinking that drugs and surgery are the answers. There is a huge conspiracy on this planet/plane to keep us dumbed down and at the mercy of our satanic controllers, and one of the best ways to do this is to control what goes into our bodies. Sure, there other factors beside food that are killing us, but food is the primary means.

Changing our climate or environment was perhaps the first key act by our controllers to enslaving us. By disrupting our ecosystem and producing night and day and summer and winter and storms and winds, they disrupted our natural body rhythms as well and we degenerated over time growing more violent, stupid, and short-lived. Their "gods" also introduced us to farming and dairy and meat-eating and this took a further toll on us. They also taught us their customs and created our institutions, and even mated with us, further polluting our gene pool.

This hybridization of humanity has been going on for many thousands of years to the point where we hardly recognize ourselves anymore. Can this be reversed? Partly, but it will require the help or assistance of our true creators to bring us back to full origin. In the meantime, we can start the process by changing our diets and adopting more natural and agrarian lifestyles. Avoid cities and cold zones if you can -they are traps for degeneration. We need desperately to be exposed to the sun and air and trees and nature. Each of us needs to have their own land and grow their own food year-round and be totally self-sustaining without government intrusion or interference -something the controllers don't want you to do. Only then will we truly regain our health, freedom, and sanity.

Going vegetarian then vegan or raw is the first step. This will stop the slaughter and deforestation, destructive industries will close down, and health and happiness will skyrocket. All it takes are some brave and enlightened individuals to get it all going, and then everyone else will catch on. This is already happening, thanks in large part to the internet.

Going raw is a very personal and individual process. While some can switch over immediately, it usually takes time, learning, and patience. I was a vegetarian for twenty years before becoming a vegan, and some five or more years before going raw. Each step improved my health, but going raw was the kicker. That's when ALL my pains and health problems went away. Even a few days or weeks into the process you will start to notice the difference; diminishment of pain, better movement, more energy, skin clear-up, mental clarity, emotional calm, etc.

Backsliding from raw to vegan or cooked is natural during the process so don't beat yourself over it. It's part of the learning process. In time you will learn to appreciate raw food and its benefits more and more until you decide to go all the way. Many start by replacing their breakfast with a fruit or smoothie and their lunch with a salad salad, and then eating a regular(cooked) meal in the evening. There are no specific set rules. Many also incorporate fasting and other disciplines(meditation, exercise, etc) along the way.

It's also good to be with others of same mind for support, as misguided or misinformed family/social pressure can often hold you back. Most of all, you need to convince yourself of the benefits and results and stick to it. It usually takes a health crisis for people to change or improve their diets, but sometimes it can be too late. Adopting this diet when you are young and resilient is best as it will stay with you longer and is early prevention against future bad health.

There are many varieties of raw vegans: some will eat more greens and vegetables, others more fruits, some will avoid nuts and seeds, etc. This is all personal preference and blood or physiology type. You will have to tailor or intuit your diet accordingly. The important thing is that you're eating food the way nature intended us to eat it -fresh, raw, and untampered with. The problem is its getting hard to find real food these days(unless your living in the tropics). Science and evil forces are really messing up our food and this is a real travesty. Hybridization, GMO's, poor soil, radiation, pesticides, etc. -this is what is severely undercutting the nutritional value of everything we eat. We've greatly estranged ourselves from nature and are paying the price for it.

Hopefully, we'll come to our senses and reverse the degeneration of both our food and our bodies while we still can. I for one, am doing my part(I've been totally raw for a year now) and am slowly but surely convincing my own litttle circle of the great benefits of such a diet. It took guts and persistence and bucking the tide, but I counted the cost and pushed through with it, and you will have to as well. I never said it would be easy, but I believed in it passionately, and had a clear vision of the outcome.

Going raw will not only heal you of most ailments and diseases, but it will be great for the planet as well. No more killing, suffering, or pollution. Going raw is the answer.

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Sunday, November 15, 2015

November 13th Paris Massacre

November 14, 2015

Russia Warns Friday The 13th Paris Massacre Is Masonic Power Play For World War III

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A stunning new report issued today by the Ministry of Defense (MoD) to the policy makers of the Security Council (SC) states that yesterdays attacks in Paris can be likened to a “ritual massacre” and was “orchestrated/directed” by a secretive “element/cabal” of Freemasons (Masonic/Masons) holding high positions of power within the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the French General Directorate for External Security (DGSE), the British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS/MI6), Israel’s Directorate of Military Intelligence (DMI) and the Vatican.[Note: words/phrases appearing in quotes “” in this report are English approximations for Russian words having no exact language counterpart]

According to this report, the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) first alerted the MoD to the potential of this “Friday the 13th” plot a fortnight ago (27 October) after a highly secretive meeting was held in Washington D.C. attended by the Director of the CIA, John Brennan, DGSE Director Bernard Bajolet, former MI6 Chief John Sawers and former DMI Chief, and current Israeli National Security Advisor, Yaacov Amidror.

The overt purpose for this extraordinary meeting of the West’s top intelligence masterminds, this report continues, was their public discussion at an event called the CIA-GW Intelligence Conference: Panel on The Shared 21st Century International Mission where the future of the Middle East (at least from the Western perspective) was being determined.

The covert reason, however, for this meeting, this report says, was “revealed/discovered” by the GRU when these spy masterminds met in secret after their conference at the home of US Vice President Joseph Biden, who is the top Roman Catholic Jesuit (Society of Jesus) holding power in America today, and presided over by CIA Director John Brennan who, like Vice President Biden, is a Jesuit-trained intelligence analyst with an interest in Just War theory.

Immediately after this 27 October meeting of these Western spy chiefs with Vice President Biden, this report states, the initial GRU report filed with the MoD about it “warned/strongly suggested” that the Jesuit-Masonic makeup of these “cabal/plotters” could not rule out a retaliatory strike against the Federation organized by this group on 13 November as these secretive organizations frequently, if not always, “schedule/plan” their false-flag massacres to coincide with “important/mystical” dates important to them.

Important to note is that unlike many of its other national counterparts, the Federation devotes an enormous amount of monetary and intellectual resources to what is called “esoteric/satanic/religious” intelligence due to their experiences in the Great Patriotic War (World War II) against the German Nazi Empire—a war fought not only against armies, but against the “unknown/unseen” forces behind that monstrous regime.

Especially alarming about the 27 October meeting of these spy chiefs in Washington D.C., this report continues, was DGSE Director Bernard Bajolet stating afterwards that the Federation protected nation of Syria “will be different from what had been established after World War II”—which in turn led the GRU to warn the MoD that the Freemasons “Master Magic numbers of 11 and 13” were now in play.

And exactly as the GRU had warned, yesterday, 13 November, the latest of the West’s “ritual massacres” intended to remake the entire world into their image occurred in Paris when Western-backed Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) terrorists led a coordinated attack against 6 defenseless targets killing at least 128 and wounding 180 more with 99 of the survivors being reported in critical condition.  

The significance of these Freemason-Jesuit plotters exacting yesterday’s Friday the 13th massacre on Paris, this report explains, is due to their secretive organizations banishment, arresting and outlawing of all of their members on Friday the 13 October 1307 against their declaration of innocence, and the subsequent burning at the stake of their Grand Master, Jacques de Molay, outside of the Notre Dame Cathedral seven years later on Friday 13 March 1314.

Critical to note too, this report says, are that previous GRU warnings had been issued in 2013 that the Freemason-Jesuits would take revenge for the killing of their Grand Master after the election to the Roman Catholic Papacy of Pope Francis (the first Jesuit to be installed as Pope in the Church’s entire history) on 13 March of that year—699 years to the date after the fiery execution of Jacques de Molay in front of Notre Dame Cathedral, and in spite of the fact that Jesuits are bound by oath not to seek higher office in the Roman Catholic Church due to their past association with the Freemasons.

To the “identical/connection” between the Jesuits and Freemasons, this report further explains, was first documented by the United States Congress in 1913 [Congressional Record, House Bill 1523, Contested election case of Eugene C. Bonniwell, against Thos. S. Butler, February 15, 1913, pages 3215-3216] when the oaths taken by each of these secretive organizations were discovered to be nearly exactly the same in their members pledging their allegiance to their cause against any and all governments or nations:

Pledge of the Jesuits

I, ..........., now, in the presence of Almighty God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the blessed Michael the Archangel, the blessed St. John the Baptist, the holy Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul and all the saints and sacred hosts of heaven, and to you, my ghostly father, the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, founded by St. Ignatius Loyola in the Pontificate of Paul the Third, and continued to the present, do by the womb of the virgin, the matrix of God, and the rod of Jesus Christ, declare and swear, that his holiness the Pope is Christ's Vice-regent and is the true and only head of the Catholic or Universal Church throughout the earth; and that by virtue of the keys of binding and loosing, given to his Holiness by my Savior, Jesus Christ, he hath power to depose heretical kings, princes, states, commonwealths and governments, all being illegal without his sacred confirmation and that they may safely be destroyed.

Pledge of the Freemasons (associated Freemason organizations and Rhode Scholars take this pledge too)

I, ............, now in the presence of Almighty God, the blessed Virgin Mary, the blessed St. John the Baptist, the Holy Apostles, St. Peter and St. Paul, and all the saints, sacred host of heaven, and to you, my Ghostly Father, the superior general of the Society of Jesus rounded by St. Ignatius Loyola, in the pontification of Paul the III and continued to the present, do by the womb at the Virgin, the matrix of God, and the rod of Jesus Christ, declare and swear that His Holiness the Pope, is Christ's vice regent and is the true and only head of the Catholic or Universal Church throughout the earth; and that by virtue of the keys of binding and loosing given His Holiness by my Savior, Jesus Christ, he hath power to depose heretical kings, princes, States, Commonwealths, and Governments and they may be safely destroyed. Therefore to the utmost of ray power I will defend this doctrine and His Holiness's right and custom against all usurpers of the heretical or Protestant authority whatever, especially the Lutheran Church of Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, and Norway and the now pretended authority and Churches of England and Scotland, and the branches of same now established in Ireland and on the Continent of America and elsewhere, and all adherents in regard that they may be usurped and heretical, opposing the sacred Mother Church of Rome.

Aside from the revenge factor being at play in yesterday’s Friday the 13th Paris massacre, this report continues, is it also being able to serve as the springboard for the Jesuit-Freemason’s ultimate goal of causing World War III.

To how this will be accomplished, this report says, and at least as these plotters hope it will, will be for France to declare yesterday’s Friday the 13th massacre as an act of war—which upon their doing so will bring into immediate force Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) treaty the French nation rejoined in 2009 after a 43 year absence.

Article 5 of the NATO treaty, this report explains, says that the response to an attack on any member may include armed force, but it does not mandate it. All that NATO actually promises is to take “such action as it deems necessary” to restore and maintain security. That could be anything from nuclear war to a stiff diplomatic protest.

The only time Article 5 of the NATO treaty has ever been invoked in its entire history, this report further states, was on 12 September 2001 after the attacks on the United States—which remains in effect to today, but with France at the time not being member would necessitate histories second invocation of it so that France can legally (at least in the eyes of the West) engage in total global war with its allies.

With French President Francois Hollande declaring today that this Friday the 13th massacre is, indeed, an “act of war” perpetrated by the Islamic State, MoD expert analysts in this report say, and with ISIS, likewise, claiming responsibility, the French have now vowed a “merciless response” setting the stage for a direct military confrontation with the Federation.

And even though the Foreign Ministry has warned against early conclusions regarding reasons and objectives the terrorists had in Paris; as all information should come from investigators, this report notes, the Western propaganda press has now gone into “high gear” pushing their citizens toward war.

As the Federation, since 30 September, has been bombing the Islamic State and its terrorist allies into oblivion, the greatest fear of these Jesuit-Freemason plotters, this report warns, is that their not so secret support of these barbarians with weapons and resources will become more apparent to the world unmasking these monsters and revealing who they really are—and with that what their global agenda is too.

But with doing as the Foreign Ministry says they should do, this report concludes, the true motives of this Friday the 13th massacre will, likewise, be revealed for what it truly is—and which President Obama himself agrees with as just the day prior to this attack, 12 October, he rightfully noted that the Islamic State was not getting stronger and has now been contained.

To the final outcome of this great tragedy this report doesn’t speculate upon—but one can hope that the real truth of this massacre becomes more widely known before, and as always, these warmongers plunge our world into total war.

November 14, 2015 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]



Paris Terror Attacks: Executed To Lock Down Climate Summit Conference

There should be no doubt that the number one reason for the alleged Paris Terror attacks is to completely lock down Paris in order to totally control the upcoming Climate Summit. That’s not to say there aren’t other very significant purposes operating in the background, especially some quite stealthy geopolitical strategies involving the Middle East.

Nonetheless, there can be no overstatement about the profound importance and dire urgency of this global meeting which is known as the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference.

Whistleblower Activist Exposes Covert Agenda Behind Geoengineered Global Climate Change

This summit represents the culmination of the ruling elite’s plan to establish their New World Order (NWO) via a One World Government ostensibly based on the global regulation of carbon emissions.

Whereas Global Climate Change (aka Global Warming) is their mantra, the Global Carbon Control Matrix is their penultimate objective on the way to their One World Government.

New World Order: Where Geoengineering Meets The Global Carbon Control Matrix

The Global Carbon Control Matrix (GCCM) is what is essentially being proposed at the Paris Climate Summit.  The world community of nations will vote on a series of measures and initiatives that will lay the foundation for a new global institution, the purpose of which is threefold:

• First, the GCCM will serve as the legal and political basis for a new framework of international laws and treaties regarding CO2 emissions.

• Secondly, the GCCM will provide an enforcement mechanism by which those laws and treaties will be administered and monitored.

• Thirdly, the GCCM will function as a global taxation authority in order to provide the necessary tax revenue which will support the emerging One World Government.

• Lastly, the GCCM will operate as a full-blown supranational CO2 management regime with unprecedented political and police powers, as well as unparalleled financial and  economic prowess.

 One World Government Initially Emerging As Global CO2 ‘Management’ Regime

Agenda 21 and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
The Paris Climate Summit will also be used as an opportunity to greatly advance U.N. Agenda 21, as well as to further concretize the more evolved 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Both of these longstanding agendas are critical to the success of the NWO scheme to effectively control every single natural resource on the planet.  What is equally crucial to the outworking of their clandestine agenda is to eventually exert absolute command and control over the weather—worldwide.  Through various geoengineering programs the globalist cabal intends to conduct both weather modification and climate engineering wherever and whenever they so desire.

NWO Cabal Pursues Total Dominion Over The Earth’s Weather And Natural Resources

These are the real intentions of the World Shadow Government (WSG) that are behind the Paris Summit Conference, as well as the false flag terror attacks designed to completely close off and effectively quarantine the conference.

Close off the summit from who?

Those who operate at the pinnacle of the peak of the WSG will not brook any disobedience or any kind of disruption at the climate summit. Acquiring the coerced buy-in of the member nations is absolutely critical to the success of all of their NWO plans.  Hence, the extremely dramatic ‘terrorist attacks’ were designed to accomplish a few goals in particular.  A point-by-point breakdown follows below.

The cabal knew that there are numerous groups from around the world that have been sneaking into Paris with the explicit purpose of disrupting the climate conference.  The truth be told — working in concert — these different groups have been planning to so disrupt this particular meeting to the extent that it would collapse before it finished.  Known to but a very few insiders, these different organizations have made common cause around the purpose of causing a total breakdown of the climate conference.

In fact, so determined is their intention to sabotage these climate talks that virtually anything could happen from November 30 to December 11.  A N Y T H I N G ! ! !

The MO of the Ruling Elites is Always to Use Maximum Drama for Maximum Effect

Paris Terror Wave: Who did it and Why on Friday the 13th?

Obviously the Paris terror attacks have been executed, or at least dramatized, so intensively for a number of important reasons.  As follows:

(1)  To sufficiently scare people — EVERYONE and ANYONE — away from Paris, especially those who wish to disrupt the climate summit.

(2)  To give the French Government a justifiable pretext to shut down the borders in order to prevent any summit infiltrators, NWO protesters and global warming skeptics from entering the “summit security zone”.

(3)  To send a message — Loud and Clear — to all nations attending the summit that the reach of the NWO cabal is truly global and limitless.  That the ruling cabal is effectively unconstrained in the perpetration of any type of terrorism necessary to enforce compliance with their multifarious agendas. 

(4)  To so impress the community of nations that if they can successfully pull off such a wave of terror in Paris, then they can do the same in any other capital city in the world.  Also, that no nation on Earth will be exempt from participating in their slowly developing One World Government.

Special Note:
Who could deny that the NWO globalists cabal are using the alleged Paris Terror attacks to grossly inflame the “Clash of Civilizations”?  This French conflagration will also serve to greatly intensify social tensions and military conflicts on both the European continent and throughout the Middle East, respectively.  Hence, it can be stated with a high level of certainty that this intended consequence (a WW3 scenario) was just another of several goals which may be achieved by the NWO planners, if they are not thwarted post-haste.  Just like the inflammatory Charlie Hebdo attacks demonstrated earlier this year, starting World War III appears to be an absolute necessity for the globalists.  After all, it’s always out of their manufactured chaos of war that they are able to manifest their new fabricated disorder.
Charlie Hebdo is NOT about FREE SPEECH; it’s about inciting World War 3

President François Hollande is now using these false flag attacks, as usual, to justify French military involvement in Syria.  Just as the USA has no legal right to invade Syria, neither does France.  Nevertheless, the unproven claim that the Islamic State or ISIS or ISIL is responsible for these fake attacks will be used with full force against any perceived Mideast foe.  Once France is committed to this war, the rest of the European Union can also be dragged into it.  Isn’t that the way world wars are always started?!

Again, just as the U.S. & Company had no lawful justification or moral right to declare a global War on Terror, France has none either especially where it concerns the faraway geopolitical chessboard known as the Middle East.  It is all but certain that the United States is goading them into military action to build another fake “coalition of the willing”. Only in this way can the Anglo-American Axis[1] pose a strong enough countervailing force to the current Russian alliance that thoroughly dominates the northern Levant region at this point.  It should be noted that Putin’s Russia and its allies have legally entered this regional war with the legitimacy conferred upon them by Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad.[2]  Simply put, he invited them to help defend his sovereign nation.


The reader now knows why the World Shadow Government has relentlessly suppressed every form of free energy technology ever invented.  It is only through the fascist administration of the upcoming Global Carbon Control Matrix that they will be able to fulfill their NWO dream (our nightmare).  For it is only within the present context defined by the various CO2-emitting energy paradigms that such a GCCM makes any sense.   

However, the proper implementation of their clandestine plan always called for utmost secrecy in the past.  With the internet operating at full tilt — 24/7 — the cyber crackerjacks and super-sleuths now catch the agents of the cabal with the matches in their hands before the fire is even put out. 

The really key point here is that all of the usual suspects are now notorious throughout the World Wide Web.  They have actually been caught by the very web of their own making.  Many of them are now well known by their predictable actions and negligent inactions, as well as by their dubious organizations and personal associations. 


Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Hollow Earth

Radial Ice Betrays North Polar Hole

The image above shows the radial ice flow from the north polar opening to the hollow earth. This pattern projects outward from a conspicuous ring of ice approximately 80 miles in diameter. The 80 mile opening likely restricts to approximately 50 miles at its narrowest point. 

According to calculations made by comparing the polar and equatorial diameters of the earth, a 50 mile opening would indicate that the crust is approximately 600 miles thick at the poles, slimmed down from an 800 mile crust at the equator.

With such a small diameter opening, it becomes apparent just how easily an "anomaly" such as this can be wiped from satellite imagery and kept from the prying eyes of the public.

(Image provided by Chris Baird.)

Real Reason for ISIS and the war against Assad
By Preston James, Ph.D on October 26, 2015

The real reason behind ISIS and their war against Assad and Syria is a secret 995 year old Blood Feud of the Khazarian Mafia against the Persians and the Russians.

The *Khazarian Mafia has had long term plan to enslave and destroy Russia and Persia (now called Iran). They infiltrated Russia and hijacked it in 1917 with their Bolshevik Revolution funded by the RKM Banksters of the City of London and Wall Street.

The Khazarian Mafia asset stripped mother Russia of billions in Gold, Silver, jewels and artwork, while beginning a bloodbath of rape, torture and mass murder of about 100 million non-Khazarian Russians.

This Blood Feud against Russia is based on the Khazarians unmitigated inter-generational rage against the Russians for helping the Persians (now Iran) destroy Khazaria in about 1020 AD because it had become a criminal nation of robbers, murderers and identity impersonators and had not heeded its warnings to clean house from top to bottom.

This Khazarian Mafia Blood Feud against Russia was also accompanied by a blood feud against Persia for helping Russia destroy Khazaria in about 1020 AD.

This plan involves destroying Syria and then using it as a staging area for the destruction of Iran which is a essential step in the construction of Greater Israel which will engulf the whole Mideast for the Khazarian Mafia and Israel, it main action-agent.

This plan also involves using NATO and the US Military to surround the Russian Federation with offensive missiles and missile defenses while making international manipulations to destroy Russia economically.

The plan always is to use false-flag terror to serve as a trigger to justify the deployment of the American military as the Khazarian Mafia’s enforcer. Once the targeted nation’s governments are destroyed and the citizens uprooted and driven from their lands, the Khazarian Mafia associated large corporations come in and cheaply acquire any and all natural resources in order to make massive profits.

This is little more than high tech Khazarian Mafia PIRACY, but instead of piracy on the high seas, it is piracy against sovereign nations and all done to mass-murder in order to access their natural resources as cheaply as possible. This type of international piracy on land is merely an extension of the road warrior behavior that the nation of Khazaria and its leaders were known for that finally ended up with Russia and Persia attacking and destroying Khazaria.

The Russian Federation has seen all this coming and has now taken major steps working with most of the World to set up major financial and economic firewalls against the US Petro Dollar which is actually owned and controlled by the Khazarian Mafia Banksters working out of the City of London.

All the recent Mideast war beginning with Iraq1 by Bush1 are actually part of an elaborate Khazarian Mafia plan to use the infiltrated and hijacked American Military to fight proxy wars for the Khazarian Mafia and its Cutout Israel in order to institute its “Greater Israel” expansion plan designed to eventually destroy Syria, Iran and then surround and destroy the new Russian federation.

But the actual underlying motivation for the Khazarian Mafia top leaders for creating all the Mideast Wars beginning with Bush1 is their inter-generational Blood Feud with Russia and Persia.

This Khazarian Mafia Blood Feud is also based on the Khazarian Mafia’s extreme and unmitigated hatred of Russia for twice aiding America in its resistance to their private City of London Fiat based central Banking System, the first time blockading England from America in the Revolutionary War and the second time blockading England in the Civil War.

Ambassador Lee Wanta, President Reagan’s Secret Agent under the Totten Doctrine–negotiated a non-violent win/win solution and a quick end to the Cold War that prevented WW3.

They used the Cold War to try and set off a nuclear WW3 that would have totally destroyed Russia, but this was stopped by President Reagan using his personal Secret Agent Lee Wanta, who negotiated a win/win settlement which has resulted in a new Russian Federation Russia which is a non-communist, non-fascist nation which has been restored economically.

The leaders of the Khazarian Mafia are part of a “bloodline family” system that never forgets when any group or nation thwarts its evil empire agendas. When the Khazarian Mafia is blocked in the attainment of any of their goals or blocked by any nation of group, they harbor continuing revenge and plots against its enemies (secretly refers to as “Goyim”) forever until they are completely infiltrated, hijacked and preferably destroyed after being completely asset stripped.

The RKM has not been able to destroy Russia and mass-murder the non-Khazarian Russians so far as was its goal as a part of a 995 year old blood feud against Mother Russia.

Part of its Greater Israel expansion plan to destroy seven Middle East Nations in five years has involved Iran. Persia as one of its targeted nations because the RKM’s 995 year old blood feud against Russia is also targeted against Persia.

A very strange 995 year old Khazarian Mafia Blood Feud against Persians and non-Khazarian Russians.

This 995 year old Khazarian Blood Feud goes all the way back to approximately 1020 AD, when after hundreds of years of warnings, the Persians and Russia attacked Khazaria and destroyed it for refusing to stop their frequent road warrior crimes against travelers and neighbors in Persia and Russia.

In about 780 AD the Russians and Persians warned the Khazarian King that this road warrior behavior of murdering and robbing travelers and stealing their identities must stop. They were given an ultimatum, make one of the three Abrahamic religions their official national religion or else they would be dealt with and destroyed.

The Khazarian Mafia’s Greater Israel Plan, a stepping stone to use as a staging area to eliminate Iran and then Islam, while serving as an essential step in encircling and destroying the Russian Federation. Saudi Arabia and Turkey will be then destabilized by RKM engineered “Color Revolutions”, thus tightening the circle around the Russian federation.

The Khazarian King declared that he selected Judaism as the Khazarian national religion, but in the upper ruling circles secret Baal Worship was continued. Baal worship is also known as High Babylonian Talmudism (secet Luciferian Black Magick) and involves the sacrifice of Children to Lucifer as well as the use of Babylonian Money-Magick which is “making money from nothing”. This is done by charging pernicious usury lending folks private money which should have been their own in the first place. This inner Khazarian circle of rulers began to function as a large national organized crime group, a type of organized crime which has gained control of a nations ruler-ship.

In about 1020 AD when the Russian and Persian leaders agreed the the Khazarians have not changed their ways and their national Judaism had made absolutely no difference, they invaded Khazaria and destroyed it as a nation. Before they were able to invade the Khazarian King and his top circle of Money-changers were able to take their vast wealth earned by criminal activities and leave Khazaria to go to Europe.

They were eventually able to create a significant money-changing empire in Germany and then used trickery to manipulate the English stock market and take it over. This allowed the Rothschild banking Family to take over the City of London and assume leadership over the British Empire which was beginning to decline.

Once the Khazarian Mafia infiltrated and hijacked British City of London Banking and could manufacture all the money it wanted and distribute it to whomever they wanted, they became the largest and wealthiest Organized crime syndicate in the World.

The Rothschild Khazarians came up with a very crafty plan to transform the waning British Empire into a secret worldwide Khazarian Mafia Banking Empire based on central Fiat Banking franchised out of the City of London. Once this Khazarian Mafia private FIAT based central Banking system was franchised to America in 1913 by the illegal, unConstitutuional passage of the Federal Reserve Act, the die was set. The Khazarian Mafia was then able to buy, bribe and human compromise almost every single elected Official and USG official and federal Judge in America.

Israel attacked America on 9-11-01 with the help of stateside American Traitors.

Right now every member of Congress except on, Rep. Walter Jones, has apparently signed an AIPAC Loyalty Oath to place Israel first even before America and has rewarded each signer with massive campaign funding and very large perks. Folks signing such an AIPAC agreement is Treason and Sedition because AIPAC is an espionage front for the Khazarian Mafia which has proven itself to be an active enemy of America because they attacked America on 9-11-01 with the help of Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizen Traitors in PNAC, top NeoCons, and Traitors in the Administration, JCS, USAF, NORAD and the FAA. Last time I checked Treason was defined as aiding and abetting an enemy of the United States of America. Certainly taking an AIPAC Loyalty Oath to place Israel first is a direct and clear violation of one’s Oath of Office for any member of Congress.

Once the Khazarian Banksters used their endless supply of money (they can print or issue all they want and have no oversight at all) to gain control over Congress, the Administration, and the Pentagon, it was then easy to deploy the the CIA, Israel and Saudi Arabia trained, supplied and paid mercenaries to create Mideast terror to start wars. Once this Terror Machine was deployed and used to create chaos, death and destruction of innocent civilians in the Mideast and in America on 9-11-01, it was easy to motivate the American masses to support the deployment of the American Military to fight these wars for Israel and the Khazarian Mafia.

It is very hard to come up with the exact dates in the history and dissolution of Khazaria as a nation or other details because most of this history has been scrubbed from the libraries by the Khazarian Mafia, the World’s largest, most powerful organized crime syndicate. So we have used approximate dates. As more an more history is uncovered, we will attempt to establish the actual dates.

Right now Putin and the Russian Federation have created a complete checkmate against the Khazarian Mafia’s ISIS and the Israeli-American Terror Machine and has fully exposed America, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey as those who created, supplied and paid the mercenaries making up ISIS (aka the Islamic State which is anything but that).

The Russian federation was invited to help defend Syria from ISIS and has every right under international law to be there. Right now the Russian federation is decimating ISIS by its sophisticated air power and very god Intel.

A good bet is that Putin and the top leaders of Russia figures that it is a good time to checkmate and unravel the Khazarian Mafia and the Israeli-American Terror Machine before it completely surrounds Russia and can become powerful enough to threaten Russia’s future. Beside, Russia has a lot of money invested in its loyal ally Syria and is certainly motivated to help protect its investment especially when formally invited by Syria to do so.


Bottom line is that the 995 year old Khazarian Mafia Blood Feud against Russia and Persia is the real reason for the deployment of the Israeli-American Terror Machine which has deployed mercenaries hired, trained, supplied and paid by the CIA, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey to attack the nation of Syria. These mercenaries are labelled as ISIS, ISIL, Daesh, Al Nusra, Al Qaeda (aka Al CIA Duh) and the like but they are all part of the Khazarian Mafia’s Israel-American Terror Machine.

And now Putin has shown himself to be a very resourceful statesman and diplomat in his ability to checkmate the Israeli-American terror machine in Syria after being officially invited by President Assad to assist Syria. This of course is all legal under international law and is actually on the up and up, whereas the CIA and the Israeli-American Terror machine is a criminal action of the Khazarian mafia and has now been fully exposed to the World. The US Administration and several retired US Generals have even admitted all this publicly that the USG started and is running ISIS.

* The Khazarian Mafia is an abbreviation to represent the organized crime group that later morphed into the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, a term coined by VT Financial Editor Mike Harris whose VT radio show is on Tuesdays and Thursdays 7-9 PM CST. Mike Harris started using this descriptive term Khazarian Mafia after extensively researching the true but hidden history of the nation of Khazaria and its connection to Rothschild World Zionism now centered in the City of London. He also discovered the long held hatred that the RKM has harbored since about 1020 AD for the non-Khazarian Russians that is still a major motive for the Khazarian Mafia today in its quest to destroy Persia (Iran) and then encircle and once again destroy Russia. their goal? To steal all Russia’s its assets like in 1917, and mass-murdering any non-Khazarian Russians remaining alive, as a replay of their Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.

The Khazarian Mafia operates out of the City of London, a separate nation inside the UK which has its own police force and diplomats and pays no taxes to the UK government, like the Vatican, but has worldwide power through its private central banking system which uses FIAT money issued and placed in circulation (lent out for use at interest/pernicious usury).

The Khazarian Mafia has deeply infiltrated America and hijacked its manufacturing and distribution of money and most of its institutions of government, uses the US Military to fight its proxy wars for Israel and to earn massive profits. The Khazarian Mafia uses UK, Israeli and American Intel factions and especially the Pentagon to traffick in massive quantities of illegal narcotics to generate massive “off the books” money for black ops and payoffs to politicians and government officials they “own”.

Air Is What Powers You

Everytime we exert ourselves we take a deep breath and we do it unconciously, whether its to get up or work or run or any other taxing activity. That's because your body is powered by air, or rather, the energy in the air. The sun is what energizes the air which then distributes this energy througout your body to feed and power it up. This fire of life is the basis for all living organisms. The light produced by this energy is also an important food and we absorb it naturally through our skin, eyes, breath, and aura. Solid physical food or even water is mostly for taste or emotional satisfaction and can actually impede the more important electro-magnetic consumption of solar food. The deterioration or artificialization of our environments can also reduce the quantity and quality of this most basic and essential universal food. "You're only as good as your environment" is a very true statement, and anything that poisons or pollutes should be seriously banned. This means all dirty power sources like coal and gas as well as electronic beams and radiation. Clean air is our most precious resource and your immediate life depends on it.


Death is a Disease

Death is a disease that needs to be overcome. It is the product of a faulty environment and lifestyle. It is also the acceptance of death that gives it so much power. People need to realize that aging and dying are not normal. The body continuously regenerates so there is no reason why we can't go on living indefinitely. It is only our ignorance and fear and mistaken habits that make it so. Deterioration occurs when the degenerative forces overtake the regenerative ones. This usually occurs around age 30 when our sins catch up with us and we begin to break down. Sins like overworking, overeating, and overindulgence in general. We become addicted to the very pleasures that destroy us, and that's when death takes control. Few are strong enough to break the chains, but those who do find everlasting life. Environmental and social forces also contribute to death but the inner drive or conditioning is the most important factor and can overcome almost any external situation.

Friday, July 03, 2015

Murder by Vaccination

July 2, 2015

Another Warning On Vaccinations
2/23/95 #2   HATONN

I can't stand the middle road any longer on this issue.  You are GOING TO DO what you are going to do but I must CLEARLY warn you about these childhood injections against disease.  It is nothing but a program to destroy the working immune system. The reasons for your children getting one infection after another is that these immunizations are damaging the nervous system and wiping out the immune systems of your children.



What I see being accomplished as we write is both heinous and irreversible.  I do not tell you WHAT TO DO!  You ask and I simply WARN YOU that these immunizations will begin to kill more and more of your children and maim many more.  The results are going to be everything from nervous inattention and misbehavior to death.  The symptoms may well not be seen in major extent for years--until the person is hit with a whopper like a simple retrovirus.  Contained in these injectables are everything from cow-pus to mercury and nail-polish remover.

If you can't believe "me", there is a book out, I am told, called VACCINATION.  I am sure there are far more than that as one came to me years ago on the subject, then Dr. Mendelsohn wrote a book, The Medical Heretic and Eustace Mullins wrote one called Murder by Injection.  LISTEN UP, READERS: THIS IS NOT FUN AND GAMES--THIS IS MASS INTENT TO DEPOPULATE THROUGH DESTRUCTION OF IMMUNE SYSTEMS SO THAT ANY INTENDED INFECTION EPIDEMIC CAN WIPE OUT THE OVER-POPULATION.  The first book I mentioned, VACCINATION, is done by a person I respect greatly and is CURRENT.  The author is Viera Scheibner, Ph.D. and I have used her work prior to now.  It is urgent and CRITICAL that you get INFORMED--NOW!!  You are "finished" if you allow a LAW to come about and be enforced making it legally mandatory to vaccinate your babies.  That practice is DEADLY.  

[Editor's note: For our new readers, go back and read the lengthy article on the horrors of vaccinations in the 1/31/95 issue of CONTACT.]
Source:  CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, February 28, 1995, Volume 8, Number 5, Page 36.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Vaccines Causes Autism


Ethan A Huff 

June 26, 2015

The UK is facing an unprecedented number of new autism cases, according to new research. Figures in Scotland, which are among the most comprehensive available in the British isles, reveal that the autism rate among students at Scottish schools is up 1,360% percent since 1998, with no perceivable end in sight.

This amounts to a one-in-68 children rate of autism, which the London School of Economics projects is costing taxpayers around $54 billion annually. This is up from about $2 billion in 2001, demonstrating the immense toll this harrowing disease is costing the public.

But even these figures may be too low, warns Age of Autism, as they disguise the actual number of autism cases among older students, while focusing more on autism rates among younger students. The actual present rate of autism in the UK, reports John Stone, is probably much closer to one in 30 students, based on data supplied by the Scottish government.

The immense growth rate of autism in Scotland over the past 16 years is highlighted by the following:

Year | Total number of pupils | Number of pupils with an ASD
1998 | 758,414 | 820
1999 | 755,081 | 959
2000 | 751,243 | 1,245
2001 | 745,063 | 1,515
2002 | 738,597 | 2,204
2003 | 732,122 | 2,663
2004 | 723,554 | 3,090
2005 | 713,240 | 3,484
2006 | 702,737 | 2,443
2007 | 692,215 | 3,919
2008 | 681,573 | 4,900
2009 | 676,740 | 5,254
2010 | 673,133 | 6,506
2011 | 670,511 | 7,801
2012 | 671,218 | 8,650
2013 | 673,530 | 9,946

Aside from an anomalous reduction in ASD cases between 2005 and 2006, you can clearly see that the autism rate in Scotland has simply exploded, much like it has in the U.S. and other Western nations over the past several decades.

One would think that health authorities and lawmakers would take note of this and start addressing some of the elephants in the room, including the ever-expanding vaccination schedule. But instead, they remain silent as the financial burden of treating these damaged children escalates into financial territory so unsustainable that government health systems now face total collapse.

US to spend a total of $7 trillion just to treat every person who currently has autism

The same study that procured these figures for the UK found that the situation is far worse in the U.S. Between the costs associated with treating both children and adults with ASD — more than 3.5 million Americans, both young and old, have been diagnosed with ASD — taxpayers and insurance companies spend huge amounts to treat autistic individuals with or without intellectual disability.

“The cost of supporting an individual with an ASD and intellectual disability during his or her lifespan was $2.4 million in the United States and £1.5 million (US $2.2 million) in the United Kingdom,” reports the study. “The cost of supporting an individual with an ASD without intellectual disability was $1.4 million in the United States and £0.92 million (US $1.4 million) in the United Kingdom.”

“The largest cost components for children were special education services and parental productivity loss. During adulthood, residential care or supportive living accommodation and individual productivity loss contributed the highest costs. Medical costs were much higher for adults than for children.”

This translates into a total cost of $7 trillion to treat every person with autism in the U.S. over the course of his or her lifetime. And this is just at the current autism rate — over the next several decades, as many as one in two children are expected to have autism, which portends a complete collapse of the healthcare system.

Be sure to check out Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researcher Dr. Stephanie Seneff’s groundbreaking research into glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide. She found that this prolific chemical damages gut bacteria and blocks the uptake of vital nutrients, triggering autism and other serious health conditions:
