Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Quiroga - 39


It is much more what we all have in common than what differentiates us, but even so, we revere differences and neglect public spaces, relationships, bonds of communion, we aspire to be unique and original at the expense of what unifies us.

The original sin is the inversion of values, and the cosmic imbalance produced by this, we prefer to live the heresy of separation than the glory of communion, because despite aspiring to it, we also place it conceptually far from us, and we are convinced that we do not deserve it, that we are inexcusable for our heresy.

We are afraid of losing our individual identity and cling to it by sacrificing moments of communion, and despite knowing that existence acquires meaning and greater significance when in communion, we remain attached to the dynamics of separation, which makes us suffer and makes others suffer.

It is not about devaluing individuality, much less that, in the name of communion, we all have to be equal or giving up individual freedoms in the name of group strength, it is just about putting everything into perspective and accommodating the existential dimensions in their due proportions.

The strength of union is unbeatable, and when one lives by its principles, the result is peaceful. On the other hand, individual force promotes endless conflicts, because there is no way to accommodate more than 8 billion individualities on this planet, and thus, inevitably, individual force turns into war, to exterminate each other.

As far as my understanding goes, the guideline is to love one another and not mistreat one another. 

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