Friday, September 29, 2023

Cosmic Elucidations


The freedom and wellness of other beings

Is intimately connected to our own freedom and well being

There is a more fulfilling and meaningful way to exist
A treasure beyond any material value is the recognition of your own essence
And your own true self

When you are connected to your own true nature
You will care about others

You will be a beacon of radiant energy and a channel for authentic and meaningful expressions
You will be a voice for those whose cries go unheard and whose tears are left unattended

We are not separated but interwoven in a complex dance of sensations and events
By allowing yourself to be whom you already are you find yourself

The state of being which puts us in our purest form
Transcends the temporary and illusory ego

Compassion altruism and a genuine concern for the wellness of all living beings
Becomes natural extensions of this deep and discerning recognition that we are not separate

Your true self is waiting to be revealed as a masterpiece of divine creation
Be drawn into the warm hug of the sacred within
And your thoughts will acquire a newfound potency

Powerful currents of manifestation will be set in motion
As you witness the profound magic that unfolds from your own consciousness
The magic within you becomes the magic around you

Walk a trail of potential that was previously unexplored
Tred the path of unwavering faith and be propelled to new heights

When you understand this alchemical process
A beautiful transformation will occur in the depths of your own being

As you approach your own radiant core
Into the sacred space of potentiality
Where you shape the very essence of your existence
The boundaries between the self and the universe fuse

When you identify and recognize yourself as pure consciousness
With no separation between you and the world around you
You will attain a higher form of existence

When you harmonize your desires with the very energy of peace and contentment
The attainment of your dreams will flow naturally
And all barriers between you and the other creatures who share this world with us will dissolve

In the eternal here and now
We discover not just the meaning of life
But life itself!

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