Thursday, July 11, 2024

GESARA is coming

 Global Leaders Seal the Deal on GESARA Implementation at G20—Economic Revolution Locked In!

As the Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (GESARA) edges from the periphery of radical reform towards a palpable global reality, recent political events seem not only aligned but orchestrated to pave the way for its sweeping reforms.

These events, while seemingly disparate, upon closer examination reveal the intricate tapestry of a pre-GESARA world taking shape, signaling the imminent dismantling of the old guard and heralding a new era of transparency, equity, and peace.

The Unprecedented Global Debt Forgiveness Initiatives

Recently, several nations have begun to introduce debt relief measures, which appear to be precursors to the full-scale debt forgiveness promised by GESARA. For instance, a coalition of countries in the European Union has proposed substantial cuts to national and consumer debt levels, citing unsustainable economic pressures exacerbated by the pandemic and geopolitical tensions.

This move mirrors the “Jubilee” of total debt forgiveness that is a cornerstone of GESARA, suggesting that governments are warming up to the idea and testing the waters for broader implementation.

Surge in Anti-Corruption Measures

From Latin America to Southeast Asia, there has been a marked increase in anti-corruption crackdowns. High-profile politicians and business leaders have been apprehended under charges of corruption and financial misconduct.

This surge in accountability initiatives aligns with GESARA’s mandates to eliminate corruption within financial and government institutions globally. These actions can be seen as the cleaning of house, a necessary purge to set the stage for the transparent governance systems that GESARA promises.

Calls for Monetary Reform and Increased Financial Transparency

In a surprising turn of events, the recent G20 summit included discussions around the need for a more transparent global financial system, echoing the monetary reforms stipulated by GESARA.

Proposals for gold-backed currencies and the abolition of private central banking were topics of serious discussion, reflecting a dramatic shift in thinking from traditional financial policies towards those advocated by GESARA.

Technological Disclosure Movements

Another signal that GESARA’s influence is burgeoning can be seen in the increased advocacy for the disclosure of suppressed technologies. A recent conference held in Silicon Valley, attended by technologists, activists, and government officials, pushed for the release of patents under the guise of national security.

The momentum from this conference has led to legislative proposals in several countries advocating for the public release of these technologies, a key element of GESARA.

Renewed Push for Peace and Military De-escalation

Perhaps the most striking recent event is the sudden de-escalation of military tensions in several global hotspots. Talks have resumed in war-torn regions, with several ceasefire agreements unexpectedly holding firm, suggesting a coordinated effort to stabilize these regions in preparation for GESARA’s mandate for worldwide peace.

This shift away from aggression and towards diplomacy and peace-building is a clear nod to GESARA’s overarching goal of establishing global harmony.

Environmental Conservation Efforts

In an unprecedented move, several nations have recently pledged to significantly increase their conservation efforts, dedicating vast tracts of land to preservation projects and heavily investing in renewable energy.

This aligns with GESARA’s environmental conservation initiatives, which are crucial for sustaining the planet and ensuring that the new economic systems are complemented by healthy ecosystems.

Conclusion: A Coordinated Dawn

The convergence of these political events with the principles and promises of GESARA is too synchronized to be coincidental. Instead, they point to a coordinated, though quiet, global effort to lay the groundwork for the revolutionary changes that GESARA will bring.

As we witness these events unfold, the narrative becomes clear: the world is not merely changing; it is being reborn under the auspices of GESARA, setting the stage for a new era defined by justice, prosperity, and peace.

The dawn of GESARA is already beginning to break.

 PS: El Salvador is a good country to keep ours eyes on.


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