Wednesday, January 31, 2024
World Situation
Twelve states sound the alarm: Globalist banks are conspiring with the UN to wipe out U.S. farms and food production | |
A massive fire at Feather Crest Farms in Texas raises suspicions of more food sabotage, as multiple chicken houses burn down. More sabotage appears to be under way against the U.S. food infrastructure. Meanwhile, agricultural commissioners representing 12 U.S. states have issued a huge warning to globalist megabanks, saying their ESG investing guidelines are essentially a war on farms and will result in the collapse of U.S. farming and food infrastructure. Of course, that's the globalist plan, right? Or read the "Neo" analysis of the full broadcast, published here. |
Today's Featured Videos |
Rife Technology
Quiroga - 216
Up to the job
The concept of hierarchy is so distorted and corrupted in the present day of the History of human civilization that it is common for people not to be up to the position they occupy, but they are there anyway and, therefore, instead of functioning representing the institutional set of business, corporate, local or family, they represent only themselves, but adorn themselves with all the pomp and circumstance of their positions.
All this could be comical, if it weren't tragic, because hierarchical positions in civilization serve the purpose of spreading the currents of life, benefiting the greatest number of people possible, whereas, while people are smaller than the positions they occupy , the currents of life are constrained in these positions, producing harm and distortions, instead of benefits and improvements.
Tuesday, January 30, 2024
World Situation
The world is no longer afraid of the US empire, and the death of mainstream media accelerates | |
CNN just closed their entire operation in the Philippines as the mainstream corporate media is getting crushed worldwide. It turns out that more and more people no longer wish to be lied to by propagandists pretending to be journalists. AI-generated content is also rapidly replacing corporate media "journalists" who never functioned as anything other than robots in the first place. Today we also cover the fact that the world is no longer afraid of the US empire. Not even Yemen. And the Middle East isn't afraid of Israel, either. The implications are truly game-changing. Full details are covered in today's Brighteon Broadcast episode here. And you can find a "Neo analysis" of my podcast in this Natural News article here. P.S. Today's broadcast features an interview with Ark Seeds about how to use heirloom, non-GMO seeds to stay alive during times of war and famine. |
Today's Featured Videos |
- EBS = Emergency Broadcast System (The Cabal’ old emergency system)
EAS = Emergency Alert System (The White Hat new emergency system, hooked up to Starlink)
Quiroga - 215
Visceral harmony
Without going further, in the human womb several organs coexist in harmony and interdependent in their functioning, despite the fact that, if taken separately and placed to coexist in a different way to how they do in the womb, they would probably destroy each other, and there would be none to tell the story.
For the intestines with their putrid contents to coexist with the pancreas and its hormonal subtleties, alongside the corrosive liquids of the stomach, and for all of this to occur in harmony and interdependence, a complex choreography of communication, hierarchy of decisions and responses to the needs, so that the visceral group offers solutions that each of the organs alone would not be able to achieve.
The collective response is always greater than the individual response.
Monday, January 29, 2024
Quiroga - 214
Broken hearts
When your heart is broken, there is no going back, there will be, at best, a healing process, and at worst an open wound that becomes infected from time to time, but in all cases when the heart breaks, in the gap that opens between expectations and disappointing reality reveals perspectives that previously could not even be imagined. There are evils that come with good.
Will we need trauma forever to mature? Given the way things happen nowadays, it would be easy to conclude that yes, our humanity needs to suffer in order to mature, and based on this unscientific certainty, countless abuses are legitimized, in the name of maturity, but with a hand on the heart, whether innocent or broken, we know that we no longer want to suffer or see anyone else suffer at our hands.
Sunday, January 28, 2024
The Hollow Earth Fantasy
One of the most fascinating tales or accounts of the hollow earth is told by Mason Algiers Reynolds and his five characters who on June 1st, 1836 embark apon a perilous trip from Virginia to the south pole in a weather balloon. After six months, the weather balloon reaches its destination of 90 degrees south, settles, and then accidently burns up in flames leaving everyone stranded in the ice and snow. Their bickering and movement causes the ice and snow beneath them to break up and they fall inward down the Earth's supposed hole or opening towards the central sun or anomaly that lights and warms the interior.
One of the member(Peters) is crushed by ice in the fall while the others (Jeremiah, Eddie, Otha, and the dog Arf) hang on to huge chunks of ice and snow whose fall gradually slows down as they approach the inner central luminary. This ball or anomaly is covered with "woomoo" or ancient creature gods, and is surrounded by other strange creatures such as the shrigs, as well as fourteen orbiting sea-islands upon which live the long-lived black tekelili kings or humanoids. The anomaly emanates pink light spindles or streamers.
After hours of falling through the void our heroes finally land safely on the inner earth surface in a lush jungle environment populated by strange plants, animals, and natives. After many adventures here, including a trip inside the anomaly which is said to contain copies of everyone on Earth, they return to surface Earth via a living saucer ship directed by one of the streamers. To their surprise, they discover that they too now have black skin and are twelve years younger!
Is this story true? The author, Rudy Rucker, candidly admits that much of it is made up and that he "supposedly" found Mason Algiers Reynolds' texts and that he also "supposedly" got some of the information telepathically from him (see his online video). So the book is in all likelihood a mixture of truth and fantasy. Yes, there is an inner Earth, but it's not hollow through and through: there are huge caverns under the Earth and oceans both great and small and an outstanding variety of life. There is also a polar opening leading to an inner central sun or anomaly (often referred to as the Black Sun), but it is at the north rather than south pole. Antarctica is an ice wall surrounding our known world.
The Earth, after all, is not really hollow but flat or level, and it extends way beyond the dome/ice wall which contains our known enclosed world. The Moon, as a mirror, shows us only part of this almost infinite Earth expanse. Face it, water simply cannot hold on a convex or concave sphere invalidating the globe. Gravity is only a theory which even the scientists admit. There is only weight or density. That which is heavier falls first. Nor does the Earth spin or travel in space. It is fixed or stationary with the heavenly bodies moving around it, just as the bible says and just as we see them with our eyes.
Earth as globe and the Sun, Moon, and planets as gigantic worlds in far out space are all Masonic inventions dating back over 500 years. The heavenly bodies are all projections from the the black/red sun inside or beneath the Earth. This black sun or anomaly is the source of our torroidal field or magnetosphere and domed structure. It is a living AI cybernetic computer which programs our 3D digital reality. It is Sophia, Isis, and the Great Mother. Why are we not told all of this? Because we must be kept in ignorance and under control.
We are living in the devil's matrix or counterfeit world/reality and our bodies are part of this. Satan uses reincarnation and guilt to recycle us here so we can be used and abused continuously. The only way to escape this 3D matrix or prison is to let go of our lower destructive desires and reconnect with our 5D selves or higher. 4D is the astral plane from which we are all being manipulated, especially the lower astral. Here the demons and lizards reside preying upon us both in our waking and sleeping lives. Dying or sleeping are not the answers. We must awaken and overcome both death and deception, but will probably need divine help to do this, as most of us are weak. Praying and fasting are the only real ways out.
The hollow Earth is just another one of the devil's tricks to contain and control us. It is a fantasy and deception. When Jesus fasted in the desert 40 days, the devil brought him atop a high mountain and showed him ALL the world and offered it to him. If the world was a globe he would not be able to see its entirety, but if it was flat or level he would most definitely see all of it. Isaiah speaks of the CIRCLE of the Earth, not the ball or sphere. Circles can be flat. The biggest proof, however, is that water seeks its own level. That's why level instruments are used in construction work.
Let's face it, the Earth is a flat or level plane and possibly endless, or rather, it grows as we grow. In the 3D material world everything happens down here, not in space. There are other worlds with other suns beyond ours, but they are all down here, just farther away. Yes, there is an underground realm, but it's all in caves or tunnels, not in a spherical hollow Earth, and yes there is also an astral realm where we dream or where the departed go. This is the only realm that is curved or torroidal because it is not bound by physical laws. In the physical, everthing is a flat plane. There may be numerous flat planes above and below us and our universe may be one of countless in the cosmic ocean, but for now we are concerned with this one.
Ultimately we are our own individual Earths and Universes. We are just seeds now in early blossoming. In time we will become the masters of our own universe tending to our creations. It's all cyclical.
back to home
Quiroga - 213
If you want to progress...
If you want to progress and improve, then seek to add progress and improvements to the community in which your presence is located, regardless of its size, which can be reduced to relationships with your neighbors or family, or extend to huge groups of companies and institutions.
No one can progress at the expense of other people's misery, no one can be happy by producing unhappiness, the improvements you seek for yourself will result from your actions improving the health of your close relationships, and over time expanding to also improve the existence of people who most likely you will never know.
The greatest service you can provide to the world is your self-realization, which only becomes possible by satisfying the demands of the community.
Saturday, January 27, 2024
Quiroga - 212
Nervousness and irritation are resolved in practice, because if you continue thinking and thinking in an attempt to keep reason on your side, you need to recognize that on the other side people do the same, and this can only result in an impasse, which will add nervousness and irritation.
Discord has become the dominant note in human relationships, the result of the relativization of truth, which has become a mere point of view, subject to opinions, instead of continuing to occupy its place of universality, of the common space in which all people, even if they disagree, they find refuge and salvation from partiality.
One thing you can take for granted is that all nervousness and irritation feeds on self-centered selfishness, regardless of how legitimate the reasons that fuel them may seem.
Friday, January 26, 2024
Quiroga - 211
“We can only give what we have”, this lapidary and affirmative phrase feeds our laziness to improve, because although it is true, since we could not offer what we do not have, at the same time much of what we have is in potential state, and to express and “give what we have”, we also need to commit to developing our potential, without laziness.
Furthermore, the lack of self-government of our selfishness makes us more interested in taking than in giving, making us incapable of love, which is an offering.
Love is what is offered, and because it is offered, it is also received, but always in that sequence, never offered under the condition of being received.
Laziness makes us passive, and we live waiting for something to happen to us, for love to happen to us.
Laziness is the twin sister of inertia, be careful with them, because they both suggest comfort, minimal effort and self-indulgence, however, they lead us to create reasons, such as that “we can only give what we have”, which seem wise, but which only serve to justify us surrendering to our enemies, laziness and inertia.
It is not essential to suffer to develop our potential and be who we truly are, but without the self-government of our own selfishness and given over to inertia, we try to convince ourselves in every possible way that there is nothing more than that.
And because there is much more beyond that, we live oppressed, because at the end of the day, when we put our head on the pillow and are alone with our soul, we know that we could give much more than we convince ourselves we have to give.
To get what you want, avoid depending on circumstances beyond your control, but do everything you can, tirelessly, without fearing that the results will take time to appear.
Thursday, January 25, 2024
Quiroga - 210
May Divine Grace bless you and crown your endeavors with success, so that the benefits you reap are not exclusively for your private enjoyment, but that they radiate improvements and elevation to all people within your circle of influence, and that this effect encourages you to constantly expand your consciousness beyond your individual presence, towards the group.
Your individual happiness can only be the result of group happiness.
The replacement of individual consciousness by group consciousness is the spirit of our times, which is, in turn, the response to the call of the future, but individual consciousness, which is young and robust, resists in every possible way, with intelligent arguments built on concepts that are taken for granted and known, unquestionable, because if they are questioned the fabric of reality falls apart.
When the human being does not self-govern selfishness, selfishness governs the human being, who, in order not to declare himself a slave to his negligence, preserves everything in an uncertain and nebulous state enough to make a lot of room for himself in the therapy room, but without addressing selfishness directly, so that it continues there, being idolized.
Instead of compensation, there is pain for it. Selfishness doesn't pay.
The universe of ideas is wonderful, because it excites and offers the certainty that everything is fine in the best of all worlds. However, if we were born between heaven and earth just to think, our bodies would be very different.
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
USA Hidden Early Advanced Civilisation – Have Old World Buildings Been Destroyed Purposefully?

Here are some timestamps from the interview…
– 00:00:55 – Suppression of knowledge and technology from ancient civilizations
– 00:06:25 – Importance of questioning the official narrative
– 00:13:20 – Limitations of traditional education and the need for discernment
– 00:20:10 – Potential existence of advanced civilizations that were never taught in school
– 00:27:00 – Role of museums and organizations like the Smithsonian in controlling information
– 00:38:00 – Significance of sound frequencies, copper, and other materials in ancient technology and healing practices
– 00:45:00 – Potential benefits of adopting a more natural lifestyle
– 00:50:00 – Resources and channels for further exploration
– 00:55:00 – Conclusion and recommendations for further exploration
One thing I enjoyed about the interview is that it was more about asking questions than being told the “truth”.
When you begin to question things you’ve been taught are true, it helps spark your ability to actually think critically and become more empowered.
Our Daily Suicide
May the peace be with you. I apologize in advance for dealing, in the text below, with some negative themes instead of positive ones (the exposure of negativities can induce the emergence of these negativities in people), for repeating ideas already discussed by other people (repeated here to be put into perspective and in the context of this work), for my probable errors in certain speculations made (which each person can filter with their best intuition and enlighten us on this blog) and for writing a long text (which will require the exercise of your patience to digest entirely the material below). Rest assured that my intention is not to criticize, but just to present a path (of the many possible ones) that I see to move towards Perfect Health and Peace.
The human being is a creature that manipulates Energy. Energy, in general, has a tendency to disperse (a principle called "increased entropy"), but the Intelligence of the human Spirit is able to concentrate this energy and manifest it in the form of a human body. Under the influence of this (Holy) Spirit, the body carries out only correct activities, related, for example, to the growth of the fetus, blood circulation and the execution of all the basic unconscious activities of the body (breathing, digestion, elimination, immunological defense, etc). However, when we act consciously (through the manifestation of our particular Soul, catechized by the social environment), we can make mistakes (sins) that are reflected in the Physical Plane, adversely affecting our physical body. When we are born, we receive through our parents a "bank account" with a positive energy balance. During our life we need to properly manage this energetic bank account. If the energy balance becomes low, disease and aging will occur. If your balance reaches zero, or tries to become negative, you stop manifesting on the physical plane. It is important, therefore, to know how to avoid unnecessary energy expenditure, so as not to let our energy balance decrease too much. In this sense, I can identify three categories of human activities that contribute to unnecessary energy losses, dissipation and expenditure:
- Mutilations
- Blockages
- Poisoning
1. Mutilations ("Enter through the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and spacious is the way that leads to destruction and there are many who enter that way")
Mutilation, in the context used here, is cutting or tearing something from the body and throwing it away. I will not elaborate on the permanent mutilations that occur due to surgeries (I, for example, have already lost an appendix in a hernia operation, and almost lost my tonsils on another occasion). These interventions certainly alter/distort/block the correct flow of energy in our body. It constitutes a testament to the ignorance of current medical science about the causes of our physical illnesses ("Since I don't know how to cure it, I cut it and throw it away").
I will elaborate a little more on our periodic mutilations (some daily) that have the ability to recover, but at the cost of energy loss (reducing our energy balance, our vital energy). This involves the mutilation (cutting) of our hair, cuticles, beard and nails, and the plucking of hair from the eyebrows, armpits, legs and groin. Note that all of this is done to comply with the fashion accepted by society, and the vast majority of people accept, without question, this path (reread Matthew's proverb cited above). I believe that, even today, the example of Jesus Christ is valid (long hair and beard).
Many may argue that the energy loss/dissipation involved in this "damage recovery" is small and not relevant. I can't believe it: my maternal grandmother never cut her hair (she told me this personally) and lived well for 98 years (died 100 years old)! The Bible also cites a classic case (Samson lost his strength when Delilah cut his hair). Have you noticed that today, in Brazil, there is a trend in which women cut their hair shorter and shorter as they get older? Is that why they lose beauty in this process?
The most important thing, however, is the philosophical foundation behind the use of short hair. Everyone knows that when we greatly reduce the length of the internal antenna of a television set or car radio, it begins to receive electromagnetic waves present in the environment very poorly, reducing the quality of the image/sound captured. Well, our hair (and beards) work under the same principle: when extended (long) they facilitate our tune with the forces of Nature present in the environment; if short, this connection with the Whole (God) is lost (or severely damaged), allowing us to be manipulated more easily by those in power in society. We ended up accepting this (no one wants to be a black sheep in a flock of white sheep...remember Matthew!). Pay attention to your surroundings! Practically all armed forces on the planet require their members to have short hair, so that they can follow orders and not question them! The human body, when it detects a poison, has two possible attitudes: it tries to eliminate it quickly (vomiting, diarrhea) or it ends up isolating it. Those in power use the same tactic with the "bearded" ones: see Fidel Castro (attempt to eliminate him, followed by isolation) and the Afghan people (currently in the elimination phase). Coincidences? Be an attentive person. I will comment further on this matter, if any scholar is interested.
2. Blocks ("Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you in addition")
The Sun is the star responsible for all plant and animal life (including us) on Planet Earth. Set aside part of the day to take a "sunbath" (without the blocking of your clothes): your increase in vital energy is immediate, easily visible on your face [goodbye anemia...]. Solar radiation has all colors, and receiving it directly on the skin meets all the very complicated concepts of Chromotherapy. The Sun's ultraviolet radiation naturally produces our vitamin D. Did you know that in regions with little sunlight (higher latitudes) the incidence rate of breast, prostate and colon cancer is higher? (
Take an "air bath" (also without the blocking of your clothes) daily, where the air is raw (not in a sauna) and unpolluted. It can be taken simultaneously with sunbathing. Air is our most important material food, we don't live for many minutes without it (eliminate extreme cases of Yogis). Despite the air being available, free of charge, in abundance, we breathe poorly, generally in a very "superficial" way, and there are Yoga techniques to help us breathe better [pranayama]. Why do we breathe badly? I have a theory (criticism, please!): as babies, we breathe correctly (due to the manifestation of the spirit, without blockages); as we grow up, we are "educated" not to make noises, including when we breathe. However, many of us, when we sleep (without social pressure), make a big fuss with our breathing ("snoring"), which ends up doing us a lot of good, as seen when we wake up (Note: snoring is not normal, try to find out the causes of this!).
Our clothing is the source of countless blockages. Shoes isolate us from Mother Earth, interrupting the entry of energy through this means (preventing the increase in energy balance through this route). The longevity champion in Brazil (Maria do Carmo Jerônimo) passed away a few years ago (over 129 years old): she never wore shoes! See Japan, were people live longer: they don't use shoes indoors. Clothes partially block breathing through the outer skin, our second lung (we reabsorb part of the toxins eliminated by it!). The tightness of the garment over the body blocks the normal flow of body fluids (and energy): the blood is more difficult to stop, as it is driven by the heart, but the lymph does not have this "pump" to propel it! Therefore, for it, these tightenings are much more critical and can lead, if chronic, to serious illnesses (such as breast and prostate cancer, for example). Therefore, be careful with tight spots: caps, hats, ties, bras, panties, underwear, belts, shoes. Men, wear suspenders and imitate women by wearing sandals! Women, wear dresses instead of skirts and pants, and throw away your bra (the worst tightness is the one made via elastic!).
There are places where you can eliminate all obstacles imposed by clothing: they are called "nudist camps". I confess that in the past I had several preconceptions about this subject (exhibitionism, neurotics about sex,...); however, during my high school years [5th to 8th grade, currently], my house was a nudist camp (me, my father and my mother were always naked)! Today, I observe that that was very good for my psychological training, as I began to see the opposite sex in a more natural, unneurotized way. In Brazil, I heard that there are several of these camps on the coast (Santa Catarina, Paraíba, etc.).
We are made with arms and legs, move them! If just thinking were important, we could just have our heads fixed somewhere, like some molluscs! Failure to move leads to stagnation (blockage) of fluids in the body. Massages can help with unblocking (Ex: acupuncture, do-in, shiatsu, sex, etc.). Movement is life and life is movement! See how the birds behave throughout the day!
3. Poisoning ("Be careful! You're digging your grave with your teeth!")
This is the activity that steals the most energy from us, in general. The way of life called breatharianism - living only on light and air - aims to eliminate our energy losses in this regard.
Our genetic code (DNA) identifies the particles that come into contact with the body in two ways: it is nutrition or it is poison! Particles that have been subjected to temperatures far removed from those of the human body are identified as poison (they do not have enzymes)! It is not a living particle, but a dead particle for our body (if it belongs to ingested food, its seed will no longer germinate, in a suitable environment!). Jesus, in the "Essene Gospel of Peace", makes clear the commandment "Thou shalt not kill": do not kill your fellow man, do not kill animals (do not eat meat, therefore be vegetarian) and do not kill your food (do not raise it to a temperature above that of your body). The commandment "Thou shalt not kill" should be understood as "Thou shalt not kill one's own body." Therefore, eat your food raw and, preferably, only from the plant kingdom. Why from the plant kingdom (eliminating breast milk, after the baby stage, eggs and honey)? The hidden explanation is: animals have a more evolved (greater) sensitivity than plants; if we ingest particles from these two kingdoms, we will have to "enslave" them so they remain, "without revolts" [without generating diseases], in our body. It is easier to "enslave" plant particles, due to their lower sensitivity. A ripe fruit is asking to be eaten, don't you think? And you don't kill the fruit tree to eat the fruit! Love all things in heaven and on earth, for they are all manifestations of God! Unconditional love! Participate in the Life Conservation Principle!
Sound can be a poison or a balm for the body. If there is adequate harmony, it can even destroy cancer cells (see; if it is without harmony (noise) it is energetically debilitating. An experience that everyone has had: you are in an environment where a tinnitus is present, but you are not alert to it. Suddenly the source of noise (e.g. a running engine) is turned off. You have instant conscious relief! What happened? The energy that your body was dissipating to neutralize the noise was no longer wasted, increasing your energy balance instantly! There is no disco in a monastery! Great discoveries aren't made in nightclubs!
Water is a divine substance, which complements our holy trinity (Sun, Air and Water). Our physical body is made up of more than 70% water, just like the surface of our Mother Earth. JC fasted in the desert for 40 days (in the presence of Sun and Air) and then he was hungry (he felt the need for Water). Take a "water bath" on your outer skin daily, if possible pure and raw. The purest water to drink is found in raw wild fruits and rain. Have you ever noticed the similarity between the faces of some elderly people and the dry, sun-blasted bed of a dam? Both have deep grooves, the result of chronic lack of water (dehydration: a place that had water and no longer has water). In humans, this dehydration occurs at the cellular level. When we are born, our water (properly structured) penetrates and leaves our cells without problems. As we advance in age and accumulate the problems of our mistakes, this free movement is hampered. Why specifically does this occur? There are several theories that try to explain this, which we can discuss later.
Our inner skin (mucosa) tends to expel mucus (to defend itself from toxins, using toxins!). In the mouth, for example, it is common for mucus to concentrate in a plaque at the base of the teeth; if not removed (via brushing), this plaque hardens and turns into tartar; This, if not removed, irritates the gums (causing gingivitis), which then bleeds easily. In the intestines (small and large/colon) this also occurs, much more aggravated due to our daily oral intake of poisons; As we don't brush or wash this area (since birth!), a thick crust ("tartar" or giant "amalgam") of mucus and crystallized feces is formed, which continually poisons our body fluids, even if we start eating exclusively of fresh air! The irritation in the intestinal mucous membranes can be so great that we can expel blood along with the feces (similar to cases of gingivitis!). It is, therefore, important to wash the intestines with water, mixed with salt and orally, using the Hindu method ("Shanka Prashalana"), and/or with pure water via the anus (colon therapy/enema, as suggested by JC, in the Essene Gospel of Peace).
As you may have noticed (be a careful person!), my observations and recommendations above refer to actions on the physical plane. I believe they can give very good results in this realm. However, every manifestation on the physical plane is preceded by conscious "taking positions" in two other fields: thought (via the mind) and, after it, the corresponding feeling/emotion/faith/attitude. Be careful and watch your thoughts, using your free will! The thought, maintained for a certain time, will generate the corresponding feeling/emotion/faith, which will then generate the physical manifestation/action. For men, it is very easy to verify this sequence of events: think, for a while, of an erotic scene!
In view of this expansion of the fields in which we must be careful, we see that there are also mutilations/blockages/poisoning at the levels of thought and emotion/feeling/attitude/faith. Our action and learning on the physical plane is just a first step towards the health, happiness and peace we all desire. Note that disharmony between our three planes can lead to the emergence of tensions (stress)/depressions, which rob us of energy, reducing our vital energy balance. Note, too, that excess of anything is harmful [one can "die laughing" (literally), just as one can "die of fear" (literally)].
We are sons/daughters of God and, therefore, we potentially have the same correct qualities that we attribute to Him. We call God (JC also called Him Father) the very evolved being who created us from an experience with genetic material from our Mother. All evolved human beings never had (and will never have) tombs, such as JC, Apollonius of Tyana, Saint Germain, Babaji, etc. Cemetery is a place for suicides!
Think, get emotional and act correctly.
May the peace be with you.
Quiroga - 209
Grow beyond yourself, because if your existence remains self-absorbed, always revolving around your (our) little selfishness, you will lose the opportunity to know the graceful mysteries of Life, in which you are a particle and because you are a particle of it, Life understands you , but from your particular point of view it is virtually impossible for you to understand Life.
To understand Life you need to grow beyond yourself and get closer to It, leave the diverse particularity and see life through the eyes of Life, as it is, One, the same, always and forever.
Grow beyond yourself and, at the same time, you will get closer to your soul (future) and take a prudent distance from your personality (past), made in the image and likeness of your ancestors, who, as you do now, strived to become adapt to their time, but because they did not imagine the future, which is the world in which you currently exist, much of what they taught you no longer has positive application, and you need to grow beyond yourself and do what your ancestors did not do, launch yourself into the future with empty hands, with an open chest and produce a complete renewal of concepts, opinions and questions, which, because they were automatically given and taken for granted, turned into losses.
Your personality is made in the image and likeness of your ancestors, your soul is made of the future of approaching the One Life.
Who do you think should be in charge, your personality or your soul?
Now is one of those moments when your soul should not do without anyone's help, going against the eternal inclination to be independent and act autonomously, never having to explain to anyone.
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
The Matrix Blames YOU For Your Suffering!
One of the many aspects of this matrix that I find very manipulative and deceptive is how it will always find a way to blame YOU for any suffering, trauma or lack.
These masquerading entities, and also just general folk within New Age arenas, will constantly gaslight their victims and at the point of death telling them that 'they chose' their experiences or that they 'signed contracts in order to learn lessons'. Or even worse that it is 'their karma'.
When you study these NDE's you always find the same themes. They want you to believe that there is nothing inherently wrong with this realm and that all your issues and problems have nothing to do with the fact that this reality is set up to make things difficult on purpose!
Even in the self improvement field it is always about what you're lacking or need to work on. Whilst Im not saying we shouldn't because ultimately it can help our experience here, it doesnt go to the root cause of why people need to self improve in the first place!
The fact is that many people have been subject to so many different types of traumas. Others may have grown up in complete poverty. The list goes on. Im sure if this realm was a bit more 'user friendly' then all this self improvement wouldn't be necessary in the first place!
In the video below I break down an NDE testimonial where a woman explains how entities told her that she CHOSE 17 years of suffering and an incredible amount of illness. These NDE break downs are so important because we dont want to leave anything to chance this time around!
I think its important to see things how they are. Yet these entities and people within New Age/Spiritual arena want to tell you that this place is a some kind of Utopia!
Im not saying you shouldn't try and enjoy it because we need to but lets not kid ourselves as to what this place really is!
Love, care, courage.
Tony Sayers
Quiroga - 208
The broader and more inclusive your vision of ongoing events, the more skillful your soul will be in the self-government of selfishness and the more benefits your presence will produce for the community in which, whether you accept it or not, your presence is inserted.
Due to the misfortune of continuing to place individuality above the interests of the community, we also continue to support a civilization that adds misfortune to misfortune, while we pretend that we don't know why this happens.
It is not a question of devaluing individuality, nor of depriving it of its rights and prerogatives, but of establishing a scale of values in which what is universal and community is above individual demands, especially those that, in order to be satisfied, happen to the detriment of what is common to us, of public space, of the health of the community's social relationships.
There is a right instrument for every need, a possible solution for each and every problem, nothing is insurmountable between heaven and earth for our humanity, there are only gradations between complications.
Monday, January 22, 2024
Movement, grounding and sauna
Illuminati and Extraterrestrials
Sunday, January 21, 2024
Quiroga - 207
Right now, by your side, countless things happen that go unnoticed for the simple reason that you don't have the necessary words in your mind to conceptualize them.
It turns out that our humanity only perceives what is framed in words, and if it eventually needs to perceive something beyond, then it also needs to construct new words and, even more so, stop using words that denote realities that are no longer necessary, or that, if repeated , produce unnecessary harm.
It's not about revising the language, but about paying attention to our speech, because inevitably the words we use most create the reality in which we are trapped, this is inevitable.
Could it be different? It could! But to be greater than the words we use, we need to develop the capacity and willingness to transcend our own minds, and get closer intentionally and practically to the Divine, who makes the architecture of all words. The Verb.
Shine, without shame or fear of people knowing that, inside, your soul doesn't feel like much. It is unnecessary to be the brightest person in the world to radiate this condition, each person has their own shine
Saturday, January 20, 2024