Monday, August 12, 2024

Quiroga - 400


No matter how many flat-earthers and malicious disseminators of fake news there are, as a normal currency of our not so enlightened nor much less advanced civilization, the voice of Mother Nature still makes itself heard loud and clear, but like everything that concerns our humanity, only those who want to pay attention, and especially those who have the good will to align themselves with something bigger than their own navel, will pay attention. Gardeners and farmers have proven that nature is behaving strangely. It is no longer predictable as before, nor are the cycles the same. If nature behaves strangely, it is clear that we will also behave outside the normal curve. There is no point in living in cities to protect ourselves from this strangeness, because no human being, no matter how obtuse and dense, can escape being an integral part of this intelligent and unified body that is nature, because we all move and experience being in it, and we exist thanks to it, and without it, only misfortune remains.

No matter how much we have placed great faith in our technological devices and machinery that would make us superior to nature, Mother continues to be herself, the intelligent and sophisticated body in which we all move and are, so rise above ignorance and abandon all your fears to have an intimate conversation with your being, without adding or taking anything away, just being what, for now, your understanding allows you to be, but responding affirmatively to the desire to grow and connect with something greater than yourself, because in this way you will rediscover the greater connections that need to be updated, and from now on also preserved.

The important thing is to do it, even if it is not done well, because if the ideal is still far from happening, each step you take, each practical action you take, even if imperfect, will serve the objective.

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