Friday, August 16, 2024

Quiroga - 404


No matter how rational you think you are, because rationality is the specific characteristic that makes us human, in some existential sphere you are absolutely passionate, for the mere fact that you cling to certain characteristics of reality, vigorously affirming that there is nothing superior to them, and furthermore, this passion convinces you that if the world does not embrace your same devotion it is because it is mistaken, and from then on you arm yourself with rational arguments to try to explain what, in practice, is an absolutely passionate act.

Human passion is not a defect of nature, considering that reason should be our bastion, nothing like that!

Human passion is integrated into a cosmic current of devotion to the sacred, to the sublime, to the pristine perfection of how everything works in this colossal organism we call the Universe. However, like everything else that results from our limited understanding, we appropriate passion, just as we try to appropriate everything, and we profane it with our trivialization, leading it to spurious objectives, embracing the wrong causes, which are wrong because they do not contemplate the good of the world, but only a private, selfish and self-centered satisfaction, which even demonstrates a certain vigor and glory, but of a petty and ignorant kind.

In order not to be profane, devotion must lead us to something greater than ourselves.

The circumstances that prevent you from doing what you would consider essential must be respected, because even if they are uncomfortable, they represent destiny trying to guide your steps. Try to walk with good will.

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