Saturday, March 09, 2024


Some massonic sources report that the Earth is flat and stationary, and protected by something solid (a dome) called the Firmament. At the top of the firmament (highest height from the flat surface of the Earth) there is a star (light) called Polaris ("The All-Seeing Eye"), the center of Creation. Sun and Moon are concentrations of light (not solid or liquid substances) below the Firmament with the following characteristics (the same for both): diameter = 32 miles (about 52 kilometers), height from the flat Earth surface = 3,300 miles ( approximately 5,310 kilometers). The Sun and Moon are energized by radiation from the Black Sun, which lies below the Earth's flat surface, but exits into the Earth's atmosphere through an opening in the Earth's North Pole, occasionally generating the Northern Lights. The interference between the radiations of the Black Sun and Polaris generates the luminous places called the Sun and Moon. Above the Firmament (made of a bluish solid material = "sky ice"), space is filled with water. The lights, called stars or planets, are in this location and, therefore, when seen from any telescope on Earth, they change shape due to the movement of these waters.

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