Sunday, February 11, 2024

Quiroga - 227


Pay attention to how history is going, because while you are looking for something to entertain you, behind the scenes of science and technology, a sinister future is brewing for you and your descendants, which is the definitive exclusion of your rich subjective life from the status of reality or of truth, transformed into a mere delirium that must be despised, in the name of exiling your consciousness in the objective world, where everything else does not fit, and if your soul does not fit in the objective world, then, by inertia, you will fulfill a mere function in civilization of sophisticated technologies, you will be a mere appendage of robotics and artificial intelligence.

Thus, the human being that you are would stop becoming more and more humanized, and would become an object without voice or identity, because, by extirpating the deep labyrinths of subjectivity, you no longer have a voice and identity.

There is no reality more real than that your soul is the inner, invisible human that acts behind the scenes of the phenomenal appearance of your personality.

The person who gives voice and identity to your personality is your soul, never forget that, and that soul is the inner and invisible being that scientific materialism tries to exile forever.

And in the cosmic struggle that unfolds in gerund, it is up to you to vigorously defend the existence of the soul, or, giving yourself over to ignorant inertia, to sacrifice your soul on the profane altar of materialism, and with the senseless joy of the madman, to lose your voice and your identity.

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