Monday, May 22, 2006

What the Scriptures Say - 7

From Reference [1]:

"Renew yourselves and fast. For I tell you truly, that Satan and his plagues may only be cast out by fasting and by prayer. Go by yourself and fast alone, and show your fasting to no man. The living God shall see it and great shall be your reward. And fast till Beelzebub and all his evils depart from you, and all the angels of our Earthly Mother como and serve you. While you fast, eschew the Sons of Men and seek our Earthly Mother's angels, for he that seeks shall find."

At this point, Jesus starts to describe the angels of the Earthly Mother: angel of air, angel of water, angel of sunshine, angel of earth.

"Seek the fresh air of the forest and of the fields, and there in the midst of them shall you find the angel of air. Put off your shoes and your clothing and suffer the angel of air to embrace all your body. Then breath long and deeply, that the angel of air may be brought within you. I tell you truly, the angel of air whall cast out of your body all uncleannesses which defiled it without and within. And thus shall all evil-smelling and unclean things rise out of you, as the smoke of fire curls upwards and is lost in the sea of the air. No man may come before the face of God, whom the angel of air lets not pass. Truly, all must be born again by air and by truth, for your body breathes the air of the Earthly Mother, and your spirit breaths the truth of the Heavenly Father."

[1] Edmond Bordeaux Szekely, The Essene Gospel of Peace - Book One, International Biogenic Society, 1981.

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