Monday, August 07, 2023

Invisible Entities


E-mail received from Tony Sayers.

Hi Rui

I hope you're doing well and had a relaxing weekend! 

So firstly just an update on my YouTube channel as I have received many emails.

It has not totally been deleted, I have had to hide it for a couple of months until my strikes drop off. I have my back up channel here. Please don't forget my alternative channels at the bottom of this email in case they ever pull me off that platform completely which is entirely possible!

It always amazes me how people are just so accepting of the type of things that go on in this realm.

You talk to people and they think suffering like war, poverty and unnecessary suffering is just part of life and evil is totally normal. 

Well it is absolutely abnormal! The amount of suffering here doesn't add up to to how most people just want to live in peace and have an easy life. It is clear that there is very dark manipulation of our human consciousness.

Many people want to point fingers at government and corrupt politicians. Yet this is only half the picture because the manipulation is very much coming from the unseen. 

Although this is loosely discussed in some alternative circles it doesn't even touch the surface because this unseen interference affects ALL of us. Not just our corrupt 'leaders'.

It doesn't even just affect this lifetime, this manipulation goes on at the point of death UNLESS we wise up to it all! 

This is why this lifetime is so important for us all to get this right once and for all! The risk of being manipulated back down here again with another memory wipe does not bare thinking about. 

I explain in more detail in the video below

Going to the deepest crevices of how this Matrix operates helps you understand how to transcend these issues. Unlike the 'New Age' will tell you, the solutions come very much from looking at the shadows.

The New Age will also deem this information 'negative' but what do you want? The truth or to feel good in the moment but get manipulated later down the line?

This is a game we're involved in and unless you understand the rules you will be used and abused. I am convinced knowledge can break the chains forever! 

Once you become aware of the trickery it loses most of its power!

Have a great week ahead.

Love, care, courage.

Tony Sayers

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