Sunday, September 10, 2023

Quiroga - 75


Every subterfuge you use to guarantee your intentions and satisfy your desires is an additional complication that you add to the already complicated scenario of our humanity's social relationships.

Paradoxically, we use subterfuge, like lies or concealment of the truth, for example, in the name of simplifying the path to achieving our goals, but this is just a beautiful self-deception, because not only do we get complicated by this, but we also add something more perverse to the story that we build, because by lying we demonstrate silently, but clearly, that we don't care what voice other people have over our endeavors, and that we treat them as objects that can be manipulated at our pleasure, like pieces in a game that in fact, it doesn't even guarantee us the satisfaction we're looking for.

There will always be subterfuges, they are an expression of the creative capacity of our species, which rejoices in inventing what does not exist per se, coming from the natural elements of the Universe.

It's not about demonizing subterfuge, much less our creative capacity, it's just about understanding the true intention that leads us to lie or hide the truth, even from ourselves from time to time, creating an existential cocoon in which people that we relate to are manipulated so that they do not disturb us in the satisfaction of our desires.

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