Monday, January 08, 2024


 Internet of Dead Bodies

Dear Reader,


At a veteran's cemetery, a cellphone's Bluetooth app displays several nodes in the immediate vicinity, where there is nothing but the graves of recently-buried soldiers. It appears that the graphene nano circuitry from the Death Shot is still transmitting Bluetooth signals from the corpses six feet below.

As discussed by Todd Callender, an attorney who has been defending military victims of vaccine tyranny, his team discovered that coronavirus is actually a patented device that was designed to be the backbone of the infrastructure of the Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN).

They also found a patent for harvesting energy from the WBAN and, indeed that all of the manmade viruses, like HIV and SARS-CoV-2 have their own IP addresses and all of the 'vaccine' ingredients have IP addresses, as do most over-the-counter medications, such as allergy pills – and that all of these drugs' IP addresses are connecting to supercomputers owned by IBM and Microsoft.

You can download a WBAN energy-harvesting phone app right now, at Inpersona that bills itself as "The First Web3 dApp that uses your heartbeat to mine crypto…You are a Crypto Mining Machine."

It is Bill Gates' Patent 060606 brought to life.

Todd says that, whether they’re harvesting the electromagnetic energy that we emit or they’re bombarding us with electromagnetic energy to alter our state, the common denominator is the telecommunications industry and it appears to him that the Swedish telecom, Ericsson is the primary culprit, along with Huawei that have a global monopoly on 5G.

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