Thursday, April 18, 2024

Quiroga - 294


Summarily reject the obligation to be a successful person all the time, because this is an artificial posture that makes you suffer needlessly, since your own constitution, integrated into the Life in which you move and experience being, determines that your mood is fluctuating, throbbing in the same rhythm as the palpitations of Life and, therefore, even though there is an artificial agenda (exalted as the Matrix, but which is nothing more than an agenda) that reduces you to a gear that needs to continue fulfilling its functions despite not feeling well, you have the potential capacity to navigate this oscillation naturally, because this is your real reality, and not the artifice that tries to convince you that you should always be a successful person, punishing you with the fear of not feeling that way .

It's not about being successful or unsuccessful, it's about living according to the oscillating flows of life in which our experience of being develops, and understanding and accepting that the more we try to adjust to an artifice, the less life we have to live with, because our time is wasted fulfilling rituals, protocols, etiquettes and liturgies for which we feel no inclination.

It is precisely because people imagine that the truth is always on the side of their preferences and sympathies that no one ends up understanding each other, and they impose the view that truth does not exist, that it is something relative.

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