Tuesday, January 23, 2024

The Matrix Blames YOU For Your Suffering!

 One of the many aspects of this matrix that I find very manipulative and deceptive is how it will always find a way to blame YOU for any suffering, trauma or lack. 

These masquerading entities, and also just general folk within New Age arenas, will constantly gaslight their victims and at the point of death telling them that 'they chose' their experiences or that they 'signed contracts in order to learn lessons'. Or even worse that it is 'their karma'.

When you study these NDE's you always find the same themes. They want you to believe that there is nothing inherently wrong with this realm and that all your issues and problems have nothing to do with the fact that this reality is set up to make things difficult on purpose!

Even in the self improvement field it is always about what you're lacking or need to work on. Whilst Im not saying we shouldn't because ultimately it can help our experience here, it doesnt go to the root cause of why people need to self improve in the first place! 

The fact is that many people have been subject to so many different types of traumas. Others may have grown up in complete poverty. The list goes on. Im sure if this realm was a bit more 'user friendly' then all this self improvement wouldn't be necessary in the first place!

In the video below I break down an NDE testimonial where a woman explains how entities told her that she CHOSE 17 years of suffering and an incredible amount of illness. These NDE break downs are so important because we dont want to leave anything to chance this time around! 


I think its important to see things how they are. Yet these entities and people within New Age/Spiritual arena want to tell you that this place is a some kind of Utopia! 

Im not saying you shouldn't try and enjoy it because we need to but lets not kid ourselves as to what this place really is!

Love, care, courage.

Tony Sayers

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