Sunday, April 07, 2024

Tony Sayers: Exit The Matrix

 I hope you are having a relaxing weekend so far. 

When coming across information about how the World works and what is taking place here it can be quite disheartening which is probably an understatement!

But for those brave enough to go to the deepest, darkest trenches of this realm I strongly feel that there is gold at the bottom of it all. 

Once you understand the deceptions and tricks of this Ma-TRIX then it loses a lot of its power. What that means for you is youre able to protect and shield yourself from its manipulations. Ultimately I believe this can lead to freedom. 

Don't get me wrong there are other things we need to be doing such as the inner work, energy training and suchlike but when you understand the mechanisms and start to embody what I refer to as a more sovereign frequency then the game starts to change.

I talk about all of this and more in this weeks live Q&A where you can listen to at the link below

Really this is a message of hope in that I don't believe anyone is permanently 'trapped' here. We have just been tricked through an incredible charade. 

Enjoy this lifetime, do the things you love, get out in Nature and live your dreams. Don't let the Matrix and these entities steel your joy. They have already stolen more than enough!

Love, care, courage.

Tony Sayers

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