Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Quiroga - 402


Despite all the discussions and controversies that relativize the concepts of good and evil, as if they were instances of life devoid of their own existence and resulted only from an individualized perception, there is, however, a single universal parameter to be the reference that determines what good and evil are, and this truth makes them absolute, at least at first, because we will soon see that the only absolute is good, since evil relativizes everything.

Good is that which produces auspicious effects for the greatest possible number of people and ingredients of nature, while evil is that which produces distortions and adversities for many, for the mere fact of having been undertaken with a view to a particular benefit, to the detriment of what could have been done in the name of the majority.

In other words, evil seeks a benefit. Good never seeks harm.

The very individualistic relativization of the concepts of good and evil is, therefore, an evil in itself, because instead of helping to reach agreements and produce unity, and from unity we all benefit from the inclusive expansion of consciousness, the stance points to the sense that we have nothing in common, and that we have to exist isolated in our individual capsules, producing suffering, discouragement and adversity for everyone, because, after all, we may not like each other, but even so, the problems that we have to solve, we will only solve them together, and not each one for himself.

Good exists without evil, but evil does not exist without good, because it lives in opposition, and through opposition it cannot free itself from good in order to exist, dedicating itself to distorting it through the undue appropriation of what could be distributed for the greater glory of all.

Good, in turn, is independent, dedicating itself to doing what is necessary for the greater glory of all, without excluding anyone.

Those who want to fight against good are evil, for good, evil is indifferent to it.

By doing what is possible, you will make great progress. By doing what is ideal, you will make less progress, because the conditions are not perfect. Despite imperfections, there will be progress if you arm yourself with good will and do what is necessary.

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