Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Quiroga - 401


Consciousness is a replica of the entire functioning of the Cosmos, and for this very reason it is still a mystery to us, because we want to understand what it is as if we could observe it as if we were observing an object separate from us, when we can only understand it from within, and in a way that allows us to step outside ourselves, beyond our limited understanding, and suddenly understand everything at the same time, to see everything that happens in the infinite and the infinitesimal at the same time without any perception overriding the other.

Consciousness is this, the supreme power to understand all the connections that link the infinite and the infinitesimal, and because we understand them we also acquire the ability to navigate wherever we want, whenever we want, under the influence of our will.

Our misfortune is the fear of losing sight of the isolated island of individuality to which we cling as if it were a life preserver while it ties us to ignorance.

Thanks to consciousness, all human beings are potentially a complete cosmic experience, but the game consists of approaching consciousness from within, and of one's own free will, either because we are tired of ignorance and suffering limitations, or because we respond to this aspiration to know the “something greater” that we sense, without knowing how to define this premonition.

Accessing consciousness is not an experience that develops by itself, by the mere effect of being born human, nothing like that. Consciousness needs to be approached because we want it to be and for that we make an effort.

From within, embodying consciousness itself.

Whatever needs to be done, face it with the greatest possible good will, because necessity is the true mother of destiny, while desires always seek to usurp this place as mother of destiny.

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