Why do we celebrate halloween? I take a look at the secret history of Halloween.
Do you know what really goes on after the trick -r- treaters go home for the night?MORTIFICATIONS
While you read these lines published in a space confused in the midst of entertainment that distracts you, the planet on which you exist travels through space at a speed that would cause you mortal vertigo if you perceived it consciously, but the atmosphere, that thin and fragile layer that protects you from the infinite void, and the force of gravity, which offers you the means of knowing what is above, below and to the sides, both provide you with a comfortable capsule of safety so that the cosmogonic powers do not frighten you, and so you can exist in peace.
However, it seems that the peaceful existence that Life offers you so that you can use your creative freedom between heaven and earth and invent the existence that suits you, that this stable peace is not what catches your attention the most, and that the miracle of existing in security does not delight you, and that in a contradictory way, which is not justified, you need worries to mortify you, perhaps to also justify the mortifications that you certainly impose on your fellow and different people with intention or carelessly.
Observe your routine carefully, because it will most likely have become necessary to make adjustments, but due to the inertia of repeating habits, rectifications end up being left aside.
How scalar waves promote cellular & blood detox plus balance the brain
One of the best gifts of my work is sharing new scientific innovations with my community. Knowing I can bring powerful, inspiring solutions for your well being is a great privilege.
Join us to learn how you can easily harness the healing power of scalar waves in your life - and how many of the most brilliant scientists in recent history, like Nikola Tesla, have explored and applied scalar waves
Exposing yourself to energies like scalar waves might sound counterintuitive (especially if you’re EMF sensitive). But Scalar Energy and microcurrents can be a game-changer if you’ve struggled with chronic pain or emotional hurdles.
I personally have been using scalar waves for some years and believe, particularly for those of you that have ‘tried everything’ this can offer a real solution.
This Q&A - all about how we can harness invisible energies to promote healing - is quite possibly one of the most important live Q&As I’ve ever brought to you.
(Can’t be there live? Sign up to get the replay.)
Here’s the link to sign up and join this important event Thursday 2 Nov 12 Noon ET, and please share it with those you love: https://us02web.zoom.us/
You don’t want to miss this!
Lloyd Burrell
About Rob Vanbergen, BHS, MNM, DHS, DNM, PhD
EMF protection is IMPORTANT please share ElectricSense emails with your friends and colleagues. |
Winter Sleep: 12 Ways To Hibernate Now For A Deep Reset Before Spring
Starting the business week with an Empty Moon is not the best of all worlds, it stimulates anxiety, that vile companion on the path, always present and a terrible advisor.
It is therefore timely to objectively analyze the causes of anxiety to at least know what terrain we have inadvertently stepped into and how to balance the game, which is becoming less and less fun.
Anxiety is the unrecognized daughter of the materialism that predominates in our current civilization.
The materialist point of view assumes that Life, this mystery that eludes us, is the result of the complex physiological and chemical formulations of material nature, and it is worth highlighting that even though this point of view is equipped with scientific evidence, It is still a mystique, a belief like any other, which produces in all of us a catastrophic expectation of reality, because matter, due to inertia, tends to destroy and disintegrate, as would happen to our physical bodies which, having been Torn from the Earth, they intend to return to it if we do not continually feed them to sustain themselves.
And the more we believe in the materialist point of view, mystical like all beliefs, we neglect the other half of the story, the diamond of our constitution, which is not matter, but spirit, with very different laws of the functioning of matter.
As long as our mysticism does not contemplate matter and spirit simultaneously, we will never find balance or harmony in anything, and periods of Empty Moon will continue to be a time of mortification and torment, because anxiety is the materialistic belief that the worst will happen, the disintegration and extinction.
The more you know, the more complex the panorama becomes, because your soul becomes aware of the decisions you will have to make, and how impossible it will be to please everyone. Welcome your soul to Life.
If the Coliseum reopened and was legalized, it would certainly be a box office and social media success, because the social media algorithm loves controversy, it relies on discord and not on mutual understanding, which it considers tedious.
Barbarism, however, is entertainment that entertains and delights until it happens within one's own home, or with people close to them, with whom there are emotional ties, because while it is not like that, it seems close and distant at the same time, like a series on television, which is inside our homes and in front of which intense emotions occur, but which we keep at a distance with the remote control in our hand, which provides us with security.
Barbarism is the hallmark of the self-centered and selfish consciousness of our humanity, which has the seal of ancient traditions, which have lost all their nobility and dignity, but still continue to be repeated, despite the fact that it is clear that they no longer have any efficiency.
The tradition of violence is being replaced by new emerging traditions, which are based on group consciousness, on the vision of interdependence between us, of the same kingdom, on the interdependence between us all on the other kingdoms of nature, visible and invisible, and on the relationship with the planet and the solar system too.
And it is not that the new tradition of group consciousness is pacifist, but it certainly does not have violence as its main means of reference.
Even though it may seem like utopia, if it is possible to speak and find an echo in the heart when expressing group consciousness, this means that it is emerging and that, inexorably, it will replace the ancient traditions, which no longer provide support for our evolution.
The discomfort of not being able to do what you want is not greater because life presents itself with its inherent mysteries and changes the game from one moment to the next. Therefore, avoid wasting time with complaints and whining.
From a worldly point of view, crime does not pay if it is committed by ordinary people, but when it is practiced institutionally, the laws become flexible and tortuous enough that there is no punishment remotely comparable to what would be inflicted on ordinary citizens.
From a spiritual point of view, there is no way for actions to be free from their consequences, this is a process as irreversible as night and day succeeding each other in an incessant and predictable way.
But our humanity, legendary challenger of destiny and divinities, is not deterred by the prospect of punishment, it imagines that this time everything will be special for her, that despite nights and days inevitably following one another there would also be a misty zone, a twilight which serves him to invent a fantasy world, a new illusion of eternity that, like all the previous ones, crumbles over time.
All those who dreamed of establishing eternity here on Earth were swallowed by time and this will continue to happen until our humanity seeks eternity where it truly is, because it is not that divinity is forbidden to us, our problem is that we seek it where it is not found.
Not everything is under your control and this should not be a reason for conflict, just the realization that life will always continue to be greater than your ability to understand it, demanding absolute dedication from all of us.
It is a sociologically proven fact that with sufficient financial resources the laws are relativized and can be argued, while with little or no resources the laws are applied with full vigor and severity, and this proof is fueled by an unrest that has all the potential to explode the barbarity of popular revolts in the face of relative justice on the one hand and oppressive justice on the other.
As long as this state of the world persists, no human being is safe, much less truly free, those with sufficient financial resources because they need to hide behind shields, those with few resources because they don't even have time to think properly about their conditions.
The fact is that, if no leader has the balls or uterus to begin a reform that will probably take about three generations to complete, everything points in the direction of barbarism so that, once again, we will be horrified by it and say again, never again!
Get up and fight! Your weapons are your thoughts, words and works, and the battlefield is consciousness, which oscillates between being autogenous and selfish, or interdependent and connected with those similar and different, connected with the other kingdoms of nature, visible and invisible, connected with the planet, with the solar system and far beyond all imagination.
Get up and fight! The little you do contributes to the consolidation of consciousness by working in a group mode, serving and facilitating the lives of the people you interact with, whether they are family and acquaintances or the countless anonymous people who cross your path every day.
Get up and fight! Because if you don't fight, by inertia you will slide towards barbarism, a product of the self-centered and selfish conscience that we all have to deal with in our privacy.
Get up and fight! Practice sincerity, avoid adding discord by issuing opinions that are far from your experiences, because you only know what you practice, the rest is theory, and the world is full of discussions empty of experience.
Get up and fight! Strip yourself of illusions, your struggle is not something distant, your struggle is on a daily basis, every moment, every moment you open your mouth to express an opinion, every gesture you make, your struggle is in gerund, it is neither past nor future, it is here and now.
Despite consciously rejecting the idea that there is grudge or resentment in our souls, we nevertheless allow the survival of some resentment at any time, because we silently and intimately dwell on it and justify it with arguments that would not withstand an objective analysis, but at this point, who cares about objectivity?
We, humans, are much less rational than we pretend, most of the time we are in a state of passion, anger prevails that we would blame in others, but that we allow to survive within us, disguised as resentment, so that it appears to be the right reaction to something wrong they did to us.
And it cannot be ruled out that they do wrong things against us, just as it cannot be ruled out that we do wrong things against other people, and we all, some and others, argue justifying that, in their case, or in our own case, the action is justified, and so we destroy each other instead of serving each other wisely.
And all of this lasts as long as we do not dedicate ourselves with the same commitment and energy with which we throw ourselves into discord to what is most important for any human being at this moment in history, the transition from individual, self-centered and selfish consciousness to group consciousness, broad and inclusive.
To the extent that rancor and resentment take root in the soul of our humanity and adopt its varied and disguised manifestations in social relationships, and to the extent that we normalize this state of things, convincing ourselves that it is all this and that changes of utopian ideas should be discarded to assume that this is the game and that it would be better to learn to play it and nothing else, we are also adding barbarity, in such small and hypocritical doses in everyday life, that they seem too harmless to us, considering, that's right, the atrocities that the powers that be commit.
The world that we treat as an abstract entity is the sum of the type of person we are in the privacy of our homes, in our close relationships, in the thoughts we create, in the justifications we present for the mistakes we make, in the comments we make with an air of wisdom, but which are pure theory, far from our experiences.
For the unique body of existence, which is the human kingdom, the little or much barbarism or civilization that each of us practices in the anonymity of our hearts is what defines the state of the world.
Now think about it, start this working week by making an effort to think well, because the state of discord and mistrust doesn't help anyone, not even those who think they're right and furiously want to shove a hypocritical and shallow “pacifism” down the world's throat.
Differences and disagreements only happen because we all have a lot in common, because if there were nothing in common, we would be left with apathy and indifference.
Despite the religious, environmental, socioeconomic and psychological differences between people, the most important thing we all have in common is the inner struggle between the forces that promote civilization and those that surrender through inertia to barbarism.
And this fight is savage, mythologically violent, there is no remote possibility of it being peaceful, because one aspect makes us selfish, self-centered beings and lying hypocrites, and the other transforms us into presences radiating ease and benefits to all people, and on the border of this contrast runs the blood of our humanity.
As we serve those who are similar and different, for the simple reason that we realize that our particular existences are interdependent, and as we develop group consciousness, and day by day we strive for it to replace the self-centered consciousness in individuality, and even more so, as we practice every day the sacrament of communion with the living and unique being, the Earth, in which we live and experience being, we thus promote civilization.
Everything else that we practice that is not guided by these aspects, but that, on the contrary, is selfish and brutal in varying intensities, contributes to increasing, day by day, the inertia of barbarism.
Desires, when satisfied, benefit exclusively the desirer, while the fulfillment of duties and obligations produce group benefits, they are always impersonal, even if we are personally offended by this.
We experience this reality as an antagonism between the pleasure of desires and the effort to fulfill our duties, and this is because our consciousness has not yet completed the transition from self-centeredness to collectiveness.
There is no way for our humanity to evolve by clinging to self-centeredness and privileging individualistic isolation, instead of promoting group consciousness and the joy of knowing that, through the fulfillment of duties, harmony is added to social relationships, even if sacrificing a little our self-centered desires in the name of something greater, in the name of something that neither begins nor ends with us as individuals.
The transfer of individual self-centered consciousness to group consciousness is the most current thing in terms of the evolution of our kingdom, and all the problems we witness and participate in, directly or indirectly, have their root in how much we resist doing this transference, insisting on continuing to delay evolution with our desired self-centeredness.
No matter how varied and multiple the misfortunes that plague you may be, even so, if you pay attention and go through the anguish with firm resolve, you will find some kind of grace, like a ray of sunlight that illuminates the leaves of a tree, the contagious smile of a child, the beautiful look of someone whose name you will never know, there will always be something that takes a breath of hope from you, freeing you, even for an instant, from your despair.
Now, if you prefer, even so, to continue affirming that everything is difficult, that there is nothing between heaven and earth that evokes hope in your heart, and that in your heart, when speaking to the Divine, you ask him to destroy humanity, then stay there, muttering curses and reveling in misfortune, but also be aware that, most likely, because this is your taste and the way you spend your time thinking, you must also impose small and large misfortunes on the people you relate, consciously or unconsciously.
All seeds, before germinating and transforming into leafy plants that add beauty, colors, nutrients and harmony to the planet, need to descend to the cold and dark place of the earth, where telluric forces circulate that are not pleasant, but prepared and efficient to destroy the seeds and force them to start germinating.
We fear these dark forces because we are made of them, we feed on them and we will return to them when our consciousness becomes incapable of preserving the existential unity of our physical, emotional and mental bodies, and therefore we have to die.
Why do we fear the fundamental nourishing broth of all life that flourishes and thrives between heaven and earth?
After all, it is in its dark labyrinths that what sustains everything else circulates, which will later worship the Sun and the lights.
Because our belly button is a long way from our nose and often covered up with clothing, it is unlikely that you would even catch any odors coming from it. However, if you take your finger and do a quick swab, you might be alarmed at what you smell. I know, it sounds gross. Although most belly button odor results from poor hygiene, it could also be more serious and require medical attention.
As you well know, the belly button is the location where your umbilical cord attached you to your mother while you were in her womb. Most people are left with an indentation – although there are plenty of outies resulting from the umbilical cord being cut. The size and depth of belly buttons vary, but most people have a deep enough crevice to get things caught in it from time to time, including:
If you detect a foul odor from your belly button, it could be an infection or a cyst if you also have the following:
When you don’t clean your belly button, bad things can happen
The belly button is home to 67 types of bacteria. Additionally, germs and fungi often get trapped inside the belly button, where germs feed on trapped substances, including oil, dirt, sweat, and dead skin. Germs and bacteria quickly multiply and create quite a stench. Sadly, the deeper your belly button is, the more dirt and germs that build up. The odoriferous cocktail of bacteria, dirt, and sweat persist without good hygiene habits.
Yes, cleaning behind your ears is a good thing, and so is cleaning your belly button. To properly clean your button, put a little soap on a washcloth while you are in the shower and use your index finger to gently clean the inside. A step that many people forget is to meticulously dry your button once out of the shower. Leaving it wet invites more fungi and germs to the party. If you happen to have a belly button piercing, use an antimicrobial wash to keep it clean and dry after cleansing.
An alternative method is to use a cotton swab and dip it in some apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar contains powerful antimicrobial properties and can wipe your button clean of germs and bacteria. Gently clean the inside of your belly button with the swab soaked in apple cider vinegar and pat dry. Make sure to use only organic apple cider vinegar with the “mother.” A word of warning, though, if you have any open cuts in or around your belly button, the apple cider vinegar will sting!
To clean around piercings, soak a cotton ball in sea salt (not table salt) and water for five minutes. Gently dab the skin around the piercing, being careful to get into all of the folds. Use a soft, clean piece of gauze dipped in the saltwater to wipe away any crust that forms. Dry thoroughly.
Unclean belly buttons are an invitation for yeast
Failure to clean your belly button regularly can result in candida growth. Candida is a type of yeast that loves to flourish in warm, dark, and damp locations like your groin, armpits, and belly button. This is especially serious for people with diabetes whose immune system is compromised. A study conducted in 2014 confirmed that people with diabetes are more likely to develop yeast infections if the belly button is not kept clean. Visit your doctor for some anti-fungal treatment as soon as you notice that you have developed a yeast infection. Adopt a good belly button hygiene program to prevent any re-occurrence.
Piercings increase the risk of infection
The skin around a belly button piercing is also prone to infection – any time you create a hole in the skin, it opens up an opportunity for bacteria to enter. If you develop an infection, you may have pus leaking out of your button. You will also have pain, redness, and swelling in the tissue around the piercing and may develop a fever as your body tries to fight the infection. If this occurs, visit your doctor immediately for help. You will most likely need some antibiotics to clear up the infection.
Is it a cyst?
There are a few types of cysts that can occur in and around the belly button. Most common are pillar and epidermoid cysts. Pillar cysts begin near a hair follicle, and epidermoid cysts stop on the top layer of skin. Both of these types of cysts contain cells inside a membrane and produce thick and sludgy keratin. If a cyst bursts, the discharge is thick, yellow, and smells awful. If this occurs, carefully clean your belly button and watch for infection. If an infection develops, see your doctor for care.
A sebaceous cyst begins in the glands that produce sebum, a waxy and oily lipid mixture used for skin protection and lubrication. These cysts fill up with sebum and can develop into a nasty infection. If this occurs, see your doctor.
Use the sniff test
The better your button hygiene, the less likely you are to develop problems. To know when to clean your button, perform regular sniff tests. Most people can get by with a once or twice a week cleaning, while others, who sweat a lot and have deeper buttons, require more frequent cleanings. Bottom line, don’t forget to scrub your belly button when you shower!
-Susan Patterson
Source: https://thealternativedaily.com/put-apple-cider-vinegar-belly-button/?utm_source=internal&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=AD231019PM
Being in favor of peaceful and serene coexistence with our fellow humans and those who are different does not mean that we never have to arm ourselves and fight hotly against the advance of the enemies of our ideals, but if this becomes the currency of all affairs and relationships, then something very wrong is in progress.
Our humanity has evolved enough to clearly understand that we find ourselves on the verge of an enormous transformation of the foundations of civilization, a colossal pedagogical revolution that teaches and trains human beings to be the protagonists of this revolution, capable of leaving the seed for future generations of an existence in which the state of war is an exception, instead of being, as it is today, the environment that consumes the most resources on the planet, without producing beneficial results for anyone's evolution.
The Gaza open air prison: Unraveling the dark realities | |
Over many years, Israel has perfected the human enslavement and extermination model that will power "15-minute cities" and human extermination camps that will be pushed by depopulation globalists as the next phase of human extermination gets under way. The Gaza Strip is a massive experiment in human enslavement and behavioral engineering involving 2.3 million civilians who have now been dubbed "animals" and are being systematically displaced and / or exterminated. Everything learned from this pilot program will next be deployed against all of us. |
Hi Reader,
Avoid tormenting yourself with the torrent of war news that increases in size and intensity, apparently confirming that our humanity cannot stand civilization, and prefers barbarism.
Avoid tormenting yourself with this, because if there is even a moment of beauty and serenity when contemplating nature, when savoring the aroma of a flower, this experience will tell you much more about life and its perspectives than any warlike reasoning that our humanity makes.
Our humanity is attached to fear, it has not yet learned to live with confidence, its sense of familiarity is based on guilt, remorse, punishment, in short, on violence that intimidates the soul, however, the future is definitely not one of fear , but of confidence, and if you want to be part of the future, you need to start right now, and never give up on the exercise of replacing fear with confidence, without this being an act of naivety, but of pure alchemy.
How to do this? Simply by doing, making firm resolution and monitoring when fear arises so as not to give in to it, but to stun it with confident thoughts.
Take care that during periods of the Empty Moon, fear, with its different facets, does not dig its claws into your stomach and throat, motivating you to do stupid things.
The foundation of the social contracts that structure civilization is trust, and if, through any of these many misadventures that we have invented for ourselves, we end up spending most of our time reasoning around fear, something very wrong is going on, because fear destroys the civilization.
No matter how bad the state of government institutions and their different powers may be, we continue to believe and have confidence that, ultimately, there will be justice when we need it, just as there will be ways to promote the general well-being of our families, but when we begin to believe that we are without any support and that we can only make our way through barbarism with our own means, then we will only have fear left to talk to, and fear will make us violent people, who support a warlike state , admiring the characters with separatist, harmful and violent speeches, imagining that only these types of people can save us.
The only possible salvation is to replace fear with trust.
Source: https://operationdisclosureofficial.com/2023/10/16/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-as-of-october-16-2023/
Alzheimer‟s is a physician CAUSED disease. It didn’t even occur in people over 40 years ago and now it’s the #4 killer of people in the USA over age 65! What is Alzheimer’s disease? It’s the disappearing of your brain’s insulation, the Myelin. What is Myelin made out of ? It’s made from CHOLESTEROL. “If you go on a low Cholesterol diet or cholesterol medication, it’s the fastest way to Alzheimer’s disease”
In the same place where your fear is you will also find your courage, this is a truth independent of opinions and points of view, but just as true is that you will not discover the courage behind fear by spontaneous generation, as a result of a coincidence nor by a miracle granted by superior forces.
To find the courage that hides behind the fear that paralyzes and dwarfs you, you will have to dare to endure with relative dignity the visible and invisible tremors that confess your fragility, you will also have to endure the intestinal cramps that recite your vulnerability and pass through all discomforts, because by doing so you will discover that there is a threshold where fear turns into courage.
The transformation of fear into courage is an intimate process, a bet in the dark that you need to make to prove that these words are not just a motivating incentive, but the prophetic verb that describes how any human being is capable of being greater than the fear he feels, how much any human can become the alchemist who transmutes lead into gold.
Even if you can't appreciate everything you are, your appearance, your moods, your way of thinking, your fears, your dreams, your anxieties and anguish, even though there are countless moments in each day when you wish you were a different person of who you are, you will still have to continue living with yourself.
We are not the “others”, we can use cosmetics and clothes that make us appear different from who we are, but when it comes the time to put our head on the pillow to sleep, we will be alone with ourselves, aware of all the maneuvers we do to be different of what we are.
None of what is written here is a criticism, just the observation that our humanity has the gift of creativity, and the conviction that no one is born without the aspiration to subvert nature and destiny.
The human being that we are defies destiny, nature and the gods, sometimes paying a bitter price for it, at other times inventing wonderful things that would have been impossible to achieve without transgression.
Even though we are all similar, we still intend to be different, and even if the differences are minimal, we exalt them to the detriment of everything we have in common.
The cult of individuality, despite raising legitimate arguments, is not a valuable contribution to civilized coexistence, much less to the social contracts that make the delight of the community life to which we are all destined.
If we do not extol similarities and communion with the same vigor with which we value individual distinctions, no matter how much good will we have towards building a better world, in practice we will do the opposite, we will continue to feed a selfish and petty world.
What we have in common is much more than everything that differentiates us, this is an indisputable reality, but even so we continue to discuss the indisputable, in the name of also continuing to selfishly prey on the reality of what we have in common.
But, no matter how invincible the selfish pettiness of our humanity seems, because from a cosmogonic perspective it is a fragility, a vulnerability that announces its own extinction, because everything that prevents the expansion of connections is extinguished by its own uselessness.
We live our lives mostly insulated from the earth (wearing rubber-soled shoes, living indoors, driving in our cars, etc). Over time, this causes our bodies to become depleted. Touching the ground replenishes our electron balance and restores our lost connection to the earth’s energy. Research the benefits of Earthing/Grounding.
Fooled again: Gullible humans fall for another psyop – first vaccines, now a holy war | |
It's all a giant psyop run by depopulation globalists to maximize human casualties by any means necessary. No matter which tribe is inflicting casualties on another tribe, the globalists are smiling (and gloating) as they see human population numbers steadily dwindle. Gullible people are easily drawn into the emotional rage, feeding the cycle of mass killing of "the other," whoever that may be in the current crisis. This cycle of self destruction must end if humanity is to survive. |
If you could only do what you like and want, would your daily life be very different from today?
At the base of the answer you formulate to this question is the amount of conflict that you have to harmonize so that the distance between desires and obligations is not so great, to the point that your daily life becomes a torment.
It is difficult to imagine that someone could dedicate themselves exclusively to their desires, neglecting the obligations and duties that they would certainly need to fulfill on behalf of the group of people to which they belong, be they family members, employees or work partners.
What is important to understand in this conflict is that, while desires benefit only the desirer, the fulfillment of obligations promotes group and collective benefits.
I repeat, desires only benefit the desiring subject, who, feeling that he is lacking something, sets out in search of varied satisfactions.
At the same time, obligations and duties, which are not necessarily opposed to desires, in any case have a different nature, because they are not produced by self-centeredness, but by needs of a group, social order and civilization itself.
Fulfilling obligations produces group and social benefits.
The failure of our moralistic civilization is based on a mistake of a pedagogical nature, because it is based on the illusion that, through the force of fear and punishment, our humanity would respect prohibitions, when it is known, through practice, that it is only necessary to prohibit anything for our own visceral nature feels attracted to transgression, because in the intimate spiritual mathematics of each human being, the coming punishment in the form of guilt and remorse is a price that is paid voluntarily and with pleasure, considering that the pleasure of transgression is much more exciting.
It is evident that in the social consensus of civilized life there must be limitations and rules, both in education and in social life, but if we do not seriously consider that the human being, by his own cosmic essence, is a transgressor of nature, whether for good or for evil, we will never be able to live in peace with our contradictions and ambiguities.
We are both respecters of the rules and transgressors of the rules that we ourselves invented, and this leaves our consciousness in a place in the Universe where the only real reality of all is uncertainty, but at the same time, which human being can deal well with uncertainty?
Did you know that honey is the only type of sugar that actually improves your tooth health instead of harming it? It's true!
Research Backed Reasons to Eat More Honey |