Thursday, August 03, 2023

Quiroga - 40



History is not kind to humans who play at being Divinities, convinced that they were anointed with the wisdom to decide the fate of the human kingdom and the celestial orbits, History demonstrates that worldly glory is transitory and that everything that rises ends up falling , with its due bang of inevitability, yet worldly power remains the trap into which a long succession of the unwary keep falling, each convinced with the same conviction as all their predecessors, that this time it will be different, because the Divine light came, warned, confirmed and approved. Still, the glory of the world remains transitory.

It is legitimate to aspire to glory, we know that it is our destiny, and we abhor misery, we superstitiously avoid contact with it, but since we seek glory in its reflection and not in its source, we become miserable.

Material progress that is not accompanied by spiritual progress is the trap that our humanity has not yet deactivated, and even having historical evidence that conquering worldly power without advancing in the loving understanding of how the Life of all lives works is the abyss where all the good intentions that pave the way to hell goes, yet our humanity keeps falling into the same trap.

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