Friday, February 23, 2024

War of Good against Evil


Judy Note: This war we are fighting that pitted Good against Evil was being fought by the Seven Nation Kingdoms of the Alliance, the Global White Hat Military Alliance, the Q Team and the BRICS Alliance versus the 13 Illuminati Bloodline Families, Five Eyes Deep State Alliance, the Cabal Deep State Black Hat Globalists, the Jesuits, 33rd Degree Freemasons, Shriners, Khazarian Mafia, the Zionist Bankers and ten primary shareholders of the Federal Reserve. 

Judy Note: The following lists were compiled several years ago. Some names may have changed without my knowledge. 

The Seven Kingdoms of the Alliance was composed of Putin (Russia); Xi (China); Kim (North Korea); Modi (India); Bolsonaro (Brazil) Bin Salman (Saudi Arabia) and Trump (USA).  The Global White Hat Military Alliance and Q Team originally included 17 countries of Australia, France, Hungary, Germany, Poland, Romania, Spain, Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Croatia, Canada, North Korea and the USA. 

The Alliance Military included Stellar and QFS, Space Force, plus military intelligence in Arizona.

The Supreme Commander of the Alliance was President Donald Trump who worked with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, India Prime Minister Narendra Modi, White Hats in the Department of Defense headed by Secty of Defense Chris Miller, Undersecty of Defense Intel Ezra Cohen Watnick and Gen. Michael T Flynn; the Q Force (composed of around 800 special ops who advise President Trump including Pentagon Generals Vice Chief John Hyten, US Marine Gen. David Berger, Chief of the Army Gen. James C. McConville, Chief of the Air Force Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Chief of Naval Operations Gen. Michael M. Gilday, Gen. James McConville, Gen. Paul Nakasone and Gen. Jay Raymond), QAnons (volunteer Patriots headed by Ezra Cohen-Watnick, General Flynn and JF Kennedy Jr. the National Security Agency headed by our present Acting US President Richard Grenell who, with the US under Martial Law, was running military operations in Washington DC and various militaries across the globe, including the international force authorized to make arrests in any country, Interpol. 

The BRICS Alliance was composed of Bolsonaro (Brazil); Putin (Russia); Modi (India); Xi (China) and Ramaphosa (South Africa).

BRICS was an Alliance of the nations of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa formed in 2008 after the so-called US ―Mortgage Crisis.‖ In reality the crisis happened when the Cabal continued to print fiat US Dollars while bankrupt and unable to even pay interest on gold borrowed from the Chinese Elders which backed that US Dollar, the basis for international trade. In the ensuing years since BRICS formed, they evaluated gold and resources of 209 nations in preparation for a Global Currency Reset. After the GCR all countries currencies would be at a 1:1 with each other instead of relying on the fiat US Dollar for international trade. 

The Chinese Elders were composed of different multigenerational Chinese families living in the Philippines who over the centuries, owned and held responsibility for around 90% of the world‘s gold, lending it out to countries for establishment of their financial systems. There were five top Chinese Elders who were responsible for the Global Currency Reset and RV release of funds.

In 1914 the Illuminati Bloodline Families signed a 99 year lease on the Chinese Elder‘s gold and then proceeded to illegally launder all of the US taxpayer monies through their privately owned Federal Reserve, IRS, Central Banks and corporations through Washington DC, City of London and the Holy See in Vatican City. That system was being taken down with the Global Currency Reset. 

The Illuminati, Cabal, Deep State, Black Hats or Globalists gained their power over peoples of the globe by worshipping Satan through pedophilia and child sacrifice. 

The Illuminati or Cabal Deep State Black Hat Globalists was composed of 13 Illuminati Bloodline Families including the Habsburg family. 

Below the 13 Illuminati Bloodline Families were the Black Jesuit Pope Adolfo Nicolas and his six generals, Pope Francis and 350 personnel in the Vatican including former Jesuit Secretary General Peter Hans Kolvenbach. 

In turn the Jesuits were part of most governments and in cooperation with the Freemasons have infiltrated every intelligence agency in the world with Masonic leaders, making them puppets that carried out Jesuit orders. 

The highest leaders of the Masons were the Shriners. 

In order to cross over into the Royal Arch of the Masonic Order to become a 33rd Degree Mason, or to be crowned a Shriner a blood oath was required. In other words, the person had to deny Jesus Christ and give over their soul to Satan by killing a child and drinking their blood in a Satanic Child Sacrifice Ceremony – the same rite done when Elizabeth became Queen and Charles became King.

Other Cabal leaders were Mafia heads including Khazarian mob leaders, Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Fascists (WEF), royal families of Europe once headed by Queen Elizabeth (now headed by King Charles who was said to be abdicating), the Netherlands and Spanish Royals. 

The Cabal extended to Benjamin Netanyahu and the Zionists, Globalist and Political Elites, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberger Group, Council of 300, UN, Council of Trent, Knights Templar, Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, CIA, FBI, NSA, ASIO, M15, M16, NCIS, FSB, DGSF and the Mossad

The Five Eyes Deep State Alliance was composed of: Australia, New Zealand, Canada, United Kingdom and US Inc. 

The Zionist Bankers who run the World. These Jewish family owned banks, are the real forces behind the scenes that control our world. Rothschild Bank of London and Berlin, Lazard Brothers Bank of Paris, Israel-Moses-Scief Bank of Italy, Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Lehman Brothers Bank of New York, Chase Manhattan of New York, Rockefeller Banks of New York, The J. P. Morgan Trust Company, of New York.

Peter Kershaw shows us who owns the Federal Reserve System of America. He lists the ten primary shareholders in the Federal Reserve banking system: 1) The Rothschild Family* – London 2) The Rothschild Family* – Berlin 3) The Lazard Brothers – Paris 4) Israel Seiff* – Italy 5) Kuhn-Loeb Company* – Germany 6) The Warburgs* – Amsterdam 7) The Warburgs* – Hamburg 8) Lehman Brothers* – New York 9) Goldman & Sachs* – New York 10) The Rockefeller Family – New York

In 2015 Vladimir Putin concluded that Rothschilds were up to no good with their Satanic Luciferian Agenda: 1. Mind control the people 2. Decrease the world population 3. Commit genocide via chemtrails, smart meters, wifi, mobile networks, etc. So what did Putin do upon concluding that their intentions were not in line with his Russian orthodox values? He banned each and every one of them from entering, doing business, owning business or land in, or otherwise having anything to do with Russia at all.


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