Thursday, February 22, 2024

Quiroga - 238

 Venus and Mars

The idyll of Venus and Mars seems to be the work of destiny, something impossible not to happen, each of them radiates their beauty and strength, and together they make up an unbeatable and enchanting force. However, it is a “jump over the fence”, a transgression on the Olympus of absolute emotions, because Venus is the wife of Vulcan, but in love with Mars, who, in turn, does not care about anything other than conquering her.

Meanwhile, here on the Earth of our humanity, civilization is a web of moral rules, and of routines that leave no time for anything else, so that our humanity does not get lost in transgressions, but continues to be confined to the varied contentions of day to day.

And our humanity does everything at the same time, fulfills the formalities and also dedicates itself to transgressing them whenever there is an opportunity.

You don't need to take from life what it intends to offer you with its usual generosity. What you need to do is not wait, because life offers everything to those who meet it.

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