Sunday, April 21, 2024

The Laws of Life - 2

   Source: Luiz Gasparetto and Lúcio Morigi, Calunga reveals As Leis da Vida, Gráfica Vida e Consciência, 2015. ISBN: 978-85-7722-443-2

2. Law of Transformation: EVERYTHING CHANGES

Nothing is static in the universe. Nothing is constant in the universe. The only constant thing is the Law. Everything changes, everything is in motion, everything is always new. Whether you like it or not, everything will change in your life, whether the times are good or bad. Everything is momentary, everything is circumstantial.

If everything is unique and everything changes, what is past is past. I'm sorry, but that wonderful moment you had was unique and will not happen again. That suffering will no longer happen like that. It may be similar if you don't change your beliefs and attitudes, but it won't be the same.

What does that mean? That the new always comes, that the past is gone, that the past has become an illusion. That's why lamenting is so bad. Whoever sings his evils expells and whoever laments his evils increases.

And that's why homesickness is so harmful. Having a good memory of moments from childhood or youth, it's ok. You feel good, tell others and even laugh.

But suffering from homesickness? Are you regretting what happened in the past? You know that person who loves to talk about a drama they've been through? Anyone who likes to praise the past is stuck there. And those who are trapped don't move forward. Thus, the present, which is real, where we can really transform, build something positive, is nullified, and the future, which depends on the present, will be compromised.

Everything changes. You are no longer the same as you were a minute ago. The whole universe is just movement. If everything changes, memory is just an illusion. What you kept from your childhood, bad or good, doesn't count anymore, unless you keep feeding it with regret, then it counts for the worst. You kept the fact with the mind you had at the time, in the circumstances that existed at the time.

Today, however, your head is different, the circumstances are different and none of that exists anymore, except in your memory, like a computer file, taking up the space destined for new projects. Send all of this to the trash and also delete what is in the trash. Empty the memory to make room for the new.

Do you want to keep something from the past? So, just keep the photographs, so that every now and then you can get together with your friends and die laughing at your clothes, your hair, how thin you were.

The head you had in the past was supposed to be exactly what it was. Everything you did or didn't do was perfect. You did what you knew. It wasn't supposed to be any different. So, it is foolish to keep lamenting, because, because it is an illusion, it harms the present and, consequently, your advancement.

There's a reason you want to repeat. It's to feel safe. When you know the terrain you are walking on, there is more security. In fact, it is a false security, because the terrain is no longer the same, it has already changed. So, you will repeat it and you will get hurt because you become disillusioned.

Realize the great variability, the great diversity of life, and do you want to do it again? Don't want to change? There are people who change to improve and there are people who don't change to avoid getting worse. The situation is not good, but it's better not to touch it because it could get worse. Which case do you fit into? Those who are accommodating, those who are averse to change, will always have a mediocre life.

Another big illusion is wanting to plan the future. This is as illusory as living in the past. Today you have one head, next month it will no longer be the same.

When we realize that everything is unique, that everything changes, we will no longer hold on to anything or anyone. Detachment is not having material goods. Detachment is not getting attached to ideas, to anything, to anyone. Those who get attached remain stuck, trapped and do not progress in any area of life.

Detachment is the faculty of not being attached to ideas, it has nothing to do with the use of material goods. Without a doubt, you need to have common sense to deal with material possessions so that they do not dominate you. However, it is not the fact of having possessions that characterizes attachment, but the fact of being trapped in the collective mentality, in the lower mentality, where many people's beliefs resonate according to which materiality is everything, disregarding the existence of the spiritual.

Detachment is the faculty of changing the frequency of the mental apparatus, from the lower mental to the Higher Mental. Joy is the good tuning of the Soul's frequency. Discouragement and sadness result from thoughts and ideas characteristic of the lower mental, where illusions abound.

Attached is a person who is dominated by common sense, by the collective mind, by the lower mental, such as the person who cultivates the following ideas: only what counts is the material; I'm a woman, so I can do this, I can't do that; this is immoral, that is not; I am a father, so I must act like this; I'm married, so I can't do this, that; I'm a businessman, so I have to behave like this; I'm religious, so I should and shouldn't do this or that.

When you're in a good moment, enjoy it intensely, because it will change. When you're going through a bad time, relax, because that too will change. Therefore, wanting to control is pure lack of common sense, because how is it possible to control something that will certainly change?

So let go, relax. Let go of the past so you don't suffer from anguish. Let go of the future so you don't have anxiety. All of this negatively interferes with the present and hinders the process of materializing what you so desire. The past is something of the mind that hinders the spirit from acting.

The spirit only comes into action in the materialization process when the mind does not interfere. Spirit and mind do not occupy the same space. The two don't mix. It's either one or the other. The spirit always obeys. Since it is subtle, it always gives way to something denser. In this way, let go, give in, don't resist, so that your spirit can act.

If everything transforms, if everything changes, what is the reason for you to cling to someone, something, facts, ideas? It doesn't make any sense, does it? Attachment is just an illusion in your fantasy. It's wanting to make yours something that isn't. You have nothing but what is within you.

When we like someone or something, it is the real soul liking that someone or something. The soul feels a phenomenon of identification. I am the thing and the thing is me, so familiar is the feeling of liking, the feeling of love. It's so familiar that the soul thinks it's this thing.

So, she feels like she has it or makes every effort to have it, but because she doesn't have it, because it's not possible, because everything passes, everything is independent, we always have a great disappointment. Therefore, do not confuse the feeling of empathy with the object or person you love, with possession. You only have the feeling, the empathy. You cannot and will never be able to have anything.

All the material things you enjoy are temporary, because everything decomposes, everything transforms, even more so with the acceleration of technology. When it's here, it has its value and you enjoy it. You have a device that plays music. You have the use of it until the day the device is no longer usable. Then it ended. Only the rest of the flavor remains, and this also ends.

[to be continued]

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