Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Antônio Delfim Netto

Economist (academic and politician) Antônio Delfim Netto died in São Paulo on August 12, 2024, at the age of 96. I like to analyze the lives of long-lived people, because we can usually draw important conclusions for a healthier life. Delfim was, and always has been, fat. As a general rule, fat people live short lives. Delfim was an exception to this rule. He certainly compensated for this deficiency with some lifestyle habits that contributed to his health. Another relevant fact is that Delfim Netto died with a lot of hair on his head, he never went bald, and he never got married.

When they are born, boys and girls have a lot of hair on their heads. Girls, as a general rule, keep their hair until death and never go bald. Boys, on the other hand, often start to have hair problems from adolescence onwards, losing hair and going bald. Since God did not favor women in the hair sector, in relation to men, there are some male habits that are harmful to health that are not shared by women. Another relevant fact is that women, in all countries of the world, without exception, live, on average, longer than men (there are many more widows than widowers in the world). Therefore, what are the healthy female habits that make them live longer than men, without going bald?

In my opinion, there are two main factors that make women live longer than men, and they also make men live longer if they imitate women in these aspects. First point: in all countries of the world, without exception, women have, on average, longer hair than men. How does this contribute to greater longevity? The Bible gives a clue: Samson lost his strength when Delilah cut his long hair, which had never been cut since he was born. Jesus also had long hair. The scientific explanation is as follows: hair is a filamentary electromagnetic antenna whose efficiency in capturing environmental energy increases with the greater the length of the hair. Therefore, ideally, keeping all other variables the same (diet, exercise, lifestyle habits), those who keep longer hair will live longer.

But Delfim Netto never had long hair, he always had it short! This is where the second fundamental factor for longevity comes in: sex. Men go bald because they practice sex differently from women: men are active and women are passive. More specifically: men, in their activity, tend to ejaculate semen outside of themselves (a huge waste of energy), which does not happen with women. This is why men go bald and women do not. I have information, from a reliable source, that Delfim Netto was a passive homosexual. Men should not avoid sex, they should just avoid ejaculating during sexual intercourse.

Tags: baldness, Delfim Netto, ejaculation, longevity, sex

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