Sunday, February 18, 2024

Quiroga - 234

 The verb

The principle is the Word, and everything exists as long as the word is intoned and sustained, because when silence is achieved, the existence of the Infinite will be reabsorbed into itself and the unspeakable Nothing will occupy what now appears to us as the formidable Universe.

And so we all move between Nothingness and Eternity, levitating in Infinity, but comforting ourselves in its ignorance, because if we knew our condition all the time, everything that seems valuable to us would cease to be important, but this is something we resist to do, we prefer to cling to what is small instead of throwing ourselves at the huge.

Meanwhile, the Word resonates immanently in our hearts, and whoever dares to make contact knows omnipresence, omniscience and omnipotence, the Divinity that is three, but is One.

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