Sunday, March 10, 2024

The Problem and the Solution

"In the Universe nothing happens by chance"

"In Life there are no failures or successes, only events", Osho

The life of each of us is made up of a sequence of events. Events do not occur by chance, because, if that were the case, the Universe would be chaos, which we observe is not the case. We tend to judge the events we observe according to our "scale of values", giving them labels such as success, failure, problem, bad event, good event, happy event, sad event, etc.

Since our physical body was a gift we received from God, we can literally consider ourselves Children of God, and we always have the characteristics we attribute to God present with us. Throughout life, we tend to set certain goals to achieve. When trying to achieve these goals, we often face certain situations that we label as problems. Certainly, the loving and all-powerful Creator God does not place problems in our path that are greater than our ability to solve them. However, it may happen that we try to solve a problem by following a strategy that we set a priori, but that never works, no matter how much effort we put into finding the solution. When this happens, it is because loving forces more powerful than us are trying to show us that the solution lies in another direction, which we are not considering at the moment. Therefore, on this occasion it is time to carry out a self-analysis to see if we are behaving in the best possible way to face the problem we are experiencing. In general, we only start to do this self-analysis when the problem is already quite serious, otherwise we will continue to go on with the uncomfortable situation. Problems usually arise due to our adoption of inappropriate habits and the solution usually requires us to change our inappropriate habits to new habits, more suitable to face the problem that bothers us. However, changing habits is often complicated, as habits are our "second nature". The hardest habits to break are the ones that bring us the most pleasure. However, conscious effort is the price we need to pay to evolve throughout life, to become a suitable representative of God here on Earth. No evolution comes for free! Life comes to us for free (given by God) and that is probably why we tend not to give it the appropriate value, treating our physical body (the divine gift) in a improper way (slowly killing it every day, in the search for pleasure)...

Why do problems arise in our life? Everything that occurs is an effect, which has a cause. The cause of any problem is something that we put into march previously, in this life or in past incarnations (karmic problems). No one is a "poor innocent" in this story, everyone "conquered" what happens to themselves, things (labeled) good or bad. Jesus, knowing all this, left all insoluble problems to be solved by the Father (Abba), "His will be done, and not mine", because God's will is always correct and ours is, often, wrong... and insisting on the error is stupidity...

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