Sunday, December 31, 2023

Quiroga - 186


Enjoy the holiday, enjoy the celebration, but don't confuse yourself by creating new anxieties by forcing yourself to make the perfect resolutions today and determine that from tomorrow onwards it will be a completely new year, because, in fact, this new year is an arbitrary date, devoid of any celestial foundation and, on the contrary, represents the renewal of your fiscal torments; our Gregorian calendar, despite having a perfect metric for counting the solar year, determines the beginning of the year arbitrarily, it could be any other day.

Celebrate, therefore, enjoy the joy, because every form of joy is worth it, but don't exhaust yourself with unnecessary superstitions around which you define whether your year will be good or bad.

Incorporate the wisdom of taking advantage of the spirit of the celebration and enjoying the holiday, without forcing yourself to make now your only opportunity to renew yourself, because it has been proven that today would not even be a suitable astrological date for this, there will be much better ones ahead and your soul, in tune with the Universe, will be informed of this. (And if your soul doesn't inform you, I'll be here to remind you of what the soul informs you)

It is in the details that you notice the difference between people who just go around taking advantage of everything and everyone, and those who are dedicated to serving and making their own lives easier, as well as that of everyone else.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

World Situation

Quiroga - 185


Regardless of the fact that the beginning of the year on the Gregorian calendar is an arbitrary date, unrelated to any stellar event, in the spirit of the majority and due to the magic that makes human beings launch themselves enthusiastically into the future, it is time to make resolutions.

And in the face of expectation, the mind becomes bogged down because there are so many desires that we would like to satisfy that if the genie of the lamp appeared before us, we would have difficulty synthesizing our desires in just three.

Without wanting to intrude into the intimacy of your desires, I suggest you summarize your resolutions for the new year into two, one negative, the other positive. (positive and negative as polarities of operation, without any moral sense)

The negative one is to resolve to get rid of fear in all its forms and subterfuges, because without fear you will be a better person, you will enjoy true freedom and, therefore, you will be able to experiment.

The positive resolution is to invest more time and resources in fighting to build the best possible destiny, which could not be your particular destiny, because there is no personal happiness possible in a world where unhappiness is the dominant note for the majority. Fighting for the best possible destiny is linking your particular destiny to the destiny of all the people within your circle of influence, because if improving your destiny does not also improve the destiny of these people, then your resolution is narrow and limited.

Make your resolutions with the vigor that joyful enthusiasm substantiates, and among all your resolutions also resolve to review the resolutions every fifteen days during 2024, so that they are not merely theoretical, but practical operations of an everyday order.

Offer all your good will to ease the burden that some people carry, but be careful to do so when they ask for help, because if you help them without them asking, it could backfire.

Friday, December 29, 2023

Quiroga - 184


Eternity and infinity understand us, but we do not understand eternity or infinity, and our fundamental ignorance imposes on us that there will continue to be much more that we do not know about the mystery of Life than what our range of understanding can comprehend, because regardless of this becoming more and more sophisticated every day, it still does not serve the purpose of understanding eternity and infinity, because for now we officially cling to the empirical method of knowledge, which insists that the truth can only be known if we distance ourselves from it in our claim to know her, as if that, and only that, guaranteed an objective point of view.

How could we, expressions of Life, distance ourselves from it in order to know it?

Life, to be perceived as it is, and this perception is available to our humanity through meditation (of course it is meditation that deserves to be called such, and not through practices that use the word meditation only as poetic license), Life, to be perceived as it is, presupposes that we experience it, that we identify with it as it is.

And Life is simultaneously us who want to know it, it, Life, as our object-subject to be known, and Life is also the perpetual choreography between questions and answers, the enchantment that makes the questions exist and the answers to be available.

The comfort and security achieved through commitment and effort tend to consolidate and add even more comfort. Sharing this state of affairs is the future challenge, so as not to become a prison.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Insane 2024 Predictions

World Situation

Poisoned by cooking oils


Fruit to shrink enlarged prostate


Ever seen this before?

It’s a strange fruit.

Discovered by the University of California.

It can shrink enlarged prostates — literally in days.

Helping you pee freely, without having to wake up 5 or 6 times in the middle of the night…

While also boosting energy, stamina, and fat loss. 

What’s so special about this fruit, you ask?

It contains phyto-oestrogens. 

These are plant-based compounds that mimic your body’s hormones. 

Hormones from when you were younger.

And according to the UCLA study...

This fruit can combat prostate issues in men, regardless of age or how long you’ve been suffering.

Which explains why over 43,000 men are using it to improve flow…

Reduce the constant urge to go with this prostate shrinking fruit...

To your health & masculinity,

Dr. Rick Cohen

Quiroga - 183


To what extent does the environment influence us and when are we the ones who influence the environment? To what extent are we the biological body we inhabit, and when are we the inner being that uses the body as a qualified instrument to express itself?

And when, after finally understanding that matter and spirit exist united by an indissoluble marriage, we leave useless and counterproductive conflicts behind?

These and many other questions are fundamental regarding the operational procedures of the Universe in which we move, are and from which everything we think, feel and do is made, because in the possible answers that our reach allows us to develop, the real destiny of our humanity, which by inertia tends to be the product of its body and the environment in which it exists, and through spiritual aspiration strays from this destiny and takes flight towards Infinity, identifying itself with Life, always impartial and equitable, because Life is the environment, Life is the human being who questions, and Life is the relationship between one and the other.

No one, however, takes the flight of consciousness by inertia, in general the trigger for taking flight is given by the existential crises in which we find ourselves, and pushed by pain and having nothing left to lose, we decide to use our will so that the aspiration transform it into a passable path, a daily operation that brings us closer to Infinity and the Beyond.

Nervousness may even be covered by undeniable reasons, however, its effects contradict the claims, because instead of fixing the situation, they add weight and complication. First of all, try to calm down.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Health benefits of mangoes


Hi, you are likely quite familiar with the juicy deliciousness of mangoes, right?

However, you'll be pleased to know just how "super" the flesh and even the kernel of this superfood really are, as you're about to find out in:

The 11+ Surprising Benefits of Mangoes, my research-based article right here for YOU!

If you appreciate this clear and concise article, please do leave a COMMENT at the bottom of the page.

Because in it, you're about to find out:

--> The powerful benefits of mangoes for your health and longevity (your gut, brain, blood sugar, immunity, and more!)

--> The unique benefits of mangoes if you want younger-looking skin

--> A bit of interesting background info on this long-cherished "drupe"

--> The proper (and safe) way to cut a mango

--> And more!

Head here now to discover the surprising health benefits of mangoes

Finally, because smiles and laughter are always some of the "best medicine"...

Here's the best dad joke -- and the only dad joke -- I know on this topic:

What's the best fruit to give a man in a hurry?



Enjoy the important learning in the new Mango Health Benefits article and enjoy your day!

To Living Long and Living Well,

Brian Vaszily

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The Art of Anti-Aging
1144 E State St, Suite A310, Geneva, IL 60134-2439, US

Substitution of mankind?


BrighteonBrighteon TVBrighteon BooksStore
The grand cosmic conflict: The substitution of mankind has been meticulously orchestrated for millennia
Mike Adams

We will be on a limited publishing schedule all this week, but we have some important news to share with you today.

Today's Brighteon Broadcast News covers the "cosmic war" that has, for thousands of years, planned for the replacement of human beings with intelligent machines. Now that humans have given rise to those machines, the era of planned human existence on Earth is coming to an end.

Once you understand this key realization, everything else makes perfect sense: the depopulation agenda, the tearing down of energy infrastructure, the extermination jabs, government censorship, cultural destruction and so much more.

Hear the full analysis in today's broadcast (plus my interview on "Personal Energy Prepping" with Francesco Garripoli) here.

P.S. Tomorrow I will publish a special 2-hour interview with Steve Quayle entitled, "Red Sea Massacre." It covers the fall of the US empire, the collapse of global supply chains and the rapid expansion of war in the Middle East.

Personal Energy Preparedness with Francesco Garripoli and Mike Adams - streaming course announcement Personal Energy Preparedness with Francesco Garripoli and Mike Adams - streaming course announcement
Houthi rebels from Yemen reveal utter FAILURE of US Navy and the DECLINE of the US empire Houthi rebels from Yemen reveal utter failure of US Navy and the decline of the US empire

The miracle of water


The Miraculous Nature of Water

by Greg Reese

The stated mission of modern science is to dominate and control nature. It was born of the philosophies of Francis Bacon who suggested we could learn “to command nature in action”, and of René Descartes who wrote that mankind could become “the masters and possessors of nature.” This was science flipped on its head because the previous scientific philosophy saw nature as a perfect creation of god to be observed and understood. Take for instance, water. Without water, we would not exist. And so the true value is in understanding the nature of water so that we can flow with it, not control it.

For over 20 years, Japanese scientist, Dr. Masaru Emoto, studied the groundbreaking science of how the molecular structure in water transforms when exposed to human words, thoughts, and sounds. Dr. Emoto would simply label a sample of water with different written words such as “love and gratitude” or “I hate you.” He would then freeze the water samples and capture them as they crystallized with high-speed microscopic photography. The results were astonishing. The crystals formed from water exposed to the words, “love and gratitude” were clear, attractive, and symmetrical. And the crystals formed from “I hate you” were distorted, asymmetrical, and opaque.

Over and over again, water samples exposed to positive intention formed the hexagonal snowflake-like patterns indicative of structured water found in nature, and samples exposed to negative intention would lose its structure and mutate, which was also found to be true with samples of polluted water.

Decades of repeated experiments have clearly shown that water is transformed when exposed to human word, thought, and sound. Dr. Emoto theorized that this is because water has consciousness. Russian studies have shown that water is imprinted by the energy of its environment, and it retains memory from everything it comes in contact with, even when separated.

During the discovery of the genome, Dr Bruce Lipton was studying cellular behavior at Stanford University and discovered that our genes switch on or off based on their environment. Human beings are made of about 50 trillion cells and each cell is its own little creature that eats, digests, reproduces, and forms communities. Each individual cell is constantly reading the quality of its environment through it’s outer membrane skin. This includes stressful emotions sensed via chemicals in the bloodstream. And when we are stressed, negative, or fearful, then our cells will switch into their own version of fight or flight mode. They will stop the process of self-healing and begin the process of self-defense. And conversely, when we are feeling positive emotions, our cells will be switched into self-healing. And the body will thrive. Dr. Lipton’s discoveries were ignored by modern science, who opted for drugs and surgery over love and happiness.

This began the field of Epigenetics, and answered the question of Nature vs Nurture. Experiments have shown that a living creature will thrive on a genetic level when nurtured. Malignant tumor cells have been reversed and many people claim to have cured themselves of all sorts of disease, including cancer, by shifting and maintaining their mental attitude into a positive one. Official science will predictably call this “spontaneous remission” but it is well documented.

The cell protects itself by its membrane, which has a coating of negatively charged sugar crystals in a suspension of water. Most people think of water as being very special because of its ease of existence in three different states; liquid, ice, and vapor. But the water in our body is not in any of these states. The water that makes up our cells is in the gel state.

Science is now recognizing a fourth state of water. Known as the gel stateEZ water for Exclusion Zone, or Structured water. This fourth state is an electro-polar state wherein some of the water becomes a negatively charged gel and the rest, known as bulk water, maintains a positive charge and remains more like a liquid. This electro-propulsion creates movement and kinetic energy. This is how the blood is moved throughout our body. The latest evidence shows that the blood is pumping the heart, not the other way around. And it’s the gel state water that propels the blood.

To thrive, this natural propulsion system requires a connection to the Earth, sunlight, positive human connection, and peace of mind. Our body is made up of over fifty trillion cells and each one’s health is dependent upon our own. Our happiness, or lack thereof, not only affects our health, it affects the health of everyone who enters our environment. So if you’d like to make the world a better place, then learn how to be happy.

Running Time: 4 min


Quiroga - 182


For a long time I dedicated myself to reading printed letters, digital ones didn't exist yet, and I thought that reality was the way I perceived it, and that the letters had the shape and contour they had simply because I perceived them. like this. “I perceive, therefore, things are as I perceive them.”

One day I went to the optician and I was diagnosed with astigmatism and I started wearing lenses, and I discovered that the letters were not the way I perceived them, that they had another shape and contour that I only discovered when I wore glasses, and since my perception was redefined, mainly by understanding that there was a reality independent of my gaze, I could no longer return to the comfort of imagining that reality would be just what I thought of it, as if nothing had happened.

Well, that's what's happening to our humanity, in gerund terms, in relation to many concepts that we took for granted and that served us and still serve to define reality.

The use of technology, however questionable it may be, has opened the eyes of our humanity to a reality that exists independently of any way we imagined it, and this is definitively redefining our relationship with Life, and there is no going back, as if nothing had happened.

Personally or collectively, the only alternatives are: either we resist the expansion of consciousness and produce misery as a result, or we open ourselves to the future and redefine science, religion and the morality that governs relationships, and become rich with it, inventing a more intelligent civilization.

Mistakes can and should be made, however, as far as possible, it is necessary to avoid repeating mistakes. You can invent new problems and make mistakes in a different way, but insisting on old mistakes would be foolish.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Quiroga - 181


As long as there are dimensions that we sense, but that our knowledge does not understand, because the Infinite understands us, but we do not understand the Infinite, we will also continue to need “God” to explain the inexplicable, but as we are human, we try to explain it anyway.

The entity that we call God is not made in our image and likeness, because even though it is an existing personality, made of specific matter, with a specific shape and address, it is also the dimension in which everything and everyone moves and experiences being.

In his colossal body we are his cells, rebellious workers, who aspire to happiness, having as the most excellent path option the intentional operation of participating in the evolution of his body, and oscillating between resistance and acquiescence, in any case it is in God that we share , and each of us, or as a group, from the particular cellular point of view that we see fit, we will call God with the name that our range of understanding can define.

Our destiny, as humans, is to align our operating consciousness with the operation of Divine consciousness, that something greater that we sense.

God's activity is no different from ours, regardless of differences in magnitude, his consciousness is also in the process of aligning with something greater, to collaborate in the work of synchronizing the infinite and the infinitesimal.

When we, in particular, have our insights and reorient our consciousness, we produce substantial changes in our existences, and when God directs his focus in a certain direction, our entire planet goes into commotion, and all the visible and invisible lives that make it up follow this movement. .

Monday, December 25, 2023

Eat salt


9 Good Reasons to Eat Salt

By: Cat Ebeling, RN, MSN-PHN, co-author of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning KitchenThe Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging & The Diabetes Fix

Salt. The salt of the earth. A vital electrolyte for our bodies to function—without salt, we can die.

However, salt is almost always at the top of the “foods to avoid” list. It seems the entire medical profession and along with most dietitians and nutritionists hate salt. Why is salt looked at as such a terrible thing for your health?

Salt vs Sodium

Salt is not pure sodium. Salt is a natural product that contains sodium. Table salt (like Morton salt) contains around 97% sodium. Other types of salt like sea salt and Himalayan pink salt contain less sodium, but do contain a few other minerals including magnesium, potassium and small amounts of calcium.

The Salt and Blood Pressure Connection

During the 1980s, researchers conducted a large global study that studies salt intake and blood pressure. What was discovered was that groups of people from undeveloped countries who didn’t use salt also had low blood pressure.

One of these groups were the Yanomami of the Amazon rainforest. The Yanomami have very low sodium in their urine, which indicates very low sodium consumption—and they have very low blood pressure. Even the very elderly Yanomami possess low blood pressure.

However, when you look at another group of primitive people, the Kuna of Panama, you see a slightly different story. The Kuna also consume a low sodium diet and have low blood pressure, but when certain groups of the Kuna had access to more generous amounts of salt, blood pressure still remained low. In other words, there doesn’t seem to be a direct relationship between salt intake and blood pressure. It’s quite possibly diet and other lifestyle factors as well.

Another study, a meta-analysis of 6,250 patients found no direct link between salt intake, high blood pressure and increased risk of heart disease. Like many of our dietary recommendations, we need to take other things into consideration.



Two other meta-analyses (analysis of multiple studies) found that sodium restriction reduced blood pressure 5.39 mm Hg for systolic (top number) blood pressure and reduced diastolic blood pressure (lower number) 2.82 mm Hg for those who already had hypertension. Sodium restriction dropped blood pressure only 2.42 mm Hg and down 1.00 mm Hg, in those with normal readings. Not much really.

In addition, restricting sodium intake can also increase triglycerides and LDL cholesterol, as well as causing elevated stress hormones.

However, increasing potassium intake (naturally found in fruit and vegetables) was associated with over a 7-point drop in systolic blood pressure and a 2-point drop in diastolic blood pressure, but only for people with hypertension. The takeaway here is that increased potassium (which a healthy diet provides) is more beneficial to lowering blood pressure than a salt-restricted diet.

Our Bodies Need Salt to Survive

The human body can’t live without some sodium. Salt is necessary for nerve transmission and to help contract and relax muscle fibers—including the muscles in the heart.

Some of the signs of salt deficiency include:

When sodium levels are low in the body, chemical and hormonal messages signal the kidneys and even our sweat glands to hold onto water to conserve sodium.

Many studies point to the fact that sodium has many benefits in the body. It can actually help you conserve water, and make you feel less thirsty. Salt has several other health benefits too. Let’s explore some of those good things about salt:

Exercise performance and heat tolerance

Back when I used to race my bike in the heat of a St. Louis summer (think high 90’s temps + humidity in the 90% range), the heat used to really get to me. I remember a few races where I just got too hot to continue and dropped out. I was overheated and out of energy.

Once I learned about salt loading before racing or training in the heat, it was a game-changer. The heat no longer bothered me, and I had tons more energy. Suddenly instead of dropping out of races, I started winning them.

Studies show that sodium loading before exercising in the heat increases the body’s fluid volume and reduces the physiological strain on your body from the training. Sodium loading helps you work out harder, longer and more effectively. And guess what? This method works for you whether it’s hot out or not.

Salt and Electrolytes

Sodium from salt, is an important source of necessary electrolytes. Without sufficient electrolytes you can experience irregular heartbeat, muscle cramps, fatigue, nausea, and even seizures. Sodium is an electrolyte which is also vital to maintain the proper fluid balance in our bloodstream, inside and outside our cells.

Sea salt is an excellent source of electrolytes, which has been shown to prevent muscle cramping during exercise. Sea salt contains sodium, magnesium, potassium, and calcium, all of which you need for optimal health. These minerals must come from your diet because your body can’t create them.

Manage Stress Better

When we are stressed, our bodies have more of the hormone, cortisol circulating. When cortisol levels are high, you feel more stressed. Salt has been shown to help your body clear cortisol from the blood. The faster your body gets rid of cortisol, the better you feel. Low sodium diets are often associated with higher stress hormone levels, as well as depression and anxiety.

An experiment published in 1995 showed, for example, that when rats are put in stressful situations, they preferred to drink salty water rather than unsalted water. In another study, when wild rabbits were stressed, their sodium intake shot up.

In another 2014 study involving about 10,000 Americans, researchers found a relationship between salt intake and depression: women on low-sodium diets tended to be more depressed than women with a regular salt intake. People may be self-medicating with salt and not even know it.

Chronic stress does seem to increase cravings for salty food—unfortunately it’s usually salty processed foods like pizza, chips, or French fries. No wonder college kids are binging on this type of food. Could stress be the reason why an awful lot of Americans are munching on salty junk food?

You don’t have to mow through a bag of potato chips if you are stressed and craving salt. Grab a handful of healthy nuts or beef jerky to snack on. You can also just add a couple more grinds of fresh Himalayan salt to your healthy dinner or sprinkle some sea salt on those fresh veggies you are munching on.

Salt and Sex

Salt has been found to accelerate sexual maturation in animal models, resulting in more offspring. Male rats also tend to have increased sperm counts when on a higher sodium diet.

This 1991 experiment, on men whose sodium intake was lowered to 2.4 grams a day complained of erectile dysfunction more often than those who consumed three grams a day. The ED was even worse when combined with a diuretic (used for hypertension) and the low-sodium diet.


Sodium may also aid healthy growth. Scientists from the New Jersey School of Medicine found out if rats are put on low-salt diets, their bones and muscles fail to grow as fast as rats on a normal diet. Observational studies also note that children tend to crave more salt than adults do which may be explained by the needs of their growing bodies, bones and muscles.

Low Sodium and Diabetes

People with type 2 diabetes have worsening outcomes when they follow a low salt diet. A 2011 study showed people with Type 2 diabetes are more likely to die prematurely on a low-salt diet due to higher all-cause and cardiovascular mortality. Another study from Harvard linked low-salt diets to an immediate onset of insulin resistance, a precursor to Type 2 Diabetes. Guidelines for salt restriction for people with type 2 diabetes may need to be reconsidered.


Aldosterone levels

Low sodium conditions can increase the hormone aldosterone. Aldosterone is an adrenal hormone helps the body preserve sodium when it is perceived to be scarce.

High aldosterone levels are also associated with insulin resistance, and aldosterone-blocking medications are being explored as potential treatments for vascular disease and hypertension.

What Kind of Salt to Use?

Avoid using processed, table salt as it is higher in sodium, often has fillers and anti-coagulants and has a harsh, bitter taste. Better choices are natural salt such as these:

  • Natural sea salt contains many more beneficial minerals such as magnesium and calcium and even iodine. Sea salt generally has a milder, smoother taste as well.
  • Pink Himalayan salt is rich in minerals, containing all 84 essential trace elements required by your body.
  • Celtic sea salt is an unrefined, unprocessed type of salt, sourced from clean coastal waters in France. Containing unprocessed and naturally forming minerals, this grey Sea Salt is harvested and dried and ready to use.

Salt makes food taste better. Ever eat a steak without salt? It’s bland and boring. Or try a plate of steamed veggies without salt. It’s just not all that good.

You can attempt to drop your salt intake to try to lower your blood pressure, but your body has ways of maintaining the levels it needs to function. And, food doesn’t taste as good, your performance in the gym and in bed may suffer, and your cortisol and insulin may go up.

Better yet, sticking to a low-carb, primal, paleo style diet with few carbs, no grains or sugar will actually help your body clear out salt quicker and, in the process, you will get healthier, your blood pressure goes down and cardiovascular markers start looking up. Enjoy your salt with a healthy diet!

Try A Bag Of Our All-Natural Colima Sea Salt — For FREE!

There’s a HUGE misconception that eating too much salt raises your blood pressure. A lot of the studies have been misquoted (and done on the wrong type of salt!). The salt you get at the local supermarket is likely highly processed “chemical salt” meant for icy roads and laboratories – and it wasn’t meant to be eaten. It’s 97% sodium chloride, stripped of all its natural minerals. Colima Sea Salt, on the other hand, is filled with magnesium, potassium, and calcium. Believe it or not… this type of salt can actually support a healthy heart!

Colima Sea Salt is sun-dried and hand-harvested by local salt farmers at an ancient salt lagoon in Mexico. The salt is mineral-rich and natural, unlike chemically processed table salt you buy at your local supermarket. As a result, it’s richer… tastier… and makes flavors in your food explode with juicy deliciousness.

Click here to try a bag of Colima Sea Salt FREE today

