Saturday, August 17, 2024

Quiroga - 405


If you really want to understand the world in which you live, you need to let go of your preferences, because if you continue to judge the world and people according to your likes and dislikes, regardless of how much they are based on irrefutable arguments, you will also continue to not understand anything, and by not understanding anything you will join the ranks of ignorance, regardless of whether you convince yourself that you have the enlightening and supreme reason on your side, and this will not only be a personal tragedy, it will also be your contribution to maintaining the ignorance of our humanity.

And please, avoid the cliché that one should not judge, because the very sentence that one should not judge is a judgment. Human beings need to judge, because without judgment there are no choices, and without choices there is no freedom.

Now, if you really want to understand the world in which you live, you need to develop impartiality, based on the principle that everything that exists responds to some need and, therefore, deserves respect, care and dignity, no matter how much this existence makes your insides revolt with disgust, because, after all, in the varied menu of preferences of our humanity, it is certain that you also provoke disgust in someone. If your mind does not judge impartially, no matter how pacifist you try to be, you will add fuel to the fire of ongoing conflicts, which are on the verge of turning into open war.

 Impartiality prevents all wars. 

What is really important is that you broaden your understanding of reality, because if you continue to cling to the same old points of view, you will probably miss the train of history and be left high and dry.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Quiroga - 404


No matter how rational you think you are, because rationality is the specific characteristic that makes us human, in some existential sphere you are absolutely passionate, for the mere fact that you cling to certain characteristics of reality, vigorously affirming that there is nothing superior to them, and furthermore, this passion convinces you that if the world does not embrace your same devotion it is because it is mistaken, and from then on you arm yourself with rational arguments to try to explain what, in practice, is an absolutely passionate act.

Human passion is not a defect of nature, considering that reason should be our bastion, nothing like that!

Human passion is integrated into a cosmic current of devotion to the sacred, to the sublime, to the pristine perfection of how everything works in this colossal organism we call the Universe. However, like everything else that results from our limited understanding, we appropriate passion, just as we try to appropriate everything, and we profane it with our trivialization, leading it to spurious objectives, embracing the wrong causes, which are wrong because they do not contemplate the good of the world, but only a private, selfish and self-centered satisfaction, which even demonstrates a certain vigor and glory, but of a petty and ignorant kind.

In order not to be profane, devotion must lead us to something greater than ourselves.

The circumstances that prevent you from doing what you would consider essential must be respected, because even if they are uncomfortable, they represent destiny trying to guide your steps. Try to walk with good will.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Quiroga - 403


Devotion is more important than religion, because religion, as an institution, no matter how good it may be, becomes dogmatic over time and loses the spirit that promotes devotion in our humanity, that sublime ardor that awakens in us the good will to embark on the adventure of expanding our consciousness through experiences and getting closer to the Divine.

What is fundamental is that you preserve your devotion, despite all the setbacks that desecrate your heart, because it, devotion, is a cosmic current of colossal power, capable of connecting you with whatever you place it in, be it a humanitarian cause, an ideology, a person you are passionate about, your work, your children; it does not matter the nature of the cause you embrace, what matters is that you preserve a connection through which your devotion can be energized.

Religions, if they were not dogmatic, would be excellent stimulators of devotion, because they connect us to the saints, who are human beings like us, but who have made their way through ignorance.

Now that the ignorance and brutality of the world seem to advance and take over the earthly domain, it is more important than ever that you preserve your devotion, because if your heart burns for something greater than the banality of everyday life, there is still hope for everyone.

Perfection is desirable, avoid disregarding it just because it seems impossible to achieve it. Keep the vision of perfection very clear and lucid in your mind while, here and now, you do what is possible. That is it.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Natural News


Unvaxxed patients targeted by hospital protocols for "murder by medicine''
Mike AdamsShocking new information has come out (see today's broadcast interview, below) revealing that US hospitals deliberately targeted the unvaxxed to be murdered for profit.

They literally took unvaxxed people, drugged them, destroyed their kidneys, murdered them with "protocols" and collected up to half a million in "incentives" for each COVID death they generated.

This was all designed to hike up the COVID death numbers among the unvaxxed.

See full details in today's broadcast, interview and sermon here.

Antônio Delfim Netto

Economist (academic and politician) Antônio Delfim Netto died in São Paulo on August 12, 2024, at the age of 96. I like to analyze the lives of long-lived people, because we can usually draw important conclusions for a healthier life. Delfim was, and always has been, fat. As a general rule, fat people live short lives. Delfim was an exception to this rule. He certainly compensated for this deficiency with some lifestyle habits that contributed to his health. Another relevant fact is that Delfim Netto died with a lot of hair on his head, he never went bald, and he never got married.

When they are born, boys and girls have a lot of hair on their heads. Girls, as a general rule, keep their hair until death and never go bald. Boys, on the other hand, often start to have hair problems from adolescence onwards, losing hair and going bald. Since God did not favor women in the hair sector, in relation to men, there are some male habits that are harmful to health that are not shared by women. Another relevant fact is that women, in all countries of the world, without exception, live, on average, longer than men (there are many more widows than widowers in the world). Therefore, what are the healthy female habits that make them live longer than men, without going bald?

In my opinion, there are two main factors that make women live longer than men, and they also make men live longer if they imitate women in these aspects. First point: in all countries of the world, without exception, women have, on average, longer hair than men. How does this contribute to greater longevity? The Bible gives a clue: Samson lost his strength when Delilah cut his long hair, which had never been cut since he was born. Jesus also had long hair. The scientific explanation is as follows: hair is a filamentary electromagnetic antenna whose efficiency in capturing environmental energy increases with the greater the length of the hair. Therefore, ideally, keeping all other variables the same (diet, exercise, lifestyle habits), those who keep longer hair will live longer.

But Delfim Netto never had long hair, he always had it short! This is where the second fundamental factor for longevity comes in: sex. Men go bald because they practice sex differently from women: men are active and women are passive. More specifically: men, in their activity, tend to ejaculate semen outside of themselves (a huge waste of energy), which does not happen with women. This is why men go bald and women do not. I have information, from a reliable source, that Delfim Netto was a passive homosexual. Men should not avoid sex, they should just avoid ejaculating during sexual intercourse.

Tags: baldness, Delfim Netto, ejaculation, longevity, sex

Quiroga - 402


Despite all the discussions and controversies that relativize the concepts of good and evil, as if they were instances of life devoid of their own existence and resulted only from an individualized perception, there is, however, a single universal parameter to be the reference that determines what good and evil are, and this truth makes them absolute, at least at first, because we will soon see that the only absolute is good, since evil relativizes everything.

Good is that which produces auspicious effects for the greatest possible number of people and ingredients of nature, while evil is that which produces distortions and adversities for many, for the mere fact of having been undertaken with a view to a particular benefit, to the detriment of what could have been done in the name of the majority.

In other words, evil seeks a benefit. Good never seeks harm.

The very individualistic relativization of the concepts of good and evil is, therefore, an evil in itself, because instead of helping to reach agreements and produce unity, and from unity we all benefit from the inclusive expansion of consciousness, the stance points to the sense that we have nothing in common, and that we have to exist isolated in our individual capsules, producing suffering, discouragement and adversity for everyone, because, after all, we may not like each other, but even so, the problems that we have to solve, we will only solve them together, and not each one for himself.

Good exists without evil, but evil does not exist without good, because it lives in opposition, and through opposition it cannot free itself from good in order to exist, dedicating itself to distorting it through the undue appropriation of what could be distributed for the greater glory of all.

Good, in turn, is independent, dedicating itself to doing what is necessary for the greater glory of all, without excluding anyone.

Those who want to fight against good are evil, for good, evil is indifferent to it.

By doing what is possible, you will make great progress. By doing what is ideal, you will make less progress, because the conditions are not perfect. Despite imperfections, there will be progress if you arm yourself with good will and do what is necessary.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

There Are Cities, Jobs And Money When You Die! (If You Go To The Light)

Plane Crash in Brazil

Sat. Aug. 10, 2024, Wolverine: “I just heard about the plane crash (of Voepass) that occurred in Brazil yesterday, where 62 people died. Of those 62 people, four were Whales (people who receive a lot of money from the GESARA program for humaritarian purposes) from the Precatorias Group, who died in that crash. I am starting to wonder if it was not an accident.”

I offer my condolences to the Patriots who died in the plane crash in Brazil. I found out about 1 am, that the people on the plane were 3 sovereign whales and the rest were managers but in total, 7 people who were part of the Redemption (RV) process in Brazil, going there for humanitarian purposes to receive blessings to help thousands of people. Imagine the kind of people they would receive to help thousands of people, and they were well known in the RV community, it breaks my heart. Charlie Ward flies all over the world and MarkZ is flying everywhere, lots of places, and nothing has happened. I see this as an accident and not sabotage, but I could be wrong.

As for me flying, I am not flying anymore. My wife told me not to fly. I will stay on the ground. I will be under NDA when that happens. I have just made arrangements with the people I am supposed to see, but I have decided not to fly for security reasons, but still, when that happens, I will be under NDA and you will not hear from me again. I am supposed to do something very important down there (in South America?) - I can't tell you, and I have decided not to tell you for security reasons. But still, when that happens, I will be under NDA and you will not hear from me again. I will leave the room to Carpathia. My job will be done. I have done everything I can to help all of you and my conscience is clear.

My opinion: There is technology now that can control the flight of any airplane. The use of drones in current wars is proof of this. Obviously, this control can be used by shadow beings to cause air accidents. Nowadays, ground transportation vehicles can also be controlled remotely, which can be the source of road accidents. In this current time of war between light and darkness, the safest thing to do is to minimize the number of trips, both air and land.

NDA = Non-Disclosure Agreement


Conspiracy Theory


Quiroga - 401


Consciousness is a replica of the entire functioning of the Cosmos, and for this very reason it is still a mystery to us, because we want to understand what it is as if we could observe it as if we were observing an object separate from us, when we can only understand it from within, and in a way that allows us to step outside ourselves, beyond our limited understanding, and suddenly understand everything at the same time, to see everything that happens in the infinite and the infinitesimal at the same time without any perception overriding the other.

Consciousness is this, the supreme power to understand all the connections that link the infinite and the infinitesimal, and because we understand them we also acquire the ability to navigate wherever we want, whenever we want, under the influence of our will.

Our misfortune is the fear of losing sight of the isolated island of individuality to which we cling as if it were a life preserver while it ties us to ignorance.

Thanks to consciousness, all human beings are potentially a complete cosmic experience, but the game consists of approaching consciousness from within, and of one's own free will, either because we are tired of ignorance and suffering limitations, or because we respond to this aspiration to know the “something greater” that we sense, without knowing how to define this premonition.

Accessing consciousness is not an experience that develops by itself, by the mere effect of being born human, nothing like that. Consciousness needs to be approached because we want it to be and for that we make an effort.

From within, embodying consciousness itself.

Whatever needs to be done, face it with the greatest possible good will, because necessity is the true mother of destiny, while desires always seek to usurp this place as mother of destiny.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Sixteen Reasons Why Gadafi Was Killed

1. Libya has no electricity bill, electricity came free of charge to all citizens.

2. There were no interest rates on loans, the banks were state-owned, and the loan of citizens by law 0%.

3. Kadafi promised not to buy a house for his parents until everyone in Libya owned a home.

4. All newlywed couples in Libya received 60,000 dinars from the government & because of that, they bought their own apartments & started their families.

5. Education & medical treatment in Libya are free. Before Gaddafi, there were only 25% readers, 83% during his reign

6. If Libyans wanted to live on a farm, they received free household appliances, seeds, and livestock.

7. If they cannot receive treatment in Libya, the state would fund them $2300+ accommodation & travel for treatment abroad.

8. If you buy a car, the government finances 50% of the price.

9. The price of gasoline became $ 0.14 per liter.

10. Libya had no external debt, and reserves were $150 billion (now frozen worldwide)

11. Since some Libyans can’t find jobs after school, the government will pay the average salary when they can’t find a job.

12. Part of oil sales in Libya are directly linked to the bank accounts of all citizens.

13. The mother who gave birth to the child will receive $5000

14. 40 loaves of bread cost $0.15.

15. 25% of Libyans had all Ilisna diplomas.

16. Kadafi implemented the world’s biggest irrigation project known as the “BIG MAN PROJECT” to ensure water availability in the desert.


Your Quantum Financial Service Bank Account

·         All people already have their QFS account set up. It contains all their personal data and their DNA.

·         In the US the money from your birth certificate is already deposited in that account, as well as the repayment of the loans you have requested, student loans, mortgages, etc.

·         We all have monies that is ours in those accounts. You do not need to have Zim Bonds or Dinar. It is money that you have earned during your life and that is in that account.

·         Once everyone has collected the bonuses, the general public will come, they will be called to the Redemption Center, they will be given a QFS card and they can use their money.


Quiroga - 400


No matter how many flat-earthers and malicious disseminators of fake news there are, as a normal currency of our not so enlightened nor much less advanced civilization, the voice of Mother Nature still makes itself heard loud and clear, but like everything that concerns our humanity, only those who want to pay attention, and especially those who have the good will to align themselves with something bigger than their own navel, will pay attention. Gardeners and farmers have proven that nature is behaving strangely. It is no longer predictable as before, nor are the cycles the same. If nature behaves strangely, it is clear that we will also behave outside the normal curve. There is no point in living in cities to protect ourselves from this strangeness, because no human being, no matter how obtuse and dense, can escape being an integral part of this intelligent and unified body that is nature, because we all move and experience being in it, and we exist thanks to it, and without it, only misfortune remains.

No matter how much we have placed great faith in our technological devices and machinery that would make us superior to nature, Mother continues to be herself, the intelligent and sophisticated body in which we all move and are, so rise above ignorance and abandon all your fears to have an intimate conversation with your being, without adding or taking anything away, just being what, for now, your understanding allows you to be, but responding affirmatively to the desire to grow and connect with something greater than yourself, because in this way you will rediscover the greater connections that need to be updated, and from now on also preserved.

The important thing is to do it, even if it is not done well, because if the ideal is still far from happening, each step you take, each practical action you take, even if imperfect, will serve the objective.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Plane Accident in Brazil

Sat. 10 Aug. 2024, Wolverine: “I’ve just been told about that plane accident (of Voepass) that occurred in Brazil yesterday where 62 people died. Out of those 62 people four were Whales from the Precatorias Group who died in that crash. I’m beginning to wonder if that was no accident.”

I offer my condolences to the Patriots who died in the plane crash in Brazil. I found this out about 1 a.m., that the people on the plane were 3 sovereign Whales and the rest were managers, but in total 7 people who were part of the Redemption in Brazil going there for humanitarian purposes to receive blessings to help thousands of people. Imagine the kind of people they were to receive to help thousands of people, and they were quite well known in the RV community, breaks my heart. Charlie Ward flies all over the world and also MarkZ is flying all over, many places, and nothing has happened.  I look at this as an accident and not as sabotage, but I could be wrong. 

In terms of me flying. I am not flying. My wife said not to fly. I am going to stay grounded. I will be under NDA when this thing happens. I have just made arrangements with the people I was supposed to see, but I decided not to fly for security’s sake, but still when this hits, I will be under NDA and you will not hear from me again. I was supposed to do something very important down there – I can’t tell you guys, and decided not to for securities sake.  But still, when this hits, I will be under NDA and you won’t hear from me again.  I will leave the room to Carpathia. My job will be done. I did all I could to help all of you and my conscious is clear.

People are getting their appointments. People are getting notifications for bonds.  There are two platforms in São Paulo and Brazil in a Tier4B Internet group platform, have receiving notifications. So, things have started rolling.

The Green Light means Tier4B, it gets us to the Redemption Center, bondholders get paid, Nesara Gesara kicks in, and this will be a new world, a greener world. 

Sat. 10 Aug. 2024 World Statement of the Precatorias of Brazil, Mr. Salvage on Telegram:

A cordial greeting to all the participants of the program. The news of the death of four Whales in the crash of the plane from Brazil is unfortunate, this information is already going around the world, we want to clarify that these people are of sovereignty and not precatory.

All the leaders who are in Brazil are in perfect condition and working so that all of you can receive in the best way.

Thank you all for your patience and support. We are in Victoria! Doctor Julián.

My opinion: There is currently technology that can control the flight of any aircraft. The use of unmanned aircraft (drones) in current wars is proof of this. Obviously, this control can be used by shadow beings to cause air accidents. Nowadays, ground transportation vehicles can also be controlled remotely, which can be the source of road accidents. In this current time of war between light and darkness, the safest thing to do is to minimize the number of trips, both by air and land.

NDA = Non Disclosure Agreement


Quiroga - 399


Although our humanity boasts of being rational, most of the time we are passionate beings, intensely and emotionally attached to our likes and dislikes, even if these only have a particular and non-transferable meaning, an attitude that has nothing rational about it, because reason is the function through which our humanity finds common ground to dialogue, even if these go against our passions.

Of all the billions of comments made every day on social media posts, how many have the purpose of clarifying and exchanging ideas? Something that would be rational to do and that would transform the social media platform into a place of information and not misinformation.

Only the smallest portion of our humanity is rational, because reason does not arise spontaneously, like passion; reason needs to be developed by free and spontaneous will, and sustained through constant study and investigation.

Without this, we will all continue to be passionate.

Project your mind into the future, but do not be content to create magnificent visions that would not come true by themselves, by the mere human capacity to create visions. Project your mind into the future, and do here and now what is necessary.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Quiroga - 398


Do not intend anything during the Void Moon periods and you will make good use of the time to relax and let go of worries, thus experiencing the joy that you would never find in satisfying your pretensions.

When we intend, we create tensions in advance to prepare ourselves for the pertinent action, and this is acceptable as part of the process of objectifying our desires and dreams. However, when we fail to balance our existence with unpretentious moments, in which we are open to whatever may come, and we spend all our time with objective pretensions, our conscience becomes worn out and over time becomes traumatized.

So take advantage of today's Void Moon and all the others that occur, on average, every two and a half days, to update the unpretentious carelessness that every human being needs to be whole.

Financial concerns must not become out of control, to the point of causing unnecessary and counterproductive anguish. Try to keep your own mind under control, so that it does not produce useless anguish.

Friday, August 09, 2024

Quiroga - 397


It's Friday! With a Void Moon at the exact time when our humanity dedicates itself to counteracting all the repressions and oppressions to which it submits itself during the working week, in the name of “being someone”, trying to give an air of seriousness to existence, but which, apparently, doesn't go down well with anyone, given the frenzy with which we approach the weekend to “relax”.

Without wanting to lower your spirits or disrespect the sacred right to make this counterpoint, I must, however, fulfill my duty to guide you astrologically, and warn you that the Void Moon does not offer support to objectively achieve any plans you have made for this beginning of the weekend, but that if your soul remains open to whatever comes and goes, accepting surprises and adapting to them, then the Void Moon, instead of punishing you, will provide you with beautiful experiences. 

For those who love life, it is a kind of game in which sometimes we are just pieces, and at other times we have enough presence to be players and gamblers. It all depends on the attitude you voluntarily adopt. 

Fanatic Fan


Thursday, August 08, 2024

Quiroga - 396


Our humanity, as is well known, theorizes a lot and practices little, that is, it preaches in every possible way, but does not practice with the same or greater intensity what it preaches. Without going any further to give an example, let us take the case of knowing that unity makes us stronger and more efficient, but in practice we sow division, distancing, disintegration, prejudices and a lot of contempt for those with whom we would never accept any type of union, who, in turn, cultivate the same feelings towards us.

As a result, in our theoretical but heated discussions, we make wise statements, citing indisputable thinkers, but we do not dare to experiment with what we theorize, and in this way we all end up in the awkward position of having to conceptualize the world in which we live as an entity separate and distant from our practices, something that exists by its own nature, and not as a result of what we do or do not do.

Therefore, there is little point in theorizing something like “be the change you want to see in the world,” because if we truly believed in this, we would no longer waste time and would dedicate ourselves to immediately and persistently practicing what we want to see in the world, because it would no longer be a distant entity separate from us.

People’s company is good, but not always, especially at those times when they are taken over by that frenzy of commenting on other people’s lives without even having the authority to do so.

Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Quiroga - 395


Given the innocence of childhood, how could the adult world wisely act to prepare children to enter civilization without them having to pay the price of losing trust in humanity?

How can we lose innocence without losing trust? That is the question!

We usually lose our innocence when we experience firsthand the ambiguity of feelings and the betrayal of those who are supposed to care for us, because we are naive, that is, through situations in which, in addition to our innocence, we also lose trust.

And without trusting that, despite the ambiguities of civilization, there would continue to be good will and care among the thousands of good people that exist, what kind of world would we be building?

We will inevitably encounter good and bad people throughout our lives, because we are all also good and bad people.

There is no good person incapable of committing evil acts, nor is there a bad person who cannot act with kindness.

Ambiguity makes us complete. This first step helps us to better adapt ourselves emotionally to treat everyone with delicate realism, avoiding forcing reality to fit into one denomination or another. By accepting the complexity of our structure of being, we may find better ways to move from childhood to adulthood without losing confidence.

 Life is magical, but that does not mean that we should not do anything to make our dreams become accomplished works. This magic would be illusory, because true magic is based on concrete and decisive movements.

Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Quiroga - 394


Thanks to medical, technological and general knowledge advances about life, our humanity today has much less reason to fear catastrophes, tragedies and disasters, and its life expectancy has increased impressively, proving all this progress.

However, we have not yet managed to free ourselves from the disaster that we ourselves are, because we are the greatest instigators of disturbances with our petty way of seeing, from the height of our artificial morality, what should and should not be, imposing narrow views on the construction of social relationships, and multiplying and disseminating them through education and the way our humanity treats childhood; that's right, we are our own disaster.

All social, scientific, philosophical and economic advances have occurred and will continue to occur thanks to broad vision, while all social, economic and political disasters have occurred and will continue to occur due to the misfortune of narrow and petty vision.

The scenario is the same for all of humanity, however, mentally a difference of purposes is established, there is a current that promotes a petty vision and mediocre ignorance, while there is another current that promotes a broad and inclusive vision.

May Divine Grace grant you wisdom so that with your presence you promote joy and prosperity to all.

Be of service, be useful, make the lives of the people you interact with on a daily basis as much as possible easier; these attitudes will indirectly benefit you as well. Just try it.

Monday, August 05, 2024

Mind and Power of Belief



Quiroga - 393


Mercury begins its approach to Earth, which will culminate on the 18th with its kiss on Earth.

This approach produces a visible effect in the sky as an apparent retrograde, which the ancients, not knowing the cause of this movement, attributed to the phenomenon malignant effects.

In fact, the Astrology of the ancients is more filled with malignant ingredients, which announce adversity, than with benign ones, which promote auspices, because our ancestors had a menu of fears and tragic and disastrous perspectives much more full than ours, given that their lives were much more difficult than ours.

Today, although our humanity continues to feel fear and is its own greatest enemy, life is today safer and more comfortable than that of our ancestors, thanks to medicine, vaccines and certain technologies and engineering. However, by inertia, our humanity continues to cling to tragedy, and on days when Mercury is “retrograde,” it sees problems and disturbances in this, because it continues to prefer to complain and continue to wait for a disaster, liking bad news more than thinking that everything is auspicious.

I therefore suggest that you treat Mercury’s retrograde and the Void Moon with a certain distance and fearlessness, so that instead of the disturbed spirit of tragedy, your soul can focus on the joy of living, making good use of the time between heaven and earth.

Avoid adding tension to the world with the content of your thoughts; fear needs to be overcome, not amplified. 

Sunday, August 04, 2024

Quiroga - 392


If we really were these unique, brilliant and wonderful things that we see when we think about ourselves, looking at ourselves in physical and imaginary mirrors, it is certain that the world would also be a marvel of endless genius, but let's face it, reality is far from that, very little in the world proves that we are as beautiful and wonderful as we imagine.

So, either we are all mistaken and deluded when we see our own image, or we do not have the skill to put into practice the tremendous appreciation we have for ourselves, adding something positive to the world with our presence, because, on the contrary, we spend a lot of time and emotional and intellectual resources displeasing ourselves because there are people better than us, envying the progress of others, coveting what is not ours, in short, the list of our abominations is long.

There is little point in being beautiful and wonderful individually if our beauty and wonder does not add something positive to the world.

And don't think that because you may suffer from low self-esteem, your soul is excluded from these previous statements, because low self-esteem wouldn't hurt if behind it there wasn't this wonderful self-image that we want for ourselves.

The people who can talk to you and clarify things may not be those who are close to you, but nowadays, fortunately, distance is not a problem for communication. Keep this in mind and communicate.

Saturday, August 03, 2024

Quiroga - 391


Self-awareness is this miracle that allows us to be individuals, and although it may seem like it has always been this way, it is a recent achievement, to which we cling passionately, because it is exciting to consider ourselves the nerve center of the Universe, the all-powerful creators of our own personal worlds. However, this magical knowledge, even if prodigious, is only a step in an infinite ascension of consciousness to broader and more inclusive levels of the reality of the Cosmos.

With unexpected speed, but which proves how much our humanity is improving despite the fact that we criticize it for all the abominations it commits daily, this self-awareness already glimpses another stage, which is group consciousness, the perception of how much all human individualities are interdependent, and how much, for this very reason, we need to organize ourselves and systematize mutual care, respect and also behave in order to make all our relationships more dignified.

For the simple reason that the individuality of wealth and misery is an artificial state that has an expiration date, because in reality, there is only human wealth and misery.

There will always be a reason to worry, but your soul will not always be forced to waste time in this exercise. This indicates that there is a certain margin of maneuver available, which you can call free will.