Arm Yourselves and Prepare; China Massing "Tens-of-Thousands" of
Troops in Prince Rupert and Vancouver Canada. Invade USA?
Under a Treaty signed in late 2019 with Canada, the People's
Liberation Army of China has been quietly massing military troops in
Canada since the beginning of 2020 and those troops are believed to be
readying for an actual military invasion of the United States.
While it has long been rumored that China began massing troops and
armor in southern Mexico for a similar invasion goal, word of such
troops appearing in Canada only began this year. Those rumors were
pretty much laughed off until video emerged this week of Chinese troops on a back road of Salt Spring Island, near Vancouver, British Columbia. Here is that 35 second video:
Once actual proof emerged of Chinese troops in Canada, we started
digging into where they were in relation to US soil and how such a thing
could be; given that Canada was _supposed_ to be a U.S. ally?
The map below shows where China is massing the troops in Prince Rupert and on Salt Spring Island, BC, CANADA:

It turns out that the globalist/Commie Prime Minister of Canada,
Justin Trudeau, signed a Treaty with China in late 2019. In January,
2020, the Canadian Independent Press Review reported it as follows:
Under the terms of the Foreign Investment Protection Act (FIPA), a bi-lateral treaty ratified with China by the Trudeau government in 2019, Chinese
security forces can be stationed on Canadian soil to protect vital
Chinese investments, without the knowledge or consent of local
authorities. – Canadian Independent Press Review, January 15, 2020
One has to ask why Prime Minister Trudeau would sign such a treaty?
Does Canada not have its own military to "protect vital Chinese
investments?" Does Canada not trust its own Royal Canadian Mounted
Police? Are Canada's Provincial Police forces somehow inadequate? Or
did Prime Minister Trudeau somehow find that allowing China to mass
troops in his country might be beneficial to HIMSELF? Did Trudeau get a
massive payoff from China to betray the United States like this? What
other explanation could there be?
According to locals in British Columbia, PLA troops are troops being stationed in Stanley Park (almost an entire island of a park) in Vancouver, as temporary housing until they are assigned something permanent. Look at the size of this "park:"
Oh, and get this . . .Canadians say THEY CANNOT GO INTO THAT PARK because it is taken over by China's People's Liberation Army! Anyone trying to enter the park is stopped by Vancouver police and refused entry unless they are PLA troops!
One Canadian tells me “You got ‘em (PLA Troops) all over the
coast, man, based outta Prince Rupert. A bunch of their military intel
people work outta their consulate in town (Vancouver) and they can
airlift the assault troops here in an hour, is what I been told.”
That same source went on to say "That’s how that fucking traitor Trudeau’s arranged it with Beijing, man. The west coast is theirs. They’re gonna be the ones managing the curfews and all the other shit that’s gonna follow.
So, ladies and gentlemen, our neighbor and "ally,"
Canada, under the completely fraudulent guise of protecting Chinese
investments, has betrayed the United States and is permitting China to
mass troops on Canada's west coast, and China is doing so - allegedly to
protect their investments - but in actual fact, for use in attacking
and conquering the United States.
REDEPLOYMENT OF F-22's AND F-35's to . . . Alaska
There was a curious story a few weeks ago about how the US is redeploying F-22's and F-35's to . . . Alaska. (Story Here)
It didn't make any sense at the time. Why would we put some of our
most advanced fighter jets all the way up there? Now, we seem to
The US Government knows what China is doing and our government
is preparing to fight them off! Those planes can fly in from behind the
Chinese troops and bomb them.
There was another story back in March, by ABC News (HERE) about President Trump authorizing the Secretary of Defense to Call-up a MILLION U.S. Military Reservists.
At the time, we were told that the call-up had to do with COVID-19 and those troops would be able to help with the outbreak.
That story just didn't hold water because the COVID outbreak wasn't nearly that bad. Now, the call-up seems to make sense.
The US Government saw that China has begun massing troops and is
calling-up a MILLION U.S. Military Reservists to fight them off!
West Coast "Wild Fires" to chase population away?
For months, the US west coast has been seeing ferocious "wildfires"
that have burned millions of acres, and destroyed tens-of-thousands of
Just two weeks ago, earthquake guru Dutch Since accidentally stumbled
upon what appear to be Directed Energy Weapons being used to start and
spread those fires!
His video showed that US Satellites in space which monitor
environmental conditions in the USA, picked up literal "beams" in the
Near-infra-red spectrum, being fired at and into the wildfires. Here's
a screen shot of such beams being fired:

When those beams hit, the fires immediately grew in intensity, and spread.
Other photos - VERY MANY - have been taken by citizens on the scenes
as these beams were fired and they were so shocked at seeing it, the
people too photos of the beams as they took place:

Here's a slew of others: (Click image to enlarge)

Then, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper, revealed to the American
people that China and Russia have "weaponized space" and he specifically
mentioned "Directed Energy Weapons" in
his address to an Air Force conference. In just the first TWO MINUTES,
the Secretary of Defense repeatedly tells us that China and Russia are
employing "Asymmetric capabilities" and he flatly states they have
"weaponized space" with "Directed Energy Weapons." Just watch the first two minutes:
I'm sure all of you at some time or another have seen a car fire. They get to burning pretty ferociously, right?
When have you EVER seen a car fire that causes the wheels to actually melt?
Take a look at what's been happening in the US west coast . . .

Vehicles are being MELTED in the so-called "wild fires."

How can burning wood melt steel? It can't. The burn temperature
doesn't get hot enough. But a directed energy weapon could do it . . .
and now, it looks as though that's precisely what's been happening!
But why?
Why would China want to start massive fires on our west coast?
Simple: To chase the people out.
The world knows that American citizens are ARMED to the teeth thanks
to our Constitution's Second Amendment. Famously, back in World War 2
after their attack upon Pearl Harbor, a Japanese General remarked that
Americans were so heavily armed that "Japan would face a gun behind every blade of grass" if they ever tried to invade. That, he said, was why Japan never invaded.
China knows this too. So they're burning us out!
They're starting these fires to get rid of literally millions of
Americans so Chinese troops WON'T face a gun behind every blade of
grass. These fires are softening-up the west coast for invasion!
UPDATE 10:12 PM EDT --
Why isn't Congress doing anything to defend us? Where is a
Declaration of war? We've been under attack by directed energy weapons
for months. It's time to attack back.
Americans are URGED to arm themselves and prepare. Invading foreign
army persons are to be shown NO QUARTER and NO MERCY. Take no
This is going to be a fight for our very existence.
Canadians in British Columbia are encouraged to engage in ACTIVE,
OPEN, DELIBERATE, SURVEILLANCE of Chinese Troops. Take photos. Take
videos. Go to Stanley Park and fly drones over it to grab video. Go to
Salt Spring Island and do the same. Remember, there is no expectation
of privacy for anything which is out in public. No law exists
preventing the surveillance of foreign military troops in public.
Either publish your videos to Youtube or to Brighteon (where they won't get censored) and send them to me at:
These troops need to be tracked and monitored. Their locations must be determined and kept under watchful eye.
If military EQUIPMENT such as Tanks, Armored personnel carriers,
self-propelled artillery, helicopters, or planes of any type are found,
grab images and video of those too. We need to see just how far along
their activities have progressed.