Sunday, February 25, 2024

Quiroga - 241


Dreams of greatness are not fantasies that you should discard, because you don't seem to be tall enough to realize them, they deserve to be investigated with discernment, because somewhere your soul connects to something greater than itself, and does not feel intimidated by the encounter. , on the contrary, it senses that it is in this dimension that it must exist.

If your destiny is grand, tragic or just ordinary, it is irrelevant to deal with just one of these tendencies exclusively, because your consciousness, throughout your existence, will go through moments in which you feel great, while in others you feel carried by greater forces through of tragedies and also, certainly, most of the time this same consciousness sees itself enclosed in an uninterrupted sequence of ordinary conditions that do not make life seem as grand as in dreams, on the contrary, they make it seem like an exile.

Your conscience is everything, it is great, it is ordinary and it is tragic, and do you know why? Because consciousness is everything.

Goodwill is a spiritual instrument that should only be offered to people who deserve it, not because people who do not deserve it should be punished, but because they would treat goodwill with disdain and insults.

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