Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Be Calm

Constant Worry May Increase Alzheimer's Risk
People who have a tendency to worry or feel very stressed out may be more likely to develop Alzheimer's disease later in life, new research reports.

The nature of the connection between a tendency to worry and the memory-robbing disease is still unclear, according to study author Dr. Robert S. Wilson of Rush University Medical Center in Chicago.

However, he said that he suspects that chronic elevations of stress hormones may damage regions of the brain that regulate both behavior under stress and memory.

They found that people who appeared prone to feeling distressed were more than twice as likely to develop Alzheimer's disease within 3 to 6 years.

- Neurology
Dr. Keith & Laurie Nemec Comments: Worrying Increases Alzheimer's

This study shows how when we think too much it overburdens the brain and neurological system which leads to disease. Worry and stress has been shown to negatively affect the body and increasing the risk of physical conditions and diseases of the organs and glands. This is the first study to show that worry and mental stress leads to disease of the brain and nervous system.

To heal one must still the mind. This is why those who meditate regularly improve many health factors from immune system, blood pressure and blood sugar to name a few.

What is the opposite of stilling the mind? Thinking excessively on the negative. This is worry and mental stress.

Be still. Still your racing, raging, thinking mind and know that I am God.

A general observation that is seen in treating people is this-the more analytical, the more thinking a person is, the more difficult it is for them to heal. The people who are the simplest heal the quickest and best.

The more you have the mind of a child, the easier and faster it is to heal.

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