Thursday, March 14, 2024

Quiroga - 259

 The “force” of thought

If, as they say, our thoughts attracted reality and were transformed, by magic touch, into concrete works, what kind of world would result from our reflections? Would we dedicate ourselves to building and realizing the ideal world we dream of, or would most of the time the people we hate fall to the ground, struck by cosmic rays coming from our disgust towards them?

Fortunately, we do not yet have this capacity to achieve our objectives with the power of thought, only, at best, to create a state of mind that, without guarantee, could offer us a more appropriate environment to continue to achieve our intentions with the help of arms, legs, intellect and emotion, because, here on Earth, this remains the only human destiny.

Not everything can be measured with the rule of logic, because logic sees linearity in everything, an uninterrupted sequence of causes and effects. However, a lot of things also happen that are not subject to this rule.

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