Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Sex to Live Forever

Through the practice of the principles of sexual science, mental science and hygiene, eternal life, health and youth are attainable. Man has now evolved the capacity to perpetuate his own individual life, as well as the race. As the race is perpetuated by sexual union, so also is the individual life. Sex is the fountain of life.

Sexual intercourse has two separate, distinct and important functions, the generative and the regenerative function. The generative function perpetuates the race; the regenerative function, perpetuates the individuals participating. Man and woman have a definite choice of the results obtained in sex union, and if they wish, through the regenerative function may renew their lives. Regeneration denotes a renewal of the body and a perpetuation of life. Abstinence, however, from sexual expression does not constitute regeneration. Renewed life results only from proper expression. 

The generative association should take place only when a child is desired. While this is true, however, the sexual desire and capacity of mankind are far in excess of generative requirement. The desire has evolved the capacity to continue life. Instead of repressing creative force, understand its purpose and express it wisely, distinguishing between the procreative and the recreative desires. Regeneration is the culmination of  constant effort toward more perfect life. The regenerative relation can only be satisfactorily sustained by harmonious preparation of mind and body on the part of both man and woman. Look forward to this sacred hour with an exalted ideal of the sexual relation.

For days or even weeks before this purposeful union, think of the glow of health and the charm of beauty, thus preparing the vital forces for that perfect exchange essential to regeneration.

All the powers of body and soul are concentrated and blended in a true sexual union but without wise diretion, they are wasted. In the generation act, this power is used for the creation of another being; in the regenerative act, the vital power is controlled for the accession of new life to the participants. This union of the soul forces is only possible where love rules.

At the time set apart for the regenerative act, lay aside all thought of the customary duties or employments of the day, and consecrate every force to the high purpuse. The attraction should be mutual; and to bring out the highest love of each, devote at least an hour to reciprocal expressions of affection. Let every word and act be characterized by reverence for the creative nature. The occasion is worthy of the highest possible conceptions of the mind, because this union is the gateway to eternal life. Dedicate the approaching act by mutual affirmation to the complete regeneration of life. Entertain a definite ideal of the perfected regenerated body.

This union should be made quietly, reverently and under perfect control. Its object is to exchange, but not to expend, the life force characteristic of each sex, and to dedicate this creative power to perpetuating the present life.

To effect this vital exchange, the customary crisis of the procreative act is not only unnecessary, but must be avoided. Let conversation or silent concentration regarding mutual regeneration, divert the mind from physical sensations. The regenerative act is a superb and intense expression of the will to live forever. Every thrilling nerve conveys an unfailing demand for the elixir of life. In this most vital and supreme act of existence, and in the wonderful tranquility that follows it, will come perfect realization of creative power.

Under harmonious conditions the quiet exchange completely fulfills the needs of mind and body. Then will occur that transmutation of creative energy into magnetism, which may be directed to the upbuilding of either mind or body.

Let the intention of renewal be in each caress, giving it the special power possessed by virtue of sex. As strenght is born through expression (action), passivity becomes foreign to the regenerative act. In the pure joy of conscious giving, when both man and woman agree to the regenerative nature of the act, there will be no consciousness of repression.

On the other hand, there will be the most complete satisfaction, giving a buoyancy and vitality to the body, and a quickness, control and insight to the mind, that cannot be attained in any other way. Although the bodily functions are to a large extent amenable to mental power, the control of the crative centers is immediate and comparatively easy. Those who prectice control in daily life, find little difficulty in rendering the union regenerative instead of procreative.

This control is essential on the part of both man and woman as they seek regeneration; and it grows more easy as its actual, practical value is understood and the motive for its accomplishment is strengthened. The vital fluids are the choicest secretions of the body, and should always be retained.

Too much emphasis cannot be put upon the motive. With sufficient motive, man can accomplish what might otherwise seem impossible. If he can but realize that control will not only prolong his days upon this earth, but give him greater health and capacity for the enjoyment of life and liberty, he will rise superior of passion. For ages man has been the slave of passion. It is now time that he should become its master. Perpetual youth will be attained when passion is perfectly transmuted into regenerative love. One of the greatest helps toward this attainment is prolonged preparation.

As man feels the result of his regenerative living, he will attain the mastery of passion as a natural growth, and need not exercise his will. The call for the regenerative communion will come only with such frequency as to correspond exactly with his need.

Man is only now commencing to direct his attention to the vast resources of his own creative power. This customary sex relation for momentary gratification wastes the vital energy that, wisely directed, would enable the participants to live forever. That perpetual life can be attained by unity of regenerative thought in sexual relationship appears remarkable, yet it is no less wonderful that a child can be conceived by the sexual act. The propagative crisis of the sex-ralation causes the first formation of the embryo, called conception. In regenerative communion, the participants form a mental conception of regenerated life. The subconscious force engaged in the continuous rebuilding of the body gradually modifies its work in harmony with this conception. The image of perpetual life, and radiant youth conceived in the regenerative relation corresponds to the plan supplied by an architect to a builder.

Through this same regenerative process, youth and beauty may be restored. The regenerative act, when supplemented with faithful practice of hygiene, is the veritable elixir of life, restoring and preserving youth. Eternal life, health and power are the fruits of the perfect expression of sex.

Source: Harry Gaze, How to Live Forever - The Science and Practice, Stockham Publ. Co., 1904.

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