Monday, July 31, 2023



Dark forces are inseminating a division between genders

To suppress the energy of love and replace it with discord

True love reconnects us to our true creation
And opens up portals inside of us that energize new positive timelines

True love fires up the arch in humanity
That reconnects us to the etheric template of the earth

The heart is where the divine essence
Yearns to fully manifest in the material world

A sense of the numinous lifts us outside our everyday routine
And connects us to the divine

Our true nature is unconditional love
When we represent that ideal state to others
They will show up to enjoy that state with us

Never accept as the ultimate truth of others
That what you would not want to be true of you

When you are around others
Relate to them with the magical language of the inner soul

Overwrite the nefarious script programs
That have taken possession of the human psyche
What you give is what you receive

The lower avatar incarnated person wanders around like an amnesiac ghost with no purpose
Thier secret identity is buried somewhere inside themselves
As they engage in activities which merely decorate their false self

A consciousness of new positively charged neural pathways
Will project magical manifestations that set you free

The kingdom of heaven is inside you
Which is in direct opposition to the loveless nightmarish reality
Taught in the long years of educational indoctrination
That seeks to undermine your true cosmic identity

As you embrace your higher harmonic reality
Negative timelines will eventually cease to exist

The vast potential that exists beyond what is known
Is directed by a higher intelligence

Focus your attention on the infinite
And you will receive the entire cosmos!

Quiroga - 37



It is very difficult to admit that, even though we are aware that Life does not happen by itself, because for our dreams and desires to come true, it is necessary, fair and inevitable to take initiatives and make our aspirations happen; it is very difficult to admit that, even though we are aware of all this and much more, there is a dimension in us that waits for everything to happen, for a stroke of luck, for a sign that God and Angels exist, we wait for the sky to open and that what we see in dreams will come true by itself, or that the fleet of extraterrestrial beings will bring order to civilization.

We cannot be so naive, or too severe, to claim that magical realism is impossible, because our humanity has full evidence of miracles that subvert the logic of natural forces, and not because they are supernatural, but because we cling to the conviction that natural is only what we understand, and therefore we disregard, prudently or recklessly, everything else that is beyond the reach of our understanding.

That is, miracles are real and they happen, but when we become dependent on miracles we create a very complex problem for ourselves, because by behaving like this we abdicate our humanity.

When we intend for everything to happen by itself, we unwittingly sacrifice our freedom to choose, and by choosing and daring to experiment, we allow our intellect, emotion and bodily instrument to be the miracle workers.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Quiroga - 36


Imagination plays a fundamental role in building your existential experience, but you must be careful not to collapse with the visions it provides you, neglecting everything you would have to do, here and now, for it to serve you, instead of you become her slave, eagerly seeking the joy with which she bestows you.

Now is the kind of time when you'd better control your imagination, and dedicate yourself to doing what you can to make it concrete, or as close as possible to the prospect of sharing it with others.

Take care, therefore, not to dwell too long on theoretical conversations, but dedicate yourself to building practical examples within your scope of development.

Less theory and more practice, if you follow this rule it is certain that your time will be richer and more socially connected.

What do you expect? No more theory! More pratice! 

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Quiroga - 35



The power of imagination is not infallible, and for this reason it deserves the contempt of the scientific community, and our humanity is left to live a good part of its reality and existential construction on the sidelines of “how things should be”, according to science. .

Science is not able to explain everything and it should be treated within the relevant proportions, never as the Supreme Church that determines the difference between reality and fantasy.

Science, for example, with its foundations, will never be able to explain why all people, countless times, foresee encounters and coincidences that later come true.

Finally, it is better not to convert science into a belief that solves everything, because by its very nature, science despises and devalues all experiences that are beyond its reach and domain.

At the same time, neither so much there nor too much here, because it is not a question of enthroning mysticism as the explainer of all reality, science helped us to overcome this stage, despite having also become mystical.

It is also auspicious that the power of imagination is not infallible, because it would be terrible to accomplish everything we imagine, but if we look at the world and the endless abominations that compose it, we may have to consider that, in some roundabout way, imagination finds a way to become concrete.

Imagination does not find scientific support, because it operates beyond individuality, in a collective dimension, meandering through each person to find a way to fulfill itself.

Friday, July 28, 2023

Quiroga - 34


The misunderstood artist syndrome that exists within every human being, as a result of being capable of imagining a lot but doing little, grows to the same extent that our humanity rejoices in traveling far with imagination, but becoming ever shorter. in the effort to build the bridge that makes imagination become real and concrete.

To be human is to be creative, our kingdom is an expression of everything that can be invented, of the transgressive relationship we have with nature and with the cosmogonic powers in which we move and experience being, we manipulate the cosmic energy of Life and we do it without brakes , despite all the philosophical, religious and scientific limitations that we also invented to try to contain what anyway is how it should be, just being, regardless of our humanity knowing what it does or stops doing.

It is not uncommon for humans to claim that their own kingdom should cease to exist, because they despise human works, because they consider that we are too dangerous to have a reason to exist, but despite the self-destructive impulse motivated by the short range of understanding of our own performance, humanity continues the creative process.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Inspiration according to Nikola Tesla

"My brain is only a receiver in the universe, there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength, and inspiration. I haven't penetrated the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists"

"Inspiration is from outside ourselves"

This word was originally used of a divine or supernatural being in the sense of 'impart a truth or idea to someone'.

Quiroga - 33


When I tell you that the world will never be the same again, I mean that countless concepts that, without going too far, for 150 years have served as guidelines and references for understanding each other and also understanding the civilization in which we exist, are no longer able to cope with the imbroglio in which our humanity got involved, and while there is no intelligent revision of these, to expand and enrich them, countless current experiences, and realistic projections of the future as well, happen without due appreciation and, on the contrary, are reduced to silly and counterproductive conflicts .

At this time of convergence of cosmic and terrestrial history, our humanity needs to have a very broad and inclusive understanding of the reality that is in progress, reviewing scientific, philosophical, religious and political principles before it is too late.

Before it's too late for what? Now! So that we, at least, do not repeat the military mistakes of the past and, even more so, so that we can enter the future with a light soul, embracing the greater and more abundant life that we are capable of experiencing.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

The Earth of Nikola Tesla


Quiroga - 32



If there is something that cannot be controlled, it is how people interpret what you say to them, or the type of image they build of you, because this results from the free exercise of their intimate decisions and their range of understanding, and you cannot control that dimension, and it is not recommended that you try to do so, unless you intend to create obsessions and paranoia for yourself.

However, that you cannot control it does not mean that you should disregard it, or even despise it, because it is enriching to know the image that people have of you, as well as to investigate what they understand when you communicate something to them. And do you know why it is enriching?

Because this investigation of the other will make you come out of yourself, venturing to know a greater Life, not because the other person necessarily has to be greater, but because by the impulse to come out of yourself you will know the Universe in which you move and experience being.

In addition, leaving yourself, you will discover that there is no true separation between your presence and the “others”, because, the one who investigates, the investigated and the very act of investigation, everything is synthesized in the same and only consciousness that permeates the infinite and infinitesimal Universe.

Monday, July 24, 2023

Quiroga - 31


Self-knowledge is good, knowing the other is even better, and you don't need to know yourself first to only then know the other, because a good part of your dear self-knowledge depends on knowing the image that others have of you, even if this is distorted and far from what you want.

In addition, you will realize that your beloved self-knowledge also passes through the gaze of the “other”, a philosophy that speaks about you, a character who reads your being, a lecture, there will always be a search through others in self-knowledge.

Knowing the other is also knowing your own soul, because aware of what you have in common with other people, you will also know how to better measure your existential crises, since most of these are not of a particular nature, they come from the dimension that you share with your similar and different ones.

Some “others” provoke contempt, others attraction, some are still indifferent to you, but there will always be “others”, and it is not convenient to use the cliché “hell is other people”, the author of the phrase was a materialistic cynic.

If you treat “others” like hell, you will become materially and spiritually impoverished, because you will no longer live your human condition.

You will enrich yourself materially and spiritually by recognizing that it is more what we have in common than what is different between all of us, and you will recognize one day that there are no “others”, that consciousness is One, that the Life of all lives manifests itself in diversity, but remains One as well.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Blood and Cancer


Quiroga - 30



At the first sign that your plans don't work out, give up summarily and change the script, this will prevent you from adding ingredients to feed anxiety, out of sheer stubbornness.

It is convenient that you broaden your perception as soon as possible, avoiding parking in the place that things should be this way or that way, because by expanding your perception you will also take advantage of the apparent inconveniences and impediments and launch yourself into a new repertoire of adventures and possibilities.

Sticking to scripts and plans is not wrong, on the contrary, but not every day is conducive to adjusting to these conditions, and today, particularly, it seems that everything pushes in a direction in which the unexpected and surprise dominate the scene and produce events, especially if something important starts today.

But, today's inconveniences can be tomorrow's strengths, you just need to adapt in the best possible way.

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Quiroga - 29



Every human being has the right to feel unique and original, an individual power of creation, preservation and destruction, a fabulous instrument of expression, we have the inalienable right to feel what we intend, but throughout life and maturing we will also find that feeling is not enough, since if we remain in mere sensation and sensitivity there will be nothing unique and original about it. The difference is in the bridge that unites feeling with doing.

Science does not explain how our sensations are so realistic, but despite the realism of the emotional experience, they are not strong to the point of automatically manifesting themselves in works that can be shared with other people, for them to realize how wonderful our inner life is.

Science doesn't explain why, even knowing this, we continue to insist on rejoicing with the sensations and procrastinate the effort that would lead to opening a path of expression that could turn the interior inside out.

Mathematics and logic do not apply to all human experiences, our realm is capable of subverting universal laws, for better or for worse.

What leads us to this or that is a mystery that science cannot decipher, only studying the effects and trying to control them.

Meanwhile, we go on living without knowing what life is, and being conscious without knowing what consciousness is.

Friday, July 21, 2023

Quiroga - 28



There is no scientific explanation for the fact that our imagination has the power to raise us to the heights of glory or to sink us into the miserable anxiety that prophesies the end of the world in a short while.

If science could explain why we experience the reality of emotions despite having the logic to claim that this is all just imagination, would we perhaps all be scientists instead of human beings?

When anxiety grips our guts, science does not understand us, nor do we understand science, nor are we convinced by the mathematical calculations that demonstrate that the end of the world is not imminent, we are experiencing the end of the world.

Many of human experiences are not scientifically explainable, because science wants to explain itself by fitting the entire Universe within its rational and objective expectations and not everything can be explained by logic or mathematics.

Science is simple-minded, disrespectful of its own nature, because it is posterior to reality, and even though it arrived after nature and humanity itself, it arrived navigating with the pretense of dominating and appropriating itself, but since it is posterior, and there is much more between heaven and earth than vain science intends, it can only deny and despise everything it does not understand, or tries to dominate, because it does not know how to do anything else.

If you are in front of someone in a miserable state of anxiety or discouragement, and you take the simple attitude of trying to convince that person that their state is an illusion, and that it is easily solved by thinking positive, for those who find themselves in that state, this makes no sense at all, and is even insulting, because it is the denial of a reality full of life.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

10 days of darkness


NWO Goals


Deaths in US by year


Juicing for Health


Food = Medicine

Foods high in vitamin C reduce the risk of heart disease, lowers blood pressure, fights cancer while boosting your immunity, and it is crucial for your body in order to detoxify toxins out of the system.

Since the vegetables we eat now are far less nutritious than it was 50 years or 100 years ago because of several factors, like over-farming that depletes nutrients from the soil, we simply have to eat more to compensate for this.

This is why the juicing is a great choice. The goal of a juicing is to rest our digestive system, nourish it with nutrients found in fruits and vegetables then flush out toxins. 

You can use this list to get started with juicing. Juicing isn’t a gimmick but a beneficial practice that will help you improve your health when done right.

Quiroga - 27

 One wish, just one

Among all the desires that burn in your womb, choose just one, and it doesn't have to be the most important, it's just a matter of choosing a desire and dedicating yourself to doing something to fulfill it, because that will save you from drowning in an ocean of idealizations, of sinking in urgent emotions, because, you will have something to hold on to.

Understand one thing, you don't need to solve all your existential dilemmas, also because these all need time and maturity to resolve themselves, and the urgency of your emotions gets in the way in that sense. What you need, however, is a point of support, which does not need to be the panacea or the philosopher's stone, just something small that will give you enough momentum to transform the ocean of your anguish into a small river that will lead you to the right destiny.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Flying Saucer in Saudi Arabia

Quiroga - 26

 Sacred values

If the cult of individuality that governs the construction of modern social relationships is going to cost us the sacrifice of the strength that stems from the bonds of cooperation, community spirit and mutual collaboration, then it would be worth destroying individuality, but it is precisely the mere threat of putting into danger the existence of individuality that is making it more difficult to accept that something is wrong, something that corrupts the scale of values to the point of not realizing that the more we move away from the community spirit, the more we impoverish the individuality that we seem to love so much.

Individuality is sacred, but like everything that is sacred it can become corrupted and act against itself, when it does not serve and facilitates the even more sacred connection with what we all have in common.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Quiroga - 25


Poor individuality

It is counterproductive to say that all the improvements you want to achieve depend entirely on you, on thinking positively, on accommodating yourself in consistent emotions and on putting into practice everything you idealize, because that, despite having a clue to the truth, just a clue, it burdens you and your soul can no longer bear so much weight.

Not everything depends on individual strength, this is a false myth of our contemporaneity, the best of our humanity is not individuality, but the strength of union, collaboration and cooperation, because while we act in defense and promotion of what we have in common , we are all growing and prospering, while, isolating ourselves in our individualist castles, we promote the impoverishment of the culture and individuality that, supposedly, we love so much.

Monday, July 17, 2023

Quiroga - 24


That every time in the past has been better is a figure of speech, a fantastic allegory, because nothing proves that the past was better than the very will to affirm, with longing, that the past was always better.

Attachment is a passion, which seizes on any arguments to assert itself. It's easy to get attached to the past, including traumatic and painful events, because we consider them familiar, and they make us look at the present and the future with strangeness.

However, however seductive the temptation of nostalgia may be, it is inevitable that we launch ourselves into the future, accepting the adventure of living longer and better.

So, no matter how bad the results of daring to bet on the projections we make of the future are, this will always be preferable to continuing to cling to how things were, or to how they should be now, because this attachment, even pleasant and familiar , is useless and counterproductive, the world will never go back to the way it was before, and there is not even proof that the previous world was better than the current one, therefore, it is worth accepting that we can only continue launching ourselves into the future .

Nostalgia seems delicious, but it is misleading, it seduces us with the idea that our place of comfort and security is found elsewhere, but in a fantasy condition that, if it were current and present, it is suspect that it would not offer us that comfort and security that our imagination now produces.

Therefore, let's keep projecting ourselves into the future, let's keep daring to throw ourselves into experiments, no matter how bad the results are, better these than continuing in the inert attachment to something that will never again be, and that everything indicates never to have been either.

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Quiroga - 23


Within our narrow spectrum of perception, we imagine reality as a succession of beginnings and ends intertwined through paths, and it kills us the anguish that everything ends just because it started at some point, but in fact nothing begins, nothing is a path, nothing ends, everything continues all the time, continuity is real, but unnoticed because we are anguished by the eventuality of the end, while everything is resolved in a solution of eternal continuity.

The atoms of the matter with which we are made already formed other bodies before ours and after we cease to exist in this specific form, the atoms will continue to be available to structure other bodies.

We are made of eternity, everything continues.

The ideas we think were devised by other people before us and also at the same time that we thought them, and we are afraid to accept this as if it meant the devaluation of our beloved individuality, but only what is eternal and universal in us can enrich and to provide support for our perception to expand, and because it expands, to include every day a little more of what is greater than us, that which does not begin, is not a path nor does it end, it just continues to be.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Quiroga - 22


Stay away from the temptations extended by mediocre and banal desires, however, do not do this for fear of reprisals or to avoid feeling the corrosive torture of guilt, but for aspiring to the noblest and highest things that you can imagine and that make your heart burn with desire to carry them out.

The more your time is taken up by noble and lofty aspirations, the less room there will be for mediocrity and banality, which despite existing forever, have been amplified and billions of people are constantly dedicated to them on cell phones.

Get rid of the false modesty of saying that because you are just an insignificant dust in the infinite Universe, you wouldn't have the strength or presence to write another story different from the one that oppresses you.

Also, get rid of the fear of not being able to build your life up to your high aspirations, your presence in the Universe is a complete cosmic experience.

In you and in every human being there is the highest coexisting with the abominable, so complex are we, because we individually and collectively synthesize the work of the Universe, in its constant dynamics of creation, preservation and destruction.

Friday, July 14, 2023

Quiroga - 21



Cultivate the courage to fly high and aspire to the noblest things, and dedicate yourself to doing something every day to bring yourself closer to that condition, and know that this “something” doesn’t have to be anything great, just a reminder, a prayer sighed in the wind, a fleeting idea, a light feeling that calms your heart for a moment, for belonging confidently in the mysteries of life, which are expressed through you.

Your soul is never alone, the loneliness we feel is the result of ignoring the interconnection of everything with everything, because, despite theoretically understanding reality, we refuse to live according to this perception, we insist on being isolated islands and disconnected from everything else that happens around us. It is a kind of willful and stubborn ignorance.

We never, not before, not now and not after, need technology to connect, just breathe and mentally accompany, with joy and confidence, this flow.

Breathing intentionally refreshes our awareness of interconnectedness with ease.

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Bare Feet


Quiroga - 20


That reason does not get emotional, nor does emotion reason, this is one more of the many legends in which our humanity still believes, despite bragging about having conquered a civilization beyond belief.

Reason and emotion are antagonistic only in the distorted fantasy of our humanity, because the two go hand in hand side by side, feeding each other; this, and not any other, is the real reality in which we all live all the time, and to deny it (as we do) it becomes necessary to invent arguments that seem very astute and intelligent, but what kind of intelligence would that be, that we put at the service of ignoring reality and its natural functioning?

Worst of all is that now, before resolving its conceptual mistakes, our humanity projects the mistaken functioning of intelligence into technologies that replicate the mistake.

See what a strange and peculiar thing: Because we are an intelligent kingdom, we invented the unconscious to try to ignore our viscerally emotional truths. Because we are intelligent, we also invent lies to ignore what is inconvenient for us.

But also, because we are an intelligent kingdom, we have the potential to aspire to be noble and elevated, and to stop pretending we are ignorant and unconscious, indulging in the dubious pleasure of mutually despising each other.

However, aspiring to nobility and elevation does not happen by inertia, one has to want to resolve mysteries and mistakes, and dedicate as much time to this as we dedicate to entertaining ourselves by following useless things on our cell phones.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Quiroga - 19


If you spend all your time taking care of what you've conquered and preserving the proper functioning of the existential structure you've designed, when will you respond to the call to aspire to the noblest and most elevated things that make your heart burn with the desire to experience them, and launch yourself into the future with tenacity, constancy and trust? When?

This existence that you built is the fruit of your imagination, one day it was just an idea that, with time and your effort, was created and realized, and now the moment has come when, so well put together that it is, it has become a beautiful prison whose door is open, yet the prisoners do not leave it, a prison that dramatically reduces the margin needed to launch yourself into the future answering the call to conquer higher, broader and more auspicious ideals.

It happens that, now, your soul feels another call, your soul begins to have ideas, and in the face of this the fear is understandable, because your soul feels insecure, given the attachment it has developed to the current state of things, but, breathe with serenity, there is more abundant life to be lived, and what now seems a frightening abyss will gradually become a welcoming and throbbing plain.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Best Therapist


Quiroga - 18

 What could go wrong?

No one knows what consciousness is, and yet we are all aware at different levels and dimensions of awareness. No one knows for sure what the true nature of Life is, and that doesn't stop us from living. No one knows themselves completely and that doesn't stop us from continuing to experience being between heaven and earth.

Consciousness asks itself who it is through each person who formulates this question, Life is lived through us and through all the entities of the Universe, whether those of colossal or infinitesimal magnitudes, and we, over here, want to know each other, because we intuit that there is much more than meets the eye, in addition to hearing a call and launching ourselves into the future with a spirit of adventure and confidence.

What could go wrong?

Monday, July 10, 2023

Quiroga - 17



Breathe in the courage to fly high and the strength to resist the temptations of mediocre and banal desires, breathe to be able to aspire to the nobler and higher things, and apply them in practice with tenacity and constancy, accepting in your heart, with joy, the invitation that Life makes you so that your presence may be in communion with your glory.

Take a deep breath and when you breathe out, free yourself from the frailties, from the fear of your plans do not work out, frees you from the false modesty behind which you hide to avoid doing what you can, and breathe too to draw the Grace of Life from all lives, which gives you the strength to continue on the path that brings you closer eternally to the Divine.

Treat the perrengues who flog you with indifference, and move on guiding you towards good living, so that the influence that emanates from you make everyone you interact with feel comfortable.

Sunday, July 09, 2023

Quiroga - 16


If the genie of the lamp appeared before you and granted you the magical fulfillment of three wishes, it is certain that you would rush towards the classic yearnings of our humanity, wealth, power and eternal beauty, but, in the same way as artificial intelligence it requires that you perfectly formulate your question to give you the adequate answer, the same thing happens with your desires, if these are not well formulated, they inevitably turn into curses.

With that in mind, whenever you wish, lean over your desires to formulate them exactly, aware that no achievement is a static photograph, but a path full of circumstances that add something positive to the process and facilitate it, or that, on the contrary , insert unforeseen misfortunes, for having given in to the urgency with which desires present themselves, and launched themselves into them out of sheer precipitation and ignorance of everything that life involves.

Saturday, July 08, 2023

Quiroga - 15



We dream for the simple fact that we function like the Universe itself, and it couldn't be different, after all, we are made of the Universe.

We dream because the consciousness, which is the Universe itself, experiences being in different levels or layers of reality, because we exist simultaneously in dimensions that our body cannot reach, but since one of these dimensions is that of the physical body, what we dream becomes the claim to bring dreams closer to concrete reality, to be experienced through the use of all the senses, objective and subjective.

It is true, however, that we always dream much more than we manage to achieve, and it even happens that we are enchanted by dreams that are not dreams, but the product of fantasies to which we are attached, but which reveal what they are when we bring them closer to physical experience and we are disappointed with them, because they bring us suffering and cause us to produce suffering in the people with whom we relate.

But it is no less true that when we bring real dreams closer to physical experience, the joy produced is unmistakable, it wells up from the bottom of the heart and produces ardor and shivers that no other experience can even come close to.

Friday, July 07, 2023

Quiroga - 14


The hermetic statement “on Earth as it is in Heaven” is only practical truth in the case of sacred constructions, whether objective or subjective, because, following the flow of how things are and work in the Universe, they constitute themselves as bridges between heaven and the earth.

In the divine hierarchy, of the spiritual kingdom that evolves here on this planet, and which is as real as the mineral, vegetable, animal or human kingdom, the hermetic maxim is followed to the letter, and whoever is above serves whoever is below.

It is not the same as what happens in the terrestrial hierarchy, because here humans aspire to be on top of others to be served, not having, in this case, the hermetic correspondence between what happens in heaven and on earth and, on the contrary, determines what is technically called desecration.

If we dedicated ourselves to fixing this desecration and both the heads of families, as well as companies and governments, existed purely and exclusively to provide service to family members, employees and citizens, then we would take a safe step towards a civilization that deserves the name , in addition to, of course, leaving the normality of profanation and entering the terrain of the sacred.

As long as profanation continues to manifest itself with an air of normality, we will also continue to be the scum of the Universe, cheap jugglers instead of the cosmic magicians we can be.

Thursday, July 06, 2023

The Best Medicine


Walking Barefoot Therapy


Quiroga - 13


Your presence is not a lost and isolated ingredient in the infinite Universe, you dream and wish to come true because the Universe, that intelligent colossus in which you move and experience being, is capable of dreaming, knowing, desiring, acting and even synthesizing everything into a coherent unit, which is you, but which also extends to all who are similar and different, because it is characteristic of humanity that we are complete cosmic experiences.

We think of ourselves individually, because self-awareness enables us to think that way, but we are on the verge of taking a gigantic step and entering group consciousness, without losing sight of our individualities, but enriching them with what is greater than them. 

However, in this passage, and still attached to our individualities, we are clumsy like babies trying to drive sophisticated ships, and we literally play with cosmic fire when dreaming, wanting to accomplish and dedicating ourselves to it during the brief, however, intense existence.

Dreaming, imagining, desiring, knowing and realizing, all this is pure magic, the work of cosmogonic powers that we try to maneuver individually, but that we are unable to do so, if not as a group, collaborating with each other through the community spirit.

If, instead of personalizing the cosmogonic powers we wield, as if they were a private privilege, we consecrate our dreams and achievements to their true owners, that is, the Universe or the Divine, it is certain that we would also greatly improve our performance between heaven and earth. .

And even more, we will lighten the load we bear on our individual shoulders.

Wednesday, July 05, 2023

Quiroga - 12

Wait with Patience

If, due to these mysterious things of destiny, you are hovering around the classic existential question, or its derivations: what is the meaning of life? then, I must ask you to pay attention to the fact that, in addition to being just another human giving continuity to this questioning, you must also accept the fact that life itself asks this question, through all the people who, like you, are now in this place.

What is life if not everything we are capable of perceiving and understanding? What is life but everything beyond our ability to perceive? Unfortunately, we pretend to understand what is bigger than ourselves by making it fit within our capacity to perceive, and this drives us crazy.

If you want to understand what is beyond you, hand over your question to the Life of your life and wait patiently for the answer.

Tuesday, July 04, 2023

Energy using Magnets

Quiroga - 11


Expand Perception

Between the infinitesimal particle that your presence represents and the infinite magnitudes of the Universe there is no empty and dangerous abyss that separates, the distance between heaven and earth is resolved in the depths of the human heart, however much each one of us dares to endure the stride of changing spatial and temporal benchmarks.

It is true that vertigo would devour us if, suddenly, we did not have the horizon to support us or the gravitational force to serve as a reference to know what is above, below or to the sides, and we were left levitating in infinite space, this jolt we would not endure, because we are not prepared.

We perceive what is within the reach of our capacity, and if we want to perceive more, we need to train new capacities.



What is Antiquitech?

“Antiquitech” is a blanket term to describe old lost technology relating to atmospheric electricity. Many of these devices either harness or use this energy.

How is atmospheric electricity harnessed?

Electricity is running through the air around you right now. The higher elevation you are, the more electricity is around you (+100 volts each meter). You do not feel a shock because you are on the ground (acting as a conductor). Essentially, there exists a downward electrical current in the air of positive ions. There is a way to attract this energy when grounded using a long rod.

This rod has negatively charged elections running through it that it gets from being grounded. The high elevation of the tip of the rod means the rod is close to high voltage. The positively charged ions in the air attract the negatively charged electrons from the rod, creating electricity in the rod.

How is this useful?

It is essentially a clean infinite energy source. There is no need to pay for anything except for the equipment required, and there is no pollution involved whatsoever. This energy source, when used to its fullest potential, will change our way of life for the better, at ZERO cost to the environment. All of our electrical equipment could be powered this way without the owner paying a single dime.

This source of energy was used commonly before the 19th century, and we can see remanence of this technology everywhere in the world today. It is especially common in old 19th and early 20th century photographs.

What are examples of Antiquitech?

Quite literally entire buildings. Take a look at the old grand structures from before the 20th century. They have a common theme to them, and when you see it, you can’t unsee it. I’m talking capitol buildings, cathedrals, towers, and more.

The common parts found on these buildings/cities are: long rods, conductive ornaments/material, symmetrical designs, magnetron windows, the list goes on. The old cities were designed like circuit boards.

Let this statement sink in:

The people from the past built buildings that happen to be of conductive material, put ornaments on the roofs that happen to be highly conductive, built windows that happen to be shaped exactly like magnetrons, built tons of giant monuments that happen to be shaped like magnets, right in the middle of cities they built that just happen to be shaped like circuit boards, and we are to believe they knew almost nothing about electricity? Give me a break. It’s just laughable how messed up our historical narrative is.

Time to get out of our comfort zones to question the swamp of half-truths we call the mainstream historical narrative.


Monday, July 03, 2023

Quiroga - 10

 The Rightful Greatness

When you say, I see, I feel, I perceive, I understand, although your statements are legitimate, they express only half the truth, they are half truths, and if you aspire to the complete truth, then you must recognize the power of seeing that sees through your eyes, also accept the power to feel, perceive and understand as greater expressions than your existence in particular.

If you personalize everything all the time, then your experiences will seem disconnected from the Universe in which you exist, and it will even seem to you, even if you don't dare to confess, that the Universe began with your birth and would cease to exist when you pass away.

Your claim to greatness is legitimate, but it is not up to you, to experience that greatness you need to be greater than yourself.

Sunday, July 02, 2023

Apple Cider Vinegar


Coconut Oil


Stickers on Fruits


Jesus and Health - 5

"I tell you truly, your bones will be healed. Be not discouraged, but seek for cure nigh the healer of bones, the Angel of Earth. For thence were your bones taken, and thither will they return." And he pointed with his hand to where the running of the water and the sun's heat had softened to clayey mud the earth by the edge of the water. "Sink your feet in the mire, that the embrace of the angel of earth may draw out from your bones all uncleanness and all disease. And you will see Satan and your pains fly from the embrace of the angel of earth. And the knots of your bones will vanish away, and they will be straightened, and all your pains will disappear."

Jesus and Health - 4

"And if afterward there remain within you aught of your past sins and uncleannesses, seek the Angel of Sunlight. Put off your shoes and your clothing and suffer the angel of sunlight to embrace all your body. Then breathe long and deeply, that the angel of sunlight may be brought within you. And the angel of sunlight shall cast out of your body all evil-smelling and unclean things which defiled it without and within. And all unclean and evil-smelling things shall rise from you, even as the darkness of night fades before the brightness of the rising sun. For I tell you truly, holy is the angel of sunlight who cleans out all uncleannesses and makes all evil-smelling things of a sweet odor. None may come before the face of God, whom the angel of sunlight lets not pass. Truly, all must be born again of sun and of truth, for your body basks in the sunlight of the Earthly Mother, and your spirit basks in the sunlight of the truth of the Heavenly Father. The angels of air and of water and of sunlight are brethren. They were given to the Son of Man that they might serve him, and that he might go always from one to the other. Holy, likewise, is their embrace. They are indivisible children of the Earthly Mother, so do not you put asunder those whom earth and heaven have made one. Let these three brother angels enfold you every day and let them abide with you through all your fasting. For I tell you truly, the power of devils, all sins and uncleannesses shall depart in haste from that body which is embraced by these three angels."

Quiroga - 9


Margin for error

From so much denying the possibility of venturing out and experiencing what your desires point to, there comes a time when your conscience explodes and, thinking you enjoy the right to be free, you end up stepping on all available jackfruit, sleeping with the wrong people, talking most of the time, in short, exposing himself to ridicule.

However, even that is preferable to spending your entire existence inside the cage of restraints, because while permissiveness can make people too crazy to be serious, systematic restraint makes people violent, bitter and arrogant.

Well then, if you advocate for a more serene and better world, offer yourself and the people with whom you relate a more generous margin of freedom, so that they can make mistakes without their mistakes condemning them to eternal hell.

Saturday, July 01, 2023

"Thou shalt not kill"

And Jesus continued: "God commanded your forefathers: 'Thou shalt not kill.' But their heart was hardened and they killed. Then Moses desired that at least they should not kill men, and he suffered them to kill beasts. And then the heart of your forefathers was hardened yet more, and they killed men and beasts likewise. But I do say to you: Kill neither men, nor beasts, nor yet the food which goes into your mouth. For if you eat living food, the same will quicken you, but if you kill your food, the dead food will kill you also. For life comes only from life, and from death comes always death. For everything which kills your foods, kills your bodies also. And everything which kills your bodies kills your souls also. And your bodies become what your foods are, even as your spirits, likewise, become what your thoughts are. Therefore, eat not anything which fire, or frost, or water has destroyed. For burned, frozen and rotted foods will burn, freeze and rot your body also. Be not like the foolish husbandman who sowed in his ground cooked, and frozen, and rotten seeds. And the autumn came, and his fields bore nothing. And great was his distress. But be like that husbandman who sowed in his field living seed, and whose field bore living ears of wheat, paying a hundredfold for the seeds which he planted. For I tell you truly, live only by the fire of life, and prepare not your foods with the fire of death, which kills your foods, your bodies and your souls also." "Master, where is the fire of life?" asked some of them. "In you, in your blood, and in your bodies." "And the fire of death?" asked others.

"It is the fire which blazes outside your body, which is hotter than your blood. With that fire of death you cook your foods in your homes and in your fields. I tell you truly, it is the same fire which destroys your foods and your bodies, even as the fire of malice, which ravages your thoughts, ravages your spirits. For your body is that which you eat, and your spirit is that which you think. Eat nothing, therefore, which a stronger fire than the fire of life has killed. Wherefore, prepare and eat all fruits of trees, and all grasses of the fields, and all milk of beasts good for eating. For all these are fed and ripened by the fire of life; all are the gift of the angels of our Earthly Mother. But eat nothing to which only the fire of death gives savor, for such is of Satan."

"So eat always from the table of God: the fruits of the trees, the grain and grasses of the field, the milk of beasts, and the honey of bees. For everything beyond these is of Satan, and leads by the way of sins and of diseases unto death. But the foods which you eat from the abundant table of God give strength and youth to your body, and you will never see diseases For the table of God fed Methuselah of old, and I tell you truly, if you live even as he lived, then will the God of the living give you also long life upon the earth as was his.

"For I tell you truly, the God of the living is richer than all the rich of the earth, and his abundant table is richer than the richest table of feasting of all the rich upon the earth. Eat, therefore, all your life at the table of our Earthly Mother, and you will never see want. And when you eat at her table, eat all things even as they are found on the table of the Earthly Mother. Cook not, neither mix all things one with another, lest your bowels become as steaming bogs. For I tell you truly, this is abominable in the eyes of the Lord.

"Take heed, therefore, and defile not with all kinds of abominations the temple of your bodies. Be content with two or three sorts of food, which you will find always upon the table of our Earthly Mother. And desire not to devour all things which you see around you. For I tell you truly, if you mix together all sorts of food in your body, then the peace of your body will cease, and endless war will rage in you. And it will be blotted out even as homes and kingdoms divided against themselves work their own destruction. For your God is the God of peace, and does never help division. Arouse not, therefore, against you the wrath of God, lest he drive you from his table, and lest you be compelled to go to the table of Satan, where the fire of sins, diseases, and death will corrupt your body.

"And when you eat, never eat unto fullness. Flee the temptations of Satan, and listen to the voice of God's angels. For Satan and his power tempt you always to eat more and more. But live by the spirit, and resist the desires of the body. And your fasting is always pleasing in the eyes of the angels of God. So give heed to how much you have eaten when your body is sated, and always eat less by a third.

Trouble not the work of the angels in your body by eating often. For I tell you truly, he who eats more than twice in the clay does in him the work of Satan. And the angels of God leave his body, and soon Satan will take possession of it. Eat only when the sun is highest in the heavens, and again when it is set. And you will never see disease, for such finds favor in the eyes of the Lord. And if you will that the angels of God rejoice in your body, and that Satan shun you afar, then sit but once in the day at the table of God. And then your days will be long upon the earth, for this is pleasing in the eyes of the Lord. Eat always when the table of God is served before you, and eat always of that which you find upon the table of God. For I tell you truly, God knows well what your body needs, and when it needs.

"And forget not that every seventh day is holy and consecrated to God. On six days feed your body with the gifts of the Earthly Mother, but on the seventh day sanctify your body for your Heavenly Father. On the seventh day eat not any earthly food, but live only on the words of God, and be all the day with the angels of the Lord in the kingdom of the Heavenly Father. And on the seventh day let the angels of God build the kingdom of the heavens in your body, as you labor for six days in the kingdom of the Earthly Mother. And let not food trouble the work of the angels in your body throughout the seventh day. And God will give you long life upon earth, that you may have life everlasting in the kingdom of the heavens. For I tell you truly, if you see not diseases any more upon earth, you will live for ever in the kingdom of the heavens."
