Video has surfaced of citizens being chased up onto the roofs of their homes, forcibly held down by Police and Medical teams, and stuck with the COVID-19 "vaccine." The ferociousness of these Death Dart people is astonishing. Americans must be ready with guns to defend themselves if any such people attempt that in the USA.
In the video below, a man is seen running out onto the roof of his home, police and medical people in hot pursuit.
They grab him, tackle him onto the roof and fight to restrain him while he screams in terror and anger about being forcibly vaccinated against his will.
So abusive are the medical people, they literally sit on him to prevent him from fighting them off.
As the shot is injected, he screams, knowing this vaccine is far more likely to kill him than the disease it allegedly vaccinates against.
People on the street below . . . DO NOTHING.
Now, imagine for a moment if the people on the street below, grabbed sticks, shovels, rakes, or guns, and confronted the tyrannical government animals perpetrating these attacks? Imagine if the people starting beating these teams bloody - even beating them to death. It wouldn't be long before the government animals stopped what they're trying to do.
This video comes from the country of Argentina. It is important to point out that under the law, all adults in the United States have a right to refuse medical aid. My body, my choice.
If someone tries to STAB you with a needle, that act is assault with a deadly weapon against which you have a legal right to defend yourself.
The vaccinated cannot claim that you are a threat to them because THEY are vaccinated, and therefore protected. So THEIR health cannot be the issue because THEY are protected.
That being the case, this forced vaccination comes down simply to POWER; You do what government tells you or they will do it to you forcibly. This isn't at all about public health or the safety of others. It is about POWER.
Hal Turner Remarks
Americans best be equipped with firearms to defend themselves from this type of assault with a deadly weapon.
People all over the world need to see what's starting, so please pass this along to your contacts via email. It is likely that social media will do anything it takes to silence these FACTS because they don't like the facts, so social media is not the way to go on this.
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