Sunday, September 24, 2023

Quiroga - 89


Memoirs! Who doesn't like them? Well, maybe those who have had very traumatic experiences in the past don't like memories, however, memories are still our references, because they represent experiences that we share with other people.

Well, the beautiful memories that we hold on to are important references, but not to the point that we would cease to exist if they are forgotten, because our presence between heaven and earth is not exclusively the product of our history, there are many other factors that intervene in the complex web that we call destiny.

However, in many moments we cling so dramatically to our memories that the obviousness of what was stated in the previous paragraph is disregarded.

Let us continue, therefore, to create an image, sound and sensorial collection of our memories, but let us also be aware that, as the people who are the witnesses of our memories pass away, these memories will also cease to be important, because there will be no one to share them.

With this I want to tell you that, although memories are valuable and important, what gives them value is not the fact itself, but the possibility of them serving to sustain bonds and establish experiences that can be shared.

Therefore, instead of clinging to certain memories, build new bonds to also build new memories.

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