Monday, February 26, 2024

Quiroga - 242

 Empty moon in the morning

Starting the business week with an Empty Moon is a huge challenge, because inertia leads us to intend to resolve objective issues immediately, as it should be, however, if the sky does not offer support or the prospect of this happening, our soul is left in a limbo, between the stubborn pretension that destiny bends to our will and the lack of stellar foundation for this to happen.

As much as we train our minds to repeat assertive and motivational phrases, to have everything under our control and conduct events according to our will, it is easy to see, especially during periods of Empty Moon, that not everything is within our reach, and that there is nothing wrong with that, if we know how to sacrifice our ignorant stubbornness and give ourselves joyfully to Life.

There are things that must happen, whether we like them or not, because there is no way to control what people do or undo, each of them, in practice, is the master of their own destiny, even if it is to ruin it.

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