Sunday, August 06, 2023

Composition of Firmament

In 1990, Italian geologist Angelo Pitoni purchased strange blue stones from a Fula Chief in Sierra Leone in West Africa. The tribe claimed the rocks came from the sky. 

Pitoni returned home to Europe and brought the mysterious rocks to a university for testing. 

The results showed the stones didn’t match any known mineral. The researchers couldn’t explain why the rocks retained a blue color. When a small piece was pulverized and viewed under a microscope, there was no blue color visible. Heating the stone to high temperatures would not alter the mineral. Acids would not break it down. 

Further analysis showed that 77.17% of the stone was Oxygen. The remaining composition was Carbon, Calcium, and an unknown organic compound. The age of the Sky Stones may be as much as 55,000 years old.

Note: This material seems like a blue ice. That is the reason we see a blue sky (firmament).

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