Monday, October 30, 2023

Quiroga - 125


Starting the business week with an Empty Moon is not the best of all worlds, it stimulates anxiety, that vile companion on the path, always present and a terrible advisor.

It is therefore timely to objectively analyze the causes of anxiety to at least know what terrain we have inadvertently stepped into and how to balance the game, which is becoming less and less fun.

Anxiety is the unrecognized daughter of the materialism that predominates in our current civilization.

The materialist point of view assumes that Life, this mystery that eludes us, is the result of the complex physiological and chemical formulations of material nature, and it is worth highlighting that even though this point of view is equipped with scientific evidence, It is still a mystique, a belief like any other, which produces in all of us a catastrophic expectation of reality, because matter, due to inertia, tends to destroy and disintegrate, as would happen to our physical bodies which, having been Torn from the Earth, they intend to return to it if we do not continually feed them to sustain themselves.

And the more we believe in the materialist point of view, mystical like all beliefs, we neglect the other half of the story, the diamond of our constitution, which is not matter, but spirit, with very different laws of the functioning of matter.

As long as our mysticism does not contemplate matter and spirit simultaneously, we will never find balance or harmony in anything, and periods of Empty Moon will continue to be a time of mortification and torment, because anxiety is the materialistic belief that the worst will happen, the disintegration and extinction.

The more you know, the more complex the panorama becomes, because your soul becomes aware of the decisions you will have to make, and how impossible it will be to please everyone. Welcome your soul to Life.

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