Thursday, December 31, 2015

Eat Right to have Peace

War Is Evil And Warriors Are Deranged

He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword (Matthew 26:52)

War is a sickness - a disease, that has ravaged humanity since its beginnings. There is nothing good about it, and the sooner we eradicate it the better.

War begins on a inner personal level, with one's lusts and desires, and spreads outward to inflict others. Uncontrolled personal lust and desire is the root cause of all wars. These animalistic desires are perpetuated by the way we eat and live. Eating the wrong foods has a major impact on your desire for war, sex, and power.

Toxins in meat, dairy, alcohol, sugars, and other stimulants poison and inflame the blood which in turn do the same to the brain and moods and thinking. Most all of our leaders who go to or relish war have highly intoxicated diets. Their minds and souls are warped and clouded by the things they ingest or are addicted to.

Of course there are other factors besides food that cause us to be aggressive or violent, such as training and upbringing, education, religion, and extreme ideologies. An unnatural or polluted environment can also cause physical and emotional disturbances, as can drugs or pharmaceuticals. Then there are stim beams and waves, chip implants, and other technologically induced controls. Finally, there is actual demonic or spiritual possession.

Food, however, may be the most basic or prevalent form of stimulant for war. The more our food becomes processed, the more we are likely to be damaged by it on all levels, resulting in abnormal or violent behaviour. In the rush to make more money, we are adulterating our foods with more and more chemicals which disrupt our physiology and degrade our lifestyles.

Two of the most prevalent of these chemicals are white sugar and salt which are in nearly everything we eat in and whose dangers are sheepishly overlooked. Then there are the pesticides and chemtrails and thousands of artificial colorings and flavourings as well as the radiological exposure to which all our foods and soils and air and water are subjected to. It really is as though someone were trying to poison us.

With all of these chemicals in us it's no wonder we lose it and either give up and committ slow suicide or lash back violently at the society that pretends to sustain us. War then becomes a natural outcome of our agitated or highly unbalanced state, and those with the money or power to do so, will no doubt commit unspeakable atrocities upon the masses.

War is unnatural and abnormal. It is a highly intoxicated or agitated state caused mostly by what we ingest into our bodies. The cleaner or more natural we eat the less violent or barbaric we act. Vegans or vegetarians are much more peaceful than meat or dairy eaters, and raw vegans or fruitarians are even more so. A plant-based diet will heal everyone and stop all the wars. There is no desire for war or aggression when you are eating the way you are supposed to. Even the animals can learn to be vegan. The bible states that there is a time coming when no one shall kill or hurt any other living creature within God's range of influence.(Isaiah 65).

We can make that reality occur today by adopting a plant-based diet. Many are already taking this step, and at some point it will become the standard practice worldwide. This will take time and re-educaton but it can definitely be done. The benefits will be enormous, both on a personal and planetary level. No longer will lust and rage burn within us and cause us to make war as is the case today. Instead we will be peaceful, tranquil, happy, and productive, and easily achieve our divine or intended potential.


Sunday, December 20, 2015

The Death over Our Heads

The Death over Our Heads: Energy Saving Light Bulbs Are Poisonous To the Brain, Nervous System, Liver, Kidneys and Heart

Energy Efficient Light Bulbs Can Cause:
Many of us in the effort to save energy and money, replaced our old standard light bulbs with environmentally-friendly with the new generation energy saving light bulbs.  However, the new generation of energy efficient light bulbs are so toxic that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency created an emergency protocol you need to follow in the event of a bulb breakage, due to the poison gas that is released. If  broken indoors, these light bulbs release 20 times the maximum acceptable mercury concentration into the air, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Fraunhofer Wilhelm Klauditz Institute for German’s Federal Environment Agency.

Energy Efficient Light Bulbs Can Cause:
Cluster headaches
Inability to concentrate

Energy Efficient Bulbs Cause Anxiety, Migraines, and Even Cancer. Reasons to Go Back To Incandescent Bulbs
1. Energy saving bulbs contain mercury. Murcury ia a potent neurotoxin that is especially dangerous to children and pregnant women. It is especially toxic to the brain, the nervous system, the liver and the kidneys. It can also damage the cardiovascular, immune and reproductive systems. It can lead lead to tremors, anxiety, insomnia, memory loss, headaches, cancer and Alzheimer’s .
2. Energy saving bulbs can cause cancer.
A new study performed by by Peter Braun at Berlin Germany’s Alab Laboratory found these light bulbs contain poisonous carcinogens that could cause cancer:
Phenol, a mildly acidic toxic white crystalline solid, obtained from coal tar and used in chemical manufacture
Naphthalene, a volatile white crystalline compound, produced by the distillation of coal tar, used in mothballs and as a raw material for chemical manufacture
Styrene, an unsaturated liquid hydrocarbon, obtained as a petroleum byproduct
3. Energy saving light bulbs emit a lot of UV rays.
Energy saving lamps emit UV-B and traces of UV-C radiation. It is generally recognised that UV-radiation is harmful for the skin (can lead to skin cancer) and the eyes.  The radiation from these bulbs directly attacks the immune system, and furthermore damages the skin tissues enough to prevent the proper formation of vitamin D-3.
In conclusion, these bulbs are so toxic that we are not supposed to put them in the regular garbage. They are household hazardous waste. If you break one in a house, you are supposed to open all of your windows and doors, and evacuate the house for at least 15 minutes to minimize your exposure to the poisonous gas. Unfortunately, soon consumers won’t have the option to buy incandescent lights because they won’t be available. The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) mandates the phase-out of incandescent light bulbs, and favors energy-efficient compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs.

Article Source :

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Go Raw for Health - 2

Raw Versus Cooked Food

The harnessing of fire or heat to cook, warm us, or fashion the elements is turning out to be a greater curse than it is a blessing. Yes, it has produced all of our conveniences and modern lifestyle, but also all of the problems and diseases that come with it.

Fire or heat has the power to change the structure of any element so we can refashion it into anything we can think of or imagine -like car parts and armaments and plastics and technologies. This is part of the creative process for humans -to create like the Creator, but, like children, we're also making a huge mess in the process.

Fire or heat also makes normally inedible food edible -like grains and tubers and starches. Most of us would not eat potatoes or rice if they could not be softened or moistened through the cooking or heating process. Raw or uncooked meat is also unappealing to most humans. We were simply not designed to eat such foods, but because of fire or heat, we do.

The problem is that cooking or heating process literally "kills" the food and its all-important enzymes(which fascilitate or regulate digestion), rendering it unusable to the body. Most foods start to lose their structure around after 118° Farenheight or the temperature of the Sun on an exceptionally hot day. Your body must then recreate the missing enzymes taxing your biological resources. This robs you of much of your health and energy and is the underlying cause of most ailments or diseases.

Raw edible foods(mostly fruits, nuts, berries, greens, herbs, seeds, and some vegetables), on the other hand, have everything they need to both satisfy you and peacefully exit your system. They are "alive" and impart to you their very own life essence.

After nine months on a raw food vegan diet, I decided to try some cooked food again(mostly vegetables) and immediately felt a lowering of vibration and later some pain or inflammation in my joints. As soon as I got off the cooked food the pains slowly but surely went away. I tried this several times and the result was always the same. There's just no way around it -cooked, heated, or fired food is bad for you! Even steaming!

It is true that cooked food is often tastier and more satisfying, but it's also much more addictive and destructive. Raw food, on the other hand(especially if it's organic or naturally grown), can be just as tasty if you are creative or let your taste buds become resensitized -and this all without the harmful or inflammatory side effects of cooked or heated food.

Those transitioning will have the best of both worlds, but in the end, most of us will have to decide one way or the other -eat a highly stimulating but destructive cooked and processed diet, or adopt a less stimulating but but far more healthful raw vegan diet. The sooner you adopt a natural diet the more chances are you will succeed in sticking with it, but it's really never too late to change. Better education is needed -something our money-driven society has failed miserably at.

If you are coming from a SAD(standard American diet) diet, you can still make the change, but it will require time and discipline. Slowly introduce more raw food into your diet until you learn to appreciate the taste and the benefits. Get rid of the coffee and eggs or cereal in the morning, and have a green smoothie or some fruit instead. You can also have a nice salad for lunch, and in the evening you can have a regular cooked meal. Eventually, most, if not all of your diet should become raw, but even if only 50% of it is raw, the improvements should be noticeable. You will be lighter, clearer, happier, and healthier. It worked for me. Why not give it a try? You'll not only be helping yourself, but the planet and all living things on it -less killing, less pollution, less misery, etc.

Cooking is a bad habit we acquired in colder climactic conditions or because certain "gods" or entities introduced it to us. Before that, we lived for thousands of years in an idylic paradise where fruits and herbs were the norm. Then the "gods" came and introduced us to agriculture and vegetables or grains, as well as meat and dairy. So in the course of a few thousand years, we went from a pure and peaceful diet to a highly unnatural and war-inducing one. We need to reverse this dietary descent which has only led to war, pain, misery, and slavery. A raw food vegan diet will restore humanity very closely to its original ideal state.


Thursday, December 10, 2015

Go Raw for Health

Going Raw Is The Answer

Going raw(and organic) is the answer to most of your health problems! I've been raw for almost one year now and I have no pain and feel great. Even if you don't go 100% raw you will still gain much of the benefits of this diet.

What is a raw vegan diet?

It basically means eating only fresh fruits and vegetables(preferably organic), as well as herbs, sprouts, nuts and seeds, and only in their raw unheated, uncooked state. No meat, no dairy, no eggs, no grain, or anything processed.

Why uncooked or unheated? Because this changes the food in a way that is no longer recognizable to the body. Cooked food is basically dead food and has little or nothing to offer except disease, illness, and death. All that processed(packaged) food is palatable only because additional ingredients like sugar and salt were added to it, otherwise you wouldn't eat it. As the raw vegan favorite saying goes, "If you can't eat it raw or as is, then you shouldn't be eating it in the first place.

A natural raw plant-based diet, on the other hand, is fully alive and beneficial to you because it is prepared by the Earth itself and ripened by the Sun. God knew exactly what he was doing when he created us and the environment that sustains us. Because of free will and negative influence, however, we veered from our perfect Edenic state and began adopting strange and unhealthy food practices.

We weren't meant to hunt and kill and rip flesh apart like some of the other animals. Our physiology just wasn't designed for it. Our teeth aren't long and razor sharp and our gut is much longer and digests much slower. Instead we have sophisticated hands and fingers to pick fruit from trees or cultivate vines and gardens. Our closest animal cousins, the chimps and apes, are vegetarians.

So why did we start eating meat and cooking our food? Apparently, at first, we lived in a very idyllic and paradisical environment, but at some point we were invaded and degraded by some nasty anti-human beings. Scriptures refer to them as the fallen angels or Luciferian forces. They came in, changed the environment, and forced their ways on us. Being naive, we submitted to them, acqired their evil habits, and suffered the consequences, and the result is what you see today -a sad and troubled humanity.

Every now and then, however, avatars or saviours were sent to us to show us the way back, but few believed or followed, and this has basically been the repertoire of humanity for about the last 150 thousand years or so. The Earth as it is, is a difficult and fallen environment, but we are here to change that, one individual at a time -or at least that's the challenge. When there are enough of us, we can finally overthrow our controllers and reclaim our divine destiny.

One of the best ways to start to reclaim your life and your health is through your diet and lifestyle. What you put into your body affects you more than you know, and you need to become aware of this. Food, especially in its current state, is basically a drug that distorts your thinking and weakens your body. Cooked or fired food is especially drug-like and addictive. It is not possible for us to find our way back in a drugged or addicted state. Adopting a raw food diet will start to lift the fog and reconnect you to your source by getting rid of all of the garbage in your body. It will be difficult at first(like a drug addict in rehab), but is the only real way out.

If you are sick or dying, don't depend on drugs which only mask the problem by desensitizing you and creating even worse problems down the road. Surgeries and radiation are no better. Your body(and intuition) is best doctor. It knows what to do if you let it. That's the problem -most of us don't know what to do. We go to the doctor at the first sign of trouble. Most doctors don't know what to do either because they've been brainwashed into thinking that drugs and surgery are the answers. There is a huge conspiracy on this planet/plane to keep us dumbed down and at the mercy of our satanic controllers, and one of the best ways to do this is to control what goes into our bodies. Sure, there other factors beside food that are killing us, but food is the primary means.

Changing our climate or environment was perhaps the first key act by our controllers to enslaving us. By disrupting our ecosystem and producing night and day and summer and winter and storms and winds, they disrupted our natural body rhythms as well and we degenerated over time growing more violent, stupid, and short-lived. Their "gods" also introduced us to farming and dairy and meat-eating and this took a further toll on us. They also taught us their customs and created our institutions, and even mated with us, further polluting our gene pool.

This hybridization of humanity has been going on for many thousands of years to the point where we hardly recognize ourselves anymore. Can this be reversed? Partly, but it will require the help or assistance of our true creators to bring us back to full origin. In the meantime, we can start the process by changing our diets and adopting more natural and agrarian lifestyles. Avoid cities and cold zones if you can -they are traps for degeneration. We need desperately to be exposed to the sun and air and trees and nature. Each of us needs to have their own land and grow their own food year-round and be totally self-sustaining without government intrusion or interference -something the controllers don't want you to do. Only then will we truly regain our health, freedom, and sanity.

Going vegetarian then vegan or raw is the first step. This will stop the slaughter and deforestation, destructive industries will close down, and health and happiness will skyrocket. All it takes are some brave and enlightened individuals to get it all going, and then everyone else will catch on. This is already happening, thanks in large part to the internet.

Going raw is a very personal and individual process. While some can switch over immediately, it usually takes time, learning, and patience. I was a vegetarian for twenty years before becoming a vegan, and some five or more years before going raw. Each step improved my health, but going raw was the kicker. That's when ALL my pains and health problems went away. Even a few days or weeks into the process you will start to notice the difference; diminishment of pain, better movement, more energy, skin clear-up, mental clarity, emotional calm, etc.

Backsliding from raw to vegan or cooked is natural during the process so don't beat yourself over it. It's part of the learning process. In time you will learn to appreciate raw food and its benefits more and more until you decide to go all the way. Many start by replacing their breakfast with a fruit or smoothie and their lunch with a salad salad, and then eating a regular(cooked) meal in the evening. There are no specific set rules. Many also incorporate fasting and other disciplines(meditation, exercise, etc) along the way.

It's also good to be with others of same mind for support, as misguided or misinformed family/social pressure can often hold you back. Most of all, you need to convince yourself of the benefits and results and stick to it. It usually takes a health crisis for people to change or improve their diets, but sometimes it can be too late. Adopting this diet when you are young and resilient is best as it will stay with you longer and is early prevention against future bad health.

There are many varieties of raw vegans: some will eat more greens and vegetables, others more fruits, some will avoid nuts and seeds, etc. This is all personal preference and blood or physiology type. You will have to tailor or intuit your diet accordingly. The important thing is that you're eating food the way nature intended us to eat it -fresh, raw, and untampered with. The problem is its getting hard to find real food these days(unless your living in the tropics). Science and evil forces are really messing up our food and this is a real travesty. Hybridization, GMO's, poor soil, radiation, pesticides, etc. -this is what is severely undercutting the nutritional value of everything we eat. We've greatly estranged ourselves from nature and are paying the price for it.

Hopefully, we'll come to our senses and reverse the degeneration of both our food and our bodies while we still can. I for one, am doing my part(I've been totally raw for a year now) and am slowly but surely convincing my own litttle circle of the great benefits of such a diet. It took guts and persistence and bucking the tide, but I counted the cost and pushed through with it, and you will have to as well. I never said it would be easy, but I believed in it passionately, and had a clear vision of the outcome.

Going raw will not only heal you of most ailments and diseases, but it will be great for the planet as well. No more killing, suffering, or pollution. Going raw is the answer.

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