Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Message from Mother Mary - 02.12.2024


Beloved Children,

May the blessings of love bring peace to your bodies, minds and hearts.

It is time to understand that you are part of a whole much larger than your planet, and that your energies need to be harmonized, so that you can guide your evolutions in perfect harmony and balance.

New times bring you the strength of immortality and full youth. It is time, therefore, to put your perplexity aside and firmly believe in this new reality that is unfolding for all of you.

You know that you create your reality by the force of your thoughts firmly directed towards your goals. Then, beloved ones, direct all your energies towards realizing your immortality, consciously eliminating your limiting programs that restrict your learning and your evolution.

Today you have countless tools to enable you to access the new realities offered by the Father's will to all of you. Take advantage, then, of every moment to exercise your power by building a new world, accessing a new reality, experiencing multiple possibilities where everything is possible to come true, you just need to take back control of your lives through the control of your thoughts, eliminating the contradictions created in the illusory world of your three-dimensional reality.

Beloved ones, it is urgent that you can understand the immense evolutionary quantum leap that your entire planet is experiencing at this time.

Therefore, the daily process of your lives becomes increasingly accelerated, where everything happens like a flood invading, with its force and pressure, all the spaces of your lives and your hearts, which brings you the distressing sensation of total loss of control of your reality until then fed by the illusions offered by your ego-personality.

Realize, beloved ones, that to reorganize your lives in the new frequencies, to breathe the new air of this new era, to find the understanding of true fraternity, it is necessary to throw down all the prejudices and all the conditioning that have up until now sustained your beliefs and directed your lives within the narrow limits of vanity, selfishness, misuse of power and constant manipulation of the truth.

This is the moment you go through on Earth, where everything seems to fall apart, where you feel every moment that you no longer have any control over your lives, where your emotions surface with total intensity and where your feelings reveal themselves and need to be expressed so that they can be purified and transmuted from energies that no longer serve you.

You need to be able to understand this moment, and more than that, you need to be able to accept it not as a fatality that involves your lives, but as a need for your souls that need to continue their evolutions and that need, thus, to break all the barriers that were created by you on the physical plane throughout your multiple incarnations.

Beloved, hear the cry of your souls! Listen to the voice of your heart that fights to be heard, that fights to help you find the true path, that fights to bring you clarity, serenity and balance, so that you can rediscover your truth and experience it in its entirety, behold, only in this way will it resurface fully purified of all your creations and fantasies that gave rise to your world of limitations and illusions, the source of all your pain and all your contradictions.

Beloved ones, may you then welcome this new time in your lives, a time of truth, a time of immortality, a time in which your souls have the opportunity to shine gloriously, behold, in this time your will allows you to dissolve, with awareness , all the blocks that you created and that prevented you, until now, from manifesting the perfection of who you truly are.

Beloved, may you recognize the limitations that you created, accept them as part of your evolutions and, blessing the world that you created, but which no longer serves the achievement of your divine purpose, dissolve them in the infinite love that flows from the Father, and which is now manifesting in your world through the action of mercy and the strength of compassion, bringing you the unique opportunity to experience full happiness, infinite abundance and planetary peace in the certainty of immortality that makes reborn every day the search for perfection of the Father in each one of you.

Beloved ones, I leave you now, showering you all with my blessings and wrapping you all in my mantle of protection, because I Am Mary, Your Mother.

SP - 02/12/2024 – Message from Mother Mary-09-2024 received by Jane M. Ribeiro

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